Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2390: There is no Dragon Palace Banquet in the world, how can there be as many guests as in

Everyone said that Wang Yiwu was strict, cold and inhumane, yet he was still laughing now.

Children are so good and harmless in every way.

Bao Xuanjing straightened up, thanked General Wang for his magnanimity, saluted Chongxuan again, and saluted Ji Zhaonan: "Young boy from the Bao family, I have seen Chongxuan's cabinet members and General Ji! Grandpa said, don't be insulted when you go out. Guosheng, Xuanjing is young and not very sensible, so he must have done something wrong. Elders, please take care of him!"

The children's voice is clear and crisp, like ringing a ring, which is a pleasure to listen to.

He clasped his fists again and raised his hands in a circle: "There are also uncles, aunts, grandfathers and seniors who cannot be called by name. I will not bow to you one by one. We will get to know each other in the future!"

Full of energy! Young and ambitious!

Isn't this a once-in-a-lifetime protagonist who appears in history books?

Zhong Xuanyin loved heroic poems very much and couldn't help but said: "Little Taoist friend Bao Xuanyin, where do you want to sit?"

Bao Xuanjing resumed the tone of reciting the text, and said seriously: "Grandpa said that men should have high aspirations and always strive for the top. I will follow suit."

He clenched his small fists, walked through the sitting crowd, and walked forward seriously. It was obvious that he was a little nervous, but he still bravely walked to the front. The first row was full, and he sat in the second row. the first position.

The armored and masked weirdo sitting in the first row looked back at him and said in the tone of someone who had come before: "Grandpa said, grandpa said, one after another. Boy, I think you also have some talent, not inferior to me back then, how can you be a genius?" "Baby baby?"

Bao Xuanjing said very seriously: "I am your mother, I want to listen to what my grandfather says, and I want to listen even more to what my mother says!"

When an adult's teasing and teasing is taken seriously by a child, he doesn't know how to continue.

Why doesn't this little kid play his cards according to common sense?

Back then, when I called someone "Tai Nai Bao", I was chased for seven streets.

My mother, Xipi, was so young back then! The physical strength is really good!

"That's fine, that's fine." The armored weirdo stroked his beard through his visor, pretending to be a wise man with a long beard.

Xiao Xuanjing tilted her head and looked at him: "Uncle, why don't you show your true colors to others?"

The armored weirdo said: "I have a pure heart of seeking truth, and I just want to get along with you as an ordinary person."

How big of a face do you have to be able to talk about "the status of an ordinary person" in the Chaowen Daotian Palace where top geniuses gather?

Xiao Xuanjing was in awe and asked: "Uncommon uncle, didn't you listen to your elders when you were a child?"

The man in armor raised his armor and said, "A certain person has always had his own opinion."

Xiao Xuanjing said "Oh" and asked again: "Uncle, why are you holding your voice when speaking?"

The armored man was unhappy: "You're talking nonsense, this is my original voice, isn't it natural?"

"Sounds like a duck." Bao Xuanjing said honestly.

"This is a place for class and seeking enlightenment, not a place for chatting. Be quiet." The armored man turned his head and stopped talking. This little butt is not cute at all. If we meet him in another place, he will be spanked hard.

Bao Xuanjing of the Bao family of Qi State is eight and a half years old this year. I have written it down.

Bao Xuanjing is not the only child who has entered Chaowendao Heavenly Palace. In other words, although he has completely adapted to the world and begun to show talents, he will never show talents that have not yet appeared in this world.

To break common sense is to welcome suspicion.

Although he believed that no one could see through his origins, he still needed a period of less attention to grow unscrupulously.

After a long period of time, he finally won this mortal body. After ten months of growth, he was born into the world and became a fully human race recognized by the will of the mortal world. No matter how you trace it back, there is no problem. From destiny to body to soul, it is the same no matter who checks it.

During the period when I was just born, my childish body was unable to tolerate transcendent knowledge, which affected my body and soul. I was not very stable, and sometimes I couldn't even control my emotions. I would often fall asleep after thinking for a while, so that I would often have interruptions. This is the reason why many of his plans only have a beginning - it is enough to have a beginning, and when they gradually grow, they can naturally pick up things slowly.

During that time, he tried his best to avoid encounters with powerful people in Yan Dao, and would also take the initiative to avoid overly smart people, such as Bowang Hou Zhongxuan Sheng.

But after eight and a half years, he has completely adapted to his new body and has truly begun Bao Xuanjing's life.

It is no exaggeration to say that he can now walk to Ziji Palace.

Because he is really a person.

He is truly a descendant of the Bao family and a native of Linzi, Qi State.

Even if he had the means to reach the heaven and the earth all the way back to the source sea, he would not have any problem.

The only thing that may cause problems is his behavior - whether what he does will exceed his identity as "Bao Xuanjing".

He was very cautious this time and did not pick up the threads he had buried for a long time, trying to make everything natural. Laugh naturally, happen naturally.

Because he can no longer lose.

Netherworld gods have almost eternal life, at least as long as the Netherworld world. A short-term failure is actually a necessary move in a long life.

It was different now. He had bet all possibilities on this life.

He is ready.

He even dared to meet the Emperor of Qi and allowed himself to be scrutinized by all the civil and military officials of Qi. Of course, he was not afraid to come to the Heavenly Palace to hear about it.

If Zhongxuanzun is the pinnacle of talent in the contemporary human race, then he will only be at this level.

In addition, he is an eight-and-a-half-year-old noble son with the proper education.

The second boy who walked into the Chaowendao Palace was a little older.

He wore a suit of armor that was armed to the extreme, lined with brocade and cotton, and covered with a black robe. He had a spear helmet under his armpit, a sword on his waist, a bow on his back, a quiver hanging on the right side of his thigh within reach, and a short spike on his left leggings - this boy should be familiar with all kinds of martial arts.

His facial features were immature, but he was very brave.

He was polite and looked around vigilantly: "Excuse me - can you sit anywhere?"

"Of course, there is no order of strength or status here, only first come first served, sit wherever there is an empty seat, sit wherever you want." The celestial being looked at him: "This little Taoist friend, I don't know your name, how old are you?"

The armored boy was quite cold: "Gong Weizhang, twelve years old this year."

It turned out that this was Gong Xiyan's illegitimate son!

Xie Ai took a steady look at the boy, who looked quite different from the governor Hongwu, and his temperament was especially different.

Li is definitely the country that cares most about the genius of Jing on the field, even though Jing has already made every effort to prepare for the battle against Shenxiao and has reached a tacit understanding of peace with Li - what about after Shenxiao?

The "now flower" of the Sanshenglanyin flower gave birth to a peak Ning Daoru.

This experience of incarnation is not wonderful for Xie Ai, but how to say it - looking back at the disaster, it is also a scene.

When everything is settled, she has truly gained the experience of a peak strong man controlling the body of Tao, and truly felt the feelings of a peak strong man.

The potential of this body has also blossomed to the most brilliant posture because of the blooming of the Sanshenglanyin flower.

The divine presence is achieved in one fell swoop, and the cave truth is also in front of us.

It's just that sometimes, Xie Ai doesn't quite understand what she is thinking.

Or rather, she always subconsciously thinks about the life Xie Ai has experienced in the way of the "Winter Emperor" transformed by Ning Daoru. And forget how the real Xie Ai would think about these things.

This confusion rooted in the "self" and planted by the Sanshenglan flower is the most difficult hurdle for her to move towards the truth, and it also makes her feel fragile and confused all the time.

The twelve-year-old Gong Weizhang made her subconsciously compare the young genius raised by the Snow Country with all the country's efforts.

The country is indeed strong in all aspects, just as the master expected.

But she often feels strange. The feeling is hard to describe, like a lonely return to an era that does not belong to her.

The word "Li" is of course more majestic, but she always says it is the Snow Country.

It is already clear, why is the heart like a floating duckweed?

When Xie Ai looked at Gong Weizhang, Huang Sheli was looking at Xie Ai. The sadness of the beauty, I feel pity. She likes beautiful things, beauty is fleeting and knows the preciousness of time. The past cannot be pursued, and it is also a journey. Xie Ai, a beauty with a sense of fragmentation, is particularly attractive to her.

When the eyes moved away from Xie Ai's face and fell on Gong Weizhang's face, appreciation turned into scrutiny.

Speaking of which, it was the first time she saw Gong Weizhang.

Gong Xiyan hid his illegitimate son so well that the top nobles of Jing State knew about it later than Ying Jianghong.

The two father and son have very different faces. Gong Xiyan is too gentle, and Gong Weizhang is too "fierce". If he really returns to the mansion, I am afraid that the family will not be at peace.

Simply put... The eldest princess of Jing State can't tolerate any sand in her eyes. Gong Weizhang doesn't seem to be able to bear grievances, and Gong Xiyan may not be able to protect him.

The news that Gong Xiyan has an illegitimate child was exposed by Ying Jianghong at the water control conference and became known to the world.

Such news spreads faster than anything else. People may not know what Zhenhe Zhenjun said on the stage, but they have basically heard about how romantic Governor Hongwu is.

The people of Jing State generally reacted calmly and did not think there was anything wrong with Gong Xiyan. At most, they said that the people of Jing State have rich experience in finding illegitimate children!

Of course, it is unknown how the "lifelong love of cutting knives" Princess Zheyue reacted in private.

Anyway, Gong Xiyan has not attended the court since then, and has not been to the Hongwu Army camp. No one has seen him. No one dared to go to the mansion to see him.

I don’t know how many breaths he still has, or whether he is still alive.

The emperor also acted as if it didn’t matter that the Hongwu Army lost the deputy governor who actually controlled the army - how could he say anything, after all, he had been helping Gong Xiyan hide his own sister.

With Princess Zheyue’s character, she didn’t make a scene in the palace or tear the emperor’s robe, which shows that she was really angry.

But Gong Weizhang came to the Wendao Palace today. Was it his own idea or the emperor’s intention?

Both the former and the latter are very interesting.

When he was abroad, Huang Sheli would of course protect the countrymen, and even the beauties could be put aside for the time being: "Weizhang! Call me sister!"

She had to decide on the name first, so as not to be like that broken kid Bao Xuanjing, who called her "Auntie" right away.

Why not call her "Grandma"?

Auntie is also considered grandma!

Gong Weizhang probably didn't think about who to greet. After a pause, she simply said, "Sister Huang!"

Why is this address so awkward?

Huang Sheli wanted to make arrangements in a big sister style, but after thinking about it, this was Jiang Zhenjun's place, and it was not good to steal the show, so she waved her hand again: "Find a place to sit by yourself!"

Gong Weizhang didn't know what to be afraid of. He nodded, walked forward, and sat in the last empty seat in the second row, right between Zhong Xuanyin and Ji Zhaonan.

"Brother Gong, can you tell me about your experience? Where have you been training these years? You hid it well, and I didn't even know it." Zhong Xuanyin was very interested in the new generation of peerless geniuses. He talked to Bao Xuanjing and then to Gong Weizhang.

When a cone is in a bag, its tip is immediately visible.

Gong Weizhang is already twelve years old, and his brilliance cannot be hidden. Even if Ying Jianghong hadn't said that, he would have become famous.

Zhong Xuanyin was just trying to get close to him. If he wrote a biography of a genius in the future, he could write a sentence without leaving any trace - "Mr. Zhong saw his growth."

Gong Weizhang glanced at the old scholar next to him and asked, "What's your name?"

Zhong Xuanyin smiled confidently, "My surname is Zhong, and my name is Xuanyin."

Taixu Pavilion is at its peak, and it has a strong influence on the human torrent! Throughout the ages, no matter what kind of organization, it is not as famous as this pavilion. With the development of Taixu Fantasy, the construction of Taixu Public School will only become more and more important in the future. It is not an exaggeration to say that the general trend has been established. Although Zhong Xuanyin has always been low-key, this name can be said to be resounding throughout the Divine Continent.

He is ready to accept the admiration of the genius boy.

But Gong Weizhang had already turned back, looking straight ahead, and said only: "Mr. Zhong, I'm here for class. Not to chat."

Ju Kui looked at Zhong Xuanyin expressionlessly.

Zhong Xuanyin inscribed on the bamboo slips as if nothing had happened - Gong Weizhang, taciturn.

Strictly speaking, the difficulty of the nine-grid assessment designed by Ju Kui is not unreasonable - according to the current idea, based on Taixu Public School, Chaowendaotian Palace is only a higher education institution. Then only the truly strong ones are allowed to come in, and only the peerless geniuses are allowed to make exceptions, which is also the right thing to do.

At this stage, with Jiang Wang, Dou Zhao, Chong Xuanzun and others as the standard, there may not be many people at the level of God, but there are opportunities at the low-grade level.

The same generation may be suppressed by them, and there will always be new people in the next generation.

After Bao Xuanjing and Gong Weizhang, some young geniuses came.

Among them, two surprised Jiang Wang the most. One was from Weiguo, named Lu Ye, who was fourteen years old this year. He has cultivated to the thirteenth level of martial arts, which is equivalent to the Tenglong level of the Daoyuan system. When he breaks through the fifteenth level, he will be equivalent to the inner palace level.

He sat behind Yi Tang in Renxin Pavilion, and the futon was numbered as "Erqi".

The atmosphere of teaching in Wei was extremely prosperous, and talents emerged in large numbers. Xue Gui and Wei Xing once discussed the Dao, which was a grand event in the Middle Ages. At that time, Tianjing City did not exist. There were only dense human armies and countless killing arrays outside the Gate of Ten Thousand Monsters.

Liheng City can be said to have been through many years and experienced many storms.

No wonder the people of Wei have always been arrogant. Legendary figures like Mei Xingju did have their soil for birth. The Wei State, which was established with Liheng as the standard, was also once prosperous.

Such a Wei State was glorious and ambitious. It dared to call itself "Wild King" in an important town, intending to get involved in the hegemony of the Central Region.

But it was soon broken.

Although the current Wei State has not been swept into history, it basically has no national power under the targeted suppression of Jing State. It is an insignificant voice in the central region and an existence that will disappear in the world of great contention.

A young man like Lu Ye naturally does not get any support. Even if the power of Wei State is used, nothing can be given to him. Compared with those children of famous families and the pride of great countries, he is a seeker of the Tao with qualifications but no way, which is also the original intention of the establishment of Chaowendao Palace.

His appearance is a good start.

If he can gain something in Chaowendao Palace, it means that the vision of "making the world have a way to go" is not a castle in the air, but has a foundation and has indeed taken steps.

On this basis, Taixu Pavilion will also have more power to promote Taixu Public School.

The second young man is from Yue State, the fifteen-year-old Gong Tianya.

He is the nephew of the late Yue Xiang Gong Zhiliang.

After Wen Jingxiu died, the Wen family lost power, the Yue Kingdom was restructured, all the noble families were abolished, and Gong Zhiliang died completely, he could have jumped out of the muddy water and stayed in Mugu Academy.

Today in Chaowendao Palace, he also sat behind Ji Li, sitting on the cushion numbered "Erliu", chatting with Ji Li a lot in a low voice, and even very close to Xue Tanhua - it can be seen that he can live well in Mugu Academy.

But he resolutely returned to Yue Kingdom - when he made this decision, he was only thirteen years old.

Perhaps it is true that a sharp sword is sharpened by grinding. Losing his uncle who loved and protected him, losing the support of a powerful family, in Yue Kingdom where countless heroes failed and the new policy was unknown, he grew up rapidly.

He is the one with the highest cultivation among these teenagers. This year, at the age of fifteen, he has already opened the inner court and taken off the supernatural power.

In the 3909th year of the Taoist calendar, Zuo Guanglie was also this age when he won the inner court at the Yellow River Meeting.

The remaining young geniuses all came from big countries.

They were Yu Xianyu, 15 years old, from Jing, Zhuge Zuo, 12 years old, from Chu, Fu Yanci, 11 years old, from Mu, Fan Zheng, 10 years old, from Qin, Erzhu He, 11 years old, from Li, and Luo Yuan, 14 years old, from Wei.

Since then, all 36 seats in Chaowendao Palace were full, but no one entered unless someone left in the middle of the procession.

Seeing this scene, looking around at all the top figures, the historian Zhong Xuanyin could not help but sigh.

Since the death of Changhe Dragon King, the Dragon Palace Banquet has become a relic and will not be held again. It is difficult to have a grand event of gathering geniuses again.

When Jiang Wang proposed the idea of ​​Chaowendao Palace, he knew it was grand and expected that the seekers of the Tao would surge like clouds, but he still underestimated the appeal of Jiang Wang's name.

What a magnificent scene Chaowendao Palace is today.

There is no Dragon Palace Banquet in the world, how can it be compared with the many guests in the Palace!

Attached is the seating order of the Chaowendao Palace inscribed by Zhong Xuanyin, first-hand historical data:

No. 1, Zhongli Yan

No. 2, Yuzhen

No. 3, Huang Sheli

No. 4, Qin Zhizhen

No. 5, Ye Laner

No. 6, Yuanye

No. 7, Bao Xuanjing

No. 8, Zhuo Qingru·

No. 9, Ju Kui

No. 10, Zhong Xuanyin

No. 11, Gong Weizhang

No. 12, Ji Zhaonan

No. 13, Wanxiang Sword Master

No. 14, Ning Shuangrong

No. 15, Xie Ai·

No. 16, Yan Shaofei·

No. 17, Sheng Xuehuai·

No. 18, Chen Siwu·

No. 19, Mo Ci·

No. 20, Ji Li·

No. 21, Yi Tang·

22, Xie Junmeng ·

23, Fu Yanqing ·

24, Yu Xianyu ·

25, Zhuge Zuo ·

26, Gong Tianya ·

27, Lu Ye ·

28, Fan Zheng ·

29, Borjigin · Fu Yanci ·

30, Erzhu He ·

31, Beigong Ke

32, Mi Yi

33, Lu Shuanghe

34, Luo Yuan ·

35, Wang Yiwu

36, Chongxuanzun

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