Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2379 Willing to be the guardian of the world

Qi Guanying was very worried: "Kitian Zun, you are seriously injured."

Qizhiben waved his hand: "It doesn't matter what I do, just go do yours."

The five evil lines of defense were indeed the top priority. Qiguan Ying didn't say much and surrendered to the Ancient Imperial City.

However, I thought it would be a worthwhile deal to move Cicada Jingmeng, lose some vitality, and use some of the power of the Conferred God Platform to replace Jiang Wang's advantage of being alone in Tianhai.

Now I can't even calculate it.

He was somewhat heavy.

Jiang Wang, a human being, has never been known for his resourcefulness. Today, all the celestial monsters were plotted by him?

What's his plan?

"Kitian Zun." Lu Zhi, who had just achieved the ultimate peak, came closer and said, "Ao Shuyi's death, what did we have the opportunity to do?"

Qi Zhiben glanced at him: "Don't act rashly, or you may end up backfiring yourself."

After thinking about it, he finally understood Lu Zhi's character and added: "I just saw Jiang Wang's plan. The opportunity does not come now, but from what Jiang Wang will do. If I wake up earlier , there was a chance to play a show here today - now it’s gone.”

He sighed softly: "This game of chess is different from what you thought. It's also different from what I thought."

Speaking of his moves in this life, he is not afraid of competing with others.

Jiang Wang said that there can only be one wanderer in the sky and sea. He believed this deeply and must use all means to drive him away.

This was a game between him and Jiang Wang, two wanderers of the sky and sea, and the game was based on the sky and sea.

Jiang Wang became enlightened in Yiqiu, but he fell into a deep sleep, thus losing his opportunity.

What a huge advantage it is to travel alone in the sky and the sea before the opponent wakes up.

If it were the Bodhisattva of Mingzhizhi from Mount Sumeru, he would have made many killing moves at every turn.

After he woke up, he was just trying to show off his tricks. Although the start was unfavorable and the process was difficult, it was endlessly enjoyable.

But Jiang Wang is different.

All this man could think about was not playing chess.

Playing chess is a complex art, but Jiang Wang only wants to simplify the situation. I wish I could have a one-on-one duel with only two pieces on the chessboard.

Fight with force, not with words.

Qi Zhiben has won countless games in his life, and it is not like he has never dealt with such a situation. The more rude the opponent is, the more intensive the response is. The more the opponent seeks a decisive battle, the more roundabout the response will be. There are needles hidden in the cotton, and sooner or later the opponent will be riddled with holes.

But now the chessboard has been taken away, and Tianhai has been banned from traveling...

Regardless of Minghong, Mingzhi, or Xingnian, they are all people who sit down to play chess. Jiang Wang is a chessboard smasher.

No, he kicked his opponent off the chess table first, but after searching for a whole winter, he couldn't find Ferry. Seeing that his opponent was about to wake up and play chess, he smashed the chessboard again. I also borrowed the power of the demon clan! You don't pay the price.

Qi Zhiben asked himself that he had tried his best to murder Jiang Wang. When the consequences of Tianxian's crime came out, he killed Jiang Wang as Wang Aolai, which was even more serious. But Jiang Wang still survived that autumn and came back stronger.

He had to admit that Jiang Wang, who had grown to this point, could hardly be killed under normal circumstances. Even if he is allowed to plan a plan for a hundred years, it will be difficult to accomplish it. You have to have the right time and place, so you can only look for opportunities on the battlefield of Shenxiao.

Perhaps the anger Jiang Wang had just ignited was the only comfort he could find.

"This 'ferryman of the torrent of all realms' is nothing more than that!" Lu Zhi was looking for new comfort: "You can't say that all heavens and all realms will reach the top without his nod. In the end, it's just a false shot, and it doesn't matter at all. Dare to kill him for real, how can he go against the current of heaven and sea and perform extraordinary feats?"

Qi Zhiben glanced at him: "I stopped Wang Ao because something happened suddenly. Jiang Wang stopped you because you were well prepared. This is not a matter of the same nature at all."

His ability to travel across the oceans of heaven had been hidden for a long time before he suddenly launched an attack in the world of martial arts. If he had spoken in advance, he would have stopped Wang Ao. Once he really takes action, if the human race can let him go even a hair, he will be considered powerful.

Of course Lu Zhi also knew what Qi Zhiben said.

He became enlightened today and was not at all happy. All the demons who were hunting Jiang Wang today, including him, this brave challenger, were the targets of Jiang Wang's tricks.

If only he were a famous wise man...

"Kitian Zun, if you are the one who has been traveling alone in the sky during this period, and if you have Jiang Wang's advantage, I can't even imagine how far you can go." Lu Zhi's purpose as a student is to win over others, but 'status' is Those who couldn't learn from it had mixed emotions for a moment: "The human race has occupied the world, and the natural trend has taken hold. It has a great advantage in the planning of all worlds."

The human race sits in the present world and makes random decisions, and all the worlds have to respond. They are really innately powerful. Even in the deep sea of ​​heaven, one sits on the main stream and watches the tributaries, condescendingly.

When he reached the top today, the road ahead was narrow!

"What's the point of saying this?"

Qi Zhiben was very calm: "Jiang Wang's advantage is not innate to him, it is earned by his own efforts. The advantage of the human race is not innate, but something we have lost."

"Let's go!"

His sickly and thin body was wrapped in an ill-fitting Taoist robe, and he turned around like this: "After this winter, the seeds will sprout again."

"Ahem! Ahem!"

Thousands of water peaks stand side by side, like the giant hands of a terrifying giant beast.

But no matter whether you turn left or right, you can't catch anything.

Jiang Wang and Qi Zhiben are the only two divers in the deep sea of ​​Tiandao today, and they are also the survivors who escaped for their lives in the shipwreck.

Different directions, different moods.

Qi Zhiben escaped from the deep sea of ​​heaven and jumped back into the prison cage of heaven. Jiang Wang escaped from the deep sea of ​​heaven and had to face the situation in this world again——

There were so many big shots on the river viewing platform, waiting for him to catch something.

If he returns empty-handed, he will be a laughing stock and will completely lose the weight of his voice on aquatic affairs. Because he has used practical actions to prove that he can't do anything for the Aqua Tribe. Time was given, opportunity was given, but he didn't grasp it.

This was a huge gamble, and only he knew the beginning and process, but the result must be known to the world and tested by the world.

When he was about to jump out of the deep sea of ​​heaven, Jiang Wang looked back in the boundless time and space.

He saw at the bottom of the tsunami-ravaged sky and sea, and in the depths of the turbulent waves, there were faint black spots emerging one after another - rushing towards the sea at a terrifying high speed!

Jiang Wang gently lifted his foot and left the place, never looking back.

If you stay in the deep sea of ​​heaven for a long time, you will become a "stone" that cannot be dissolved by the power of heaven.

Those beings who will forever fall into the deep sea of ​​heaven will gradually emerge.

That's the real danger.

That is also a way of self-purification in the deep sea of ​​heaven.

It was these existences that Qizhi Ben tried so hard to avoid when he was swimming in the sky and sea.

Every time Jiang Wang came and went in a hurry, he was alert - but today was indeed the first time he saw it.

But it's not important anymore.

Tianhai turned around and was already at the river viewing platform.

From the turbulent deep sea of ​​Tiandao, return to the river viewing platform with surging undercurrents. Jiang Wang had to admit that it was more intense here.

In the final analysis, this trip to Tianhai was well prepared and step-by-step. Although it was an adventure, it was just risking one's own life.

On the river viewing platform, the lives of thousands of aquatic people are at stake.

He especially walks on thin ice and does not dare to make any mistakes.

Return now!

Take a step into the sea and look back at the river. Everything remains the same.

Jiang Wang's sword was in its scabbard, and he first looked at Fu Yunqin - he still had some energy.

"It only takes a moment to come and go. Jiang Zhenjun said he was going fishing, but ended up going to Tianhai. I don't know why?" Ying Jianghong pressed his sword there and looked at Jiang Wang quietly.

The process of frightening Lu Zhi, retreating Qi to observe the response, and fighting to kill Qi Zhiben may seem complicated, but in fact it happened very quickly.

The tsunami of Heavenly Dao has been set off, and the sky and sea are turbulent. A strong man like him will naturally notice it.

He knew that Jiang Wang had to plan something before wading into the sea. He just didn't understand why Jiang Wang made this trip on such a critical occasion by leaving everyone here alone. Can't go tomorrow? Can’t go the day after tomorrow?

But they are quarreling with each other in their mouths, and their swords are on the verge of breaking out in their hands.

He had waited for this quarter of an hour.

Of course, it wasn't because of how much he liked Jiang Wang, but because Jiang Wang's subsequent speech was what Jing Guo wanted to say but couldn't say it, and it was in line with the development of events that Jing Guo expected.

The rebellion of Changhe Dragon Lord Ao Shuyi was a rift that had been buried since the days of Lieshan Renhuang, and it was difficult to recover from hundreds of thousands of years of history. Three feet of ice does not freeze in one day. How can we say that He was forced to rebel by Jingtianzi today?

Some people are really cruel.

Emperor Jingtian has only been in power for a few years now, and Yu Ao Shuyi's long life is not even a ripple!

Jiang Wang has a good sense of proportion. He wants to see if he can master it so well from beginning to end.

In contrast, Xu Wang always wanted to promote the progress of the conference and refused to wait for Jiang Wang to come back.

The Zhenhou of the Great Qin Dynasty praised Jiang Wang like a flower, saying how this young hero has brought great power to the human race. At this time, he went to fight fiercely in the sky, and it was really hard work... But what he said was both inside and outside. Jiang Wang was busy. There was no need for so many people to wait for Jiang Wang alone.

Ying Jiang Hong, who was facing Jiang Wang and drawing his sword, belittled Jiang Wang and finally let go of his harsh words——

"This kid is arrogant and arrogant, and doesn't understand the overall situation. He has to hit the wall hard. Let's wait for him today and see what tricks he has up his sleeve!"

So I waited until now.

Jiang Wang came back from fighting the sword in the sky. He did not bring any ripples in the sky and was still very calm. First, he bowed deeply to Jiang Hong: "With the dignity of the Central Committee and the dignity of the Heavenly Master, I can ignore the past grudges and wait for this moment of Jiang Wang. Jiang sincerely knows the importance of the country!"

He also joined hands and bowed to the audience: "Jiang willfully jump across the sky and sea, please wait for a long time!"

Everyone in the audience said it was okay.

With Jiang Wang's contribution and status today, to be honest, it's worth the wait.

The first genius of the human race, he has something to say first. He will bring back a fish to make soup for everyone, and then discuss important matters. Why can't he wait?

Isn't it worth waiting for the sword to reach the top of all realms?

Jiang Wang turned around and responded to Jiang Hong with a salute: "The Heavenly Master asked me some time ago that a famous Lu Zhizong from the Yao Clan was on his way to the top. The opportunity I had been waiting for all winter was at that moment, so I left the table to Zhi Zhi. "Gan, I'm very rude, please forgive me."

Ying Jianghong didn't feel comfortable with him being so polite at the moment.

The Lieshan Human Emperor has already overstepped his authority. Does he still have such respect for me, the Heavenly Master?

"It doesn't matter. Today is a gathering of the world, and everyone on and off the stage can say whatever they want." Ying Jianghong waved his hand, which reflected the Central Empire's magnanimity: "Jiang Zhenjun must have the answer now?"

"Let me first tell you what I did when I left the table!" Jiang Wang said.

Ying Jianghong looked at him: "I am also curious!"

Jiang Wang had already bowed several times, and now he stretched out his hands, stood upright, and looked at Jiang Hong: "There is a friend I admire very much who calls himself a fisherman in the old days. I can be considered a fisherman today! In the wind and waves, It’s time to go out to sea and catch fish to exchange for money and buy some lives.”

"Oh?" Ying Jianghong glanced at Fu Yunqin lightly, then turned his gaze and looked at Jiang Wang: "What kind of fish did you catch that is so valuable that it can buy your life?"

Jiang Wang said: "This fish is called Qizhiben."

Ying Jianghong's face became a little solemn: "Did you kill Qizhiben?"

Jiang Wang said honestly: "I severely injured him, which should cost him some life span. But I don't know exactly how much I injured him. He is very deep and well hidden."

At that time, Qizhiben had just woken up, and it was at the moment when the tsunami of heaven had already occurred, which was definitely not a favorable opportunity for him to fight.

But in order to save his Tianhai Ferry, he had to take a sword.

If you retain the Tianhai Ferry, you still have the possibility to deploy in the Tianhai. Losing the Ferry means giving up the Tianhai.

This was the multiple-choice question Jiang Wang left for Qi Zhiben, and he also predicted Qi Zhiben's choice - that sword was originally intended to kill Qi Zhiben. It's just that things don't go as planned. Qizhi can't be killed just because he wants to.

"I heard that Qi Zhiben has been sleeping in the Conferred God Platform since I stopped you last time. It's really amazing that you can fish him out and inflict serious injuries on him." Ying Jianghong said expressionlessly: "But it's just a serious injury. It seems that you are not sincere enough to speak on this occasion?"

Of course, Qizhiben is a very important role. It can be said that killing one Qizhiben is more effective than killing three or five heavenly demons.

But it’s not killed yet! But what kind of merit does it represent?

"The Heavenly Master misunderstood." Jiang Wang said quietly: "What I fished away was not Qizhiben's life. What I fished away was his possibility of interfering with me."

It was quiet on and off the stage.

Why should I guard against Qi Zhiben's interference?

Or even to wake up the sleeping Qi Zhiben and then eliminate the possibility of interference?

Ying Jianghong paused and frowned: "What does Jiang Zhenjun want?"

Jiang Wangdao: "Since the death of Changhe Longjun, the Central Empire has assumed its responsibilities. It has stationed 50,000 naval troops on Guanhetai and patrolled day and night. Nantianshi has even guarded this place with his Dharma body and has never moved lightly. Suanni, Pulao, Jing The whole country has issued an order. When it comes to Bi'an and Fuxi, the Wei army will be stationed at Baxia's bridge, and Longmen will guard it——"

At this point, he paused: "The Song Dynasty also stationed troops on the river banks to patrol for floods."

Tu Weijian breathed a sigh of relief in the audience.

The people of the Song Dynasty were united and worked diligently on water affairs, and they cannot be forgotten!

And Jiang Wang continued: "The third of the nine towns is guarded by He Guo and assisted by Yun Guo. The ninth of the nine towns is guarded by the military governor of Qi Nanxia."

"The Yong Kingdom cannot abandon the two towns of Yajue, and how can Yujing Mountain release a town of prison cattle... All these things have made tens of millions of people worried about the affairs of the river. The daily consumption in all directions is huge, and the world is in need of food!"

Since Ao Shuyi's death, all parties have come to work in chaos, and relying on the strong foundation of the human race, they can indeed control Changhe. However, if we want long-term peace and stability, we must have unified planning and long-term customization for river control, and we cannot just rely on conscious prevention and control by all parties. This is also the core reason for convening the water control conference today.

He counted the achievements of various parties and slowly closed his eyes: "I am now——"

He faced Ying Jianghong and stood in front of Fu Yunqin, with his green shirt billowing and his long hair fluttering. When I opened my eyes, it was already the golden sun and snowy moon, shining endlessly.

"Wish to conquer the world!"

At the same time, the Heavenly Ocean, where the tsunami was erupting, seemed to be silent.

The endless power of heaven descended from the sky and landed directly on the river viewing platform.

Like the Milky Way, hanging upside down in the sky!

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