Red Heart Survey

Chapter 916: The End

Veteran Chi Mu is originally a sword with great momentum and no return, and with the high speed of smooth progress as a foreshadowing, it is almost as soon as the sword is unsheathed, it is already in front of the enemy.

Jiang Wang could already clearly see the wrinkles on the Hai Clan's face and the panic in his eyes.

Without a trace of hesitation, his sword pierced through the opponent's neck!

But the unparalleled Sauvignon Blanc felt a bit stagnant at this moment.

In the opponent's neck, there seemed to be some kind of flesh and blood gallows, constantly entangled with the sword. Constantly entangled and trapped.

Is it some kind of innate supernatural power, or a special secret method?

Simultaneously with these thoughts, is an extremely strong sense of crisis.

danger! danger! danger!

Jiang Wang didn't hesitate, Dao Yuan slammed out violently, pulled out his long sword suddenly, and retreated!

But the commander-level sea clan that was pierced by his long sword exploded almost at the same time!

The sea clan was blasted from head to toe, but it seemed that there was no bone or flesh, only skin and blood.

The whole body, like a bubble full of blood, exploded in front of Jiang Wang, and countless blood... splashed!

Jiang Wang couldn't avoid it, and it was impossible to avoid it completely.

Even though he was invincible and incomparable, there was still a puddle of blood spilling on his chest.

It was a very bright red.

The naked clothes are seamless, not stained with dirt at all.

But that blob of bright red was imprinted there, a blood color that couldn't be wiped off.

Jiang Wang wiped it with Dao Yuan, but there was no change at all.

This means... the invisible clothes are invalid!

So far, Jiang Wang still doesn't understand, he is completely caught in the game. Fang Mingming of the Hai Clan had already prepared for it, and specifically targeted his invisible clothes, applying a cracking method.

Jiang Wang immediately tore off the cloak because he was worried that the pool of blood would have other uses. But the naked clothes were torn off, but the blood was still imprinted on his chest.

This mass of blood was not only printed on the naked clothes, but also printed on his whole body. Like the pinch of the tarsus, there is no way to avoid it. That is to say, even if he doesn't just rely on hiding clothes to hide his form, but also has some kind of wonderful secret technique of hiding himself, it will be useless at this moment.

At the moment when he was besieged and killed by the sea clan's strong brigade, he lost the ability to hide and hide. What does it mean?

He has completely lost the possibility of hiding!

Realizing this, Jiang Wang, at the moment when the naked clothes were torn off and the blood was still stained on his body, his retreating figure suddenly stopped, Qingyun crushed, and resolutely kicked back!

At such a desperate and dangerous moment, he judged that he had lost the space to maneuver. In this struggle of breakthrough and defense, pursuit and escape, he had completely fallen into a disadvantage.

But there is only one chance—that is to rush over, break through this line of defense, and cross the boundary river!

As long as you successfully leave the Dingwei area, losing the ability to hide is nothing. It will not be the next area where the human race dominates, and it will face a large number of sea races.

This puddle of blood on his body should be washed away later.

These calculations are slow to say, but they are all just thoughts.

In the eyes of others, Jiang Wang suddenly appeared, pierced through the Sea Clan opponent with a sword, retreated to avoid the splashing blood, and then stepped forward again, swinging the sword and killing again!

The left hand presses out the real fire of samadhi, burning the wall of flesh and blood, and the right hand draws out the sharp sword energy, dividing the world into two.

The end is very brave.

But at that moment, his calculations and the endless thoughts in his heart were hard to be known.

But at the same time as the true fire of samadhi approached, the wall of flesh and blood suddenly squirmed.

First, a ball of bloody flesh and blood jumped out, and spread out halfway, like a big cake, wrapping the falling true fire of Samadhi.

Then, in the middle of the wall of flesh and blood, a head was squeezed out.

This face, with sharp features, dark eyes, and black scales on the brow bone, is definitely Yu Siqing!

He didn't leave at all, he stayed in front of the boundary river from the beginning to the end. But he used the wall of flesh and blood to hide his traces, avoiding the insight of the red makeup mirror!

All of this is a bureau. And Jiang Wang fell into his trap completely.

Jiang Wang collected his information in the round of bewilderment. Why couldn't he capture Jiang Wang's information from that contact?

He can be sure of two things. One is that Jiang Wang has a strong ability to hide, otherwise it would be impossible to escape his search and disappear from his induction. The second is that Jiang Wang has a super vision. Obviously he is the faster side, but in actual actions, it is Jiang Wang who hits and leaves whenever he wants, which is enough to explain the problem.

If these two points are not broken, Jiang Wang can play hide-and-seek with him all the time. Trying to find Jiang Wang within half an hour is like a dream.

From the time when Yu Wangu successfully led the team to surround Jiang Wang, he could roughly estimate the approximate scope of Jiang Wang's vision.

So Yu Siqing opened up a large net, searched and drove Jiang Wang out with Hai Clan soldiers, and forced Jiang Wang out of a distance where he could see the situation near the boundary river, and then he used the wall of flesh and blood to hide. The Wall of Flesh almost assimilated him for a short time, and he was not afraid of being penetrated at all.

Jiang Wang regards him as the biggest threat, and he must avoid him before he dares to cross the border river. How could he not know?

So he made himself "invisible".

Since the opponent relies on super vision, then he will use the opponent's super vision to make a game for the opponent!

As for the means of stealth and stealth, it is easier to deal with. A ball of filthy blood was splashed down, sticking to it, and no matter how you tried to hide it, the blood color would not come off in a short time.

There is no doubt that Yu Siqing has taken the overall advantage in this match up to now.

And the moment Jiang Wang saw Yu Siqing, his figure changed again, from approaching to retreating!

The moment that face appeared, he understood that he was completely caught in the trap. The possibility of forcibly crossing the boundary river has disappeared.

Staying here any longer is the word "death".

So he retreated quickly, exploded his Dao Yuan to the greatest extent, and frantically used his skills, smashing the clouds of good fortune and good fortune one by one.

As soon as Yu Siqing got out of the wall of flesh and blood, he saw that the young human monk had already retreated. The whole figure seemed to have completely got rid of inertia, moving forward and backward very freely.

All the attacks of the surrounding sea warriors were in vain.

With cold eyes, he directly reached out and tore it off with one claw!

Jiang Wang, who was retreating quickly, stepped on Qingyun and made a sudden turn!

But there was still severe pain in the abdomen.

However, three extremely deep blood holes had already been torn out, and the blood flowed profusely on the spot. Jiang Wang pressed casually to stop the bleeding forcibly. But he knew in his heart that if he had just taken a step back, his entire abdomen might have been torn off.

Yu Siqing's supernatural powers are so terrifying.

The severe pain didn't affect Jiang Wang's sharpness. While maintaining his high speed, he pressed an octave to burn the sea with his backhand.

The mighty waves of flames and waves of sound covered his sight for a short time.

Then he tore off the talismans one by one, regardless of the effect, they exploded behind him one after another.

Yu Siqing got out from the wall of flesh and blood, and shook his body directly, revealing the ghost-faced osprey sea lord's true form. It's the last moment, it's time to hunt with all your might!

Almost as soon as his body moved, he chased behind Jiang Wang, but just crashed into the boundless flame waves and sound waves.

A black tide surged around him, separating the flame wave from the sound wave.

With intense consumption, he forcibly survived this powerful Taoism, but one after another, another talisman came oncoming, and the turbulent flow of spells almost blinded him for a while!

"You can't escape!"

Amidst the violent roar, Yu Siqing's ferocious voice spread far away.

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