Ding Wei Fudao's counterattack was too sudden, even if the Hai Clan did not slack off, it was still a moment late. The first wave of star-shattering arrows still successfully hit the target.

If only fifteen white elephants and sea beasts with the strength of the commander, it is impossible to resist such an offensive, and a round of arrows will be crushed.

But as the trump card of the White Elephant King's army, this white elephant sea beast is specially bred for war, and it devours a lot of resources on weekdays. All the value is on the white nail leaf that melts after it explodes.

The shadow of the army soul is embedded with the secret method of the sea clan, closely connected with it, and the defense is amazing.

Under the starry sky reflected by the Starlight Sacred Building, the scorching light from the Broken Star Crossbow pierced the sky and instantly fell into the Sea Clan formation.

The dense white armor leaves exploded, but the shadow of the army soul under the white armor was not damaged at all.

Five giant shadows of army souls in white armor launched a counterattack under the command of the commander in chief.

The shadow of the military soul formed into an octopus monster hit wildly with its huge tentacles, knocking down all the scorching light arrows that followed from the Broken Star Crossbow.

The rest of the mad dragons, evil jackals, ghost-faced ospreys, and ferocious white elephants all made defensive postures. They had to deal with the scorching sun of the flying boat and leave these nasty but amazingly powerful little things outside the floating island.

The scene of the battle between the two clans was so chaotic, no matter whether it was the Broken Star Crossbow, the Scorching Sun Flying Boat, or the Shadow of the Army Soul, they were all so eye-catching.

But it was still the two fists that really focused the audience's attention.

Compared with the huge shadow of the army soul formed by the army formation, both Ding Jingshan and the White Elephant King seemed too thin.

However, their fists seem to have separated all the turbulent currents, shattered all sounds, and pierced through all tangible and intangible existence.

The moment the two fists collided was silent.

This is the opposition of two fists, the collision of two "Tao".

When this kind of "collision" was the most intense, outside the entire battlefield, some of the sea tribes who were not included in the army formation were ready to replenish the army at any time... In a warrior-level sea clan driving a long-scaled black-bone fish Behind the clan, a shadow fluctuated slightly, and Jiang Wang and Chu Mi jumped out of the shadow.

With the help of Chu Mi, the two disappeared without a trace, and they left quietly without even alarming the warrior-level sea clan.

In fact, the eyes of these sea tribes are all on the battlefield, paying attention to their king, looking forward to how the White Elephant King will tear up human opponents, and waiting for the military order that may be issued at any time.

The two fists finally collided.

It is difficult for others to see the deep performance of the confrontation between the monks of Shenlin and the king-level sea clan, but they can see that the White Elephant King remains motionless, while Ding Jingshan, who jumped out of the floating island, moves back a few inches.

The phantoms of the countless human races who charged forward and refused to turn back, after all, fell into the sea like mud cows, and were silently swallowed up.


Shouts were heard in the Hai Clan army, and morale soared.

However, Ding Jingshan was expressionless, and the White Elephant King was also calm.

They all knew that although the White Elephant King had an absolute advantage in strength, the punch just now was a draw.

Ding Jingshan moved back a few inches, and immediately punched down again.

Like a hammer, it smashed down the unformed weapon on the anvil, and a little fire splashed out, which was a scorching shadow.

This little fire is bright, brilliant, and proud!

The history of the human race's development of the lost world seems to be condensed into a short moment.

This moment is thousands of years, and this thousand years is just a moment at this moment.

This punch.

Life and death do not grind, generation after generation,

The White Elephant King's complexion did not change, but his eyes obviously became serious.

He seemed to be throwing a punch very slowly, and his fist was... heavy as a mountain.

Innate supernatural powers, move mountains!

The magical power of moving mountains. There have always been two manifestations. One is to borrow the power of the mountain, which needs to nourish the mountain, fix the mountain, and be in harmony with the mountain. The other is to turn against oneself and cultivate the power to lift mountains.

White Elephant King belongs to the latter category.

Passing the torch from generation to generation, can it move mountains?

Fist power can be life and death, passed on from generation to generation, but as long as the mountain is heavy enough and high enough, how can the person who is throwing the fist at this moment be passed on forever?

This fist of the White Elephant King still has only strength. Pure power, terrifying power!

His fist almost swept everything.

At this moment, the shadow behind him suddenly flowed, and the shadow gathered into a human shape. The figure holds a pointed cone.

The pointed cone is like a small umbrella, and the tip of the umbrella is about to pierce life and death.

Good Fu Yanqing!

Dare to stab God!

This cone fell behind the White Elephant King.

The White Elephant King didn't even turn his head, and didn't even change his movements.

He still punches with a slow feel.

His fist finally caught Ding Jingshan's fist.

The terrifying power exploded with an aura that would blow everything up.

The phantom holding the awl piercing its back completely collapsed!

As for Ding Jingshan, who was facing the fist, he shot back quickly, and then there was a huge bang.


"My king!!"


The sea warriors who saw this scene shouted.

It was almost at the same time that Ding Jingshan was sent back.

On the entire battlefield, after the scorching arrow rain from the Broken Star Crossbow, all the scorching sun flying boats that were rushing into the magic formation suddenly turned around and flew back to the floating island in an instant before crashing into the sea clan formation.

Before the Sea Clan army had time to chase back, the island guard light curtain had risen again!

The White Elephant King stepped forward suddenly, and blasted a scorching sun flying boat that failed to enter the floating island in time with a punch. The second punch fell, but it was firmly blocked by the island-protecting light curtain.

It shook the entire floating island, but failed to break it after all.

Ding Jingshan, who had already retreated to the floating island, suddenly said viciously: "This flying boat must be returned to Cassia Island!"

Beside him, Fu Yanqing said with blood spilling from the corner of his mouth: "There are also injuries of the subordinates, they must be taken care of!"

In a few words, Ding Jingshan, who had drawn a heavy debt for Jiang Wang, suddenly said loudly: "Put in harder! White Elephant King, is it too difficult for you to have enough to eat? Why are you so powerless!"

Instead, the White Elephant King raised his fist and said with a smirk, "It's worth your arrogance to return without success? How many more times can you charge?"

He turned his head and ordered to his subordinates: "Keep the previous frequency and continue to charge!"

"It doesn't matter how many times we can rush, the important thing is..."

Ding Jingshan looked at him with the eyes of a victor: "The person you are looking for is not at Ding Weifu Island at all! The Jiang Wang I told you to see earlier is just an illusion! I just try you! How about it, Do you think it's worth it now?"

"If any of you can deceive this king with illusion, this king will admit it." White Elephant King sneered: "At this time, don't you think it is ridiculous to use such lies to deceive?"

Among the entire Hai Clan army, the only one who could discern Fu Yanqing's whereabouts was the White Elephant King.

But his attention was all attracted by Ding Jingshan, and his spiritual consciousness was entangled with Ding Jingshan, and he didn't care about the place so far away. So much so that he didn't realize that Jiang Wang had been sent away.

"It's really ridiculous!" Ding Jingshan waved his hand, and through the light curtain of the floating island, he unfolded the phantom of the sea frontier list in front of the White Elephant King.

Find Jiang Wang's name and point it to the White Elephant King: "You don't know what this means, do you?"

On the Haijiang list, the word Jiang Wang has turned red to represent danger. It shows that the person is still in the wild.

And after the name, that bloody Sishisan seemed to be mocking his stupidity.


The White Elephant King reacted quickly. That bastard Ding Jingshan is still lying to him. Jiang Wang must have taken advantage of the charge just now to escape!

"Yu Siqing! Immediately disperse the army, search and kill Jiang Wang in the whole area, he just left not long ago!"

The shadow of the army soul manifested as a ghost-faced osprey army spread out immediately, showing good fighting qualities, countless figures shot in all directions, searching and killing Jiang Wang in the whole area!

The White Elephant King turned his head, looked at Ding Jingshan, and said viciously: "Continue to attack! This king will not only kill their future, but also destroy their present!"

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