Red Heart Survey

Chapter 909: Half an Hour

Compared with the furious White Elephant King, Ding Jingshan was calm.

"Then you must work harder. Since you know that Jiang Wang has escaped, you should also know that your means of blocking the summons are useless. Jiang Wang has now reported to other areas, and reinforcements will come soon."

He looked at the White Elephant King, and when he said this, he showed a bit of viciousness: "You'd better hit the floating island and kill Lao Tzu within half an hour, otherwise, just think about giving up a few sea nests Bar!"

The White Elephant King grinned and said, "Then give it a try! Give me a full attack!"

In the maze, the orientation is chaotic and unpredictable.

Although the Terran and Sea Clan have location marks for different areas, these areas themselves are always moving. However, changes are usually made in the form of a whole area, which is why they can be divided into areas.

For example, the human race uses the celestial stems and earthly branches to identify different regions and try to find out the laws of regional changes, but they have been unsuccessful for so many years.

Regardless of the human race and the sea race, they all recognized the randomness of this movement.

According to the situation before the last change, the closest to the Dingwei area is the Bingchen area.

In that area, the ratio of floating islands to sea nests is three to two, and the human race there is capable of mobilizing troops to help.

No matter how Jiang Wang asked for help, it would take at least half an hour from receiving the information to organizing the army to come across regions.

So Ding Jingshan said, White Elephant King had better work harder.

Of course, he hoped that the White Elephant King would retreat through the oppression of reinforcements.

But the White Elephant King was also ruthless this time, vowing to lead the remaining four army formations, break through Ding Weifu Island and kill Ding Jingshan within half an hour.

At the same time, it is necessary to use half an hour to let Yu Siqing successfully search and kill Jiang Wang.

He originally recognized Jiang Wang as the pride of heaven, but he didn't really think that he could be compared with Jiao Ming. He made a big splash, more to get rid of responsibility in front of the blood king.

But now, Ding Jingshan has spent so much trouble in order to cover Jiang Wang's escape. On the contrary, it made Shui Yingrong's words more credible.

His hero, my enemy.

The more the human race pays attention to it, the more the sea race should eliminate it as soon as possible!



At this time, Jiang Wang and Chu Mi had quietly left the battlefield.

Almost just out of the eyeliner of the Haizu army, Jiang Wang exploded at full speed.

The Chasing Wind Secret Store opened instantly.

In Yunding Immortal Palace, the Shujie surged wildly, stepped on the sky like a flat ground, flew like a slow walk... and made a steady progress!

In addition, Chu Mi, who was going upstairs with Liang, had a hidden trace attached to his side, which increased his speed again, increasing by a full 40%.

Jiang Wang didn't know at this time whether the Hai clan had noticed his escape or caught up with him. But he is very aware of the predicament that Dingwei Fudao is facing now. Ding Jingshan and Fu Yanqing have done everything they can, but under the absolutely weak situation, it is impossible to have too much hope.

He must cherish every breath of escape time he has. Before the White Elephant King reacts, he must escape as far as possible, and it is best to escape directly to the Bingchen area.

Among the three floating islands in the Bingchen area, one belongs to Yanggu, one belongs to the offshore islands and Xiaozong, and the other belongs to Cassia Island. This means that there are signs on the map.

Even if you don't talk about the personal connections he showed on Tianyatai, just based on his status in Qi, the other party will certainly not stand by.

The ultra-high-speed flight for a whole moment made Chu Mi startled. Needless to say, the brilliance of Jiang Wang's escape technique, Dao Yuan's majestic level, he has never seen in other inner palace monks.

After the Starlight Sacred Tower was erected in the distant star dome, the star tower echoed the isolated island of heaven and earth, completely consolidated the position of the isolated island of heaven and earth, and thereafter there was no danger of being lost in the sea of ​​five houses, thus liberating a large number of Dao Yuan who supported the isolated island of heaven and earth. This is one of the reasons why Dao Yuan, a monk in the outer building, is so powerful.

But this Jiang Wang doesn't seem to need to support the isolated island of heaven and earth. Dao Yuan was surging and surging, not stopping for a moment.

That's all, that's all.

That accusation further verified his extraordinary background.

The directions in each area of ​​the maze are upside down and chaotic, but the changes in the entire maze are based on the area as a whole.

There are only sporadic records of the history of long ago, and they are all hidden so deeply that they are hard to see. Many powerhouses speculated that there were two peerless powerhouses fighting here, breaking the rules of this world and creating such a chaotic lost world. According to a widely circulated saying, this battle is the battle between the Human Emperor and the Dragon Emperor in the Middle Ages.

In such a chaotic world, maze is the material used to restore order.

The Human Race wants to establish a secular order in the Lost Realm, and the Sea Race wants to establish an order in the sea.

Floating Island and Sea Nest are the efforts of the two races.

In such a land with chaotic rules, the monks in the outer building can only roughly judge their own position through the induction of the distant star dome. After each area change, information needs to be collected again.

Refers to Yu is different.

The principle of Zhiyu is actually similar to the connection between the Haijiang list and the sub-volumes. It means that I am connected with the treasure of Cassia Island that records the map of the lost world. Every time the area changes, the imprint left by Cassia Island on the explored area will send back information. So that the guide can always guide the direction.

Therefore, Zhiyu is not specially designed for monks below the Outer Building Realm who are unable to determine their location, monks above the Outer Building Realm also need to refer to it. It is even cruel to say that few monks below the outer building are more valuable than Zhiyu.

For any force, in a place like the Lost Realm, maps must be the most important information. Obtaining the guide means that you can grasp the map information of this force in the maze, and at the same time, through the guide, you can trace back those hidden imprints in reverse, and easily destroy the efforts of Cassia Island for many years.

The importance of referrals can be seen.

This handsome young man is able to carry his fingers with him, so his status in Qi is bound to be extraordinary. In addition, the finger wrench he wears, and the water treasures hidden on his body... there are some good things in the storage box.

How could he not be a child of the royal family!

"Do you need to take a break?" Chu Mi said flatteringly amidst the bitter wind.

A moment has passed, and the effect of Chasing Wind Secret Store has ended. Coupled with the exhaustion from the extreme rush, the speed is not as good as before. That's why Chu Mi has such a problem.

Jiang Wang ignored it and continued on his way. Choosing to rest at such a time is simply mindless. He is a practitioner who has experienced life and death for a long time, not a pampered son who can't bear hardships.

Chu Mi said again: "Actually, what I mean is that I have some elixir to boost energy and relieve fatigue."

"No need." Of course Jiang Wang would not take his medicine.

If it wasn't for Fu Yanqing's Life Shadow Bag, they should have parted ways after they escaped from the battlefield.

Seeing that Jiang Wang had no interest in communicating at all, Chu Mi finally fell silent. He is not someone who backs down so easily, and made up his mind to wait for the situation to ease before coming closer.

Comparing with Zhiyu's markings, Jiang Wang kept going all the way. Not only did he want to escape his own life, but he also wanted to help Ding Weifu Island complete the request for help, so he refused to slack off even half of it.

But the danger came sooner than expected.

As he kept moving forward, Jiang Wang suddenly asked, "Did you hear any sound?"

Chu Mi's voice was startled: "Don't move, I'll help you hide!"

Jiang Wang pushed him away: "Each hide!"

He only put the naked clothes on his body, and then stood still.

Chu Mi only took one look, and then gave up the idea of ​​helping Jiang Wang hide his figure. The seamless clothes were a treasure he had never seen before. He secretly cursed the big dog, and immediately cast the secret technique, holding his breath and concentrating.

They had just hidden themselves. The voice, which was still far away and weak, suddenly became intense.

That was the screaming sound coming from a very far distance!

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