Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2478 The only person in the world who knows the truth

Xiong Ji, the emperor of Chu, was named the mysterious and transcendent person in the Forest of Meteor Immortals——


This is a great humiliation and a process of killing.

Pressed on the chopping board, followed by disembowelment, slitting the throat and bleeding, and finally a pot of incense.

Faced with the siege of two transcendent beings, Ksitigarbha and Huang Weizhen, he managed to break the situation and escape, completing an earth-shattering escape from the transcendent jar. Even with the strength of the [Unknown One], he suffered heavy losses.

He even peeled off his entire subconscious mind and smashed it into the jar of transcendence in order to slow down the footsteps of Huang Weizhen and Ksitigarbha.

They did gain time and were able to gather Jiang Wang and Dou Zhao in the Meteor Fairy Forest, but they were met with a sword from the Emperor of Chu, who was overwhelming the country.

This sword kill came at the moment when he was most conceited, and also when he was most unable to deal with it.

Only then did Jiang Wang take advantage of the opportunity to come and use the Fallen Immortal to cut off his tail.

This is not the harm done to His amber Taoist body by several supreme beings when he was in the urn of transcendence.

At this moment, He is not incarnating in a certain body, but truly embodies the "substitute form" of the White Dou King Beast.

The significance of Jiang Wang cutting off his tail is that he has been truly touched by the power of transcendence!

The concept of transcending the world is broken, and the meaning of seclusion no longer exists.

He can already be defined, captured, and truly killed!

Boom boom!

The broken forked tail fell down and instantly became extremely huge. A forest was destroyed and three mountains collapsed, like a mountain of flesh and blood, lying across the Fallen Immortal Forest.

The tendons swelled, and the blood surged into the rivers. The meatballs are bulging, gradually becoming like pillars and forests.

The flesh and blood twisted and squirmed strangely, as if every part had spirituality and even its own consciousness. So they conflict with each other and struggle together. Like a forest of flesh and blood, dancing in the strong wind.


A boot came down.

The flesh and blood of mountains and forests become the soles of boots, and the flowing wind and clouds are the textures of boots.

Huang Weizhen seems to be returning from an outing, leisurely. The forest of flesh and blood was trampled into nothingness with just one kick.

There is spring grass under your feet, and the spring breeze flows through your sleeves.

And in the distant mountains lined with Buddhist temples, the figure belonging to Ksitigarbha is slowly emerging.

Bits and pieces of Brahma light gather and take shape.

It was clearly the hole made by Huang Weizhen, Sanada Anhei, who was imitated in the urn of transcendence, petrified in the sea of ​​heaven, and descended by Ksitigarbha... but now he walked out of the urn of transcendence and walked into reality!

This body has nothing to do with Tian Anping, nor does it involve Huang Weizhen.

He is the interpretation of "Zen" and the manifestation of "Buddha".

At this moment, no one realizes that this is the first time that Ksitigarbha has visited the human world in a real sense since the creation of the "Moon in the Fengchan Well"!

After that, Zuo Xiao descended from the sky with a flaming flag in his hand, and planted the flagpole on the former site of Tiangong City, above the Abi Ghost Cave.

That flaming flag has replaced the blazing sun and is the brightest point in the boundless red tide——

The mighty state of the great Chu State has grown into such a mighty state in three thousand seven hundred and sixty-one years.

The [Nameless One] who was constantly struggling on the cliff of Abi Ghost Cave was frozen there for an instant.

The process of his fight with Emperor Chu was meaningless.

When Huang Weizhen returned to the Fallen Immortal Forest, even Ksitigarbha entered reality.

His opportunity for perfection was lost.

The time he gained was destroyed by Emperor Chu's sword!

Zhanghuatai, which ranks among the top three cave-heaven treasures in the world, stands high in the sky, and the galaxy formed by countless information is roaring and rushing like a long river.

The Changhe River is the ancestral river of the Divine Continent, and this galaxy may also be the origin of Chu Soul.

Zhuge Yixian's old voice sounded just then, roaring like the stars, majestic and majestic: "Thanks to your majesty's divine power and the world's fate, all this should be over!"

The [Nameless One] who was nailed to the cliff of the ghost cave had his canine eyes wide open. At such a moment, He showed a strange calmness: "Say it's over now? Is it really that simple? Just relying on the 'name' and 'form', and this Fallen Immortal Forest, I want to End my life?"

His dog claws turned into a hand, holding the sword stuck in the dog's neck.

The dog's body was embedded in the rock wall, and it was like lava sneaking into the ground. It stretched out its other hand, holding the moon in its palm, holding Xiong Ji's fist.

"The person who represents my name is not me, and everything I see is absurd. Are you becoming more and more familiar with me, or are you gradually becoming stranger to me!!"

The Emperor of Chu nailed him to the Fallen Fairy Forest so that he could not escape, and replaced his specific location with the Fallen Fairy Forest.

In this way, "confirming his name," "confirming his form," and "confirming his position," and three confirmations of his body, an indefinable transcendent person is determined there, and then suppressed forcefully with the power of the country.

He really regarded himself as the Fallen Immortal Forest and fought against everything in the Fallen Immortal Forest.

His years of management in the Fallen Immortal Forest far exceeded the Chu people's management of the Chu Kingdom.

Who should be in charge of this land?

"The person who represents you is not you, but it is the process of getting closer to you!" Although Zhuge Yixian's voice at this moment is old, it is not tired or weak. Instead, it is full of passion and high-spirited, like a burning fire. It's the most brilliant time.

"For nearly two years, you have continuously exposed yourself. Under the pursuit of Taoist Master Shanhai, you have no chance to repair yourself. You cannot learn and keep pace with the times."

"When you were in the jar of transcendence, faced with the fear of the unknown, you frequently took action to break free, and you showed yourself again and again."

"You also understand that at this moment, after you have transcended the urn, you don't even hide it anymore-"

"Why do you have weak hopes when death is imminent?"

"Now, do you still want to hide your name?"

The twelve officials of the Hezhang Huatai, the three hundred and sixty-five star strategists, the countless subordinates who kept coming on stage and withdrawing, and the power of the gods and ghosts in the Chu territory, Zhuge Yixian's voice was unusually high.

He did not show up in front of people, but you seemed to see the witch with long hair, dancing crazily: "You clearly know that you can't hide anymore, why do you still hold such a shameful fluke?"

While Zhuge Yixian was speaking, Huang Weizhen also stepped forward. He did not do anything extra, just like the previous two years, just focusing on interfering with the [Nameless] so that it could not recognize.

If the present world is simply regarded as mountains, rivers, and lakes, the cognition of the [Nameless] is like the ground film covering mountains, rivers, and lakes. In the past, it was tightly fitted and fit, so it could hide with the world.

In the past two years, the mountains and rivers have changed, and the sea has changed. In particular, several peaks have been rising, and this ground film that has not been repaired in time has been punctured with holes.

This is the premise for the opening of this game against the [Nameless].

At this moment, Huang Weizhen just raised his hand, and the hand of [Nameless] that was holding up the fist of Chu Tianzi was held down by Him.

Chu Tianzi's fist then slammed down again, embedding [Nameless] tightly into the cliff again.

Ghost mist rose in the air for a while, and the ghost mist suddenly turned into flying birds. The flying birds instantly shed all their flesh and blood, and split their thin bones. The bones fell to the ground and inserted into the soil upside down, and instantly formed a peach forest!

Peach flowers bloomed, peach fruits were red, and fruit worms grew on the peaches. They withered in an instant, leaving only a fruit core carved into an attic, emitting a faint cold light. There was a small figure in the attic who wanted to escape independently, but was suddenly blasted away by another villain.

The power beyond the level directly collided with the Meteorite Forest as a carrier.

From the mountains and forests to the grass and trees, everything was fought for and killed everywhere.

The entire Meteorite Forest changed rapidly between reality and illusion!

"Then tell me." The voice of [Nameless] said, "Who am I?"

Zhuge Yixian's voice whistled with the galaxy, and was also surrounded by the Meteorite Forest because of the galaxy: "Transcendence is immeasurable, so I can't be considered a transcendent."

"I can only ask myself, what can an existence above the top get in the Meteorite Forest? He has not left for so many years, what is he staying here for?"

If it was Chongxuan who won here, he would probably say "Great minds think alike!"

But for a long time, there was only Zhuge Yixian's voice in the Meteorite Forest.

"Those who transcend the world hide in the world, this is a problem."

"The Meteoric Forest is the place where saints are born, where the immortal palace is destroyed, and where ghosts run rampant."

"As a transcendent like you, you have been hiding here for a long time. What are you looking for?"

"There are only four possibilities - the remains of the saints, the remains of the immortal palace, the ghost path, and the Meteoric Forest is a place suitable for hiding. Apart from this, there is no other factor that can give rise to the possibility of being chased by a transcendent."

"I asked myself countless times, which one are you for?"

"As early as the reign of Emperor Shizong, the transcendence of Duke Huai was blocked, [ The fact that the Nameless One hid in the Meteoric Forest has been discovered. Since then, the Meteoric Forest has lost its ability to help you hide, and has instead become a beacon to lock you. So you are not doing this. "

"Earlier, when Qiantang Jun built Tiangong City, explored the Avici Ghost Cave, and even subdued two heavenly ghosts, you did not interfere, and obviously did not care about those ghosts. "

"As for the remains of the Immortal Palace - the Beast Taming Palace of the Shanhai Dao Master, and later Jiang Wang's Yunding Palace, and even... In short, I have never seen you interested in the Immortal Palace. In the past, whenever you had the idea, you definitely had more than one Immortal Palace in your hands. Palace. I wonder if I have made a wrong judgment - you don't even want to be involved, deliberately avoid it to avoid trouble? "

"So you stay here, not for immortals, not for ghosts, you can only seek the relics of the saints. "

"At the same time, I discovered one thing - the Meteoric Forest is the place where the saints were born, but there are not many fragments of the saints in the Meteoric Forest! It seems that an unknown existence swallowed them. And this also proves what you are asking for. "

"For a long time, the question I thought about was - what kind of transcendent would be interested in the relics of the saints? "

"Meng Tianhai seeks the relics of the saints The purpose of production is to transcend. What can an already transcendent being get from the relics of the saints? I still don’t have the answer to this question, maybe you can tell me before you die. "

"But I already know what [Nameless] needs."

"You finally used the Three Paths Bridge to escape from the Transcendence Jar, which proves this point."

Zhuge Yixian's voice became very firm at the end: "[Nameless], I believe you are a remnant of the Saints' Age. Even - you are one of the saints!"

The hair on [Nameless]'s body trembled for a moment, as if blown by the wind!

His eyes turned amber again, the light and color mixed together, and his eyes were very complicated!

But Zhuge Yixian's answer was not over yet: "After the emperor of Lieshan died, the extremely brilliant era of saints was born."

"At that time, hundreds of schools of thought contended, and the light illuminated the world. The saints not only evolved history and changed the world, but also cleansed the disasters and made the desert prosperous. One generation completed the work of ten thousand generations!"

"Why did such a glorious era disappear overnight?"

"In the past, hundreds of schools of thought contended for the truth, and nearly a hundred saints died here! Even the Mo Saint died, and the Confucian Saint and the Legal Saint fell asleep!"

"This eternal mystery has no answer to this day."

"I believe the answer is in your heart!"

Countless thoughts collided crazily, forming a starlight flashing in the long river, which was the light and fire of wisdom and knowledge.

"You are now [Nameless], and you are also the only one who knows in this world!"

The sky of Yunxian Forest was bright and clear, and everything was clear at once.

This meant that the cognition of [Nameless] was further clarified.

Huang Weizhen took advantage of the situation and tore off the whole arm of [Nameless]!

This arm expanded in the air, like a dragon across the sky. The flesh and blood twisted and exploded in an instant.

Huang Weizhen just gently gathered his five fingers——


Those flesh and blood turned into vivid beasts, running, cheering, and jumping for joy.

See the spirit first, then see the truth!

All kinds of flesh and blood beasts turned into pieces of paper, on which were densely packed ancient characters, and every word and sentence was a "scripture" of Taoism!

Zhanghuatai rumbled, and the twelve officials were all upright.

"When spring thaws, the earth's air begins to flow, and the soil is thawed. When the summer solstice arrives, the weather begins to get hot, the yin begins to flourish, and the soil thaws again. Ninety days after the summer solstice, the day and night are separated..."

"In the past, Huangdi was born with divine spirits, could speak when he was weak, was loyal when he was young, was kind and smart when he grew up, and ascended to heaven when he became an adult..."

"If we look back to ancient times, the saints between heaven and earth are the first of all living things. They observe the opening and closing of yin and yang to determine the fate of things, and know the door to survival and death..."

"Don't talk about strange things, don't be surprised when singing, say a little strange things, and write articles with your will. The first saint emperor, handsome in his face, stayed in the demon court, and competed to see his scene..."

Huang Weizhen reads the scriptures with flesh and blood, and Zhang Huatai narrates it word by word.

The sound of reading is like a huge bell!

Make the heaven and earth ring!

The flesh and blood of [the nameless] is actually the truth.

The Tao body of [the nameless] is actually the classics!

"The Book of Fan Sheng", "The Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine", "Gui Guzi", "Strange Records"...

Farmers, doctors, diplomats, novelists...

What kind of freak is this? It actually combines hundreds of schools of thought into a Taoist body and exists across the ages!

The flesh and blood belonging to the [Nameless], every detail of the analysis is shocking.

Zhanghuatai has gathered the most learned people in Chu State. They gradually find it difficult to keep up. Everyone is pale and sweating like pulp.

Dou Zhao crossed Tianxiao, and there was a pile of flesh and blood on it, and the words and sentences were chapters.

He glanced at Jiang Wang: "These are the essences of the saints' era. Why don't you use the Samadhi True Fire to analyze their truth? How much hard work can be saved."

Jiang Wang calmly felt the changes in Yunding Fairy Palace, and replied casually: "Books are the records of Tao. I should read, not succeed by tricks."

Reading is a hard job, but it is also a good job.

It allows a young man from a small town to see the sky is high and the earth is vast, and the mountains and rivers are long. It can let the child of a medicinal material merchant see the ancient and modern saints and the heroic spirit of the heavens.

Dou Zhao, a son of a noble family who has everything, can hardly understand Jiang Wang's seriousness in studying.

But he just chopped the bloody flesh into countless words with a knife: "I agree!"

In the sound of reading that was chanted by thousands of people and resounded by the heaven and earth, [Nameless] laughed.


His laughter sounded like crying.

"You don't know what happened back then..."

"You don't know what we paid..."

"Who am I?"

"For whom!?"

"How dare you treat me so high and mighty!"

He expanded in an instant, and "expansion" is a rule of greed and perfection. His voice, his physique, and his strength were all expanding rapidly.

The extreme of intention is that the sky cannot contain it. The extreme of strength is that the earth cannot carry it.

The infinitely expanded flesh and blood directly filled the entrance of the Avici Ghost Cave, blocked the boundless ghost energy, and drove Chu Tianzi and Huang Weizhen out!

At this moment, his power expanded to the extreme, filling all the space that could exist, and occupying all the possibilities that could be defined. At this moment, at least in this short period of time and space in the Avici Ghost Cave, no concept outside of him is allowed to exist!

[The Nameless One] instantly expanded into a huge meat ball with forty-nine heads and ninety-eight arms, with heads and arms growing irregularly and in a disorderly manner!

"Name can be named... As I have heard... The best strategy is to attack the enemy's plan... Doubt will not succeed, doubt will not work... You can't not persuade those you love... Even if there are thousands of people, I will go..."

The forty-nine heads each spoke their own words, and the ninety-eight arms each stretched and danced.

Extremely complicated and extremely chaotic.

It is impossible to imagine that this is actually a transcendent.

But he does exist with a power that transcends everything!

All the confused voices finally roared in the brain——

"Great Accomplishment...Sage!"

The passages in the article are excerpted from "The Book of Fan Sheng", "Huangdi Neijing·Suwen", and "Guiguzi·Bihe". There is also a passage written by the author himself because he couldn't find any novelist's works.

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