Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2380 Make this town feel unpredictable

"Shu Yi! Do you know the sky? One moment is called 'quiet', and one word is called 'fixed'. It will not change forever and will not change for eternity."

"Shuyi! Do you know Changhe?"

"In the past, when Cangjie created Chinese characters, he saw 'mountain' as an incomplete word, and 'river' as a long river. Therefore, he said that the blood of the mountain ridges and rivers has become a song for eternity. So there is 'human world', which is sometimes interpreted as 'mountain river'."

"Shu Yi, don't read this sentence - the long river has turned over the land of gods forever, and the tidal flats have always been filled with resentful souls. They raise me and kill me with the same intention. It turns out that God doesn't care about human affairs!"

"The human heart is like water, with constant waves. A long river can be moody and angry at will. Therefore, it is said that treating water is like treating the heart."

"The dragon's veins were pulled out as tendons to bind the long river. The emperor's crown was erected to support the ridge of the river. Xihun had no way, but there was a river. Xihun was unjust and gathered the river embankment."

"Conquer the river now and make it like the sky and the sea. It is the eternal destiny and the birth of all things."

——"Nine Towns Talking"

The narrator is Lieshan.

The recorder is Ao Shuyi.

When Emperor Lieshan was young, he personally experienced the flooding of the Yangtze River. I saw that both sides of the long river were abandoned as tidal flats, and the people living near the water were swallowed up by the water.

He entered the water alone, and history records——

"Counts are driven back by the torrent", "counts are violent", "vomiting of blood continues".

He was so grief-stricken and angry that he even waded into the water and asked the long river - if it has no spirit, how can it get the honorable name of the mother river? If there is a spirit, how can there be so many things in ancient and modern times where the mother eats the child?

The book says that the Dragon King protects the water tribe and cannot control the wrath of Changhe.

The overflowing of a long river is like a wave of disaster that can never be stopped. The creation of two sides and the destruction of both sides are nothing more than the laws of heaven, the sun and the moon wax and wane, and they start over and over again.

Later, Lieshan clan walked on both sides of the long river, visiting every water eye, step by step, thousands of miles over and over again, thinking hard about how to regulate the long river forever.

According to the "Jingxu Xiang'er Collection" -

"In ragged clothes, with disheveled hair and bare feet, people at that time often saw him on the river bank, thinking he was a wild man from the river."

Some people say that Lieshan's behavior of walking along the river is a sign of painstaking efforts to control the river. Some people say that he borrowed his name to observe the military strength of the Shui tribe, and then he later chased the dragon into the sea - at that time, Changhe was still under the control of the Dragon King.

But in any case, Lieshan Renhuang's management of Changhe lasted almost throughout his life.

As for the nine sons of the Dragon Refining Emperor forming the Nine Towns, it was already a later matter, and it can be regarded as a work of controlling the water and setting the cauldron. From now on, the river flows forever.

Today's long river is a long river that has been surrendered.

It took many years to surrender!

The long river is like a dragon, with its belly touching the river viewing platform and its body pressing down on Jiuzhen, and it has been harmonized by Ao Shuyi for hundreds of thousands of years.

Only then can we say that when all parties belong to different countries and work on their own affairs, suppressing different river sections almost in sections can stabilize the situation on the long river.

In fact, today's river management is still based on the inherent pattern of Jiuzhen and Guanhetai.

Jiang Wang once visited the Jiuzhen Stone Bridge in person, and observed every detail of the stone bridge with his Qian Yang Red Eyes, observing the pinnacle achievement of this sealing technique in great detail. While learning the sealing technique, I also got to know Chang He deeply.

Changhe Longjun sent him the experience of Lieshan Renhuang in setting up the Nine Towns, and asked Jiang Wang to learn more about the seals of the Nine Towns in order to find a way to seal the second day's human form. This is the gift from the Dragon King.

This experience is Ao Shuyi's hand-recorded "Nine Towns Leisure Talk" in which he and Lieshan talked about Jiuzhen. It is said that it is a leisurely talk between Lieshan Renhuang and Changhe Longjun, and it is more like a master-disciple teaching. Communicate with close friends.

To be more precise, it is more like Lieshan Renhuang's "Notes on River Management".

It describes more than just Lieshan Renhuang’s conception of the Nine Towns, nor is it just his exploration of sealing techniques. It tells more specifically how Lieshan Renhuang controlled the water, including the various problems encountered during the water control process, including Ao Shuyi's own confusions.

Jiang Wangyin had a feeling that Lieshan Renhuang's experience of solving his doubts for Changhe Longjun was also like a process of water control.

To this day, Jiang Wang still doesn't know whether Long Jun gave this note to Xiang Xiang as a "little gift", whether it was a prediction of today, or whether it was some kind of pessimistic preparation.

But he once said to Lord Long - I will think deeply about the water tribe in the future and do my best. But this isn't a deal.

This is the result of his deep thought!

This is also the moment when he tries his best.

When he stood in front of Fu Yunqin, he held Ying Jianghong's sword for him.

What he was thinking about was not only Changhe Longjun's feelings for the people of the human race, nor just the childhood friendship between Song Qingzhi and his sister.

Not only did he reject Changhe Longjun's deal, Changhe Longjun still gifted him "Nine Towns of Time" as a gift.

He also thought of Song Qingyue's efforts in the new policy of Zhuang State - the Shui tribe living in Qingjiang also regarded Zhuang State as their own country and had been making their own efforts in the hope of building it better.

Those water tribes who are working hard for their country and the people who are working hard on the shore, who are not "feelings" for these mountains and rivers!

He also thought about the Bei Nu who he saw almost being kidnapped by the Qingjiang River. That scene challenged his understanding of the ancient covenant, and for the first time he realized that many people did not care about the covenant and did not regard the water tribe as the same kind.

Later he saw many people and did not treat them as human beings.

But when they met again in the water mansion, the girl was panicked, but she still gritted her teeth and helped him cover her whereabouts.

It is called "knowing kindness".

What is the difference between human race and aquatic race?

Until now, Jiang Wang had not noticed it.

The education he received from an early age was that he belonged to the human race and the water race. When he was a child, he even thought that water tribes were people who lived in the water.

Today he stands here, standing in the eyes of the world.

He still wanted to say that what he saw was the sentient Dragon King.

And this is not a transaction.

This is what he would have done anyway.

The Human Emperor died, the Dragon King ruled.

The Dragon King died, Jiang Wang took over!

It was nothing more than passing on the torch, a continuous lineage.

The Human Emperor of Lieshan ruled the Changhe River, hoping to "make the Changhe River like the sea of ​​heaven", hoping to turn the Changhe River into an existence like the sun and moon of the heavenly way, so as not to hurt the human world.

And Jiang Wang happened to be the unprecedented thirteen-proof heavenly man, with a unique interpretation and cognition of the sea of ​​heaven. He knew too well how to stir up the waves of the sea of ​​heaven, and how to sink into the sea of ​​heaven and get out of it.

Why "like the sea of ​​heaven?"

Now lead the sea of ​​heaven to come!

Jiang Wang stood on the viewing platform of the river, led the power of the heavenly way, and made it pour down on the human world and pour into the Changhe River.

He created the wonder of "the sea of ​​heaven hanging upside down above the nine heavens".

Such a great feat shocked the world.

Until this moment, the people on the viewing platform understood what Jiang Wang meant by "fishing away the possibility of interference from the macaque".

Jiang Wang actually wanted to mobilize the power of the sea of ​​heaven to suppress the Changhe River!

This is not something that can be done easily. It is impossible to do this without a supernatural power that can reach the sky and the earth. If it is not for a very deep understanding of the Tianhai and the Changhe, it is impossible to connect them.

At this time, of course, they cannot be disturbed.

Once the Tiandao Ocean stirs up waves, it is hard to say whether Mi Zhiben will wake up - a wise man like him, even in a dormant state, will leave a means of warning Tianhai?

It is still very likely to happen.

And once Mi Zhiben knows what Jiang Wang is doing, he will never sit idly by, and he will definitely have a way to stop it.

If the process of leading Tianhai to suppress the Changhe gets out of control, the consequences will be disastrous.

Even more directly -

He is not sure at all to play against Mi Zhiben in the Tiandao Deep Sea.

For now, he is better at "water".

But he can get the inspiration of "cheating the sky" from Mi Zhiben, and Mi Zhiben can also learn his ability to swim.

He dares to fight with Mi Zhiben in the Tiandao Deep Sea with a sword, but he also clearly realizes that life and death are not only a way to draw a sword.

Both sides relied on their own means, and he did not think he could win over Mi Zhiben's calculations.

So before starting this step, Jiang Wang deliberately went to the demon world Tianhai to cut off the possibility of Mi Zhiben intervening in this matter. At this moment, Tianhai was surging, and Mi Zhiben could not swim.

He could do this safely.

He did have the deepest fear of Mi Zhiben, because the Tianxian sin was the closest he had ever been to death, and because he saw with his own eyes how Zen Master Xingnian fell.

At this time, his eyes were like the golden sun and snow moon, and the sun and moon seal appeared on his forehead. The upside-down Milky Way danced for him, and the power of Tianhai was led into a flying channel!

Even a strong man like Ying Jianghong, who was accustomed to seeing wonders and was good at stirring up the wind and clouds, held his breath for a while-

Tianhai suppressed Changhe, this matter has never been heard of in ancient times!

Before Lieshan Renhuang and Changhe Longjun, Changhe had not been tamed, and this matter could never be realized. Not to mention whether it can be done, and whether there are celestial beings willing to do this, rashly leading the channel to connect Tianhai to Changhe will only cause a strong confrontation between the two sides.

It is not impossible for the ancestral river on land to impact the sea of ​​heaven.

And today, when the Emperor of Lieshan and Ao Shuyi have tamed the long river, only Jiang Wang is doing this.

As the strongest heavenly master of the Central Empire, Ying Jianghong certainly knows some ancient secrets.

He understands that the long river of Qingyan today is still not the final grand plan of the Emperor of Lieshan.

According to the layout of the Emperor of the Middle Ages, the final ideal state of the long river in the world is to be eternal like the sun and the moon, spreading glory to the world, but never flooding. By then, even if the nine towns are destroyed, the Guanhetai collapses, the Dragon King no longer exists, and there is no one guarding the two banks... the long river will be forever peaceful and free from disasters.

Jiang Wang's use of the power of the sea of ​​heaven today is clearly to continue the layout of the Emperor of the Middle Ages, using the sea of ​​heaven as a guide to push the long river in the world to the position of "eternal heaven and eternal governance", and accelerate such an evolutionary process.

The Emperor of Lieshan is pushing the long river to eternity with supreme power and grand layout, spanning countless years.

Although Jiang Wang took advantage of this today, based on the long-term governance of the Emperor of Lieshan and the Dragon King of Changhe, with the help of the Guanhetai and the Nine Towns of Changhe, he led the water of Tianhai to flood the Changhe River and affect the Changhe River... Once completed, it will be an unprecedented achievement in this world!

He finally understood why Jiang Wang said "I will govern the world" when he opened his mouth.

Because this is the best way to govern water today, and it is the great idea that the Emperor of the Middle Ages is being verified!

This will definitely not be stopped, and every knowledgeable person who focuses on the future of the human race will only support it!

Even if he knew this earlier, why would Jiang Wang go fishing in Tianhai?

It is not impossible for all parties in the world to take action to stir up the turmoil of the Heavenly Dao, and there are even more ways to cut off the possibility of interference from Mi Zhiben.

Jiang Wang chose to go fishing alone, just as he said, to exchange money for fishing and redeem some lives.

Are those aquatic creatures really that important to Jiang Wang?

Or is it important to be "fair" in the hearts of young people?

Everything that should happen is continuing to happen.

Everything that is silent is still silent.

Amidst the complex and varied looks from all sides, Jiang Wang, who stood on the high platform and guided Tianhai, had a new change -

His Sun and Moon Heavenly Seal, and his golden and silver eyes gradually lost their luster.

But from his Taoist body, a magnificent phantom slowly floated out.

While leaving the body, it was also solidifying from the phantom.

It was a golden-haired, golden-crowned, majestic and indifferent figure, with eyes closed, as if in deep sleep.

Dou Zhao looked at this deity for a while, and then at the original Jiang Wang with black hair and black eyes. It was still Jiang Wang's eyebrows and eyes, but the temperament was completely different. Too majestic. Too high and mighty! The figure with golden hair and golden eyes made Tian Xiao in his palm unbearable, and he had an impulse to draw his sword and overthrow him!

He looked down on everything, and he couldn't stand others looking down on all living things.

But looking closely at the golden Jiang Wang, he found that he was not alone.

This deity was suspended in front of Jiang Wang, with his eyes closed and eyebrows fixed, and his long hair hanging straight down. There was no movement, and he was as silent as death.

As his body gradually became clear, the golden light, blue light and frost light outside this deity gradually solidified.

It was a golden pillar of heaven!

It was wrapped with a blue dragon and engraved with frosty sky patterns.

It sealed the [Innate Eternal Golden Deity] in it.

It stood upright like this, suspended in front of Jiang Wang, without showing a tall posture, but giving people the feeling of being grounded and supporting the sky.

Dou Zhao's mind popped up a name - "Buzhou Mountain".

The legendary pillar that supports the sky!

He had never seen Buzhou Mountain with his own eyes, but his feelings about Buzhou Mountain were very similar.

"This is [Dinghai Town], or you can also call it [Dinghai Magic Needle]!" Jiang Wang on the high platform said: "In the past, I was in danger of falling into the sea of ​​​​sky and had no way to save myself. Fortunately, I got help from all parties, saved my confusion and helped me on my way forward. Changhe Dragon Lord was one of those who helped me. He shared with me some of the experiences of Lieshan Renhuang when he set up the nine towns of Changhe."

Everyone suddenly understood.

Only then did they understand why Jiang Wang had such a deep understanding of Changhe, and why he could understand and even continue the grand plan of Lieshan Renhuang.

Jiang Wang continued: "I built this [Dinghai Town], set it in my heart prison, and used it to stabilize my heart."

"The Emperor of Lieshan said that controlling water is like controlling the heart."

"The Dragon King of Changhe once asked me - 'Am I wrong?'?"

"Jiang Wang is not virtuous enough to compare himself to the Emperor of Humanity, nor is he worthy of giving the Dragon King of Changhe an answer, but I -"

"Gentlemen!" He looked at the people present, with a very lonely light in his eyes, just like the figure in a golden robe sitting on the high platform at the Yellow River meeting ten years ago, casting his eyes on the stage.

The Dragon King of Changhe, whose water race's genius has withered, still had some heartfelt admiration when he saw the human race's genius!

That light is the lonely ideal of the transcendent trapped in the Changhe River.

"I really want to tell the Dragon Lord of the Changhe River - maybe He is not wrong."

"How can an ideal be wrong?"

Jiang Wang raised his hand and stretched it forward, as if he was holding the Dinghai Magic Needle: "This [Dinghai Town] was originally the arrow of my brother Li Longchuan. Jiang filled it with flesh and blood, the heavenly man as the bone, the Dragon Lord cast it with the soul, and the Human Emperor gave it the truth. Take it from the Dragon Lord and use it in the Changhe River. It was passed on to the Human Emperor and settled in the world."

He gently rolled up the corner of his blue long gown, and pushed his hand -


This pillar that supports the sky, the Dinghai Magic Needle, just moved horizontally in the air, flew out of the viewing platform, and fell into the Changhe River. It stopped for a while, exploring the bottom of the Changhe River, and exploring the waves of the sea of ​​heaven.

All the power that poured from the sea of ​​heaven into the long river of the human world must be tamed by this Dinghai Magic Needle, irrigated in the Changhe River, and governed in the Changhe River for a long time without damaging the Changhe River.

This body of the heavenly man, the eternal dignity, the Dinghai Town. Just like the Jiuzhen Stone Bridge is immortal.

From now on, between heaven and earth, there is this pillar like Buzhou.

From now on, between the long river of the sea of ​​heaven, there is this needle like a divine channel.

He said firmly: "From now on, it will forever guard the long river."

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