Red Heart Survey

Chapter 913 Spear and Shield

Jiang Wang, who left first, didn't know that the White Elephant King only gave Yu Siqing half an hour.

As far as he and Yu Siqing's penetration is concerned, time is actually on his side.

But Yu Siqing didn't know that Jiang Wang didn't have any means of cross-regional communication, let alone broke through the communication blockade of the Hai Clan, and failed to ask for help. From Yu Siqing's point of view, human reinforcements from other regions would arrive at any time, so he had to hurry up.

This created a sense of urgency on both sides. Jiang Wang wanted to break through quickly, and Yu Siqing wanted to complete the search and kill quickly.

They didn't know each other before and had never had contact.

But in the maze world at this moment, because of their respective backgrounds and positions, they have become contradictory parties in an absolute sense. One for attack, one for defense. One hides, one searches.

But Jiang Wang, who was eager, quickly evacuated after beating the grass and alarming the snake, and lurked cautiously. It seems that there is no rush to break through, and you can hide until the end of time.

And the eager Yu Siqing also stayed motionless in front of the boundary river, as if he didn't worry about the success of the mission at all, and could stand here as a stone sculpture.

The sages said: "Mount Tai collapses in the front without changing the color, and the elk rises on the left without blinking, and then you can control the interests and the enemies."

Regardless of their strength, both sides already possess the disposition of a strong man in terms of character.

The more urgent, the more calm. The more you desire, the more you can control yourself.

As far as the breakout report is concerned, looking at the monks on Ding Weifu Island, Fu Yanqing's means and strength are actually more suitable than Jiang Wang, and the chance of success is greater.

But Jiang Wang is also the target of the White Elephant King to please the Blood King, and it is an important bargaining chip for him to decide whether to continue the war.

Fu Yanqing's escape will not affect the White Elephant King's determination to fight. Not so Jiang Wang.

So in the end it was he who showed up here.

And with such a heavy responsibility on his shoulders, he hid far away from the boundary river, making no progress at all. It's hard not to be anxious.

He had already waited for another full quarter of an hour, until at least three teams of Sea Clan fighters rushed to Jiehe.

Yu Siqing still didn't move.

Not only did they not move, but they also did not send out the newly arrived Sea Clan fighters.

Too stable, this guy is not just strong.

Before at least five teams of the Sea Clan rushed to Jiehe, none of the Sea Clan fighters in front of Jiehe left.

Jiang Wang ventured closer several times and saw it through the red makeup mirror.

These sea tribes mobilized sea beasts, sacrificed blood on the spot, and piled up a wall of flesh and blood in front of the boundary river!

The wall was dripping with blood and covered with bone spurs, and between the bone spurs, many eyes were hidden.

Jiang Wang didn't know what kind of wall this was, but he could tell that this wall of flesh and blood was extremely difficult to mess with!

It became thicker, taller, and longer, and finally blocked the entire seven-mile-long boundary river.

As time passed, Yu Siqing did not leave Jiehe to search for him as he wished. Instead, stick to the boundary river and continuously strengthen the defense force in front of the boundary river.

The more Jiang Wang waited, the more hopeless he seemed to break through.

If we say that in the past, he faced Yu Siqing and Shui Yingrong, the possibility of breaking through by force was only about 10%. So now with the addition of this wall of flesh and blood, the possibility of forcibly breaking through is completely gone.

Yu Siqing made himself invincible first, and then sought the possibility of victory. Regardless of combat power, this kind of opponent is also very terrifying, and can be called a real handsome talent.

Jiang Wang realized for a moment that he seemed to have no choice but to continue to wait!

And the end of waiting...

The Dingwei floating island will be destroyed, and the Dingwei area will be reduced to a complete sea tribe area. And he, who was blocked in this area, will be found out sooner or later.

The only hope probably lies in the counterattack of the human race. But when will we wait, can we last until then, and will we be sure to succeed?

Difficult situation!

As the main battlefield of the Human Sea Clan, Jiang Wangcai has not been in the Lost Realm for a long time, and has already experienced several life and death crises.

No wonder so many strong men died here.

"Will I be one of them?"

The fight with Granny Bizhu and the blood king's son was also a life-and-death struggle, with life hanging by a thread. But Jiang Wang was always sure of his victory and never thought that he would lose. It is true that the opponent died in the end.

But facing Yu Siqing's nowhere to go, he couldn't help but think about this question.

I don't know if Xu Feng from next year's sea festival ceremony can bring back the soul of Ding Wei's region...

He didn't want to wait, didn't want to waste a little time.

But he knows very well - can only wait!

With terrifying willpower, Jiang Wang suppressed his urge to fight to the death. Always wait silently, do not make a little movement.

After gathering more than a hundred sea clan warriors in front of the boundary river, and the wall of flesh and blood itself looked like a terrifying monster, Yu Siqing finally made a new arrangement.

He began to assign Sea Clan teams to explore in all directions one by one.

The positions of these sea warriors are very particular. Jiang Wang can't see any more mysteries, but he can tell that this position is very convenient for communication with each other.

And in every team of Sea Clan fighters, there must be one with a red scaly thing on the back of his hand.

It is not difficult to judge that this object maintains some kind of communication between the teams.

If it weren't for observing through the red makeup mirror, Jiang Wang might not be able to see so carefully.

And such a "fishing net" woven by the warriors of the Sea Clan opened up like this.

With Jiehe as the center, cast a net in all directions.

As the controller of this net, Yu Siqing firmly grasped the overall situation.

But Jiang Wang just waited, when this guy would leave.

Compared to the seemingly terrifying wall of flesh and blood, it was Yu Siqing himself who was even more difficult to deal with.

However, with the spread of the Hai Clan's big net, he had to retreat even further, so far that he couldn't see Yu Siqing through the red makeup mirror.

In other words, he is now unable to judge whether Yu Siqing left Jiehe to look for him, and where he appeared.

Facing such a fishing net, he couldn't use the method of attack and kill to kill a few Sea Clan teams, thereby disrupting the opponent's layout.

Yu Siqing's arrangement was very strict.

This is a gradually expanding, huge net, as long as he touches one point, the other points can respond quickly. He forcibly killed the Sea Clan who were chasing, and could only weaken the power of the pursuers a little in a short period of time, but in fact narrowed the range for the opponent. It's not worth the candle.

He has already seen the hunting tactics of the Hai Clan once before. Facing the son of the blood king that time, he also tried his best to kill his way out. But this time, there are more and stronger opponents.

He thought about it, and the only way was to wait for the net to expand to a limit, and when the "mesh" was expanded enough for him to pass through, he could pass through it and hide behind the "net".

This is of course a very difficult thing, but he has hidden clothes to hide himself, and he has a red makeup mirror that illuminates a fifty-mile radius, so he can see the opponent's movements in full view, so there is such a possibility.

This is a life-and-death situation, and a game of chase and escape.



"Mount Tai collapses in the front without changing its color, and the elk rises to the left without blinking, then you can control the interests and wait for the enemy."

——Su Xun's "Mind Technique"

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