Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2387 I am not alone

What an ordinary piece of clothing that is.

The fabric is also ordinary, and the needlework is also ordinary.

But it rolls between waking and dreaming, fluttering in the gap between light and dust.

So unusual again.

It floats in the wind, like a pure flower. It fell in the wind again, and then it took out the looming graceful figure, and the strong and cold face at the end of the flower branches.

The hems of clothes are flying like flowers spitting stamens.

After the truth comes out, there is a conflicting beauty.

She is in the door now, and she is extremely beautiful.

"Sister Yuzhen!" Huang Reli happily came forward to greet her.

Huang's principle towards ugly people is to forget them once you see them. The principle for beauties is that once they are born, they become familiar again.

A beauty of Yuzhen's level can look at her for thousands of years and become an old friend at first sight.

Last time I called me Master Tai, but now Junior Sister has skipped it and just calls me Sister. Maybe I should call her sister? I didn't ask about age, it doesn't matter.

She held the nun's hand familiarly and led her to the front row: "I knew you would come. My sister has been waiting for you! Well, I even left a place for you."

The nun followed her, politely but always with the coldness of a monk: "Thank you, Donor Huang."

In this way, they were led all the way to the second seat. The nun stopped and raised her eyes, just looking at it, looking at it openly and openly. She looked at the founder of Chao Wen Dao Heavenly Palace for a while, until the gods and humans also looked at it indifferently. come over.

She just lowered her head gently, like a water lily indifferent salute: "Jiang Zhenjun, Xiyue'an Yuzhen, come to seek enlightenment."

The gods and humans sat there quietly and only said: "Fellow Taoist, please sit down."

The fellow Taoist from Xiyue Temple sat down.

Sit down and continue to look at Jiang Wang.

Students can stare at the teacher because the answers are all on the teacher’s face—it doesn’t matter if he’s not there.

She has a firm heart for seeking truth, so she watches with concentration.

The student should not miss every word of the teacher, so she listened very carefully.

There had never been a moment when she could look at this man so openly.

And this person can no longer be avoided.

The youngest true king in history, "with a sharp sword and a strong voice." He wants to go his own way, he demands his way, he wants to face up to his compassion and his expectations for fairness, and he wants to express his inner voice to the world——

Voices that were once called childish but now have to be taken seriously.

If he wants to do what others cannot do, he must inherit what others cannot.

If he wants to create the Chaowen Dao Heavenly Palace, he can only sit there and face everything that the creator of the Chaowen Dao Heavenly Palace should face.

She was one of the things he couldn't avoid.

Spring and Autumn have passed by with a few fingers, and the years have changed with a blink of an eye. It's not easy for her to sit here, why can't she look like this?

Huang Relic originally wanted to talk to the beautiful nun in Xiyue Temple for a few words, but seeing that the nun was so serious, he didn't bother her.

Purely seeking the truth, good!

She doesn't like soulless beauty.

There are three types of beauty: skin, bones, and spirit.

Those who have skin appearance, bone appearance, and spiritual appearance are all unique.

With the peerless beauty by her side, she felt that her heart was at peace. Looking back at Zhong Xuanyin, I felt a little regretful——

Why are there no history books specifically recording the beauties of the past dynasties?

Isn’t this a more meaningful historical material that uses a paintbrush to record sounds and features so that the beauty of the past and present will not be lost to time?

When I get the chance, I still have to give Zhong Lao Ge some advice. The path Lao Ge is taking now is not right. It’s not something the people like to hear and see. The taste that goes against the times, even though it is a magical pen, it is difficult to achieve enlightenment.

Zhong Xuanyin was looked at inexplicably.

He didn't feel any psychological pressure at all about seeking advice from Jiang Wang.

As for the way of history, there are two streams. The first is that "the written records are from the bamboo slips of the time", and the second is that "the records were compiled and deleted and attributed to later writings".

Historians' attainment of enlightenment is different from that of other scholars, and it is necessary to have a history book of attainment. It should profoundly reflect the times so that future generations can gain their wisdom.

For example, Sima Heng and his "The Sword of History Cuts the Sea", Zuo Qiuwu and his "History of Architecture of the Era", "My View on the Evolution of Ancient Sealing Techniques", and Wu Zhaixue and his lost "Ghost Phi Ma".

As a contemporary historian, Zhong Xuanyin has witnessed too many key histories, most of which are related to Jiang Wang.

This is destined to be the name Jiang Wang in his path to enlightenment and his book of enlightenment.

All the key events that have changed history since the beginning of the Dao calendar are unified into one book, which is called "The Flood of the Present World". He has been writing this book, but it is not easy to achieve enlightenment through it. The reason is that he was born late, and a lot of history has already been written in other people's books, and it has already had a certain influence.

The history he wrote before was all "later writing". Only what he experienced after joining Taixu Pavilion was the "simple story of that time".

Qinku Academy, relatively speaking, pays more attention to the latter.

Jiang Wang often appears on the forefront of history, and his "The Flood of the Present World" has a tendency to come from behind. To say it immodestly, when Mr. Sima Heng added to "The Sword of History Cuts the Sea", he wrote " "Li Lue", I am afraid we should also refer to his "The Flood of the World". Even Li Guo’s historians didn’t remember it clearly! This is first-hand historical material and a key document that later historians cannot avoid.

If he could quote a paragraph from "Historical Swords Cut the Sea" and say, "Seen in "The Flood of the Present World"", his merits would be considered complete.

Zhong Xuanyin has even begun to prepare a biography for Jiang Wang, otherwise he would not know about Linzi's past and the birth of the Taoist Eight-tone Flame Bird. Considering Jiang Wang's current legendary status, this biography can already pave the way for him to reach the top. If Jiang Wang could achieve a higher level of achievement and truly be on par with the Human Emperor, then it wouldn't be a bad idea for him to stand at the top - at the Water Control Conference, he could see the possibility.

I have long planned to rely on Jiang Wang to achieve enlightenment, and I am currently relying on Jiang Wang to achieve enlightenment. Isn't it a convenient thing to come to Wendao Heavenly Palace to seek enlightenment? Zhong Xuanyin is the one who truly knows how to record history and ask questions.

After all, he came from the Qinjin Academy. He used to be a stickler and a thorn in the buttocks. Who doesn't know how to work hard?


Zhong Xuanyin looked at the nun in Xiyue Temple on the left who was staring intently, and then at the image of heaven and man staring straight ahead, but finally said nothing. He looked back at the empty palace door and couldn't help but said: "Old drama, why are there so few people? Is your [nine grid] too difficult to design?"

Not only the younger ones have the need to speak small talk in class, but the older ones also have an older small talk circle.

As the first major event that Mr. Jiang has to do after reaching the summit, after two seasons of preparations, the opening of Chaowen Dao Heavenly Palace can be said to be a grand event in the entire world!

Anyone who practices Taixu knows this.

Even the Taixu Illusion Realm has three times of [Celestial Ming].

The voice of Taixu Taoist Master spreads with the Taixu illusion, announcing to everyone the arrival of Chaowen Dao Celestial Palace.

With the influence of the ethereal illusion and Jiang Wang’s appeal, how could it be possible that less than ten people have come to the Heavenly Palace yet? !

Ju Gui himself is actually aware of this problem.

He has been so busy designing various assessments these days that he has neglected an important premise——

Those who were arrested by him to test the examination questions were those Taixu cabinet members.

In other words, he designed the difficulty of the assessment based on the best people in the world and their performance at different levels of strength!

No wonder that until now, no one has come in who has passed the [Nine Grids] assessment normally.

Currently, people who enter Chaowendao Heavenly Palace basically ignore the assessment and go directly.

"In anticipation of the popularity of Chaowen Daotian Palace, I have slightly raised the assessment requirements." Ju Gui was very serious: "To avoid being overcrowded on the first day of opening the palace."

Zhong Xuanyin gave a thumbs up: "You did it! You avoided everyone."

If he were Jiang Wang, he would have to fight with Ju Gui - he asked you to set the threshold, but he didn't let you close the door!

"Those who do document work are much older. Don't be so impetuous like young people." Ju Gui glanced at him and said firmly: "Many of the exam questions are carefully designed by me. I need to peel off the cocoons. Wait and see."

Jiang Wang is also waiting.

It’s not that a certain number of people must enter the palace for a lesson to be taught.

But the original intention of creating Chaowen Dao Heavenly Palace was for those who have no way to seek the Dao.

Of these people entering the temple now, how can any of them find no way to seek enlightenment?

All of them can even preach!

There is a problem with the assessment of the drama's design. This is a lesson that reality teaches the real Legalists.

No, it’s not just a matter of lack of drama.

Jiang Wang suddenly realized that he and Ju Gui had actually made the same mistake, the same "being in this mountain, not knowing how high it is."

Although he started from a very low level, he has now reached a very high level. The positioning of Chaowen Daotian Palace itself should be an institution of higher learning with extremely high requirements, not a comprehensive institution covering all aspects, let alone an elementary school.

A dharma image of heaven and man is here, and I am seeking the Tao. What meaningful questions can those seven- and eight-year-old children squeeze in and ask?

Even though Jiang Wang's cultivation experience in the Tibetan Dharma Pavilion also included those from his youth, and there was almost no threshold, but to be honest, those were not of much value. When this person named "Jiang Wang" really needs to be looked up to by geniuses and is worthy of learning from those geniuses, he actually starts from the inner realm.

This in itself is a huge threshold!

The [nine grids] of Ju Kui only make the threshold more specific, but it is also inevitable - how can people who are not talented enough understand the world's number one genius?

Many Taixu cabinet members take the principles of Taoism and the combat skills that are easy to understand for granted, but if replaced by mediocre qualifications, they may not be able to understand them in their lifetime.

In fact, the two words "Jiang Wang" are a kind of threshold. It's just that Jiang Wang himself and Ju Gui, who often come into contact with Jiang Wang, can't detect it.

Ju Gui, who often laughs at himself for his old age, is also a unique genius!

Why is it Xiao Shu who created the Star Road method and not anyone in Taixu Pavilion? Because these peerless geniuses don’t think building the Starlight Holy Tower is a problem.

"Mr. Drama." Jiang Wang sent a message: "It seems that we have entered a misunderstanding. The original intention of Chaowen Dao Tiangong is to give everyone opportunities, not to give everyone resources. Opportunities need to be fought for by oneself, and selection is inevitable. Chao Wen Dao Tiangong It has higher requirements in itself..."

Ju Gui had the same feeling: "Yes, it is unrealistic to expect a heavenly palace to accommodate all seekers in the world."

"Should we use the resources of the Taixu Illusion Realm to build an elementary school in the Taixu Illusion Realm and enroll those of appropriate age? Sir, do you think it is feasible?" Jiang Wang asked.

"That's exactly what I mean!" Ju Gui has put a lot of effort into this Heavenly Palace of Chao Wen Dao, and of course he is not willing to cover such a narrow area. Moreover, the vision of "making a path feasible for all people in the world" hung so brightly in front of him that he was willing to devote himself to it again and again at all costs.

"It's just..." Ju Gui considered it: "Can those overlords agree? This Chao Wen Dao Heavenly Palace has passed with great reluctance."

"We are not building another school, but we are still building the Chaowen Dao Heavenly Palace. Why don't they agree?" Jiang Wang said. In fact, he was not very sure. I was afraid it would take a long time to convince everyone. Of course, he said He was determined: "It's just adding a front hall, just like the inner gate and the outer gate, don't those colleges also have -"

"Everyone, I have an idea." But it was Qin Zhizhen's voice that sounded at this time, connecting all the Taixu cabinet members through Taixu magatama.

Jiang Wang and Ju Gui, who were discussing in private, were surprised and almost thought their private conversation had been overheard.

Not all Taixu cabinet members are here. We have been together for so long and understand each other very well.

Huang Relic, Qin Zhizhen, Jugui, and Zhong Xuanyin will definitely not refuse to come to Wendao Heavenly Palace to seek enlightenment.

Dou Zhao won't come because he doesn't think anyone is qualified to teach him.

Whether Zhongxuan Zun comes depends purely on his mood. He doesn't need a teacher, but it doesn't hurt to sit there - there is a high probability that he is not in a good mood today, or he has simply read too much.

Cang Ming will definitely come to the Wen Dao Heavenly Palace, but he should be in the Zangfa Pavilion and will not come to the Dao Dao Palace.

As for Li Yi...he probably didn't remember that Chao Wen Dao Heavenly Palace was opened today. Even if Ju Gui has informed him many times in advance, even if there is [Tian Ming] in Taixu Illusion Realm.

Qin Zhizhen used Taixu magatama to connect all Taixu cabinet members, and convened a temporary Taixu meeting.

With Qin Zhizhen's character, he definitely wouldn't do it lightly.

Everyone was waiting quietly for Qin Zhizhen to speak.

Qin Zhizhen thought about it for a while before saying, "Should we open another public school?"

Jiang Wang and Jugui looked at each other silently without saying anything.

Zhong Xuanyin raised his fingers and drew out his sword and pen.

As early as when Ju Gui asked about the yellow relic, Qin Zhizhen was thinking about how he should answer if Ju Gui asked him - it would be really embarrassing for someone to be found behind his back.

Now that I thought clearly, I spoke without pause and said in one breath: "When I first came here, I complained about the assessment designed by the theater members. It was not that I questioned his fairness, but that I felt it was too dogmatic and not broad enough. It has blocked many people, and some people cannot be stopped, or it goes against the original intention of Chao Wen Dao Tian Palace, but if you think about it carefully, this is not the problem of the first genius in the world. Wen Dao Tian Palace should have higher standards, otherwise it would be a waste of resources.”

Qin Zhizhen sat upright, and his voice was transmitted through Taixu magatama, and he said in a precise manner: "My idea is to build [Taixu Public School]. Use "Taixu Xuanzhang" as the teaching material, and let Xuling teach. The world is of the right age. Anyone can enter public schools with low or even no barriers. This is the true way to open up the world, and it is in line with Jiang Zhenjun’s original intention and what we all want.”

The black knife was across his knees, and his black eyes were bright: "Then the big waves wash away the sand. Only the outstanding ones can be selected to enter the Heavenly Palace of Chao Wen Dao to further their studies, hoping to catch up with or even surpass today's Jiang Zhenjun. At the same time, the students' conduct will be determined in the few years of public school and even After more than ten years and decades of study, it can be reflected more clearly - I think it is more appropriate than asking the soul. I always felt that this matter was personal and inappropriate, but I didn't think of a better way at the time. ”

There was no other sound in Taixu Magatama for a while.

Qin Zhizhen just waited.

Now that he has made it known, he has made a decision and will not be shaken by the lack of response.

"Okay!" Even with the indifference of the laws of heaven and man, the cheers in Taixu Magatama were very exciting: "Minister Qin, your words are really thought-provoking! Your ideas are like the bright moon shining down, which makes me enlightened! I can't think of anything better than this There is a better way. You must promote this [Taixu Public School], and Jiang will support it without reservation!”

The great undertakings in the world are never accomplished in one fell swoop.

Even people like Jiang Wang and Ju Gui cannot build tall buildings in vain, and it is difficult to avoid cognitive impairment.

Things always have to be gradually improved in the process of practice.

Fortunately, he's not alone.

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