Red Heart Survey

Chapter 914 Robe Ze

The "fishing net" cast by the sea warriors opened very fast.

Because they are also running out of time.

The other sea warriors who did not come to Jiehe for defense, but started to search for targets from Dingwei floating island, moved even faster. It's just that Jiang Wang fled here, but he didn't know it.

The area of ​​Dingwei is very large, and they focused their search on the distance from Dingwei floating island to the boundary river. The area has been narrowed down a lot, but it is still difficult.

In the Dingwei area, there is often no straight-line distance between two points that are a little farther away. Because the direction is chaotic and upside down, it twists and turns.

Jiang Wang was able to find the place smoothly only by relying on his advice.

At this moment of silent waiting, his heart is anxious. The sea tribe's army besieged the island and attacked fiercely. He didn't know how long Ding Weifu island could last.

If Dingwei Fudao was destroyed today because of his failure to ask for help, he would have to bear this responsibility for the rest of his life.

After waiting for another full moment, Jiang Wang, who kept retreating, stopped his movements—the "mesh" had expanded enough for him to pass through.

His stationary position was calculated after careful analysis and calculation through the red makeup mirror, and it happened to be in the "network" searched by the Sea Clan team.

Just stay still, and the Sea Clan team will naturally skip him.

He was wearing a naked robe and stopped in mid-air, as if he had become a part of a lost world.

The net was getting closer and closer, and if he wanted, he could even see with his naked eyes what the oncoming Sea Clan looked like.

Of course, he kept his lesson in mind and only observed with the red makeup mirror. And the field of vision of the red makeup mirror is indeed wider and more specific than his naked eyes.

These combat teams of the Sea Clan, because the main task is to search. The formation is loose at the moment, with a large distance between each other.

He was in the middle of the two combat teams, and if he showed his signs, he would be besieged by twenty sea warriors immediately. And this "big net" will be tightened rapidly. The sea clan scattered everywhere will gather quickly, and there is no possibility for him to escape.

Now Jiang Wang is no longer flustered by this level of danger.

He watched all this silently, and even calmly judged the strength of each sea clan from some small details of the search process. I keep rehearsing in my mind. In the event of an accident, you can respond as quickly as possible.

Who to kill first, what method to kill saves Daoyuan, how to kill the fastest... These are questions that will be constantly pondered in the mind.

Unfortunately, the accident still happened.

Among them was an obese warrior-level sea clan. Whether it was negligence or what, the long-haired horse-shaped sea beast he was driving suddenly snorted and shifted a few steps in another direction.

Obviously before, his position in the team had been very stable. Just because of a little reaction from the sea beast mount, it caused the deviation.

This team is well-trained, and the rest of the Sea Clan quickly fine-tuned their positions according to his position. Let the original formation be maintained.

For this Sea Clan team, this might just be a small accident. Quite normal, by no means uncommon.

But for Jiang Wang, it caused a huge disaster—the position of the "mesh" changed!

If he stays still, he will enter the sensing area of ​​the sea clan team. If he moves, the Cloak will be temporarily disabled.

Because of such a small accident, no matter whether he advances or retreats, he has to face the result of being discovered.

Relying on his red makeup mirror and his invisible clothes, he pursued the only possibility to break through.

But the net that Yu Siqing arranged was dense and complicated. It is this kind of continuous change that makes the possibility of this large net missing prey infinitely reduced-at least until the "mesh" is too large to make up for it.

Jiang Wang had to think about a question, what choice does each Sea Clan have in this Sea Clan team? If their choices can be judged, then the second question is, can the wrong path take effect when they firmly implement the military orders and know exactly what to do?

Either way, give it a try.

Through the red makeup mirror, Jiang Wang kept observing every Hai Clan approaching, trying to find the one who was most likely to be influenced. Then, using misguided magical powers, let the sea tribe deflect naturally, thereby affecting the entire team, and let the mesh move again silently until he passed perfectly.

This requires very precise judgment.

He was also prepared to fail in the wrong direction and draw his sword directly to kill.

The closer the opponent was, the more carefully he observed.

What choices would this Sea Clan have? Among his choices, will he move in which direction?

While Jiang Wang was weighing, the Haizu team suddenly turned around and quickly moved in another direction.

It can also be seen through the red makeup mirror that another Sea Clan team in the range also turned almost at the same time.

As he judged before, when a certain point changes, the whole "net" moves!

The formation of the Haizu combat team has also changed. They tore apart the formation directly. The faster ones accelerated forward, and the slower ones chased after them, forming another line of defense faintly to prevent the target from accidentally breaking through. Fishing nets".

The sea warriors who made up this large net moved with astonishing acuity.

Comparing the sea warriors in search to each node of the "fishing net", when a certain area on the "fishing net" changes, the node shrinks at the fastest speed, directly locking the changed area.

This is also the reason why Jiang Wang made a judgment before and could not break the situation with an attack.

But at this moment, the reason for the change of this "net" is not him.

He's right here, and he hasn't had time to make any moves yet.

Now that the human monks have all fled back to the floating island, the person who touches a certain point of the "fishing net" can only be Chu Mi!

Chu Mi was discovered by the Haizu team?

It doesn't matter if Liang Shanglou's concealment technique is not as good as the Cloak, and he has encountered the same predicament and can't avoid it. Anyway, this sudden change created an opportunity for Jiang Wang.

Not only was he placed in the safe "mesh" again at this time, but the safety gap was still being torn apart rapidly.

He could have used this opportunity and just broke through.

But for some reason, Ding Jingshan's words still came to mind at this moment - "When you arrive in the Lost Realm, it's all robes."

Too plain, too simple a word.

It was printed too deeply.

He even wondered if it was possible that Chu Mi was discovered suddenly, deliberately creating noise for him, to help him distract the Hai Clan's attention?

Although that possibility is slim. That guy also looks very unbelievable.

But after all, Fu Yanqing also said that Chu Mi can be trusted in this matter.

Jiang Wang thought about it, and finally made a decision. Smashing Qingyun with one foot, his figure moved quickly, just in front of a warrior-level sea clan who was left alone due to the rapid change of formation.

Without waiting for the opponent to make a move, he directly slashed his head with a sword!

Then he held down the opponent's mount, a sea beast that looked like a tiger with scales, and occupied it with his soul and snake, and then put a round orb that reflected the changes of mountains and rivers into its mouth.

It is the mirage king bead!

With a thought, the sea beast ran wildly away.

Under the effect of the mirage bead's illusion, he turned into Jiang Wang's appearance, arousing a sea of ​​fire and rushing forward. Instantly startled many sea people.

Jiang Wang himself went straight to Jiehe without looking back.

Attracting the attention of the Hai Clan for Chu Mi is already taking a great risk, and there is only so much he can do. After all, a Mirage King Bead was included!

"If this guy doesn't die later, he must be paid back. If he doesn't pay back, invite him to the inspector's mansion for tea every day! Invite him, including his teacher, apprentice, and good friends." While flying, he was vicious thought.

Qingpai headhunters can always find a way to deal with monks from sects like Liang Shanglou.

Of course, the premise is that Chu Mi can survive because of this help.

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