Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2389: Every generation has its own talented people

The son of God of He sat there, cross-legged and straight, ethereal and indifferent, like a burning incense stick.

The message was passed on by incense, and then hundreds of birds came to pay homage to the phoenix.

Then some people came in one after another, and they were all familiar faces.

Xie Ai of Li, Yan Shaofei of Wei, Sheng Xuehuai of Sheng, Chen Siwu of Song, Beigong Ke of Yong...

Beigong Ke?

Zhong Xuanyin whispered to Ju Kui: "Old Ju, did you secretly reduce the difficulty of the assessment?"

Ju Kui had a blank expression: "Beigong Ke is a little better than you know, of course, the difficulty of the assessment has also been reduced a little bit."

Although he was the designer of [Nine-grid Illusion], it was not a matter of whim to modify the difficulty of the entire assessment illusion - mainly because the difficulty level was not considered at the beginning of the design. Look at Li Yi, Dou Zhao, Chong Xuanzun, they have an easy time!

Realizing that the difficulty was too high, he held the Taixu Magatama and sat here to adjust it bit by bit, starting from the assessment level of the God's Landing. Just for this level, it was unknown how long it would take. Where to relax a little and where not to relax, all had to be considered repeatedly. Not only should the issue of fairness be considered, but also the degree of adjustment should be considered to make the assessment meaningful... In fact, during the observation process, some water was slacked off.

At least a genius of Beigong Ke's level could squeeze in, so that it would not be so high-brow and unpopular that no one would care.

There were actually a lot of people participating in the nine-grid assessment. With a deep mind, at first glance at the densely packed galaxy-like illusionary light, he felt dizzy.

Each light spot was an ongoing assessment illusion.

When his eyes passed by, the nine-grid illusion would constantly give him trial feedback. He had to ensure the stability of the illusion and the fairness of the assessment, deal with some unexpected things that were beyond the design in a timely manner, and even revise the contradictory parts of the assessment that had not been discovered in advance...

This job was really not easy.

Now we are slowly lowering the difficulty of the Nine-Grid Illusion, but we dare not take the first step, and can only make minor adjustments. We have to consider not to lower the threshold too low, so that it is really overcrowded - it is good to use Beigong Ke as a standard.

Beigong Ke was the top eight in the inner court of the last Yellow River Conference, and he is famous all over the world. He is now the pillar of Yong State and a powerful man. As the first prodigy of Yong State who lives up to his name, he has risen with the rise of Yong State's national power, and can be called a model of "heroes carry destiny, and destiny follows heroes". His strength is no longer comparable to the past, and the world should take a new look.

If we really talk about it, those who were in the top eight of the inner court with him back then may not be better than him - well, except for Chu Min who is dead, the others are still stronger than Beigong Ke.

Jiang Wang, Huang Sheli, Qin Zhizhen, Zhao Rucheng, Xiang Bei, Xie Ai... What kind of lineup is this?

Ju Kui became more and more aware that the quality of the inner court of the Yellow River Meeting that year was so high that it was the best in history.

In short, Beigong Ke is a very suitable threshold.

Those who are inferior to him are not allowed to enter.

With a clear reference, the work is easier. As for the illusion assessment under the divine presence, it is temporarily out of his control - there is no need to care too much, and the Taixu Public School in the future can naturally accommodate them.

Under the gaze of Zhong Xuanyin, Beigong Ke, wearing short armor and two swords, walked into the Heavenly Palace quite heroically.

He was upright and tried hard to show his momentum, but between his eyebrows, he could not hide his fatigue, which showed that it was not easy for him to pass the nine levels. However, after entering the palace, he looked around and immediately became high-hearted again - hard work will not be let down by heaven, and hard work will eventually be rewarded! It is worth all these years of sacrifice and hard work. I can sit with these people!

After seeing the peerless genius early, Beigong Ke was humble after all, and did not let himself float too high.

He subconsciously prepared to sit down at the last seat, but the elegant and graceful Chong Xuanzun and the unparalleled cavalryman Wang Yiwu had already occupied that seat. Friends were chatting happily, so it would be bad to be inconsiderate to get close to them. So he turned left and sat alone at "31".

"31" was not a particularly comfortable seat, because the "33" one seat away was the Seven Killers Lu Shuanghe.

As a "poor student" in this heavenly palace, he did not have many choices, so he could only sit down, sitting upright, not looking sideways.

Lu Shuanghe sat there, expressionless, and even his hair did not move.

Maybe because he had been doing it for too long, Beigong Ke felt his scalp itchy for some reason, but he did not dare to scratch it, for fear of disturbing the big shot next to him.

But the more he did not dare to scratch it, the more itchy he felt... It was a mental barrier!

The empty cushion next to him was like an empty world. It was very empty and cold, as if there was always a cool breeze blowing, which made his spine cold.

Should I say hello to Master Lu?

What if he doesn't respond?

It's fine if he doesn't respond, but what if he's annoying?

Come on, someone, sit down!

Beigong Ke, who was highly respected in Yong State and regarded as the core of the next generation, finally turned around after several considerations and planned to have a brief chat with Master Lu.

A short-haired woman wearing riding boots, a battle suit, and a bright black complexion occupied his sight and sat down at "San Er".

Someone is here!

The gap between him and Lu Shuanghe was finally filled.

But Beigong Ke not only didn't breathe a sigh of relief, but his forehead tightened and he became more and more uncomfortable--

Others might not recognize this Mo Xian who rarely appeared, but how could he, the first prodigy of Yong State, not recognize Mi Yi?

One of the attendees of the "Shangtong" meeting, an undoubted core senior of the Mo family!

The Mohist battle suits of this era are basically designed under her leadership.

She is also a strong person who believes that "overcorrection is necessary".

When he came, Beigong Ke was still thinking that She Disheng defected, Mo Jingyu died, Xi Xiangyi was expelled, and Xi Ming followed him... If someone from the Mohist wanted to come to Chaowendao Palace to seek the truth, who would it be? There seemed to be no one left in the younger generation. People like Mo Wenqin could barely be considered geniuses, but they were not as good as him.

It was so difficult for him to pass the assessment and he was almost eliminated. Mo Wenqin would definitely not pass.

But he did not expect that the person who came was a Mohist master of Mi Yi's level.

However, since Lu Shuanghe was here, Mi Yi was nothing. With Jiang Zhenjun's current cultivation, it was more than enough to guide her.

The problem was... Mi Yi was sitting next to him.

The relationship between Yong State and Mohist School is very delicate now.

Yong State regards Mohism as its national learning, so it has the support of Mohist School and is also going further and further on the road of improving people's livelihood with mechanical technology. Correspondingly, the Mohist School's voice in Yong State is also constantly expanding.

Currently, Yong State is not taking the path of external expansion, but of self-reliance.

Regarding whether to participate deeply in the national system, the Mohist School's attitude is not absolute. The Mohist School's top leaders have a consensus of "wait and see", and they need to make a trade-off in the specific development of Yong State. So they participate in Yong State politics, but not too much.

None of the Mohist top leaders, such as Mi Yi, have entered Yong State.

There are only two ways to get in touch with the national system. The former is Taoism, which directly participates in the creation of the national system. The latter is like the Legalists, where disciples enter the officialdom and the holy land is isolated.

But Jucheng is still considering it. At the recent water control conference, Qi Maoxian represented Yong State, but there was a trend of moving closer to Taoism.

Yong Emperor Han Xu seemed to want to learn from the old Zhuang Chengqian, who wanted to play the trick of stepping on several boats.

Beigong Ke sat here, and he really didn't know how he would answer if Mi Yi came to ask for punishment-because the attitude of the Yong court was actually unclear. He couldn't speak.

Fortunately, after Mi Yi sat down, she just nodded to him and started chatting with Lu Shuanghe next to her.

Beigong Ke breathed a sigh of relief silently, and then raised his breath again.

Nan Dou Hall has always been in the Southern Region, and Jucheng has also been hovering in the Southern Region for a long time. These two real people must know each other.

But today, it seems that they are not only acquainted, but also very familiar with each other?

At least a cold person like Lu Shuanghe is willing to spend time chatting with Mi Yi.

Beigong Ke's mind was full of thoughts, and suddenly a thought came to him-Is it possible for Lu Shuanghe to join Jucheng?

This not only affects the situation in the Southern Region, but also has a very important consideration for the decision-making of Yongguo.

A top real person like Lu Shuanghe is bound to be able to prove his Dao. The only thing that needs to be considered is how powerful a real lord he will become after proving his Dao.

Jiang Zhenjun is the strongest cave cultivator since the beginning of the world. He has proved the truth in the world with the most magnificent posture. The strength of such an accomplished Zhenjun can almost be defined as the limit of the newly promoted Zhenjun. In terms of performance, he met Yan Chunhui head-on and forced the selfless demon Yan Chunhui to change his way with the momentum. He even removed the title of demon. This shows that Jiang Zhenjun can at least escape from Yan Chunhui.

On the Guanhe Terrace, Jiang Zhenjun dared to draw his sword against Ying Jianghong. If the situation is removed, does it mean that he is at least sure to take the sword of Nan Tianshi?

Beigong Ke usually likes to discuss the ranking of the strength of the world's strong, and privately imitated the demon world Mi Zhiben to make a list. Therefore, he has a deep understanding of the weight of these people present in the Heavenly Palace today.

Taking Jiang Zhenjun as the benchmark for the newly promoted Zhenjun, Lu Shuanghe will probably be slightly weaker?

That is also enough to stir up the world's wind and cloud!

People who enter the Chaowendao Heavenly Palace have a sense of coming one after another.

As soon as Yuan Ye arrived, people from other countries followed suit.

As soon as Mi Yi arrived, the geniuses of the sect system came in an endless stream.

Mo Ci from Qingya Academy, Ji Li from Mugu Academy, Yi Tang from Renxin Pavilion, Xie Junmeng from Dongwang Valley, Fu Yanqing from Yanggu, Ye Laner from Sanfenxiang Tower, Zhuo Qingru from Sanxing Palace...

One after another, they gradually dispelled the emptiness of the Hall of Discussion.

Ye Laner sat in the [Fifth], which was the last empty seat in the first row, without hesitation.

The rest of the people sat casually, basically sitting wherever there was an empty seat.

Of course, Zhuo Qingru must have squeezed forward to record the first-hand information. But she came late, and there was no empty seat in the first row, so she could only hesitate in a few empty seats in the second row.

This hesitation was signaled by Ju Kui's eyes.

"Ah, Master Ju, you are here too." Zhuo Qingru acted surprised and shyly sat down next to Ju Kui, ranked as [eighth].

"How fresh! I am still a member of Taixu Pavilion!" Ju Kui said coldly.

"Even the nine-grid illusion was designed by him." Zhong Xuanyin added faintly on the side.

"Haha, I almost forgot!" Zhuo Qingru didn't know why she was laughing.

Like all young people who respect their strict elders, she sat uncomfortably and looked around to ease the embarrassment. In a blink of an eye, she saw Zhong Xuanyin next to Master, who was using a pen as a knife and writing non-stop.

Her eyes lit up: "Mr. Zhong! What are you recording?"

Zhong Xuanyin looked at her strangely. This disciple of the Legalist School was more curious about the first-hand news than a historian. He casually raised the bamboo slips in his hand and let her take a look: "Here, very simple information."

Zhuo Qingru looked at it and found that there was nothing interesting. He was a little disappointed, but he still showed interest: "Even my seat is recorded?"

The historical significance of Chaowendao Palace is absolutely extraordinary. Every word left today will be repeatedly looked at in the future. Zhong Xuanyin has such a clear judgment, but as a historian, he does not judge. He just smiled: "Records are so boring."

Zhuo Qingru pursed his lips regretfully: "You can polish it a little."

"Then it won't be a formal history." Zhong Xuanyin took back the bamboo slips, picked up the knife and pen and continued to write. He carefully recorded the names and seats of every person who came in.

Zhuo Qingru also wanted to write something after seeing it - this trip to the palace was the right one. Just a glance just now showed that there were many details worth exploring.

The Chaowendao Palace opened its doors, and all parties came to seek the truth.

Even Xie Junmeng from Dongwang Valley, who had fought with Jiang Wang, came. Yanggu, who had never asked about the affairs of Shenlu and recently ignored the affairs of the island, also came to Fu Yanqing, an old comrade of Jiang Wang. Zhu Biqiong, Jiang Zhenjun's best friend on the sea, did not come.

Maybe it was because of Diaohailou's seclusion, or Zhu Biqiong was busy with her own affairs.

Ning Shuangrong from Jian Pavilion also came. It's just that the Wanxiang Sword Master of the same clan was a horizontal nine grids, but she took the assessment seriously and passed it all the way, so there was an order of priority.

In principle, it is enough for a force to send one seeker of the Tao, and there is no reason for the whole family to go out.

But in the words of Pavilion Master Si - Wanxiang Sword Master is one generation, Ning Shuangrong is another generation, how can they be mixed up?

If it weren't for a little bit of self-esteem, Pavilion Master Si would have wanted to come in person - didn't Jiang learn too little in Jian Pavilion? You are also a Zhenjun, and I am also a Zhenjun. I taught you at the beginning. What's wrong with learning it back?

You have me, I have you, the great way is accomplished. If the Heaven and Earth Sword Box only contains one's own sword, how can it be so extensive and rich?

The sword arts of the world are originally one family, and this family is called [Jian Pavilion].

Ning Shuangrong herself actually wanted to come and didn't want to come, and was quite entangled, but when the Pavilion Master Si pushed her, she came. But she didn't squeeze forward, and sat quietly next to the Wanxiang Sword Master, sitting in "Shi Si".

Let's ask the way! Just like asking the sword in the old days.

Seeing that everyone sat down one by one, there were not many empty seats, and Jiang Wang, who was sitting there, glanced at Ju Kui.

The question in his eyes was very clear-Is there anyone else coming?

At this moment, most of the examinees have been eliminated, and the remaining people are basically stuck in the nine-grid illusion. There are a few who are steady and have a chance to pass, but time is not enough-

The nine grids designed by Ju Kui are more focused on talent rather than strength. The assessments of different realms are different, and basically they have to force the examinees to their limits. Time is also an important test question.

It's not that there are so few geniuses in the world that only so many people can pass the nine grids. The main reason is that talents are concentrated in big countries and major clans, and the forces of the world, once one comes, it is unlikely that the second one will come.

Like Wang Yiwu and Ji Zhaonan coming at the same time, it is a special case. Wang Yiwu's path is destined to meet Jiang Wang before he opens the door to the cave.

As for the Wanxiang Sword Master and Ning Shuangrong-the Pavilion Master Si, they are also quite special.

Ju Kui seriously inspected the "Nine Grids of God's Landing" again, and gave Jiang Wang a negative look with certainty.

But as soon as this look came out, the gate of the Heavenly Palace quietly opened, not giving Ju Kui face at all-

Standing at the door was a little boy in brocade clothes, who looked exquisite and noble. He stood there straight. A pair of black eyes were curiously looking at the people in the hall.

As serious as Ju Kui was, he was shocked for a moment.

Because of the nine-grid illusion below the level of God's Landing, he had not had time to adjust the difficulty.

In other words, the child who walked into the Chaowendao Palace at this moment had passed the assessment of the same level as the Taixu Pavilion members.

He quickly retrieved the illusion record of this little boy and found that he had not made a single mistake during the entire assessment process, and he advanced very quickly. No matter how difficult the problem was, he almost did not think about it - the performance of Chongxuanzun level.

Undoubtedly the choice of the genius, the peerless appearance!

All kinds of eyes in the entire Chaowendao Palace fell on this little boy.

He was a little shy and subconsciously took a half step back, but then he thought of something and stood still bravely. He bravely looked at the seniors in the hall, and when he turned his eyes, he saw Jiang Wang. The expectation, strangeness, and nervousness on his little face suddenly turned into surprise. Smiling brightly, he waved hard: "Uncle Jiang!"

The celestial Dharma image was very indifferent, and it was not happy or unhappy. There was a guess in his heart, but he was not sure, after all, he hadn't seen it for several years: "You are..."

"I am Xuan Jing, Uncle Jiang!" The little boy was lively and bright, generous and decent, and very likable: "Don't you remember? You held me when I was a child!"

"Oh!" He laughed again: "I came to the Heavenly Palace today to seek the Tao, so I shouldn't make friends with relatives."

As he said, he bowed slightly, cupped his hands, and saluted like a little adult: "Sir!"

Looking at this bright and lovely little genius, for a moment, Jiang Wang, who was already thirty years old, had a fleeting trance in his heart.

Bao Bozhao, who was handsome and talented, died unclearly on the battlefield of Qixia.

Bao Zhongqing, who was as talented as his brother and far more ruthless, died unclearly at the hands of Zhang Linchuan.

And Bao Zhongqing's son, Bao Xuanjing, who was eight and a half years old this year, grew up quietly.

He has such a talent.

The old talents are no longer popular, and a new generation replaces the old ones!

Eight-and-a-half-year-old Bao Xuanjing has already entered Chaowendao Heavenly Palace.

What was I doing when I was eight and a half?

Jiang Wang asked himself.

At that time, I was already on the path of seeking the truth.

I have set a goal to move forward, to transcend ordinary life and take an extraordinary path.

To enter the world of cultivation of Zongjian Qingming, ask whether that push by the Fengxi River was appropriate.

But he had never gone as far as Bao Xuanjing. At that time, there was no Chao Wen Dao Tiangong, no Taixu Xuanzhang, and no Taixu Public School.

At that time, Taixu Illusion had been established and was spreading throughout the world, but I was far from qualified to touch it.

That year, the little boy named Jiang Wang was still working hard to get admitted to the outer gate of Maplewood City Taoist Temple. He still had to work hard for several years - he was already the son of a small town drug dealer, and he was the best person he could come into contact with. A vast fairy road.

This magnificent Heavenly Palace of Chaowen Dao originated from such a narrow beginning.

What Jiang Wang saw at this moment was a peerless genius who was definitely different from himself, but what he saw was just the beginning of another journey of finding a way out.

He was happy for Uncle Shuo.

The little Bao Xuanjing, bright, cute, smart and polite, bowed at the door.

The majestic celestial being, sitting on the top futon, showed a relieved smile: "You don't have to call me sir, today I will sit across from you to discuss Taoism, just call me fellow Taoist!"

"Great! I am Mr. Jiang's little Taoist friend!" Bao Xuanjing smiled happily and said, "My mother will be proud of me when I go back, and my grandpa will also be happy to drink one more glass of wine!"

There are many smiles in the palace.

The joy of human pups is so abundant and contagious!

The gods and humans also showed rare gentleness: "My little fellow Taoist, please take a seat."

"Are you Bao Zhongqing's child?" Wang Yiwu asked in surprise.

Speaking of which, since he was expelled from Linzi, he rarely returned to Qidu, even if the ban was later lifted. Even if he went back by chance, it would be just to play with Chong Xuanzun, or go straight back to the Grand Marshal's Mansion. But there was little chance to meet Bao Xuanjing.

But he still heard about the "little champion" and "little grace" that have been rumored in recent years——

He didn't think so. There are too many "little beauties" in Qi!

In what year should there not be ten or eight? There is no other person who can really go to the back and achieve greatness all the way.

Natural Tao meridians are rare, and they are becoming increasingly rare.

But the great thing is never the innate Taoist lineage, but the Chongxuanzun!

When I saw him today, Bao Xuanjing could easily break through the nine-frame illusion and walk into Chaowendao Heavenly Palace. He really looked like a young Zhongxuanzun!

However, Zhongxuanzun was much more proud when he was a child. He was a man of few words, but he got to the point when he opened his mouth. But he is not as lively and talkative as Bao Xuanjing.

"You are talking about my father! He is a direct descendant of the Bao family, and his name is Zhongqing." Bao Xuanjing bowed to Wang Yiwu and said obediently: "Hello, uncle Yiwu, I have heard your grandpa talk about your heroic appearance in the demon world, and I admire you very much. You. The cavalry rushes into battle, attacks thousands of miles, kills generals and seizes flags, it is unstoppable - the son of a general should be like this!"

He was not sad when he mentioned his late father, but was very proud.

Because his father died to protect the human hero Jiang Wang and fight against the evil cult. Die with honor, die with weight.

When he praised Wang Yiwu, he was even more presentable and not perfunctory. It was obvious that he was speaking from the bottom of his heart.

This kid is really interesting. Wang Yiwu, who was serious about his words, also became interested and raised his eyebrows: "Do you recognize me?"

"Who doesn't know General Wang Yiwu who is unparalleled in cavalry and combat?"

Bao Xuanjing spoke passionately like he was reciting a script, stuck out his tongue, and said honestly: "Actually, I guessed it. The Champion is sitting next to you, and I knew it was you as soon as I guessed it."

He waved his hands again and again: "Sorry, I said the wrong thing, it's the former champion."

The portraits of the former Marquis of Wu'an and the former Marquis of Champions are still posted in the homes of many Qi people as a way to ward off evil and pray for blessings. It is very normal for Qi people to recognize these two.

"Yes." Wang Yiwu was noncommittal.

Bao Xuanjing could only continue to confess: "Then let me tell the truth. The reason why I guessed it was you is because your face shape is very special——"

He opened his little hands, moved them up and down, and spread them apart hard.

"Hahahahaha——" The armored man sitting in the front row laughed happily.

Chongxuan Zun also smiled.

Chao Wen Dao Heavenly Palace was filled with cheerful laughter.

Wang Yiwu spread his hands and said in a helpless tone: "Okay."

Bao Xuanjing put his hands together, bowed greatly, and said sincerely: "I'm sorry for the offense, please forgive me!"

"Hey, get up - get up quickly." Wang Yiwu lifted him up casually and couldn't help laughing: "How can you offend me with such innocence?"

No wonder Uncle Shuo was so nervous about this child. He was extremely talented, well-behaved, sensible, bright and cute. What elder could not love him?

The Bao family is booming!

This chapter is 6k+, of which 2k is to make up for the leave taken from the last Huangshan Conference (1/2)

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