Red Heart Survey

Chapter 897 White Elephant King

Dingwei area, Sea Nest No. 3.

There are five Sea Nests in this area, headed by No. 3 Sea Nest.

The person who personally built this sea nest is the current leader of the sea clan in the Dingwei area, the king-level sea clan white elephant king.

When he took over the Dingwei area, the ratio of Sea Nest to Floating Island was two to three. Under his leadership, even the two floating islands of the human race were destroyed, and the number of sea nests changed from two to five.

Most of the war situations in the major regions of the entire Lost World are constantly changing like this.

The human race and the sea race each have their own heroes, and they are also enemies of each other.

It has to be said that the floating island where Ding Jingshan sits is extremely tenacious. When he built the third Sea Nest, he had already destroyed two floating islands, and he was about to turn the Dingwei area into the sphere of influence of the Sea Clan. At this time, Ding Jingshan came. Like a nail, it was driven into here hard and never moved.

Although the other party had no power to fight back, he still failed to destroy the last floating island. Over the years, Sea Nest has been built from three to five, and his power continues to expand, but the floating island where Ding Jingshan sits is still as firm as a rock.

At the beginning, he still had the obsession to completely wipe out the Dingwei area, but later on he gradually gave up this plan. It's not that there's nothing he can do about that god-bound Ding Jingshan, but that he doesn't want to spend too much to destroy this last floating island. Harvesting is difficult to scale with giving.

And once this floating island is destroyed, the human race will inevitably increase its troops in the Dingwei area in order to regain its influence. At that time, he might not be as comfortable as he is now.

With the expansion of power, he also realized more and more that controlling a complete area in the maze was already the limit of his current cultivation. To control a larger battlefield, you have to advance to the real king.

It's better to keep this situation. When five sea nests suppress a floating island, the human monks will be completely at a disadvantage in this area and will only suffer serious blood loss.

He wants to manage the Dingwei area into an area where the Sea Race maintains an absolute advantage and can continue to cause the greatest damage to the Human Race.

Over time, the Dingwei region has become somewhat famous in the sea.

It is an obligation for the Sea Clan to fight in the Lost Realm, and no one can be exempted. Many strong men would choose to let their descendants first come to the Dingwei area, where the sea tribe has an advantage, to practice.

This kind of friendship also made the life of the White Elephant King more and more comfortable. Seeing that after another few decades, he would have enough money to even become a true king.

It is said that the lost world is more dangerous than the sea, and one must break into the present world to live a fairy life.

But in the eyes of the White Elephant King, the Lost Realm is much more comfortable than the Canghai! As for the days of the gods, now is the days of the gods.

As long as large-scale wars are not fought, life in the Dingwei area will be so comfortable, and a large number of mazes will be earned every day.

Ding Jingshan could only shrink back to the floating island, fearing that one day he would come out and be surrounded and killed by his subordinates.

The children under him also have enough advantage in the wild, constantly harvesting the lives of the human monks, there is really not much to worry about.

So when the accident happened, he was a little dazed.

"You mean, Yu Wangu is dead?"

He asked the young Sea Clan in front of him.

At the same time, there were six commander-level sea clansmen who died in battle, but he only asked Yu Wangu.

The offspring of a real king, who also inherited the talent and supernatural powers, died in the wild.

And that is no ordinary true king, that is the blood king!

Although they are all so-called "kings", the one who crushed him to death didn't even need to make any effort.

The tall and fat White Elephant King sat on the big tusk chair. Kneeling in front of him were three young sea people, two men and one woman.

The male Sea Clan kneeling at the front is named Shui Yingrong, a tall, thin guy with a pointed face and deep eyes.

His sea lord's true form has a head like a falcon, a tail like a dragon snake, six wings, and eight full heads, which is quite extraordinary.

It was also the one who was defeated by Jiang Wang in the battle.

He is also a descendant of the real king, and his blood is quite noble. It's just that the real king is not as good as the blood king, and he is not as good as Yu Wangu. For the development of innate supernatural powers, it is far behind.

"Yes." Shui Yingrong said.

The White Elephant King has a big palm. He wiped his face with this big palm, showing that he was not in a happy mood.

"I'm curious. In this Dingwei area, where our sea warriors rampage. Your combat team dispatched nine commanders, how did you manage to return with only three?"

He grinned, showing teeth as white as snow: "Are you going to surround and kill Ding Jingshan?"

Shui Yingrong lowered his head deeply, although he is also a descendant of the real king, but he is not valued as much as Yu Wangu. If the White Elephant King really wanted to anger him...he couldn't bear it.

"Humble and incompetent," was all he could say.

The two sea clansmen behind him were comrades in the same team who fled back with him, and their performance at the moment was even worse than his. They were all lying on the ground, trembling all over.

They don't have a real king ancestor.

The White Elephant King took a deep breath, suppressed his anger and said, "Tell me what happened."

Fighting in the maze world, life and death are commonplace. Even if the opponent is the heir of the blood king, if he dies in battle, he can only say that his skills are inferior to others, so it is hard to blame him.

But the problem is that not long ago, he accepted the gift from Blood King's men and promised to take care of Yu Wangu.

Yu Wangu died today!

What would the Blood King think?

Do you think he doesn't take the blood king seriously, and even... slaps the blood king in the face?

With the temperament of the blood king... he didn't even dare to think deeply.

Fear made his anger boil even more.

Shui Yingrong didn't dare to look up, just knelt there and recounted the whole battle.

If his real king ancestor was here, he might have to hide the truth about his escape at the last moment, but at this moment when he was facing the White Elephant King, he dared not tell a single lie.

Because, even if he dared to lie, the two guys behind him would definitely not have the guts.

A circle cannot be rounded.

He can only exaggerate the opponent's strength as much as possible on the basis of reality, so as to justify his escape.

This is not called running away. I have put in my best efforts, but I am really not an opponent. In order to preserve my vitality, I have to escape.

Where people lose land, everyone gains land. If you lose your land, you will lose your land.

This sentence of the human race is justified!

The white elephant king listened quietly, but the anger disappeared in his voice, which was terribly flat: "You mean, that is just a monk with supernatural powers in the inner palace? You nine commander-level fighters of the sea clan besieged a supernatural inner palace In the end, six of the monks in the border were killed, and three escaped?"

Shui Yingrong was frightened and ashamed, he could only swallow his defenses, it was really hard to say, but he was very sure that if he hadn't run away, he would have died there too!

That human race boy... that human race boy, is too scary!

"You really surprised me." The White Elephant King grinned.

Shui Yingrong gritted her teeth, and finally said: "That guy must be the peerless genius of the human race! He can be compared with Lord Jiaoming! It's not because the subordinates are timid, but the subordinates and brothers have already done their best. The six Ming Pao Ze's death in battle is the proof!"

"Jiaoming is a peerless arrogance who is sure to become the emperor. Do you think that human monk can compare with him? Shui Yingrong, can you be responsible for what you said?"

Shui Yingrong slammed his head on the ground: "This subordinate really thinks that even if it's not as good, it's not too far behind!"

White Elephant King bluffed five fingers and poked at his head, as if he wanted to take it off, but finally retracted it.

"Trash!" he yelled.

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