Red Heart Survey

Chapter 917 Facing Death

Of course Jiang Wang knew that he could not escape now.

When the cloak was broken, it was tantamount to a failure. After so many strong sea clansmen searched and killed, they lost their ability to hide, and they were no different from lambs waiting to be slaughtered. And Yu Siqing hid in front of the boundary river, and the moment he came out of the wall of flesh and blood, his last hope had been completely killed.

He couldn't cross the boundary river, couldn't hide anymore, and couldn't run too far. The densely packed sea warriors must have rushed from all directions at this moment. Yu Siqing and even Shui Yingrong were faster than him.

This game has been lost.

Yu Siqing knew it, and so did he.

Any sane person can see this fact clearly.

But he won't sit still!

Even if he can only live a little longer, he still has to put in all his efforts and struggle for it!

He has walked all the way from Fenglin City, and he has worked so hard and so hard to get to the present. It is definitely not for the purpose of saying that he admits it before he is about to die!

No, he will never wait to die.

Fighting to the last moment, he is the one named Jiang Wang!

Under the influence of Pingbu Qingyun, Jiang Wang fled away in an instant.

The chaotic direction of the lost world, coupled with the bombardment of the pile of talismans, caused Yu Siqing to lose his direction for a short time.

He quickly suppressed his fury and calmly mobilized the army.

It doesn't matter if you run away for a while, the "net" is still there, and it can be reshaped with a little adjustment. But this time, the opponent has nowhere to hide!

"Shui Yingrong!" Yu Siqing pointed in one direction: "Go this way, regardless of the loss, use your fastest speed to chase, and respond immediately if you find something."

While re-laying the net, he found two most likely directions, one for Shui Yingrong to chase, and the other for himself.

In such a well-organized net, with him and Shui Yingrong, two strong men whose speed surpassed Jiang Wang's, it would not be difficult to capture Jiang Wang.

The outcome was decided when Jiang Wang jumped out of hiding and stabbed the wall of flesh and blood with his sword!

Things were indeed as Yu Siqing thought.

Jiang Wang used up all the remaining talismans and managed to escape near the boundary river, but before he could take a breath, he bumped into a group of sea people head-on.

This time, Jiang Wang didn't need to hide anymore, so he rushed forward and killed the Hai Clan team.

This team of sea clan is dominated by warrior-level sea clan, supplemented by soldiers. For Jiang Wang now, it is not an obstacle at all. But the moment the sea clan saw him, it meant that the net that was opened to capture him had been touched again!

Yu Siqing once again grasped Jiang Wang's position, and with his speed, he might be able to catch up soon!

If someone can overlook the overall situation, they will be able to see that in a huge area in front of the boundary river, with Jiang Wang at the center, countless sea clan fighters are frantically gathering.

If this is a fishing net, the mesh is too small for flies to fly through!

Jiang Wang didn't need to observe at all, and he was able to know his situation.

This is really an extremely difficult moment, and with his heart, he can't see any hope. He exhaustively searched for all possibilities, but could not find an opportunity for victory.

It is equivalent to being alone, contending with an army of Sea Nest, which is impossible. He is not even Yu Siqing's opponent, let alone Yu Siqing has so many subordinates!

Jiang Wang clenched his long sword tightly and pursed his lips.

It is impossible to escape, but at such a moment, there is one thing that can be done——

Fifty-seven short.

He didn't forget about it.

Fifty-seven Commander-level Sea Clans are still short of the cleansing.

If death is the inevitable outcome this time, let's see if we can cleanse our sins before dying in battle!

At least……

At least he fulfilled his promise and saved his friend.

Then hurry up and kill as many enemies as possible before Yu Siqing catches up.

The boy turned his long sword upside down and continued walking on the clouds.

The long sword in his hand was cold, and the killing intent in his heart was boiling.

His Taoism is majestic, his sword style is unstoppable, and his magical powers burn everything...

He unleashed the greatest killing power and released all the killing power!

This day was the end of the day for many sea people who had come into contact with Jiang Wang first.

They are often killed after just one encounter.

It's too late to resist, or die simply after resisting.

Only the commander-level sea clan can fight Jiang Wang. But the junior commander-level sea clan is just passing by.

On Ding Wei Fudao's floating sea frontier list, the number after Jiang Wang's name kept jumping.

Pick up four, pick up five, pick up land...

Ding Jingshan couldn't be happy when he saw this scene, because he knew that it meant... a failure to break through. Jiang Wang is already under siege.

He was surrounded by heavy siege, but he was still fighting bloody battles.

This boy can be regarded as a good fighter, and he never gave up fighting at any time. But it is useless not to give up.

He will still die.

A genius of the human race fell in the Dingwei area just like this. It's not that he is inferior to others in hunting in the wild, on the contrary, he has achieved amazing results. But in the end, he was going to die under the army of the sea clan...

This is Ding Jingshan's disgrace!

"I have guarded the island for seventy years. I have a clear conscience, but I have regrets in my heart."

Ding Jingshan turned his eyes away from the sea frontier list and looked at the White Elephant King outside the island: "White Elephant King, I have wanted to kill you for seventy years!"

Almost at this moment, the mask covering the entire Dingwei floating island was silently shattered.

Like a beautiful bubble. One touch and it's gone.

And there is no barrier between the Human Race and the Sea Race who have been waiting for a long time.



Jiang Wang got angry, relying on Qingyun Pavilion's continuous supply of skills, he flew all the way and killed all the way.

He doesn't get entangled with any strong person, but if he can't solve it, he turns around and leaves.

But even so, in this tight hunting net, he is getting slower and slower.

There will always be opponents who can block him, and there will always be sea warriors who can leave a little "mark" for him.

While killing the enemy, he is also facing the crisis of being killed all the time.

Five hundred one, five hundred two, five hundred three...

The number of cleansing crimes is still beating with difficulty, but it is getting slower and slower.

This is a hopeless fight, perhaps in the eyes of everyone, it is just a fight between trapped beasts. Is the final hysteria.

But only Jiang Wang himself knows where his persistence lies and where his goals are headed.

He could feel that Yu Siqing was approaching.

He kept changing his direction along the way, just to mislead Yu Siqing's judgment and delay the time for him to catch up.

But maybe, now is the limit.

Is it the limit?

Jiang Wang turned his head suddenly, and saw a translucent figure rushing towards him, about to swing his sword. Then I heard the person shouting: "Run!"

It's Chu Mi!

Behind him, there are more than 30 shadowy figures, but they are the Sea Clan who are chasing and killing him.

Speaking of which, it wasn't too long before Jiang Wang fell down in front of the Jiehe River and fled instead.

Up to this moment, it is no longer known who will get that mirage king bead.

And Chu Mi has insisted on fleeing until now.

Jiang Wang was not so reckless as to rush to kill, but turned around without saying a word.

But Chu Mi chased after him, put his hand on his shoulder, Liang Shanglou's secret technique was activated by the donkey going down the slope, and the speed of the two of them increased by 40%, temporarily pulling away the pursuers.

But both of them are very clear that no matter how fast they escape at this moment, it is impossible to escape.

They are already in the net.

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