What a fucking madman! Chu Mi blinked, not knowing how to express his feelings.

At first, he thought that he was a backward fat sheep who didn't know how to get rich, but later he thought that he was a son of the rich and powerful with an unfathomable background.

After hearing about Jiang Wang's record of one against nine, he even wondered if he was the hidden blood of the Qi royal family.

It is said that in order to ensure the continuation of the blood, the royal family will hide their names every generation for the hidden veins - this is of course unfounded, but similar rumors have never ceased.

At least in Chu Mi's view now, it really is so!

How many practitioners are there who dare to be sure that they will be able to achieve God's presence? How many people dare to look down on the White Elephant King, or even the Blood King?

How could this be a genius with a normal background!

Faced with the arrogance of a low-ranking human monk, the White Elephant King did not fly into a rage. He only took a deep look at Jiang Wang through the light screen of the island guard: "This king hopes that you can live until then."

He didn't deny Jiang Wang's wild words, saying that in the future, if he becomes a god, what will happen... He even wished that Jiang Wang would be more crazy, so that Jiang Wang's arrogance would be confirmed. It is convenient for him to exaggerate his achievements for himself.

But Ding Jingshan only said: "My human monks are indomitable. Whatever we do, we have to bear the consequences. Jiang Wang, how dare you kill the son of the blood king and attract the army of the sea clan..."

He suddenly changed the subject: "What a boldness!"


With a flick of a finger, a wine glass rolled out and hung in front of Jiang Wang.

"I will reward you with this cup of Soul Jade Liquid, which is hard to see in a hundred years! I will reward you for your great achievements!"

Soul Jade Liquid! This is a treasure that nourishes the soul, and it is beneficial to the monks who come to the gods. Chu Mi's eyes lit up when he saw it.

Jiang Wang reached out to catch the wine glass, and just smelling the aroma of the wine, he felt that his severely injured soul seemed to have been relieved.

Ding Jingshan's voice transmission was heard in his ears: "Twelve taels of maze crystal, or the equivalent primordial stone. After that, ask your parents to send it to Yanggu. One point less, I want you to look good!"

so expensive!

Jiang Wang trembled in his heart, but his hands did not. Too expensive to dare to shake...

Gritting his teeth, without saying a word, he raised his glass and drank it all in one gulp.

Anyway, it's not a family or two who owe it, so don't worry if there are too many lice!

Ding Jingshan made it clear that he wanted to take advantage of this incident to show his firm attitude and enhance the cohesion of the monks on Ding Weifu Island. But this Soul Jade Liquid is not a real reward, but half sold and half given away. From Ding Jingshan's point of view, Jiang Wang is definitely a man who is not short of money, and the storage box may be even fuller than him. He is used to careful planning in the maze world, so he doesn't want to be taken advantage of by charity and wealth.

Even so, Jiang Wang must accept this love. Ding Jingshan just noticed that his soul was injured, so he sent out this cup of soul jade spirit liquid with the right medicine.

Although it feels difficult to repay the heavy debts, but at this critical juncture of the war, he must restore himself to his peak condition.

So he had a good time drinking it.

It seems that there is an invisible hand—although I don’t want to describe it that way, but it’s really like a mother caressing her forehead, giving you the most tender and firmest letter in the world when she is dizzy with fever. mark.

Jiang Wang couldn't remember what his mother looked like. His mother had unfortunately passed away when he was very young, and his father seemed to be the only one in his memory. But that warm feeling has always existed in a trance.

Can't remember when it happened, but remember it existed.

The soul was nourished and quickly recovered. The soul hidden snakes swam out one by one, gradually recovering the number of three thousand. And there are some deeper changes taking place.

Jiang Wang's eyes also became radiant, closing in a flash.

"Give me back the warm jade cup." Ding Jingshan said again via voice transmission.

Jiang Wang was speechless for a while, I spent ten taels of maze crystals, a thousand primordial stones, and didn't even a cup come with it? This surname Ding is too picky!

He was obviously busy complaining, but he didn't realize that he was only spending on credit, but he already regarded himself as a big customer...

Pushing the warm jade cup back casually, he said in his mouth, "Thank you for the reward, General!"

Ding Jingshan took a deep look at him and said, "Go down and recuperate. When it's your turn to go to battle, someone will call you."

Jiang Wang originally wanted to say that I have recovered and can play at any time, and there is no need to recuperate. Dante Jingshan's eyes kept him silent.

So he bowed his hands and said, "Stand by at the next moment."

Turn around and back away.

Behind him is Ding Jingshan, who is confronting the White Elephant King, and the monks on the floating island who are busy and constantly applying defensive Taoism. They are neatly lined up, and they are the monks of the human race who are united.

Jiang Wang went against the flow of people and walked towards the inn alone.

Most of the monks on the floating island looked at him with respect. Because of the impressive record he created, and because of his high self-confidence in facing the White Elephant King.

The monks who fight with the Hai Clan all day long know the strength of the Hai Clan best, and they also know the strength of Jiang Wang best.

At least at this moment, few people want to hand him over.

Bravery is a beautiful quality that can be passed on.

Ding Jingshan undoubtedly took the lead in delivering this quality.

Avoiding the chaotic environment of the outside world, I just stepped into my room. A figure is separated from his shadow. It was Fu Yanqing who met once.

Jiang Wang was not surprised, and asked directly: "What does Master Ding want me to do?"

Fu Yanqing looked at him in surprise, thought for a while, and then cut straight to the point: "If the White Elephant King does his best this time, Dingwei Fudao is likely to fall. You have two choices now. First, join the war. This war started because of you, and Dingwei Fudao Island needed to engage in this life-and-death battle to protect you. All the monks in Dingwei Fudao Island were fighting for the sake of the human race, but after all, you were the cause of this war .So you have to be at the forefront, and when the floating island is breached, you have to be the first to die."

Jiang Wang nodded: "This is what it should be. I am willing to fight at the forefront."

"Aren't you asking about the second choice?" Fu Yanqing asked.

"Please tell me."

"Break out." Fu Yanqing said: "White Elephant King doesn't really want to capture Dingwei Fudao. This floating island we have operated for many years can at least break a few of his teeth and cause heavy casualties to his direct army. Keep it up." The status quo is the best situation for him. But because of the son of the blood king, he has to grab you to make an explanation. For us, with a small amount of power, we can maintain influence in the Dingwei area Power is also the most cost-effective choice, and we don't want to start a life-and-death battle."

"So if you are not on the floating island, there is still room for change in this war, and the White Elephant King will not spend too much money."

When Fu Yanqing spoke, he paid attention to Jiang Wang's expression. But there was no trace of resentment on the young man's face.

Of course Jiang Wang didn't think that Ding Jingshan wanted to hand him over. If he wanted to do it, he would have done it long ago. There is no need to go in such a big circle.

So I just asked: "How can I break out?"

He does have a treasure like Niyi, but Niyi can't hide it from the king-level White Elephant King. And at this time, the sea clan army is surrounded, and the space must be locked. It is hard to say whether there is a gap for escape.

"The island owner will create opportunities for you." Fu Yanqing said, "I will also help you."

Having said that, he suddenly turned around: "Who!?"

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