Shui Yingrong just sat down and began to adjust his breath, half of his strength, suddenly heard the sound of the sea tide.

The sound of the tide was mighty, and a shout jumped out of it: "Whoever stands in my way dies!"

He looked around in horror, but saw a handsome young man, stepping on the boundless flame wave, overturning.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Yu Siqing snorted coldly, stepped out directly, and went forward.

Shui Yingrong opened her mouth to shout, it should be just an illusion! But when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them again.

If Yu Siqing was allowed to easily deal with Jiang Wang, wouldn't he be even more incompetent?

He just stood up and put on a fighting posture to fill his position at any time.

Jiang Wang intentionally controlled the illusion and performed the eight-tone burning sea that he had performed in front of Shui Yingrong, because he was worried that Shui Yingrong, who had already seen it, would see through it at first sight.

Unexpectedly, Shui Yingrong didn't say a word even though he saw through it.

Yu Siqing has already come forward incomparably domineering.

When the five fingers are twisted, they form a claw gesture, facing the phantom created by the mirage bead head-on.

At this time, another Jiang Wang came out with his sword and shot to another section of the Jiehe River. It seemed that he was playing a trick.

But when Yu Siqing pressed his left paw, the illusion created by Mirage Pearl instantly collapsed. His right hand also became a claw, and he swiped straight in front of him. There was nothing in front of him, as if he was attacking the air.

But Jiang Wang, who was standing in front of the boundary river with his sword, suddenly had five cracks on his body and collapsed immediately!

No flesh and blood, another illusion.

"Huh?" Yu Siqing was surprised, and still had time to glance at Shui Yingrong: "This person is proficient in illusion? I can't see any problem with the illusion just now."

It turned out that he had seen through the phantom of the mirage bead a long time ago, and he just used his tricks to lure Jiang Wang out to kill him. However, the phantom of the red makeup mirror convinced him that it was real, so much so that he used his ultimate move.

Compared to Yu Siqing's astonishment, Jiang Wang was even more shocked.

Just now... what kind of method is this?

Being here, but attacking the other side?

Distance seems to have lost its meaning to Yu Siqing!

It's just elusive.

Jiang Wang was twenty miles away, moving cautiously into the distance.

What I did just now was not to make a fuss, but to startle the snake. He just wanted to see Yu Siqing's methods.

It should be said that the goal has been achieved, and he saw it clearly.

But this is not good news, because the opponent is really terrible!

Just now, the red makeup mirror phantom body, there is no room for resistance at all. He put himself in the situation, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

If it is said that using the mirage king bead and the red makeup mirror in succession, what gains have been obtained.

That is to make Jiang Wang truly realize that this Yu Siqing, at least for now, is invincible. It can even be said that there is no chance at all.

Although according to the previous analysis, he could also imagine Yu Siqing's horror, but he still had the urge to give it a try. Now this idea has been completely dispelled.

He was sure that he was not Yu Siqing's opponent, and it was impossible for him to successfully cross the river under that kind of weird attack, so he retreated decisively.

Evacuation is not giving up, but a judgment based on calm thinking—once the opponent's men are assembled, they will inevitably start searching near the boundary river first, and then expand to further places.

When he was here, there would definitely be nowhere to hide.

But Ding Wei's area is so big, even if all the sea people are pulled out, it is difficult to search all the spaces. The wider the search net is stretched, the wider the gap will be.

He didn't believe that those who came to chase and kill him were all powerful men of Yu Siqing's level, and they all had methods like Yu Siqing's.

Only when Yu Siqing left Jiehe and joined the pursuit of him, would he have a chance to come back and cross the river successfully.

This is the best choice in this situation, and it is also helpless in the face of a strong man like Yu Siqing.

Based on the very short observation just now, Jiang Wang has already judged that this sea clan, among the monks of the human race, is at least at the level of supernatural powers.

And his supernatural powers are particularly terrifying!

It can be compared to a strong man at the level of Hell Wumen Yan Luo. As for whether it is stronger or weaker, it is impossible to accurately judge without an exact fight. But no matter what, he is stronger than himself.

Through the eyes of the phantom, Jiang Wang has seen the colorfulness of the boundary river, countless fragments of time and space, wandering in the narrow and mighty gaps.

Beautiful but dangerous.

Jiang Wang withdrew to the distance, while keeping in mind the appearance of Xia Jiehe.

No matter how strong the opponent is, we must cross this boundary river today!



Before the boundary river.

Yu Siqing didn't notice where his opponent's real body was, and Yu Siqing didn't intend to pursue him.

Blocking the way out is the most important thing at this stage. Let your ever-changing, I just keep the only way.

So he only glanced at it, and stopped where he was, failing to see Jiang Wang's concealment. Because of the contact just now, he also paid more attention, and began to obtain more information from Shui Yingrong.

Facing Yu Siqing's question, Shui Yingrong only said: "I said before, this person should not be underestimated. Not only is he superb in illusion, but his killing power is even more terrifying. He has a supernatural power of fire, and almost everything is burned."

"Oh. It's just pretending to be a ghost, just to scare the children." Yu Siqing sneered with something in his words: "You see, I'm stuck here, does he dare to show his real body?"

It couldn't be more obvious who the kid was talking about.

Shui Yingrong was annoyed by his sarcasm from time to time, but he was definitely not his opponent. Simply stand and adjust your breathing, just pretend you didn't hear it.

"It's you." Yu Siqing suddenly remembered something, and looked at him coldly: "Why didn't you tell me this information before?"

Their trip was ordered by the White Elephant King to search and kill Jiang Wang. Military orders are like a mountain, if the defendant is accused of deliberately not cooperating, it will be difficult to get good fruit.

Shui Yingrong's heart was dark, but on the face he said angrily: "I want to say, did you give me a chance? I said as soon as I came, we have to be on guard, what are you talking about? Will you find out this time?" When people come, they want to blame me. Yu Siqing, you have insulted me too much, and there will be rewards in the future!"

Seeing that Shui Yingrong was furious, Yu Siqing was satisfied, nodded and said: "I will wait for your coming day, but I hope you don't make me wait too long."

He just wanted to humiliate the man.

These descendants of the true king, relying on having a good ancestor, have completely lost the brave tradition of the Hai people. They only know how to find a comfortable place to dawdle, stirring up a lot of misty areas in the Lost Realm.

He, Yu Siqing, came to this area, which happened to be the corresponding recruiting position, so it was clear, clean and innocent. This Shui Ying Rong and that Yu Wan Gu were transferred here through connections.

He didn't dare to go to the Jiashen area where the human race is powerful, and secretly changed places before the recruitment, thinking that others didn't know!

He looked down on this kind of Sea Clan the most, so he didn't mind humiliating this kind of beast.

"You won't have to wait long!"

Shui Yingrong gritted her teeth and responded, seeming extremely resentful. But he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and cursed silently: "Silly dog!"

"Hehe." Yu Siqing smiled disdainfully.

"Trash!", cursed in my heart.




[New readers always ask why the grades are not good for such a hard-working book. This is of course out of my love for me and my liking for this book.

But at the same time, there are also another group of people, and there will always be this group of people, who will turn the result into the cause-"Bad grades mean bad."

Today, there was also a trainee who said that the protagonist would never reach the limit of his current state, which was simply poisonous, and his poor grades were expected.

I thought about it for a long time, but I couldn't figure out where the logic of this sentence is. All fiction should be invincible?

As for why the grades of this book are not good.

A novel with 2 million words and 15 lords, the only big recommendation so far was the exemption in April last year. It also happened to be during the free period of the whole station.

Which book have you seen, which author who wrote an online article for the first time, whose recommendation is so poor, can still achieve such results?

It can be said that the rise of this book from 60 average to the present is entirely the result of word of mouth from readers.

Isn't this enough to explain word of mouth, can't it explain a word "good"?

Now the average subscription is 1,600. With this subscription data, the monthly ticket list for the past few months has been around 200 on the whole site. You must know that there are almost no boutiques below the top of the list (that is, the average order is 3,000). Doesn't this explain the reader's support for this book? Many readers read other books and give all their monthly tickets to Chi Xin. Doesn't this mean that they like it?

The recommendation arrangement of the website has its own considerations. There are many immortal heroes and the competition is fierce, so I can't interfere. Although anxious, can only wait.

I believe that thick accumulation can make thin hair, and that although the journey is difficult, there will be times when there are long winds and waves.

After all, try your best and then you can have no regrets.

You can say that Chi Xin's writing is not good enough, but it also talks about martial arts a little bit, let's look at the content of the book itself.

It is not invincible so it is bad, and poor grades prove bad.

I can only say that your logic is sick.

Your logic is sick, you don't realize it, and you ran in front of me with a trainee title...

You are sick. 】

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