Chu Mi mistakenly thought that Jiang Wang's Dao Yuan was more majestic than that of the monks in the outer building, but it was not.

Although his isolated island of heaven and earth is vast and solid, naturally stable, and does not require too much Dao Yuan to lift up, it cannot be completely liberated like a monk in the outer building.

The reason why he still does not change his expression while running at super high speed for a quarter of an hour is actually because the immortal art of "Smooth Progress to the Clouds" mainly consumes the skill, and the Dao Yuan consumes very little.

There is a Qingyun Pavilion in the Yunding Immortal Palace that continuously produces techniques, so of course he doesn't have to worry about lack of successors. Although Yunding Immortal Palace is far from being restored, and Qing Yunting's production speed is not as fast as before, but now is not the time for Yunding Immortal Palace to overwhelm the world. There are not so many disciples of the Immortal Palace who use the technique guide, and it is more than enough for Jiang Wang alone.

It is undoubtedly an advantage to rush all the way to Jiehe without consuming too much energy. But perhaps, this is the only advantage.

When the sea tribe who rushed to the front of the boundary river in the true form of the sea master entered the field of vision of the red makeup mirror, Jiang Wang held his breath and stopped.

It was a male sea tribe with a sharp face and dark eyes. The sea tribe characteristic was the black scales on his brow bone.

Jiang Wang knew that it was extremely exhausting for the sea clan to use the true form of the sea lord, just like an extraordinary monk using supernatural powers.

In other words, the Sea Clan that Chu Mi called Yu Siqing must not be in his prime at this time.

But Jiang Wang had no intention of making a move at all. Since the opponent dared to use the true identity of the sea master, he quickly blocked the boundary river, and after knowing that he had a record of one against nine. If you still choose to come alone first, you must rely on something.

My family knows my own family affairs. The so-called one against nine has a lot of accidental elements. Jiang Wang will not underestimate himself, but he will not be too inflated when weighing life and death.

As an enemy, Yu Siqing would definitely not underestimate his enemy, let alone dare to underestimate Yu Siqing. In particular, Chu Mi has already introduced that this is one of the strongest high-level commanders in the Haizu in the Dingwei area.

This guy stood there silently, as if he was adjusting his breath—this undoubtedly showed that he was confident that he must be faster than Jiang Wang, and must have rushed ahead of Jiang Wang. Moreover, he was not afraid of Jiang Wang's possible sneak attack.

Not far behind him was a line of nothingness.

Not any scene in the maze, just nothingness.

Jiang Wang sneaked a few steps closer, still the same. He finally determined that the red makeup mirror could not reflect the boundary river. Before crossing the river, the mind of observing the boundary river was obviously wasted.

Probably because the "Boundary River" is the broken zone of time and space, the most chaotic and broken zone in the entire chaotic world, with no rules at all. And the reflection ability of the red makeup mirror relies on certain rules. When all the rules are broken, the red makeup mirror loses its reflection.

Only in this way can it explain why the red makeup mirror failed to reflect the target.

Fortunately, the scene beyond the Qili Boundary River is still clearly reflected. When imagining the strategy of crossing the river, you only need to lock the position of that line of nothingness.

The boundary river is difficult to cross, and it surges in it. The broken time and space will shatter all the people and things that accidentally fall into it.

But the maze world is an overall battlefield, and communication and interaction between each area is necessary. Therefore, the sea people of the human race have already studied the method of "crossing the river".

The method of the human race is to "cross the bridge".

In Jiang Wang's current storage box, there is one hidden, which was given by Fu Yanqing before leaving.

To put it bluntly, the so-called crossing bridge is a bridge made of maze. With the blessing of a special secret method, it is possible to cross the boundary river, and the user can cross the bridge calmly.

The principle is nothing more than using the maze to temporarily stabilize the rules in the boundary river.

When the chaos stabilized, the part of the boundary river would naturally be less dangerous.

It can be seen from this that the maze crystal is really the most important strategic material in the maze world, and it is needed in many crucial places.

Jiang Wang's current goal is to successfully use the bridge to cross the river under Yu Siqing's interception.

How to do?

Just as he was thinking, another figure entered the field of vision of the red makeup mirror.

But an "old friend".

Jiang Wang didn't know his name, but he knew his sea lord's true form, with six wings, eight full legs, and extremely fast speed. It was the commander-level Sea Clan who was scared off by his misguided approach.

This guy should have come from another direction. From the Hai Clan below King Bai Xiang, perhaps he and Yu Siqing are the two fastest.

So far, Yu Siqing's strategy has become very clear. He made it clear that he wanted to block the boundary river first, so that Jiang Wang would not have the chance to cross the boundary. Then, starting from Jiehe, search and kill Jiang Wang in the Dingwei area in reverse.

Jiang Wang didn't know that in order to search and kill him, the White Elephant King sent an entire Haichao army. At this time, in the wilderness, there are already sea people wandering everywhere.

But it does not prevent him from making a judgment——

As time goes by, more and more sea people will come. The hope of crossing the river will become more and more remote.

Time was not on his side.

However, Yu Siqing alone is already hard to beat, and now there is another helper, how can we break through their joint interception?

It is definitely not possible to rush directly, the speed of these two sea tribes is extremely fast. Maybe it will be stopped in a blink of an eye, and all opportunities will be lost instead.



Before Shui Yingrong flew down to the boundary river, looking at the colorful broken stream, he subconsciously stood a little farther away.

"Brother Yu." He saluted Yu Siqing: "My king ordered me to come quickly."

Yu Siqing glanced at him with dark eyes: "Take care of yourself. Today is the day to cleanse Shui Ying."

It also showed the true form of the sea lord and galloped all the way here. Compared with Yu Siqing who didn't change his face, Shui Yingrong was obviously over-consumed.

Although in terms of absolute speed, he was only slightly slower than Yu Siqing, but in other aspects, he was far behind.

Fortunately, he has a true king grandfather, so he doesn't need to be too short.

Hearing this, his face was extremely ugly.

He and Yuwangu's combat team were almost completely annihilated by a cultivator from the Inner Palace with supernatural powers. This story has already spread to all sea nests in the Dingwei area. Many Hai Clan laughed at them secretly, but because of his strength and status, there are really few who would put this kind of contempt on the surface.

Yu Siqing himself could be expected to be a king, so of course he didn't care too much about his status as a true king's descendant.

Shui Yingrong couldn't help but said: "Brother Yu, don't underestimate the enemy, he is a strong human race with arrogance and talent. I think we should be on guard, and wait for the follow-up brothers to arrive before we talk about other things."

Yu Siqing actually didn't quite believe this. Jiao Ming waits for Tianjiao, how many years does it take to produce one? But he couldn't refute it, because the White Elephant King had already determined something, and his rebuttal was slapping the White Elephant King in the face.

"So what if it's comparable to arrogance?" Yu Siqing said coldly, "Even arrogance, at the level of a warrior, he can't do anything to me!"

He looked away from the boundary river, and didn't even hide his disdain anymore: "Let's take care of you! You are not good at fighting, if you don't maintain your condition, you will be killed instantly, but how can I explain to King Yi?"

King Yi is the real king ancestor of Shui Yingrong.

These words were undoubtedly a slap in the face, and it was Yu Siqing's sharp retaliation for his daring to show dissatisfaction.

Shui Yingrong gritted her teeth, finally sat down cross-legged without saying a word, and adjusted her breath on the spot.

It's not that he didn't think of it. But it was the first time he realized so deeply... the battle with Jiuweiyi had become a shame in his life.

No matter who it is, they can stab him with this matter!

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