Red Heart Survey

Chapter 918 Now is not the time to joke

"It's very dangerous." In the midst of flying, Chu Mi said suddenly.

After a while, he repeated: "It's already very dangerous."

Jiang Wang didn't know what he meant by talking nonsense back and forth, but he didn't bother to interrupt. After all, people are dying, so they should have the right to talk nonsense.

Chu Mi suddenly asked again: "It has reached this point, the meaning of the trial has already been achieved, right?"

Jiang Wang caught a glimpse of the Hai Clan group approaching ahead, quickly made a turn, and changed directions again.

It was also thanks to a place like the Lost Realm where the directions were reversed and chaotic, that he was able to move around for so long.

"It's impossible for us to run away, and we should use it if we have anything to rely on. There is only one life, and there is no chance to do it again." Chu Mi chattered.

Jiang Wang thought about the box of talisman seals that he had used up, the five-color fish that was still recuperating, the Qixuan treasure clothes that had been smashed into pieces, and the mirage bead that fell into someone's hands. ...I really can't think of what else I have at the bottom of the box.

It can only be attributed to the fact that this person went to the doctor in a hurry.

Considering that the two are in the same situation now, neither of them can escape. For a while, there were also some sympathizers.

well. I just sighed in my heart.

Seeing that Jiang Wang kept silent, Chu Mi finally couldn't help it: "Call someone, you call someone!"

"I don't want to die. I really don't want to die!"

"Stop playing, Brother Young Master! Call someone!"

Jiang Wang was bored for a while, and finally responded: "Who is it?"

"Call your backstage! With a background like yours, how can you come to the Lost Realm to practice without the covert protection of strong people? Call them out quickly! Just come here with a few real people! It's not convenient for real people, but God's presence is fine too." ! These native chickens and dogs, be afraid of them!"

This misunderstanding is really ridiculous...

Jiang Wang pursed his lips: "I came to the Lost Realm to cleanse my sins."

"Who the hell cares about what a son like you is doing in the Lost Realm... What? What cleansing?" Chu Mi couldn't react for a moment.

Jiang Wang didn't bother to respond anymore, he just controlled the direction and flew quickly, escaped from Chu Mi's secret technique for a short time, and directly faced a group of Haizu team, with sword qi flying horizontally, he chopped his head rolling in an instant, what a random kill!

After the cold light flickered, they merged with this sea clan team and parted instantly, leaving only a pile of corpses floating.

Chu Mi put his hand on Jiang Wang's shoulder again, and continued to borrow the secret technique of the donkey under the slope, but his voice had become very reluctant: "You are joking with me, aren't you? Mr. Jiang, I respect you very much, really. But It's not the right time to be joking."

"You don't want to die, and neither do I." Jiang Wang also responded seriously: "But I'm not joking."

"I tried my best to find you. I was chased by so many sea people, and I used so many good things from the bottom of the box. But you told me that you came to the Lost World to cleanse your sins?" Chu Mi gritted his teeth, almost mad: "Who the hell would send Tianjiao to the Lost Realm to wash away his sins!"

Chu Mi's words are not unreasonable. If it wasn't because of Zhu Biqiong's matter, Wei Xun would never have been able to bypass Qi State and throw Jiang Wang into the Lost Realm. Qi State will never allow this kind of thing to happen. Like when he killed Hai Zongming, Qi Guo also directly supported him, and the last bit of responsibility did not fall on him.

Unless Qi Guo also gave him up.

So it's no wonder that Chu Mi was thinking about the rumored hidden vein of the royal family and the master who secretly protected the hidden vein of the royal family. After being discovered by the Hai Clan fighters and having no way to escape, he tried his best to move closer to Jiang Wang's position.

It wasn't an accident that Jiang Wang met him at all, but he found him on purpose.

It felt like he was drowning and struggling desperately to grab a life-saving straw, which turned out to be just a fucking straw! As soon as I pulled it on, it broke before I put any effort into it!

"I came voluntarily." Jiang Wang said.

"What crime did you commit? A genius like you, must have committed such a heinous crime to make the court abandon you?"

"I'm here for my friend." Jiang Wang's voice was very flat, just like he was performing the Immortal Technique of Stepping Up the Clouds, smoothly and steadily, with almost no mistakes. Every step is on the best choice.

In this big net gathered by the sea clan, try to struggle for as much space as possible to delay a few breaths of life.

Chu Mi was silent.

He didn't know what to say, and he didn't know what else to say. It seems to finally have to accept fate.

After a while, he said: "Although I don't want to admit it, you seem to be the one who would do such a thing."

Jiang Wang had already surprised him by directly crushing the Life Shadow Bag and letting him go.

But at that time, he felt more that this was probably just the pride of a confident nobleman at that moment. By the way, it is also a disdain for a small person like him.

But now it seems. This is really an aboveboard guy. Even at a young age, he has already made him look up to him.

"The previous movement attracted many sea people. Did you make it on purpose?" Chu Mi asked again.

"Yeah. I wasted a mirage bead." Jiang Wang said casually: "If you have a chance, remember to return it to me."

Chu Mi closed his mouth again.

Jiang Wang could feel that the man's heart seemed to be completely broken. Even the secret technique of "borrowing the donkey down the slope" is only maintained subconsciously.

But Jiang Wang didn't intend to remind him, or ask him.

Everyone has the right to choose how to face death. Struggle does not necessarily lead to happiness, and numbness does not necessarily mean bad.

The silence lasted for a while, after Jiang Wang turned around again.

"Thank you." Chu Mi suddenly said very quickly and softly.

"What?" Jiang Wang didn't hear clearly.

"I said!" Chu Mi said loudly, "You are so stupid, how did you survive till now!"

"..." Jiang Wang said: "You should be grateful for our current situation, otherwise I will definitely teach you how to speak."

"Hahahahaha!" Chu Mi laughed again.

"What are you laughing at?" Jiang Wang felt that he had gone crazy.

But at such a juncture of life and death, chatting with a crazy person, it seems that the terrifying pressure has also been relieved, and it is inexplicably relieved.

"I laugh at what I've been doing these past few years? Living without dignity and shamelessness, no matter what others say or think of me. I want to live desperately. But I still can't fucking live! Hahahahahaha, this Isn't it funny?"

"It's not very funny." Jiang Wang said truthfully.

"Damn it! I knew you looked down on me!" Chu Mi cursed.

After Jiang Wang really couldn't move to rescue the soldiers, he also lost respect for Jiang Wang.

Before the end of death is approaching step by step, he seems to be tearing off the mask bit by bit.

What kind of Chu Mi is under that brazen and deceitful mask?

"A person's face is earned by himself, not by others." Jiang Wang said, "Is it important whether I look down on you?"

"You think you're the only one who is a genius! It's amazing for me to build an outer building in a dilapidated place like Liangshanglou, okay?" Chu Mi grinned, feeling a little proud: "Don't look at you as if you have a better background than me. You seem to be very smart, so you can't be fooled by me. You are so tender! I have marked you, and you don't even know it. If this kind of shit didn't happen, I would have stolen your treasure in my spare time. You Do you believe it?"

"I believe it." Jiang Wang said casually: "But when Catcher catches you one day, I hope you can find time to run away."

His dignified fourth-grade green brand treasure was stolen, and it would not be a problem to file a major case in the Metropolitan Inspection Office. Others are hard to guarantee. To deal with monk Liang Shanglou, it is really a cat and a mouse, specializing in art.

Chu Mi choked for a moment, and became angry from embarrassment: "You don't seem to be able to use your brain. What time is it, and you still care about these things with me! You are almost dead, okay, brother!"

"That's really a coincidence, you seem to be dying too." Jiang Wang said.

There was silence.

Chu Mi's madness went away, and he said sadly, "I don't want to die."

Jiang Wang finally sighed: "I don't want to either."

Thank you book friend White Light for being the leader of this book! Add more tomorrow!

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