Red Heart Survey

Chapter 2479 Namo the Holy Ksitigarbha Buddha

Great Saint!

The grandest conception, the most arrogant idea, the most greedy desire, and the most difficult possibility to achieve in the Age of Saints.

It is the strongest path that only exists in the conception.

No one has ever completed it from ancient times to now.

But people have been trying.

The most recent attempter is the recently deceased One True Dao leader Zong Dezhen, who wanted to replace the Dao sect with the One True Dao and swallow the world with the Jing Kingdom, return learning to the One True Dao, return governance to the One Kingdom, and be both the leader of the religion and the ruler of the country and prove it forever.

He failed without a doubt.

Going back further, the three most profound and ancient Dao sect masters seemed to have intended to achieve this eternal honor.

Supporting the national system, pinning their hopes on Jing Taizu Ji Yusu, wanting to make the world settle in Tianjing City and let all sects return to the Dao.

In the end, they also failed.

So did anyone approach this great idea in the Age of Saints when it was actually proposed?

It is not recorded in history books, and the story is not passed on.

But today's [Nameless] seems to be explaining one of the possibilities!

In the ancient times of the saints, those great practitioners and scholars who were called "saints" seemed to have approached, not just imagined - in the end, they seemed to have gone astray!

Forty-nine heads, each with the same facial features. Not beautiful or ugly, not strange or conspicuous, from eyes to nose, they all seem to be made from the same mold, the lines at the corners of the eyes and even the number of eyebrows are exactly the same.

But when you open your eyes at the same time, you feel that they are completely different individuals.

When they each speak, they are completely different interpretations of the Tao. The sound penetrates your ears, as if there are many hands tearing wildly in the depths of your mind, manipulating your blood, soul and spirit.

The postures of these ninety-eight arms are also different. Some are raised high and forward, as if charging into battle; some are stretched out and drawn back, as if inviting someone to sit down; some are like holding a book in the air, some are like playing the zither gracefully, some are like burning incense, and some are like making tea...

Just observing these arms themselves, each arm can take you into a completely different scene, and they all have their own charm!

This is indeed a creation beyond imagination.

Even though He is so deformed!

The Great Saint...

When [The Nameless One] roared this title, He did not transmit it in sound, but expounded it in reason, resonating in the brains of everyone present.

Let the listeners know it consciously.

This is a feeling, not just a claim.

Even though He has become what He is now, which is absolutely impossible to be equal to the Great Saint, you can feel that He has indeed approached that direction.

"The Great Saint?"

Dou Zhao almost laughed: "You are an ugly existence that is neither human nor ghost, with a weird appearance?"

He raised the Tianxiao knife high, and the golden light moved the sky. Since he reached the peak, he has not really felt his own power. At this moment, he is full of fighting spirit, and endless delusions are swirling around the blade: "If Huang Sheli is asked to judge, you are not as good as a wandering pulse!"

Suddenly, the three heads on the strange meat ball gradually turned towards him.

The voices from the head were no longer confused, and they were distinguished as sharp, vicious and fierce, and gradually passed on.


"How dare you!"

"So rude!"

The Tianxiao Knife suddenly turned into a bright horizontal line, and the delusion on the blade was extinguished by a glance.

And the power of destruction also rushed to Dou Zhao's face.

But it was rolled up by the red dragon robe and disappeared without a trace.

The Chu Emperor held the sword there, and it was everywhere. The whole Meteoric Forest seemed to have countless emperors swinging swords. And countless emperor swords fell into a real one, held in the hands of the Chu Emperor - the power of the emperor, gathered into substance, the power of the emperor, life and death, directly penetrated one of the heads of this ugly meat ball!

"Don't waste your power easily."

Xiong Ji raised his hand, the sword was horizontal and the skull flew! "Because your opponent is in front of you!"

The power of the hegemonic emperor roared like a tornado in the Meteoric Forest, making all directions and six directions silent.

Only the head that flew high in the sky was laughing wildly in the air: "So you don't understand my existence! You——"


Huang Weizhen reached out his hand and caught the head, crushed it with his bare hands, and turned it into a bloody bird. With five fingers, the bird flew out of the cage, its wings slightly spread, and scattered into a bloody classic, words and articles. Hualalalal, like a page of bloody paper hanging in the air.

Chu Tianzi cut the head with a sword, and Huang Weizhen saw the spirit and saw the truth. The two transcendent combat powers joined forces to cut the foundation of the Tao of [Nameless]. This action was as smooth as the butcher's butchering of an ox.

Such a strong man, stooping to be a butcher, was about to dismember such a transcendent person into countless pure words.

On top of the ugly meat ball, a new head was generated out of thin air.

It was like a startled shot, a sword hanging on the horns of an antelope. It did not have a birth process, but appeared suddenly!

The head opened its mouth, revealing its white teeth: "I have infinite power."

The second one followed: "Infinite..."

The third one: "Power!"

This is not just the resurrection of flesh and blood, the restoration of the head, but the reappearance of real power. Annihilated and reborn, erased and reappeared. Continuous, endless!

No matter how Xiong Ji and Huang Weizhen cut, the [Nameless] who filled the entrance of the Avici Cave like a huge meat ball plug, always remained huge, always expanded, without any loss of flesh and blood, and no reduction in power.

The claim of "infinite" seems to be true, and the exaggerated modification has become a reality.


The mere erasure of the flesh, or the annihilation of power, or even the cutting of the foundation of Taoism, is not enough to kill Him!

Even for His current posture of stretching out his complex appearance and expanding his infinite power, the impact of these injuries is very limited.

"I understand you." A voice said at this time.

Her voice is kind and gentle, like a father or mother holding a child.

Warm light like jade, Ksitigarbha's figure walked out of the distant mountains of the Buddhist temple. The lotus blooms step by step, as if walking from the imaginary Buddhist kingdom to reality.

"I know you did a lot...a lot."

"Old friends are like yellow leaves blowing in the wind, and you are the only one left to survive a long time."

"No one in this world can understand your ideals and ambitions, your sentiments and character."

"They don't know what great ideals you once had. No one can understand now what you relied on to get to where you are today."

"It was not your intention that things turned out like this. You were once full of emotions about this world."

"You've worked really hard...Are you tired?"

"I see your heart, understand your intentions, and know your suffering."

Ksitigarbha has a kind face and compassionate eyes, and he reaches out his hand gently. That hand seems to have smoothed the long mountains and seas, pushed away the eternal night, and protected all lonely souls: "Enter my door and escape the sea of ​​suffering! Come to my seat and you will be forever certified to Bodhi!"

In fact, if the [Nameless One] wants to escape his name in the Urn of Transcendence, there is another possible path besides the Santu Bridge that he has already laid the groundwork for.

That was the Rikuan King whom He personally killed during the naming process.

When the [Unnamed Person] pretended to be Zhuge Yixian and forcibly killed the King of Wuguan after his name was confirmed, he intentionally left a backup plan.

Of course, the Wuguan King is just a door knocker. The Wuguan King in the normal sequence of time and space, and the Wuguan King in Guanlan Tianzi Sanli, the connection between the two is the door that is "possible" to be pushed open.

Even Ksitigarbha is not sure how to open the door, but he believes that the [Nameless One] can create such an extraordinary path.

And He had already made arrangements with King Wu Guan.

It was because of His handiwork that the Riguan King escaped from the Central Heavenly Prison.

If the [Nameless One] happens to want to use the Rogue King as a way to escape, then he will just fall into his net!

It's a pity that [The Nameless One] has other options.

I don’t know if he was aware of the danger, or if he just decided to take this step?

The path of Douzhao is more dangerous than the path of King Wu Guan. On this path, he has to face all opponents, while on the other path, he only has to face Ksitigarbha. Of course, Douzhao's path is more subtle. After all, [The Nameless One]'s action of killing the Risen King was a bit too obvious...

After all, the Fallen Immortal Forest is not a "just right" place.

But sometimes fate has no control over people.

The three transcendent beings fighting in a melee are as powerful as Ksitigarbha, and they cannot decide everything.

[The Nameless One] fled back to the Fallen Fairy Forest.

He can only act according to circumstances and circumstances.

Now, Huang Weizhen and Xiong Ji are fighting against the infinite power of [The Nameless One], and it is a good time for him to harvest.

This palm is not to kill the enemy and destroy the Tao, but to soothe the suffering of all living beings.

Infinite compassion is all in Bodhicitta.

I won’t kill you, I understand you.

Once this palm is pressed, there will be a long bell ringing in a trance. The forty-nine heads and ninety-eight arms fell into deathly silence for a moment.

All the eyes on the flesh ball became soft at this moment, and even the movements of opening and closing the eyes were unusually slow.

"Go ahead..."

"I'm tired, I'm really tired. So tired... Why do I have to be so tired? I obviously have everything. I could have put everything down and enjoyed it a long time ago!"

"If you are not understood, do you still have to work hard? If you are hated and slandered, can you not become what they slandered?"

"Day after day, my heart is like a thread. Why...why should I care..."

"That's it. That's it..."

The forty-nine heads were all bowed, each feeling helpless and depressed in its own way.

In that Sanskrit chant, the light of the Buddha gradually appeared.

But you can see the golden "Swastika" characters floating in the Buddha's light, and the entire ugly flesh ball is engraved with the Buddhist manifestation of refuge.

His infinite power is still accumulated at the entrance of Abi Ghost Cave, but under Ksitigarbha's world-covering palm, there are already the shapes of forty-nine skulls and flesh balls outlined by Brahma light...

[The Nameless One] has a huge body with infinite power, migrating from the real Meteor Immortal Forest to the pure land of Ksitigarbha!

Seeing that He was about to be completely taken under the control of Ksitigarbha. At a certain moment when Ksitigarbha was singing compassionately, a head suddenly lifted up! Different from those who were still bowing down, this head looked at Ksitigarbha and showed a smile that was both Buddhist and evil: "Brahma teaches cause and effect, and Buddha teaches Jialan. Ksitigarbha... don't you know that I am also a monk?" After all, your Buddha is also my Buddha!”

Countless illusory and uncertain Buddha seals with the word "卍" solidified in an instant, spread out over the multi-headed and multi-armed meat ball, and tied together in one place, just like a blooming golden lotus!

This evil Buddha's head stared into Ksitigarbha's eyes, and at the same time stretched out a pair of arms illuminated by the Buddha's light, clasping his palms together!

"Namo... the Buddha is hidden in the Holy Land!"

His infinite power spreads in Abi Ghost Cave, and His infinite power spreads in the pure land of Ksitigarbha.

Ksitigarbha wanted to surrender to Him and convert Him to the Pure Land, but He used his plan to swallow Ksitigarbha and use his body to inherit the Buddhist heritage. The head of this evil Buddha became the Holy Ksitigarbha Buddha! Obtain the Buddha body outside the body!

Of course, before that, He must first complete himself, otherwise it would be impossible to realize this great deed.

Between the two palms of the evil Buddha, there are two colors of green and red mixed together.

Those are Jiang Wang in green with a sword and Dou Zhao in red with a sword!

The so-called genius of the world was pinched and rounded with one palm.

They were originally at the height of the world's limit, and the world's limit was majestic, but now they were extremely small, like flying insects swimming in the green and red mixed light.

In the eyes of the evil Buddha, there was greed and desire at this moment.

"My pill... medicine!"

"My food!"


The layout he left on Dou Zhao was not only for an escape route like Santu Bridge.

It was also because Dou Zhao and Jiang Wang, who were at the top of the Yandao, were the holy medicines he had been waiting for for a long time!

The key to the future requires two such medicinal materials to open.

He asked for too much, and it was difficult to combine Yin and Yang.

That journey in the Yin and Yang world was indeed the process of his refining medicine.

And Jiang Wang and Dou Zhao, unexpectedly, survived that catastrophe.

He turned his hand to hang the painting in order to wipe out the fighting spirit of these two people. At that time, swallowing the painting like swallowing words, and swallowing these two people into his body - it was at this step that he was broken by the sword of Chu Tianzi.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of Ksitigarbha's surrender, he hid his greed in the Buddha's light, and once he counterattacked, he captured the two again.

"The perfect opportunity has been lost, and the holy medicine is difficult to make. It doesn't matter, there is still a way to go!"

"I am on the great road of becoming a great saint, occupying the future and grasping all possibilities."

"Refine the Yin and Yang relics and swallow them with the evil Buddha - mix the cause and effect, and you can still prove the supreme!"

The evil Buddha put his palms together, and the two peak Taoist bodies also stuck together.

Dou Zhao chopped without hesitation! Just chopped towards Jiang Wang.

And Jiang Wang seemed to be fixed by some force, hanging there motionless.

Tian Xiao's knife seemed to be heavy and powerful, wanting to forcibly kill Jiang Wang to kill the evil Buddha's delusion.

A "卍" Buddhist seal jumped out and collided with this knife. The evil Buddha wanted to save Jiang Wang's life at this time.

Jiang Wang took the initiative to meet him, his body turned into a green rainbow, and Dou Zhao's knife body also shifted.

Tian Xiao cut his face!

The two had fought so many times, but this was the first time that Dou Zhao's Tianxiao sword had such a result.

Endless streams of light and the passing years all flowed with this sword.

Eternity became yesterday!

He wanted to cut Jiang Wang out of his imprisonment and return to "yesterday".

However, after the sword flashed, nothing changed.

Between the palms of the evil Buddha, in the blue and red light group, Dou Zhao was not allowed to change anything!

But Jiang Wang moved again.

He stepped on the thick spine of Tianxiao, as if on the mountains, and this person jumped up, emitting fairy light——

Three fairy bridges fell from the sky, from Yunding Fairy Palace, Ruyi Fairy Palace, and Yushou Fairy Palace.

The blue and red yin and yang light groups converged in front of him.


Jiang Wang raised his body as a sword, and at this moment he was like a flood peak, and cut out the strongest sound in his battle.

Infinite fairy light whistled in a sword, like drawing a bow and shooting the moon to kill the eyes of the evil Buddha!

But this road suddenly became very far away.

He could clearly kill the evil Buddha with one sword, and he was sure that this sword would happen, but the time - is a hundred years!

The evil Buddha's eyes turned like a whirlpool, and Jiang Wang and Dou Zhao turned into two intertwined rainbow lights of green and red under this irresistible force. They were crushed and mixed together, turning into a brilliant and vivid yin and yang relic, which was swallowed into his mouth!

First invade the Pure Land of Ksitigarbha, then swallow the yin and yang relic, and then swallow Ksitigarbha, vowing to become the "Holy Ksitigarbha Buddha", paving the last holy steps for the step of truly "great sainthood"!

At this moment, the Shenlu shook, the sea moved, not only the Meteorite Forest, but the entire world was affected by him.

This world was frightened by a power that surpassed everything.

The boundless golden lotus opened, and the forty-nine skulls of the multi-skull meat ball were raised, and there were actually two hands that supported the edge of the Avici Ghost Cave, and were about to pull up this great body.

The face of the evil Buddha looked extremely solemn. He looked at the world with unusual warmth: "Thank you all for helping me achieve enlightenment. I will save people from disasters and suffering and protect all living beings!"

"I will fight for the human race, go--puff!"

His compassionate and evil Buddha eyes suddenly widened at this moment.

He forced his lips to close, but a thunderous roar came from his body!

He turned his head suddenly and looked at Huang Weizhen!

Huang Weizhen was at the edge of the sky, stepping on the sea of ​​clouds, with one hand behind his back and the other hand with five fingers spread out, facing him from a distance.

There was no extra expression on that face that was difficult to describe in words. At such a moment, he just said in a calm voice: "What you eat is real, but it can also be fake."

What the evil Buddha swallowed was not Dou Zhao and Jiang Wang, it was clearly a fantasy come true!

But when did it evolve, and when did it change?

Huang Weizhen had no intention of dispelling doubts. With his hands behind his back, he put down two pill-like little people and grew against the wind.

And the hand that He was holding in front of Him, with five fingers open, closed and clenched into a fist.


The evil Buddha's head exploded into Sanskrit all over the sky.

Boom boom boom boom!

The forty-nine heads of this huge meatball actually exploded one after another!

Thanks to the book friend "The Bun Who Eats People" for becoming the leader of this book, the 839th Alliance of the Red Heart Sky Patrol!

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