The White Elephant King scolded Shui Yingrong, and Yu Wangu even more.

What a shit genius, what a bright future!

The Sea Clan with eight commander-level ranks was almost wiped out by a human monk with supernatural powers in the Inner Mansion.

How could a terrifying powerhouse like the Blood King have such an incompetent heir?

If this news spreads back to Cang Hai, the Blood King would wish to revive him and crush him to death with his own hands.

How embarrassing!

But who can guarantee that the blood king will not be angry?

The White Elephant King withdrew his big hand and put it on his knee.

"Arrogant of the human race who can be compared with Jiaoming..." Finally he sighed softly.

Shui Yingrong needed a reason to cover up his mistake of running away.

The White Elephant King also needs a reason to cover up the fact that he is not looking after him well.

Then it is necessary for such a peerless arrogance to appear.

Whether it is true or not, it is true.

If it’s not true, then it’s true.

Even if it's too fake in the end, it won't be true if you do it. That was also Shui Yingrong's big words to deceive each other, and it had nothing to do with him, the White Elephant King.



Dingwei floating island.

On the peak in the center of the island, Ding Jingshan crossed his legs and looked into the distance, not knowing what he was looking at.

A figure flew towards him, half-kneeling in the air, and reported, "This subordinate... failed to find Jiang Wang."

Seeing that Ding Jingshan was still in a daze, he couldn't help reminding: "My lord?"

Ding Jingshan came back to his senses and couldn't help shaking his head and laughing: "He has already dived back to the floating island."

He pointed to Jiang Wang's name on the Haijiang list in front of him, which was a vibrant green at this time.

He asked with great interest: "How is it? Are you surprised? With your ability, you didn't find him in the whole process."

The Haijiang list naturally responds to every monk who carries a sub-volume. However, it is limited to the particularity of the lost world and the targeting of the sea clan. Can't be too specific, can only have a general feeling. And the closer to the floating island, the clearer it is.

People on the floating island are regarded as safe, emitting green representing vitality, red representing danger in the wild, and dying, the light is dim and gray.

From Ding Jingshan's teasing, it can be seen that he is very close to this subordinate.

But the figure in front of him showed no arrogance at all, just shook his head: "The world is so big, there are so many geniuses, and so many treasures. How can Fu Yanqing be able to do it? If he dares to say that he can do it, he will definitely gain something?"

"You're not very lucky." Ding Jingshan looked at him for a while, but he didn't continue talking, but instead said: "Go and bring Jiang Wang over here, I want to chat with him."

The figure named Fu Yanqing responded and disappeared into the air.

Because of Jiang Wang's incident, Ding Jingshan communicated with Yanggu on purpose, and only then did he know exactly what happened on Tianyatai—he didn't contact Yanggu, and Yanggu was about to contact him.

Mainly because of the establishment of the Zhenhai League. In comparison, Jiang Wang's cleansing process is too small.

Why did you say that Fu Yanqing was unlucky?

Because Fu Yanqing was a talent he valued very much, he had done enough meritorious service in the fandom world, and his qualifications were extremely rich. It was planned to let him return to the offshore islands after a while, and carry out several major events to make him famous offshore.

On the one hand, it expands Yanggu's influence, and on the other hand, it also strives for more resources for Fu Yanqing himself. On the other hand, it is only logical that he has a talent like Fu Yanqing under his command. things.

But now, once the Zhenhai League was established, Chen Zhitao of Diaohailou was in the limelight for a while. Now that Fu Yanqing is sent back, no matter what he does, he will only be suppressed and dimmed.

And in the future, it will only be more difficult for Yanggu's genius to stand out in front of the rapidly expanding Diaohailou.

The matter on Tianyatai has come to an end, and the Zhenhai League has been formally established.

Wei Xun did his part and became the leader of Zhenhai. The area under the jurisdiction of the Zhenhai League is almost equivalent to the entire offshore islands.

Yanggu and Cassia Island couldn't stop or delay, so they had to join. Because being directly excluded from Haimin's circle would be a worse ending.

A council was set up within the Zhenhai League, which claims to be "based on the principles of openness, fairness, and impartiality to discuss and decide on the affairs of the Zhenhai League."

The leader is also the convener and adjudicator of the council. Because the real monarch is busy with affairs, Chen Zhitao will act on his behalf in daily affairs—this is also the reason why Chen Zhitao is in the limelight.

Yang Feng and Qi Xiao, representing Yanggu and Cassia Island respectively, are sitting in the parliament—this is a reasonable choice. When the alliance was formed, they were the only ones present. And like Yang Gu's general, it is naturally impossible to be subservient to Wei Xun.

In order to show respect for Juss Ming Island and Yanggu, when deciding on affairs, one vote of Yang Feng and Qi Xiao can be used as three votes, and the vote of the leader of Zhenhai can only be used as five votes.

That is to say, the representatives of Cassia Island and Yanggu had more votes than the leader of Zhenhai, which seemed very fair.

But the whole parliament... has ninety-nine votes. Most of them are held in the Diaohai Building.

Cassia Island and Yanggu won the same right of reconsideration as the leader of the Zhenhai leader, the right of reconsideration on important matters - originally the exclusive right of veto of the leader of the Zhenhai leader, after the discussion of the three parties, it was changed to the right of reconsideration that all three parties have. That is, you can postpone the reconsideration of the resolution results that you are not satisfied with. This period of delay can be used to do many things, such as... to win more votes.

Although Diaohai Tower took advantage of the situation and completed the construction of the Zhenhai League, it was impossible to completely ignore the will of Cassia Island and Yanggu after all.

In fact, since Tianyatai Weixun formed an alliance that day, the following time was basically a struggle and compromise between Diaohailou, Cassia Island, and Yanggu.

But no matter how you say it, Diaohailou has obtained the greatest benefits. Cassia Island and Yanggu were caught off guard, so they could only fight within the framework set by Diaohailou, and they naturally lost.

In the future, the deliberative system means that if either Cassia Island or Yanggu can get more deliberative votes in the future, it will be able to enter the Zhenhai League in turn. Although Diaohailou will not let this kind of thing happen, there is always hope.

It was the bait given by Diaohailou.

The establishment of the Zhenhai League is of course a major event, and Fu Yanqing is really unlucky, and it is difficult to have a chance to make a difference.

But what really stunned Ding Jingshan before was the fact that the powerful "Wan Tong" of the Sea Clan helped the Sea Clan to ascend, and the true form of the Sea Lord evolved to the level of the soul.

For a strong man like him who has been fighting in the maze all year round, there is nothing more exciting than the changes of the sea clan.

Is there such a terrifying and strong man... silently watching all the sea people?



Jiang Wang was meditating to adjust his breath, and returned to the island after going out for less than half a day. Of course, there is no problem of alienation. But the physical condition after the war is really not optimistic.

Dao Yuan swims slowly in the body, feeling himself and gaining insight into himself.

With rich combat experience, Jiang Wang concluded that pain is the feedback of the body, and understanding pain is the process of avoiding mistakes.

Jiang Wang, who was facing up to his "mistake", suddenly opened his eyes and put his hand on the sword.

And from his shadow, a silhouette slowly stood up, and a pair of eyes opened at the same time.

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