Red Heart Survey

Chapter 904: Lord Qing

Jiang Wang was startled.

Someone is lurking nearby, but I didn't realize it?

At least in terms of stealth, Fu Yanqing's ability is indeed too much.

After Fu Yanqing called out, Jiang Wang noticed the faint fluctuation.

As for Fu Yanqing's five fingers, a figure was directly broken and hidden, and appeared in front of them in a state of embarrassment.

"Chu Mi?" Jiang Wang's eyes turned cold.

"Don't, don't, don't get me wrong!" Chu Mi flustered, and waved his hands: "I didn't want to tie you up and hand you over, and I don't have the strength..."

With a record of one against nine, Jiang Wang didn't dare to move his mind.

"Stop talking nonsense." Fu Yanqing said directly: "Sneaky and sneaky, what do you want to do?"

"Master Qing, if I had known you were here, how could I dare to follow?" Chu Mi was obviously more afraid of Fu Yanqing who had been on Dingwei Fudao for a long time, and hurriedly said: "I see Mr. Jiang has an extraordinary background. I gave him the medicine and asked him to step back and recuperate. I have some understanding of the soul jade liquid, and it can be used immediately after taking it. So I think..."

"What are you thinking?" Fu Yanqing remained expressionless.

It was only then that Jiang Wang noticed that there were two imperceptible black lines twisting behind Chu Mi, presumably they were the shadow controlled by Fu Yanqing. It was them that forced Chu Mi out and made him restless now.

Fu Yan's youth is Jiqing, but he is called "Master Qing", obviously he has great prestige in Dingweifu Island.

Chu Mi didn't dare to hide it in front of Fu Yanqing, he gritted his teeth and said, "I think Mr. Jiang has a way to escape, and I want to follow!"

He always thought that Jiang Wang had an all-powerful background, and thought that Ding Jingshan would try his best to send Jiang Wang away first. That's why I followed quietly. From this point of view, it can be regarded as a "smart person".

However, in an atmosphere like Ding Wei Fudao, where there is a stubborn "fool" like Ding Jingshan leading by example, his "smartness" is undoubtedly very out of date.

That's why Fu Yanqing's eyes were very cold: "If you run away from battle, you will be dealt with by military law. You have three years left before your sentence is over. Now it seems that you don't have to wait three years."

"Ah no no no, Master Qing, Master Qing!" Chu Mi panicked: "Then I haven't escaped yet? Attempted, attempted!"

He shook his head desperately: "You can't do this, you can't do this."

Fu Yanqing was laughed angrily by him: "If you've already done it. In this situation, where are we going to arrest you?"

Seeing sweat on Chu Mi's forehead, he swallowed with difficulty: "I can make amends! Didn't you just say that Mr. Jiang wants to break out of the outlying islands to solve today's military disaster? I can help! You know my insignificance, I still have some use for it!"

Fu Yanqing didn't speak for a while, as if thinking about it.

Jiang Wang looked at him suspiciously, and he immediately said, "Mr. Jiang, I am the one with the best movement skills and the best concealment skills in Liang Shanglou!"

Sure enough, he was from Liang Shanglou, but he only admitted it in front of Jiang Wang at this moment, which inevitably deducted a little bit of integrity.

Moreover, Jiang Wang's suspicion had nothing to do with his ability at all.

"I dare not ask you for help." Jiang Wang said bluntly.


To Jiang Wang's surprise, Chu Mi fell to his knees and begged, "Please believe me!"

He didn't seem to have the self-esteem of a monk outside the building, so he knelt down in front of Jiang Wang!

But this kind of spineless performance made Jiang Wang even more unbelievable.

Fu Yanqing made him realize the current difficult situation of Dingweifu Island - it is almost impossible to hold it under the full attack of the Sea Clan, and at most the Sea Clan will pay a huge price.

So in such a situation, breaking out is a better choice for both oneself and the entire Dingwei floating island.

However, under the siege of the sea clan army, choosing to break out of the outlying islands, even with the help of Ding Jingshan and Fu Yanqing, is definitely a near-death adventure. Because of this, Ding Jingshan let Jiang Wang choose for himself.

In this life-and-death adventure, how could Jiang Wang let someone he couldn't trust join him?

"If you don't agree, Lord Qing will definitely get rid of me."

Chu Mi stretched out his hand as if wanting to grab Jiang Wang's clothes, but he didn't dare, so he looked at him with flustered and begging eyes: "Please give me a chance, please!"

He has a strong desire to "survive", coming from nowhere, but this desire overflows in all his physical details.

"Chu Mi can be trusted."

Fu Yanqing spoke out at this time: "At least when facing the Hai Clan, Chu Mi can be trusted."

He looked at Jiang Wang: "It is indeed difficult to break through the outlying islands, and what is even more difficult is how to get rid of the pursuit after the breakout. In this matter, Chu Mi can help you."

Jiang Wang was silent for a moment, then nodded: "I believe in Master Ding."

Ding Jingshan's attitude towards the White Elephant King has already explained everything.

He believed in Ding Jingshan, so he believed in Fu Yanqing sent by Ding Jingshan, so he believed in Fu Yanqing's judgment.

Even though he said so, it was hard to say whether his heart was shaken by Chu Mi's desire to survive, or because of Fu Yanqing's judgment... maybe it was both.

Even though Chu Mi's background is not good, even if his reputation is notorious, he is still a monk in the outer building, and he is also a real warrior who has fought against the Sea Clan in the Lost Realm. His desire to survive is moving.

Before the battle, Fudao would definitely not tolerate such cowardly people. Otherwise, it is not enough to strictly enforce military discipline.

Breaking through with Jiang Wang is an extremely dangerous choice, but it is also an opportunity he won for himself.

"Your choice can't be wrong." Fu Yanqing said.

I don't know which option he was talking about. Do you agree with Chu Mi to join, or choose to break out.

Jiang Wang only said: "I hope!"

In a maze area where the human race is weak, many things are beyond his control. Hunting and killing the Sea Clan in order to clear their sins, but to face such a danger, it is really unreasonable.

But Jiang Wang didn't complain at all.

In this Ding Wei area, he worked hard to achieve the best record, and Ding Jingshan did give him the greatest support within his ability.

Then give it a try.

Try again.

"You get to know each other for a while, so you can act later." Fu Yanqing said, slowly sinking into the shadow.

The thread of shadow tied behind Chu Mi has also dissipated without a trace.

Chu Mi's body, which had always been tense, suddenly collapsed. Looking at Jiang Wang weakly, he said, "Thank you!"

Jiang Wang only said: "You don't need to thank me. Show your best form. Otherwise, you and I may both die outside the island, just in time for the White Elephant King to withdraw his troops!"

How could he not know that if he chose to break through the siege, if he failed, it would also make the White Elephant King fulfill his wish and solve the military disaster?

For the safety of Ding Weifu Island, Ding Jingshan may not have such intentions. But at least Ding Jingshan gave him a choice.

First there was Soul Jade Spiritual Liquid, and then Fu Yanqing was sent to help him, and he was already trying his best to help him break out, not just for show.

"Huh." Chu Mi panted heavily, it seemed that Fu Yanqing was really frightened just now.

After a long delay.

"I won't die." He narrowed his slender eyes and suddenly smiled again.

Laugh slyly.

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