That scream from far to near.

It is the air that is constantly being pierced, and even the sounds are stacked together and smashed, and finally blended together to form a piercing sound.

What kind of strong man is rushing at a terrifying speed—at this moment, in the current Dingwei area, who else can it be?

Even Ding Jingshan would not be able to leave the floating island and cross the wilderness at this time.

It can only be the strong ones from the Sea Clan who came to pursue them.

At this moment, only the strong from the Sea Clan can be so unscrupulous.

And it came so fast!

This speed was so amazing that Jiang Wang and Chu Mi couldn't help showing nervousness.

The screech was getting closer.

Jiang Wang held the red makeup mirror in his hand, and through this precious mirror, he finally saw the clear face of the visitor.

It was a huge eagle-like sea beast.

It is obviously the true form of the sea master manifested by a strong sea clan.

The face is like a ghost, with green face and long fangs, it is hideous and terrifying. The wings spread out, twenty feet long, like a cloud of black clouds.

Under the body are a pair of steel-like sharp claws, the claws are extremely long and sharp, like a thorn cone, and the middle of the claw toes is connected with meat webs.

It almost appeared in the field of vision of the red makeup mirror one moment, and disappeared the next moment.

The screeching sound pierced through the space and rolled away.

Chu Mi showed his figure solemnly: "What should I do? Listen to the sound, that's the direction of Jiehe."

The Boundary River is used to separate the various areas of the Mystery Realm.

That is not an ordinary river, it is a broken zone of time and space, and it is the most chaotic and terrifying place known in the entire Maze. Special methods are required to pass safely.

Because it essentially divides the various regions for the lost world, it is called the "boundary river" by the human race.

The maze can't be regarded as a huge flat whole, with lines dividing areas in the middle. This is true for counties, county capitals, and state capitals in the human kingdom. But the maze world is different.

In the maze, one area is connected to another area only through the "boundary river".

After crossing that boundary river, you can enter other areas. Otherwise, if you go in any direction, you will not be able to get out of this area.

Therefore, how many regions are connected by a region often only depends on how many boundary rivers appear on the edge of this region. They are also randomly generated, without a pattern.

At this time, the Dingwei area is only connected to the Bingchen area. Because there is only one boundary river in the Dingwei area.

There are two boundary rivers in Bingchen area, connecting Dingwei area and Jiashen area respectively.

That is to say, the strong man of the sea clan was traveling at extreme speed, just to block the boundary river before Jiang Wang escaped from this domain, so that Jiang Wang had no escape.

"Of course I followed." Jiang Wang said without expression: "No matter how strong he is, I don't believe that I can't even win the chance to cross the boundary river."

At this time, Jiang Wang didn't know that there was a whole army of sea clan searching for him. But even if he knew, he would only choose this way.

"The sea clan that passed by just now should be Yu Siqing. Only he can catch up with us in such a short time. This is the high-level commander-level sea clan of No. 4 Sea Nest, and it is the strongest one in the Dingwei area." One of several high-level commanders. The two of us are tied together, and we are not opponents."

Chu Mi said: "Furthermore, the soldiers of the Hai Clan surrounded the floating island with more troops. If it was to catch you, he couldn't have come alone. It was only because he was the fastest that we only saw him. Soon his men will follow."

Jiang Wang only said: "Then we have to hurry up, don't we? The longer the delay, the more helpers he has, the less likely we are to cross the river."

Chu Mi gritted her teeth: "You will kill me."

Perhaps knowing that his words were too blunt, he added: "I can't die."

There was even some pleading in his eyes: "I don't want to die."

Because of the bag of shadow of life woven by Fu Yanqing, if something happened to Jiang Wang, something would happen to him, so he couldn't let Jiang Wang go.

I tried my best to help Jiang Wang speed up, and the first time I heard the sound, I wanted to help Jiang Wang hide. At this time, I wanted to persuade Jiang Wang not to take risks... all to save Jiang Wang's life, and to save his own life.

He wants to live, and living is more important than anything else.

Jiang Wang glanced at him, untied the life shadow bag from his waist, and crushed it with his true energy in front of him: "You can go. It's okay to beg for mercy and surrender, or find a place to hide." Alright. It's up to you. You have bought me a lot of time, which is enough. I will handle the rest by myself."

After all, without even looking at him, he walked away on Qingyun.

Chu Mi froze in place.

Who would give up a monk in the outer building who was under the control at such a moment? Even if you can't help him get out of the predicament, at the very least, it's okay to be a target to attack and a human shield to resist danger?

And the man let go of the shackles so easily.

From his point of view, he could only see that the young man was taking a leisurely walk in the court, as if he was slowing down his illness.

The cyan cloud shadows under the feet collapsed one by one, spreading far away.

As if... ascending to the sky!



In Jiang Wang's view, although Chu Mi looks like a veteran of swindling and abducting, and must have had a bad record in the past, he has been in the maze world for many years, and he is already being tortured. The mistakes he made, he is paying back.

Even if he is guilty, he is not worthy of death.

He had indeed relied on his secret technique before to be able to escape so far in such a short period of time. Between life and death, every breath time gained is precious.

He didn't want to and didn't need to forcefully drag this person to accompany him on the adventure.

The time for simply fleeing for life and on the road has passed, and a reluctant and timid Chu Mi may not be able to play any role in front of the powerful Sea Clan.

Since he was afraid, he simply let him go free.

What Chu Mi said was that he hoped that Jiang Wang would hide and wait for the dust to settle before finding a chance to cross the border.

In fact, Jiang Wang wanted to ask a question - "Under the overturned nest, how can there be any eggs?"

But in the end nothing was said.

There are many people in this world. It’s not that I don’t understand some truths, it’s just that I’m good at blindfolding myself and don’t want to understand.

Ding Jingshan said, "When you arrive in the Lost Realm, it's all robes."

But if you approve it, you will approve it, and if you don't approve it, you don't have to force it.

Just like Ding Jingshan, he only gave him a choice and didn't make any demands on him.

"Boundary River" is a broken zone of time and space, ranging from tens of feet in length to more than ten miles in length.

In the case of being blocked, the longer the boundary river, the better. The longer the boundary river, the harder it is to be blocked, and the more room for him to move around.

No matter who the sea clan who flew past just now is, his combat power is definitely superior to him, so what Jiang Wang only thinks about is breaking through, trying his best to break through and intercept. There is no hope of killing the opponent in his heart.

According to Zhiyu, the boundary river in the Dingwei area is not too long, but it is seven miles long.

In fact, the land of seven miles cannot be said to be short, but it is definitely within the attack range of the high-level commander-level sea clan.

A hundred miles away, Jiang Wang slowed down, creating illusions with the Mirage King Bead in one hand, and observing the environment with the red makeup mirror in the other.

He should be more cautious and slower, but as he told Chu Mi, he must hurry up at this time.

It is really difficult to balance between advance and retreat!

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