Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2365 From now on, no human demons are allowed

The surging and boundless sword energy was silent.

The unparalleled sharpness seemed to be polished in time.

Yan Chunhui's white hair, which danced like a sword, also fell down. Just like the winter snow sinking into the world and the withered grass lying low, he retreated again and again, hiding in the last season.

Standing in this Jie Wukong realm, the leader of the human demons was as docile as an old sheep. The wrinkles were deep and the cloth clothes were drooping.

The peak of the flying swords in the old era had already hidden their edges.

The youngest true lord in ancient and modern times, but held the long sword unshakable.

He said--

"Get away from me."

How crazy Jiang Wang is today!

He took the initiative to go to Wuhui Valley to provoke a war, to do what people could not do, and to punish the human demons who had not been punished in the world.

After the action failed and Yan Chunhui escaped, he still remained tough!

Yan Chunhui's sudden appearance in Yunguo was a warning in itself-he could come here silently, and he could do many things that Jiang Wang never wanted to see.

Yan Chunhui took the initiative to speak again, using the lives of the people in the world as a threat, and the cruel attitude of killing more people, trying to force Jiang Wang to compromise - this so-called "compromise" is even just to make Jiang Wang silent, and Jiang Wang does not need to do anything.

As long as you cover your eyes, everything can be treated as if it did not happen. Jiang Wang can't see the evil deeds of the human demon, and Yan Chunhui can't see the murderous intention of Wuhui Valley.

Everything is the same, what happened yesterday, what happened today, and what happened tomorrow - isn't it the same in Wuhui Valley over the years?

But Jiang Wang's attitude is consistent.

He didn't go to Wuhui Valley on a whim, he had already made up his mind to kill the human demon.

Even if the first sweep of Wuhui Valley failed, even if killing Yan Chunhui has become an unattainable thing now, he will never compromise, refuse to keep silent, but keep going forward.

Because giving in today is to tell the world that even Jiang Wang, who patrols the world, has to pretend to be deaf and dumb, and no one can do anything to Yan Chunhui, and the human demon can exist and can exist forever!

How can he let it?

In front of such a resolute and tough Jiang Wang, Yan Chunhui, the leader of the human demons and the one who truly created the term "human demon", seemed to be so retreating. He did not have the ferocity of the first human demon, and he did not see the sharpness of the first flying sword.

Is it because Jiang Wang today is so powerful that Yan Chunhui cannot defeat him?

Not so.

Although the two have not really fought, one has not been enlightened for a long time, and the other has a long-standing bad reputation. In fact, Jiang Wang now can never beat Yan Chunhui in a single fight.

The real reason for Yan Chunhui to give in, they both know it well.

Or what Gongsun Buhai said -

This is an orderly world!

Jiang Wang can kill Yan Chunhui, and everyone will cheer and cheer when he kills Yan Chunhui.

Yan Chunhui cannot kill Jiang Wang, and the sword he used to kill Jiang Wang must also be the sword that killed himself.

"Order" is embodied in this way.

Many people no longer believe it, and many people find it ironic, but these four words really exist -

Evil cannot defeat good!

The reason why "evil cannot defeat good" is true is not because "justice" naturally has the power to defeat "evil".

But because "justice" is what people want.

Countless people's yearning for light has driven away darkness.

The emperor, the eight sages, the saints... the saints and sages of all ages, and the boundless kind people who cannot leave their names. The order established by generations of successive generations, using their bodies as candles and dedicating everything, is the truth they practice and maintain throughout their lives. Let the word "righteousness" be as bright as the sun and the moon, and drive the word "evil" into the shadows.

People living in this order. Even if it is cold and damp, they yearn for the warmth of the sun; even if they are in shackles, they must embrace freedom; even if they are in a desperate situation, they will look up at the stars.

Some things can only live at night and can only crawl in the gutter.

Even people with blood on their hands long for a hug and a light at home.

The moment the sun comes out, the night will be dispelled!

This is Jiang Wang's confidence.

The power he has is because he has been doing the right thing.

This is the sharpest sword, and it is the eternal truth.

Yan Chunhui compromised in front of this kind of power.

Jiang Wang gave Yan Chunhui three choices, but there were actually only two. Because the choice of "chopping Jiang Wang into pieces" did not exist, Yan Chunhui could not kill him.

Without the siege of the army, without three or five peaks blocking the way, and laying a net of heaven and earth, who could kill him who could return to the true nature of all realms and freely swim in the deep sea of ​​heaven?

He could beat him, but could he catch up?

So there were only "cut off the road" and "detour".

Cutting off the road means death, and detour means that it is not enough to retreat now, and you have to retreat more.

Of course, Yan Chunhui can also completely ignore Jiang Wang's coercion, then he will usher in a sleepless and endless fight with Jiang Wang - Jiang Wang's grand appearance in Yunguo is the clearest determination and the brightest will.

From then on, in all the heavens and worlds, in the universe, wherever Yan Chunhui is, there must be Jiang Wang.

As long as he can't kill Jiang Wang now, his end is almost certain.

Time is Jiang Wang's friend, and the whole world is behind Jiang Wang.

So now he asks, how to take a detour?

He is asking Jiang Wang -

How can I retreat so that you are satisfied?

Can you and I have a truce?

Jiang Wang looked at Yan Chunhui deeply.

Yan Chunhui has now made an absolutely rational choice.

Compared with the so-called "human demon" who is evil, crazy and careless, who can bow to a junior and give in to the new true king, such Yan Chun Hui is an existence that needs to be treated with more caution.

But this action of Wu Huigu has proved that now is not a good opportunity to kill Yan Chunhui.

"Whether you have a deliberate plan or you are playing games with the world, nothing in the future should happen again -" Jiang Wang's gesture of pressing the sword was an outline of order. He said very clearly: "From now on, no one is allowed to be a demon in the world." ”

"Can everything from the past be wiped out?" Yan Chun asked back.

"The matter between you and me can be wiped out. You tried to kill me twice in Duanhun Gorge and Xingyueyuan, and I also took people to the Valley of No Return. The debt between us can be wiped out." Jiang Wang said calmly. : "But other things you did in the past, those evil deeds that were not related to me, I cannot forgive for others."

Yan Chunhui looked at him with deep eyes: "In other words, you will still come to me."

Jiang Wang said calmly: "I said, my way is in it, we just happened to meet on the road. I can't lie to myself, and I don't want to lie to you today."

Yan Chunhui finally saw some anger: "I have compromised again and again, but you don't want to give in at all? Aren't young people today a bit too domineering!"

"As a condition that you will no longer cultivate human demons, if I look for you in the future, I will only look for you alone. You can regard this as Jiang Wang's promise. This promise will continue until you break the contract." Jiang Wang said: "You'd better pay attention to my progress in practice in time. Maybe you can escape to the outside world before I have the power to kill you independently."

Yan Chunhui paused and asked, "Are you sure that day will come?"

"The power of the peak of selflessness is unfathomable, and the sharpness of the flying sword era is astonishing. I may not be able to reach it." Jiang Wang said calmly: "If I can't reach that day, at least you can stop the evil, Having a long life is not necessarily a bad thing for you in this world.”

Yan Chunhui raised his eyes slightly: "Sounds like surrounding three buildings? Keep a little bit of hope, lest I end up with this rotten world."

Jiang Wang just said: "You are very powerful, I still have a long way to go."

Yan Chun Hui was quiet for a while, and said firmly: "From now on, Yan Chun Hui is just Yan Chun Hui, and there will no longer be self-forgetting people and demons. Swallows are just swallows, and there will no longer be people and demons that reveal their faces."

As for other human demons, if they do not exist in this sentence, they will naturally no longer exist.

No matter what the names are under the shells of those human demons.

Jiang Wang looked at him: "Deal."

A ray of sword light was born, dividing the two sides, the past flowing into the past, and the future flowing into the future.

The Jie Wukong Realm was shattered like a dream.

"How was your chat?" Old Yellow Dog asked nervously in the messy guest room.

It couldn't help but feel nervous. The person standing in front of Wuhui Valley this time was Jiang Wang, who was famous all over the world. The two sides are really fighting an all-out war at all costs. Yan Chunhui may be able to escape to the outside world, but it is certain to die.

"Not bad." Yan Chunhui turned back from the window with a calm expression: "I am willing to reason, and he can listen to me."

"Is everything as usual?" Old Yellow Dog asked.

"There is a little change." Yan Chun replied.

"Can you return to Chen Country?" Old Yellow Dog asked again.

"No." Yan Chun replied.

The old yellow dog clicked his lips... What were they talking about?

"Can I still eat meat in the future?" Old Yellow Dog asked again.

"You can use chicken, duck or fish." Yan Chun glanced at it: "You'd better not say the word 'human flesh', otherwise I won't be able to protect you."

The old yellow dog opened his mouth and finally closed it honestly.

It suddenly realized that it had nothing to do with age, name, or past. The waves that stirred up in the sword light at a certain point in the depths of the sea of ​​clouds today were the dialogue between two supreme beings!

They represent the most extreme power in the world, and each has their own reasons for implementing it all the way.

Standing in front of such a power and existence, it has no right to autonomy. The only choice is to accept it or die.

"Is this the condition for an armistice?" Yanzi asked.

"This is the condition for a temporary truce." Yan Chunhui said calmly: "The condition is not to touch the evil defined by Legalism."

"Ha!" Yanzi smiled weirdly: "The conditions are harsh, but the rewards are shallow. It sounds like you don't threaten him at all."

"What can I threaten him with?" Yan Chun turned around and looked at Yan Zi with some pity: "He is a person who lives in the sun."

This kind of pity hurt Yan Zi deeply.

Her expression was distorted for a moment, hidden under the mask without facial features. She seemed to be laughing silently, and her body trembled slightly. Wisps of killing intent swam out like poisonous snakes.

Hatred is like weeds, even without wind there is no end of the world!


At this time, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Who?" The old yellow dog suddenly raised his ears and asked warily.

"Sir, our VIP service will give you a pastry. Cloud cake unique to this country." The voice outside the door said.

It sounds like he's the waiter at this inn.

Very polite and not loud. There was no power fluctuation outside the door.


Yanzi turned around and walked towards the door, his soft hands quietly reaching out for sharp nails.

She can't wait to kill, she can't contain her hatred!

But a wrinkled index finger touched her temple at this moment, and slowly... pressed in.

In Yanzi's suddenly widened and malicious eyes, Yan Chunhui's old face became more and more distant.

She fell to the ground softly, and her eyes were in a trance.

The last words heard in my ears were Yan Chunhui's voice: "In order to prevent you from breaking the precepts and incurring reasons to kill you, I will temporarily take away your power."

It's always like this...


Always moving forward selfishly and making decisions viciously.

Yan Chunhui, have you ever considered my feelings? !

Yanzi opened his mouth to curse, but no sound came out. She opened her eyes as hard as she could, but her eyes were completely empty.

Er's eyes rolled around, leaving only the whites of his eyes. His twitching body on the ground had stopped and could no longer move. The divine light dispersed, and the breathing stopped.

"The country's unique cloud cake." The voice outside the door continued.

The old yellow dog huddled in the corner suddenly felt sleepy. He couldn't help but close his eyes and his ears drooped. The dog's body lying limply also covered the shrine, like a thick leather blanket, closing the door of the shrine.


The door to the guest room opened at this moment.

Yan Chunhui turned around, raised his brows slightly, and half-smiled: "I didn't expect it was you."

"I have a very important life experience." The visitor walked into the room and closed the door: "Don't talk casually before closing the door."

"Brother." Jiang An'an took away all the prickly fish meat that Xiao Jingru caught in the bowl and put it into his mouth while saying, "Can anyone enter your Chao Wen Dao Heavenly Palace?"

"It's not my Chao Wen Dao Heavenly Palace, it's the Chao Wen Dao Heavenly Palace in Taixu Pavilion." Jiang Wang corrected seriously: "I just put some cultivation insights and experiences in it, and the resident Dharma minister gave lectures there. Waiting for everyone We are all used to its existence, and other cabinet members will also participate.”

Jiang Anan hummed: "I didn't want to rely on your relationship to get in. I will get in by myself!"

Fu Jingru was a bit stubborn like his father. He stretched out his white and tender hands and kept taking fish meat into the bowl. Jiang Anan frequently emptied her fish meat, and she didn't cry or make a fuss. When Jiang Anan took away a piece, she would grab a piece back.

"By the way, what are the exams for Chao Wen Dao Tiangong?" Jiang Anan asked.

She is confident in testing some Taoist changes.

Test some sword skills, she is talented!

It would be too embarrassing to test any classics from hundreds of schools of thought or masterpieces of history...

"The conditions for entering the palace to seek enlightenment depend on how Master Ju Kui formulates them." Jiang Wang said: "I just put forward some of my hopes, but with Master Ju's style of conduct, he may not take it into consideration. A few days ago, he said that he would take it into consideration. Establishing an assessment fantasy, but he is still studying the specific general rules to achieve as much fairness as possible. This is not something that can be rushed."

The barbecue on the charcoal stove rotates automatically. These small mechanisms invented by the Mohists have greatly enriched people's life choices——

After the Mohists entered the Yong Kingdom and Han Xu completed the New Deal and restructuring. Only then did Mohist's organ skills begin to pay attention to people's livelihood on a large scale. Most of the mechanisms created in the past were designed to function in the extraordinary world. Occasionally, there are some things that can improve people's lives, but these are personal actions and belong to a very small number.

Only in today's Yong Kingdom, it spreads across all walks of life, and many industries have undergone disruptive changes.

As a close neighbor, Yun State was engaged in trade with the world and had an open attitude. It was the first to feel this change and the first to keep up.

The state of Yong worked hard to innovate, and the country of Yun worked hard to buy.

Even an inn is full of such ingenious creations

Ye Qingyu took a ledger and looked at it. While reading, he took off the barbecue and chewed it in small bites.

The magical power of Yunzhuan is ever-changing, sometimes it is a flower, sometimes it is a tree, sometimes it is a hanging lamp, sometimes it is an abacus, and it is moved quickly there.

I don’t know what she is more serious about.

Jiang Wang looked at her profile and felt very calm.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked.

Ye Qingyu said casually: "The cost of barbecue."

No one knows what just happened.

No one knows at this moment that the demon has taken a detour since today.

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