Red Heart Survey

Chapter 896 Ding Jingshan

Dingwei area, the only floating island.

This is a floating island belonging to Yanggu, and Yanggu sent strong men to suppress it.

Ding Jingshan, Captain Xuanwei, is the guardian of this floating island.

Although he also has God's Realm, but his combat power is slightly weaker, he is not qualified to set up his own flag, so he can only raise the Xuanwei flag and general Yang Feng's flag is the Xuanwei Colonel.

Ordinary floating islands can be suppressed by the peak powerhouses with supernatural powers. Because there is only one human floating island in the Dantewei area, it is lonely and lonely, so it is necessary to send the strong gods.

Unless you don't want this floating island anymore.

This is the reason why Ding Jingshan came here personally.

The high mountain in the center of the island is where he meditates all year round.

He feels that he is very destined to Dingwei District, because his surname is also Ding.

This floating island is his merit, his duty, and his honor.

For many years, never slack.

It can be said that in the Dingwei area, the human race was able to defend a piece of pure land under the oppression of the five sea nests, and it was not completely lost. Ding Jingshan contributed a lot.

At this moment, he was sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain, watching the sky darken and brighten the lost world.

There is no distinction between up and down, left and right in the lost world, but the floating island stands here, and he sits here. It is natural to look up to the sky and bow to the ground.

Cutting a mountain into a platform is nothing but leisure for a superpower. He sits here all year round, and of course it's not for the scenery.

Controlling all directions here and grasping the overall situation is the purpose.

Not far in front of him, an open long scroll was floating, with various messages written on it.

This is the projection of Haijiang Bang in Dingwei area.

One of the rapidly beating messages caught his attention.

It was a message from a practitioner who came to the Tingwei area to cleanse his sins.

He has no room to refuse the two people thrown by the real Chongguang of Diaohailou himself, and there is no need to refuse.

But all those who cleanse their sins have certain strength and talent, and only in this way can they have the value of cleansing their sins. Those worthless people should generally be killed and chopped up. Who has the time to send them to cleanse their sins?

These powerful cleansers will only behave more fiercely in the Lost Realm.

The floating islands are of course willing to accept it, and the Sea Clan killed by the sinners is no matter where they are.

This time, after the information of the two cleansers appeared on the Haijiang list, there was no movement for several days in a row. Later, one of the stronger ones became even more bleak.

He thought he was unlucky this time, and two trash came, but he didn't take it to heart.

But a few days later, the number of the other young man who only had supernatural powers in the Neifu realm began to increase, which made him feel a little interesting.

You must know that the standard of cleansing the cultivator of the supernatural inner palace set by the real Chongguang is the commander-level sea clan.

This young man doesn't even have the Starlight Sacred Tower, if no one takes him with him, he will almost die in the Lost Realm. However, the number of sea clans he killed continued to increase, and the speed of improvement was very stable, which showed that he had the strength to stably kill commander-level sea clans, and he could also continuously improve his efficiency while getting familiar with the sea clans.

For a cultivator at the inner palace level with supernatural powers, it can already be called a genius level performance.

Therefore, he was finally able to understand why Daoist Chongguang would throw a monk of this level to wash his sins. Geniuses should be treated preferentially.

It is not very convenient to communicate with the lost world in this world, and Yanggu would not deliberately send a strong person to contact Ding Jingshan to inform him about Jiang Wang and Granny Bizhu.

So Ding Jingshan didn't know what crime Jiang Wangxi committed. There are many geniuses, and a flawed and guilty genius is not worthy of Ding Jingshan's attention.

But just now.

Behind Jiang Wang's name, the bloody number was originally three seven, but in a short period of time, it changed successively, and finally became forty three!

In other words, the kid who came to Dingwei area to cleanse his crimes killed six commander-level sea people in a row in a very short period of time!

He is very aware of how difficult it is, and it may be possible for many powerful outer building monks with supernatural powers. But that kid is only in the Inner Mansion Realm with supernatural powers! Only two government offices were opened.

This young man named Jiang did he do it?

At least one thing, Ding Jingshan knew very well that when he opened up the two prefectures, he couldn't do such a thing at all.

This is definitely a proud person!

Ding Jingshan tapped the phalanx of his left index finger with his right index finger, thought for a while, and said, "Go and find out the origin of this Jiang Wang for me, and see why he entered the world of obsession and what it has to do with Diaohai Tower."

"Also, go to the field alone and look for him. You can't interfere in any of his battles, and even if he's about to die, you can't help him. But if he's not in the battle, you might as well bring him back."

Only a voice in the void responded: "Yes".

Yanggu's predecessor was originally an army, so orders were strictly prohibited.

Ding Jingshan looked at the number on the Haijiang list again, and nodded with satisfaction.

No matter how one kills six Commander-level Sea Clans in a row with the supernatural powers of the Inner Mansion Realm, it will consume a lot of energy. Such a proud person, no matter which faction he belongs to, is always a human race. As long as he grows up, he will always shine in the maze world in the future.



Jiang Wang didn't know that his performance had already attracted the attention of the strong guards of Ding Weifu Island.

He just cleaned up the battlefield and hurried back.

The physical condition is too bad, and he is still wandering in the wild, which is almost equivalent to courting death.

At least today, there is no possibility of hunting the commander-level sea clan.

Both of the two secret treasures have been opened today, and the two supernatural powers have been used many times. Dao Yuan, which was almost exhausted, got some replenishment after absorbing the Yuan Stone.

But blowing up most of the soul snakes and causing his soul to suffer serious injuries, it is not possible to recover in a day or two.

The only good thing is that at his current combat level, he doesn't have to use the soul to assist in combat. In other words, as long as his body is almost recovered, even if his soul is not fully recovered, he can still continue to hunt and kill the Sea Clan and continue to complete the task of cleansing his sins.

The five-colored fish had already vomited out its venom, and that was why the Sea Clan, who was endowed with supernatural powers, died in battle before he could exert any effect. The next time I use five-color fish, I have to wait at least a month. Moreover, there is only ordinary water in the Yunmu bottle now, and there are no other fish to participate in creating the environment in the water bottle. Maybe the five-color fish will not be able to recover in a month...

Before his departure, Yan Fu gave him a box of one hundred talisman seals. Twenty-seven of them have been used to kill Grandma Bizhu, and there are still seventy-three unused. In the big battle just now, fourteen cards were used up. After several battles, only half of the whole box of talismans and seals was left, it was like burning Dao Yuan stones.

In addition, the Seven Profound Treasure Clothes have been destroyed, and the splendor that Xu Xiangqian exerted has been consumed.

This means that there is no room for error in his next battle. To make a mistake is to die.

But Jiang Wang only thought in his heart——

"Fifty-seven more."

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