Red Heart Survey

Chapter 899 Nothing else

It was a pair of dull eyes, and when the eyes rolled, the spirit suddenly came to life.

"I mean no harm," said the owner of the eye.

It wasn't until this time that the silhouette standing up from the shadow slowly became concrete.

He was a handsome man of medium build with a slightly cold expression.

With sword eyebrows and frosty eyes, he has a certain bearing.

Jiang Wang said according to the sword: "Come here uninvited, or you have a different intention. Entering without warning, how can it not be said to be a good intention?"

At this time, the place where he adjusted his breath and meditated was in an inn not far from Baishi Square.

On the floating island, inns and other places do not charge fees. All monks who have returned from fighting in the wild can take their own food and clothing. Afterwards, the store owner will ask the floating island guarding force to reimburse the account.

Of course, you still need to take care of the extraordinary materials.

It was only when Jiang Wang returned to the floating island this time that he knew these trivial details of life on the floating island.

"My servant, Fu Yanqing, is ordered by the island owner, please go and talk." Fu Yanqing said: "Before I showed up, you already sensed it. Didn't you?"

He first explained the purpose of coming, but after all, he was somewhat young and arrogant. A sentence added later, the implication is that it is impossible for Jiang Wang to find him in advance, he deliberately let Jiang Wang find out, so he came after warning.

Jiang Wang had seen Xiong Wen's similar latent image technique when he was in Fenglin City, and it was said that it was the secret technique of the Blood River Sect. From the present point of view, it is naturally very rough.

But the person in front of him was different. It comes naturally and lightly, without any fireworks.

Jiang Wang even felt that his own shadow would be separated from him at any time - the person in front of him had such ability.

"What does the island owner want from me?" he asked.

On this Dingwei floating island, Ding Jingshan is the only one who can be called the owner of the island.

"I don't know." Fu Yanqing said: "But the island owner asked me to look for you in the wild before, but I couldn't find you. It should be related to your achievements on the sea frontier list."

"Thank you." Jiang Wang let go of the hilt and got up to thank him.

After cleaning the battlefield, he holds a red makeup mirror in his hand and wears a cloak. If you are sure of your safety, you will walk on Qingyun, and if there is any movement, you will hide immediately. Whether it is the movement of the human race or the movement of the sea clan, he turns a blind eye to it.

This way back to Ding Weifu Island quietly all the way, and therefore was not discovered by Fu Yanqing who went out to look for him.

But no matter what, Ding Jingshan specially sent someone to look for him in the wild, and he deserved it. It was precisely for this reason that Fu Yanqing spoke out.

"The island owner is already waiting for the highest mountain in the heart of the island. Brother Jiang can go on his own. I still have something to do, so let's take a step first." Fu Yanqing bowed back, fell back, and fell into the shadow again.

Everyone carried the sedan chair.

The island owner valued this young man so much, Fu Yanqing would not be so stupid as to make enemies for no reason. A little bit of unpleasantness at the first meeting was resolved casually.

Jiang Wang, on the other hand, looked at his motionless shadow and was a little silent.

Worlds, full of wonders. There are countless mystical powers and mysteries.

Stealth is not something incredible. But just now, Fu Yanqing was just a manifestation of borrowed shadows, which made him feel the pressure. It should be just a shadow, but it definitely has a strong combat power!

The Lost Realm is worthy of being the great battlefield of the human race and the sea race, and it really is hidden dragons and crouching tigers.


The highest mountain in the center of the island can be seen at a glance, and it is not difficult to find.

Jiang Wang opened the door and left the inn, instead of flying high in a ostentatious way, he walked along the road, getting acquainted with the floating island, and thinking about Ding Jingshan's purpose in looking for him.

Speaking of which, before Fu Yanqing showed up, he thought it was the follow-up of that Chu Mi gang, and was just thinking about whether he should make a prestige and avoid trouble.

Unexpectedly, he didn't stay on the floating island for a few hours, and he actually attracted Ding Jingshan's attention.

Walking and looking and thinking all the way, finally arrived at the goal. Then step on the blue sky and climb higher step by step.

Finally got to meet the core characters of Ding Wei Fudao.

Sitting on the top of the mountain was the strong man of God's presence, about forty years old in appearance, with a slightly slumped nose and a too broad face, making him not very good-looking. But it's not as ugly as Lian Que.

Moreover, the strong man sits cross-legged on the top of the mountain, and he has an aura of his own. Beauty and ugliness are irrelevant.

Seeing Jiang Wang's feet pointing to the blue sky and reaching the top of the mountain in a few steps, Ding Jingshan couldn't help but praised: "Good posture!"

"I've seen Master Ding."

The location on the top of the mountain was so small that Jiang Wang didn't dare to step forward to squeeze each other, so he hovered high in the sky, and politely said: "You are absurd."

Ding Jingshan looked at him and asked, "What were you doing when Fu Yanqing found you?"

"I am facing up to my mistakes." Jiang Wang replied.

"Which aspect?" Ding Jingshan asked.


Ding Jingshan smiled, of course he knew the truth of Jiang Wang's words. It's just that before, he thought that what this kid was talking about was a mistake on Tianyatai.

This answer satisfied him.

After knowing the details on Tianyatai, he was already very satisfied with Jiang Wang, and now he is even more satisfied.

"Sit. Sit in front of me," he said.

Jiang Wang didn't flinch, he fell down to the top of the mountain, and sat cross-legged in front of him, following his example.

"Sit here and take a look, look at these." Ding Jingshan waved his hands around half a circle: "What did you see?"

There is no sun and moon in the sky, no clouds, only the vast whiteness.

There are people under the mountain, houses, water, and roads. Further down, under the floating island, there is also a vast expanse.

"The Lost Realm." Jiang Wang said.

Ding Jingshan patted the ground lightly: "Do you know the name of this mountain?"

"I don't know that." Jiang Wang said honestly.

Ding Jingshan sighed: "This mountain has no name, so there is no need for this mountain to be famous."

Sighing, he asked again: "Do you know why?"

"The juniors don't know."

"Because it will disappear at any time. It's not falling, it's disappearing. So there's no point in naming it. It's not just this mountain, but this island, and everyone on the island..." Ding Jingshan said: "Yes , what you see is the maze.”

Jiang Wang was silent.

Even a powerhouse like Ding Jingshan can't guarantee his own safety.

I don't know how many monks, such a floating island built with exhaustion may not last long.

In the face of such heavy cruelty, he didn't know what to say for a while.

Ding Jingshan himself laughed: "On the Haijiang list, your record is very good. I sent Fu Yanqing to find you. I will be very happy if he finds you and brings you back. He didn't find you. You came back by yourself. Happier."

He said: "Geniuses who are good at saving their lives are more precious than those who are good at killing enemies. Because if you survive, you will have a future. Only then can you cause more harm to the Sea Clan."

"I'm ashamed." Jiang Wang said: "I just risked life and death, and I was careful to protect myself."

"Do you know why I want to see you?" Ding Jingshan asked again.

"I really don't know." Jiang Wang said.

Of course, he had a lot of speculations, such as whether there was pressure from Diaohailou, or whether Yanggu wanted to show his favor to Qi Guo, in short, and so on.

Ding Jingshan looked at him and said: "I just want to meet you. There is no suppression or bribery. There are no other factors. I just want to meet someone like you who, with supernatural powers and cultivation bases in the inner mansion, kills six people in a row. A young genius of the commander-level sea tribe. I want to see what the mountain I am sitting on will look like in the future. I hope I can see it."

His expression was very casual, and his voice was even a bit ugly, as if something pinched his throat when he was speaking. But Jiang Wang could feel the sincerity in his words.

"When you arrive in the Lost Realm, it's all robes."

Ding Jingshan said seriously: "This is the only thing I want to tell you."

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