Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2388 Life's Puppet Journey

[Taixu Public School] It is not necessary for Jiang Wang to propose it.

If no one mentioned it, Jiang Wang could be the one to speak.

But since Qin Zhizhen has also thought of this direction and has thought carefully about it, it is most appropriate to leave it to him.

It doesn’t matter who thought of it first, it’s who can advance this matter better that matters.

If Qin Zhizhen promotes it, Qin will not be an obstacle.

Qin took the lead in supporting Taixu Public School, and other hegemons had no reason to continue to imprison it, because the gap between the hegemony and the hegemony had been torn open.

Ji Gui can understand the reason for Jiang Wang's praise. If he hadn't been more dignified because of his age and was used to being serious, he would have been more explicit than Jiang Wang in filming. For the ideal in your heart, why say color?

"Qin cabinet member Zhennai..." He paused for a moment and said, "A man of prudent talent!"

Boom boom boom!

There was a thundering roar in Taixu Magatama, as if there was an earth-shattering battle taking place. Dou Zhao's voice rang out in the roar, very clear and steady: "That's it."

The sword rang out and the connection was severed.

You could say he was busy, he responded to Taixu Magatama's connection. You said he was free, but he cut off the conversation after just one sentence.

I don’t know where he is or who he is killing.

"Minister Qin's idea is excellent." Zhongxuan Zun seemed to have just woken up, his voice was still a little lazy, and he floated gently through Taixu magatama: "I only have one question - you said to let Xu Ling do the teaching , Void spirits... are you willing?"

The so-called virtual spirit is not a puppet creation, a marionette. But the living Taixu disciples were filled into the Taixu illusion.

Constrained by the Iron Rule of Taixu, they cannot do anything to harm the world. But this doesn't mean that they really don't hold hatred. Hatred is allowed to exist only if it is harmless.

They are actively working in an illusionary realm, which does not mean they are willing to contribute anything to this world.

Maintaining Taixu Illusion is maintaining the environment in which they live. Taixu Public School is a special matter.

Qin Zhizhen carefully considered his words: "Follow your own will. The virtual spirits also have their own social order, just like our life in this world. Those who are willing to be butchers will be butchers, and those who are willing to be teachers will be teachers. This is just to provide them with a social role." Choose. In addition, Taixu Public School will also recruit Taixu Walkers to participate in teaching, and the payment can be classified as a long-term Taixu Scroll mission."

"You are very thoughtful, I have no problem." Zhong Xuanzun's voice did not come from Taixu magatama, but sounded at the palace door.

Everyone looked back.

But I saw that he was wearing a single coat casually, and his long hair hung straight down his shoulders. His eyes were like cold stars, hanging brightly in the sky, but they also seemed like the morning dew had not dispersed, with a hint of confusion.

As if being awakened by Taixu Magatama, he chatted casually and walked over by the way.

The various assessments set by Ju Gui were just a bunch of clearly visible answers in front of him, and it was difficult to make mistakes even if he wanted to.

"What's the problem?" The armored man sitting in the first place turned around and looked at Zhong Xuanzun who suddenly arrived and spoke suddenly. He was stunned and suddenly understood something: "Okay! You secretly passed on Sound, right?"

He stood up suddenly, and although he had the voice of a drake, his voice was also very sad and angry: "Have you already started?!"

Let’s just say that someone named Jiang might have something to offer!

It is really unreasonable for these Taixu cabinet members to work together to make up for small lessons in private!

He felt very uncomfortable when he thought that Dou Zhao, who had not shown up, was probably quietly listening to the class somewhere.

Dog thief!

What do you mean by "Why should I ask others for my way!"

Co-authorship is a cover-up.

What about fairness?

You have privileges! Don't take me with you!

"We have a temporary meeting. An internal meeting of Taixu Pavilion." Ju Gui explained seriously, then looked at Zhongxuan Zun: "Why did the Chongxuan Pavilion member suddenly come?"

Chong Xuanzun smiled faintly: "I'm in a good mood, so I stopped by to take a look."

He said this, but he didn't move. Just turning slightly sideways, as if waiting for something——

A military boot stepped into the palace at this moment.

There seemed to be a bleak west wind, blowing up the broken flags and smashing through the palace door.

Even the statues of gods and humans, who were as quiet as sculptures, looked at him in surprise.

Wang Yiwu, who was extremely tall and tall, dressed in military uniform, walked in tall and straight. The blood in his body was still there, as if he had just withdrawn from a battlefield.

He saw Zhong Xuanzun at a glance, and his strong murderous aura instantly dissipated, and his stern face was very happy: "I was just thinking about whether you would come. Could you have already come?"

Chongxuan Zun slightly raised his lips, said nothing, strolled casually, and sat down on the last futon.

Wang Yiwu went to the demon world battlefield during this period, and led three thousand Tianfu troops, one man and three horses, running along the long border of the Civilization Basin, constantly fighting and tempering. In seven battles in nine days, he tore through five lines of defense in a row before being bitten by the demon clan's powerful force.

After that, together with Lin Shiyu, who was currently the number one new king in the demon world, and his centipede army, they went back and forth in Shiwan Mountain, stalking and killing him for more than seven months.

The centipede army was the flag set up after the bloody battle of centipede, and its commander was the sky demon centipunshou.

Compared with most of the powerful monster armies that are inherited by blood and clan, the Centipede Army, as an elite army built by Emperor Yuan Xi at that time, does not pay attention to clan, only talent, and promotes those who can fight and dare in an eclectic way. A warrior. Although Yuan Xi died, the military style still existed. Therefore, Lin Shiyu was able to become the top general of the Shuling Army and was trained as the successor of Shun Chunshou.

Lin Shiyu's ability to use troops is second to none among the younger generation in the demon world. Not only is he capable of commanding a large-scale battle, but he is also the best choice for small-scale charge and fighting in front of the battle. He can lead a cavalry and test the swords of the human race.

And the cavalry charge is exactly what Wang Yiwu is good at. Small-scale tactical insertion is unparalleled in the world.

In this wonderful cavalry entanglement, Wang Yiwu and Lin Shiyu both contributed their dazzling talents. The two sides fought for life and death on the front line of the two races, and I don't know how many battlefields they affected along the way.

In peacetime, the title of famous generals would have been won.

It was just that Jiang Wangzhu witnessed me, and his sword crossed the peak of the world, making the heavens pale, which made them not so dazzling.

So it was not sung.

But Chong Xuanzun naturally knew it deeply.

The weight of this battle is clearly visible. Wang Yiwu, who returned to the world today, was already outside the Dongzhen Gate.

He came to Chaowendao Palace today to "get rid of the old feelings" - Jiang Wang won the duel with him, and then he became famous in Linzi and known to the world. He rode away from the crowd and finally reached the top of the mountain.

After receiving Wang Yiwu's letter that he would "return soon", he knew that Wang Yiwu would come to Chaowendao Palace, so he went ahead and waited for him here.

"Azun, speaking of which, when I came back, I went to Yuemi by the way-" Wang Yiwu ignored the people in the hall, even Jiang Wang, who he came to seek the Tao, and reached out to touch the gift he brought back from the demon world, and spoke casually.

A hand stretched out from behind and patted his shoulder: "Now that you are here, sit down quickly."

Ji Zhaonan, in silver armor and white robe, rushed in with unparalleled determination.

The demon world has always been his main battlefield, guarding it all year round and refusing to move easily. He only went to Yuyuan and the maze world occasionally, usually when he returned to the world to rest.

Wang Yiwu and the cavalry of the lion master Yu were entangled and killed behind him. He was worried about the safety of his junior brother, so he also ran in the Ten Thousand Mountains with a gun and fought with many real demons.

So this time they came back together.

Wang Yiwu closed his mouth.

The Grand Marshal's Office of the State Defense was governed by military law, and the words of the senior brother must be listened to.

The steps were like rulers, and there were rules for walking. Just like this, he walked to the futon organized into "three fives" with an expressionless face and sat down very straight.

But after sitting down, he flipped his palm and threw a piece of blood jade in the shape of a crane into Chong Xuanzun's hand: "Little thing, play with it."

Chong Xuanzun gently turned the jade and smiled without saying a word.

The lingering sleepiness finally dissipated.

Huang Sheli reluctantly withdrew his gaze from Zhong Xuanzun's face, turned back, and saw that the celestial being probably didn't notice this side, so he whispered to Yu Zhen: "Do you know what Haitang Chunshui means?"

Yu Zhen looked at Jiang Wang in front of him: "I know."


Huang Sheli inexplicably felt that something was wrong.

Are we discussing the same person-Zhong Xuan Fenghua's beauty?

Good sister, why don't you look back at him and tell me?

Ji Zhaonan, who was incomparable in style, was wearing armor and carrying a gun, passing by Zhong Xuanzun and walked forward.

He had a clear goal at first, and saw the sixth seat in the first row, which happened to be the first from the right, and no one was sitting there yet.

But when he looked at the guy in the first seat from the left who was also wearing armor but covered his face tightly, he felt a little embarrassed-the left and right were both wearing armor, which looked very symmetrical, and I didn't know if they were in the same group.

So he retreated a row and sat in "Shi Er".

Looking up at Jiang Wang in front of him, he could not help but feel a little emotional.

Speaking of which, when he was on the Guanhe Terrace, watching the Sword Immortal defeat the King of Hell, he had some expectations in his heart -

Thinking that Jiang Wang's inner palace had defeated Wang Yiwu, if he could defeat Ji Zhaonan when the God came to the realm, it would be very interesting to get the title of "Military God's Disciple Nemesis".

At that time, even if he had high expectations, he never thought that Jiang Wang could compete with his senior brother Chen Zeqing. He felt that although Jiang Wang was wonderful, he was only as good as himself, not to mention that he could compare with the original owner of Shaohua Spear.

And now...

If Jiang Wang wants to find another opponent, he can only face his master directly.

Time flies, and everyone is moving forward.

Some people stay in the past forever.

At this time, there was a crisp sound, which was the sound of jade colliding with jade. There was no rhythm, but it was like a movement.

The gate of the Heavenly Palace opened again, and a young man in a sacrificial robe walked in - not Cang Ming.

He has a handsome face, which he does not cover up. He wears a circle of gilded jade rings on his head, and his long hair falls naturally.

The decoration of his robe is also very simple, not as gorgeous and complicated as the Cangtu God robe.

There are two simple embroidered strokes on the corner of the robe, like drifting clouds, against the water.

This is... the robe of the Yuantian God Temple.

The two pieces of jade he wears around his waist are both jades representing the temple. One is green, and the other is white. When walking, they naturally clash.

Jiang Wang knows this person who is visiting the Chaowendao Palace at this moment.

They met once in the peaceful and quiet Heguo.

That was when Jiang Wang's cultivation was still very low.

They had a brief confrontation back then, and their momentum was equal. In the end, they did not fight, and laughed it off.

It is really surprising that they can still meet today, and meet in the Chaowendao Palace.

Because in these years, there are not many people who can keep up with Jiang Wang's footsteps. Those who were not too far behind Jiang Wang were already very remarkable, and all of them were well-known names. This person named "Yuan Ye" was not one of them.

"The country has never been locked." At this time, Ju Kui stood up and turned around, and the white lightning pattern on his forehead flickered gently: "What are you doing here?"

He was so serious that it was frightening, and the majesty of the law was naturally revealed.

Laws govern the world, and there is no restriction on humans or ghosts. Gods are also subject to the law!

The lightning shape on his forehead is the embodiment of the law, and the punishment of gods and ghosts is particularly profound.

When the evil gods were rampant, the main force to kill gods and ghosts was not only the Taoists, but also the Legalists.

Including the people in the officialdom now, even if their cultivation is abolished, as long as they are officials, they can enforce the law with their officials, and gods and ghosts will avoid them.

In this era, there are only two gods in the world standing on the stage to establish the kingdom of gods on earth.

One is Cangtu God, and the other is Yuantian God.

Compared with the supreme divine light of Cangtu God covering the grassland and looking at the world, Yuantian God is so low-key that he seems like a Mao God, and many people don't know Him.

Just like Heguo has been quietly guarding the Tianma Plain for many years, never fighting with the world, so that people often ignore the existence of this country.

But today, Yuanye, the "son of God's destiny" of Heguo, came to Chaowendao Palace.


Chaowendao Palace is the most important thing for Taixu Pavilion this year, and it will definitely have a far-reaching impact on the entire history of Taixu Pavilion.

Jukui has a sharp eye for law, and he can see that Yuanye is abnormal, so he has to ask this question.

It would be fine if Heguo guarded Tianma Plain well, but if he had some thoughts that he shouldn't have, Sanxing Palace might have to clarify the law again. So that the world knows why the mythological era is like smoke!

Yuanye didn't look at Jukui, his eyes passed over the legalist, and only looked at the celestial Dharma image sitting there with a calm face.

The golden and silver pupils, the sun and moon seals, are really like gods.

"I came to the Heavenly Palace today to seek the Tao, just like you all." Yuan Ye stood at the door, not in a hurry, with a kind of superior calmness: "If Jiang Zhenjun does not welcome me, Yuan Mou can turn around and leave."

The Heavenly Man Dharma Image looked at him quietly for a while.

Like the wind blowing through the willow branches, life sometimes hastily parted ways. At that time, the two people who met and separated in the Three Fragrances Building in Heguo probably did not expect that their future lives would be so different.

To be honest, with Yuan Ye's cultivation and talent, it was not easy to meet again.

Therefore, seeing that they have achieved something and met again after crossing thousands of mountains, this should be a happy thing. Even if they have no friendship, it is fate to travel in life.

But he withered.

The son of God's destiny is pitiful.

"There are thousands of great ways, and the way of God is among them." The Heavenly Man Dharma Image just said indifferently: "Daoyou, please take a seat."

Ju Kui has been watching Yuan Ye.

It can be said that everyone who appeared in the Chaowendao Palace today is a well-known figure, and they all know each other roughly. Even if they have never met, they have heard of each other's reputation.

Only this wilderness is really unfamiliar.

But he walked calmly in the hall, just like he walked in the temple of Yuantian God, and he didn't feel that he was an unknown person at all.

He kept walking forward, passing by Chongxuanzun, passing by Ji Zhaonan, and walked to the position that Ji Zhaonan liked but didn't sit down, and sat down.

He sat down, silent, hiding his light and color.

Just like the country beside Tianmayuan.

Just like Yuantian God is obviously a living god, with the honorable position that Baigu Zun God desires but cannot get, but he is so silent.

Is he unwilling?

Thanks to the book friend "Xuanyuan Blood" for becoming the leader of this book! It is regarded as the 813th alliance of the Red Heart Sky Patrol!

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