Red Heart Survey

Chapter 919 Crossing the Bridge

While walking quickly, Chu Mi said sadly: "I still have a lot of wishes that have not been fulfilled. It is a pity that I have no chance to realize them."

Jiang Wangdao: "I also have a lot of things I want to accomplish. But one of them is being realized."

"What?" Chu Mi asked.

Jiang Wang untied the secret link of the donkey borrowing the slope, rushed forward, and killed the oncoming Hai Clan with a few sharp swords.

Then he said, "Forty-one to go."

"The goal of cleansing?" Chu Mi put his shoulders on him again and asked.


"Commander-level Sea Clan?" The muscles on Chu Mi's face twitched, feeling a little harsh: "How many do you want to kill?"

"one hundred."

Why do I feel that a person who is punished like this has a backstage?

Chu Mi asked herself in her heart. He said: "That friend of yours, what kind of mistake did he have to make to be cleansed like this?"

"Sometimes you get punished, not necessarily because you made a mistake."

After Jiang Wang finished speaking, he looked back, and he felt that the Hai Clan's net was getting tighter and tighter, and there was almost no room for maneuvering.

Chu Mi was silent for a moment, and said, "You're right."

He paused, then asked again: "So you should also believe that I was wronged, right?"

"Do you want to hear the truth, or lie?"

"Of course I want to listen to the real... mother!" Chu Mi recalled: "I don't even listen! It's so hard to talk to you!"

"Then save yourself some effort, and you can die a decent death later."

Chu Mi gritted his teeth: "Thank you!"

But after a while, he said again: "But having said that, I believe that you were wronged."

Jiang Wang said without sincerity: "Then I thank you too."

"Sometimes I really envy people like you, this world seems to be prepared for you..."

At this time, Chu Mi really talked a lot. But Jiang Wang didn't reply. Because he found that his final goal seemed to be impossible to achieve.

The screeching sound that had been heard before sounded again, extremely ear-piercing. Yu Siqing has already caught up!

It sounded like death's final knock on the door.

"I was really wronged." Chu Mi said hastily, and seemed to look away suddenly: "But it's not important, I'm not a good person either. If you don't punish this crime, you can punish others."

Jiang Wang was obviously not listening to him, and said to himself, "I have to find a way to kill him."

Of course Chu Mi knew who this 'he' was, and it was difficult to breathe: "Can it be done?"

Jiang Wang obviously didn't have much confidence, but his eyes were very firm: "Whether you can do it or not, you have to do something, right?"

Chu Mi looked sideways at the young man, and indeed saw some light on him that was difficult to look directly at. It's not that he's too sharp, but what's reflected in him, the self who has drifted away, is indeed tormenting!

Jiang Wang didn't think so much.


With the cooperation of Chu Mi, he has tried his best to escape. But the sound became more and more intense, and the huge sea lord's true form had already appeared within the range visible to the naked eye.

And he held the sword and turned around.

In his final maneuvers, he tried his best to move to a smaller range of the Sea Clan, struggling to make room for his final fight.

Then this is the moment.

Let's try the strength of the strongest high-level commander-level sea clan in the Dingwei area.

Fight to the death!

Just when Jiang Wang's fighting spirit was boiling.

Something suddenly sounded.

It sounds like there is no sound.

A feeling of disgust rose in my heart, the discomfort came suddenly, but quickly subsided.

Jiang Wang realized that the feeling didn't originate from him, and it didn't stop at him. It was a change in the whole environment.

"Look!" Chu Mi said in surprise.

Less than ten miles in front of them, a surging five-color light belt appeared. It was broken time and space, the rules of collapse, and a boundary river tens of feet long!

When they were most desperate, the Lost Realm just happened to shift!

In the upside-down and chaotic maze, the boundary river is also constantly changing. This kind of change is almost irregular. Here today, it may be there tomorrow, or it may remain unchanged for several months.

This is the reason why none of the Terran Sea Clan built permanent fortifications in front of the boundary river. No matter how much you invest, it may lose its meaning overnight.

At the same time as he discovered this boundary river, Jiang Wang suddenly turned around. Qingyun stepped on and ran away.

If death is inevitable, then before dying, he must make his opponent pay enough.

But if there is still a chance to escape, of course he must escape first!

Another record of eight-tone burning sea stayed in place, intercepting the way, Jiang Wang traveled at a high speed, and the border river was reached. From the storage box, he took out a crystal clear bridge and directly "built" it over the boundary river.

A bridge made of maze!

But seeing this small bridge rising against the wind, it was erected on the boundary river, and the colorful colors surging under the bridge suddenly stopped. It was because the broken rules were suppressed in a short period of time, and new rules were born at this time and remained for a short time.

On the five-color boundary river, the colorless and transparent crystal bridge is precisely the embodiment of normal rules.

Let anyone walk through!

Under the connection of the secret technique of borrowing the donkey down the slope, Jiang Wang and Chu Mi flew close to the bridge at the same time.

But when they felt the displacement of the maze and were lucky enough to see Jiehe appearing nearby, Yu Siqing, who had already approached, of course also saw this scene.

He directly surged the black tide, crashed into the Taoism of the eight-tone burning sea, and tore it off with a claw!

Jiang Wang's warning signs suddenly appeared, he stopped suddenly, and paused in mid-air.

And less than two meters away in front of him, the terrifying claw wind directly pierced through the space.

If he hadn't stopped just now, both he and Chu Mi would have been torn in half.

With Yu Siqing's claw, he predicted his position based on the speed he displayed.

However, knowing Yu Siqing's special methods, Jiang Wang, in turn, predicted Yu Siqing's attack.

It seemed that he had won half the battle, but at the same time he was forced to stop by a claw, a terrifying figure with six wings on his back and eight heads was already blocking the front of this new boundary river.

It's Shui Yingrong!

As the strongest man in the sea clan army second only to Yu Siqing in speed, after Yu Siqing found the target, he immediately chased after him. And with the true identity of the sea master, block the way at this time.

Jiang Wang knew Shui Yingrong's strength very well, and knew that he had no chance of killing him instantly.

But at this moment, there must be no pause.

Because the more terrifying Yu Siqing was right behind him!

So after Jiang Wang stopped, he went straight forward, facing his opponent, exuding a terrifying killing intent.

In the Second Inner Palace, frosty light flickered.

Start astray!

But Shui Yingrong came very quickly and stopped in front of the newly born Jiehe River.

Of course he wanted to prove himself, but when he saw the young man coming to kill him without any hesitation. He suddenly recalled the scene where six of his comrades were killed in a row despite being surrounded by nine.

A thought arose in my heart - I will be killed instantly!

He couldn't help thinking: With Yu Siqing here, this person can't escape, my blood is noble, why bother to be buried with him? It is better to avoid the edge first.

So at the critical moment of the duel, he suddenly flapped his wings and withdrew from his position. Also give up the ferry bridge behind you!

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