Red Heart Survey

Chapter 921: What a shame! (Add more to the lord's white light!)

Dingwei floating island.

Ding Jingshan and White Elephant King were naturally the first to perceive the sudden displacement of the entire maze.

But their responses were very different.

"It seems that the fate is in our human race." Ding Jingshan grinned: "Come here, it coincides with the displacement of the maze world, and the surrounding situation is uncertain. To avoid accidents, please come to the island to explain!"

The human monks on the island shouted in unison: "Please come to the island, the White Elephant King!"

In the previous battles, the White Elephant King himself was the vanguard and led the sea clan army to charge up to the floating island three times, but was driven out by Ding Jingshan three times.

Floating Island's suppression of the rules of the Sea Clan is itself the biggest reliance of Shoudao.

But with the continuous attacks of the Sea Clan, the floating island itself has been "reformed". When its unique rules disappear, it is time for the entire floating island to fall.

But at this moment, Ding Jingshan was full of confidence, and invited the White Elephant King to attack again.

The White Elephant Wangchu was outside the island, looking at Dingweifu Island, where the light curtain had already been breached, and the flames were everywhere. This island was almost fat on the lips. If there is another half an hour, he will definitely be able to swallow it, but...

In the end, he just spit out two words gloomyly: "Withdraw the troops!"

As for the reason for the withdrawal of the troops, it is actually in Ding Jingshan's words - "The lost world has shifted, and the surrounding situation is uncertain."

Even White Elephant King and Ding Jingshan can't know at this time how many areas are connected to Ding Wei's area this time, and which one they are.

Invading the floating island itself means fighting under suppression, and it is difficult to accomplish overnight. At this time, the five sea nests are also empty of troops.

If it happened to be close to an area dominated by human races, and the other party sent a large army to take advantage of it, it would be completely worth the loss. Even the human race is very likely to launch a front and back attack, and wipe out the entire army of the White Elephant King here.

It is impossible for King Baixiang to take such a risk. After Jiang Wang himself fled, the significance of capturing Dingweifu Island is not so great, so he decisively ordered to retreat without being affected by emotions at all.

In fact, in the maze, regardless of the human and sea races, they have always defaulted to stick to the headquarters when the maze is displaced. In the case of peace of mind, there is the situation of outreach and exploration.

This is not a rule, it is the experience summed up by countless lessons of blood and tears. Both the Human Race and the Sea Race have suffered greatly in this regard.

The White Elephant King sticks to the outside of the floating island. When he comes, he is the vanguard, and when he retreats, he personally cuts off the rear.

Regardless of his position, he is indeed a qualified prince.

Ding Jingshan couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief as he watched the densely packed Hai Clan army retreat.

His eyes were still fixed on the White Elephant King, maintaining due vigilance.

I have secretly decided in my heart that after this battle, no matter what, I must find a way to build a second floating island.

Seeing that after the army withdrew, there were still no human monks on Ding Weifu Island who could relax, the White Elephant King finally gave up his final attack plan, turned and left.

After he broke it alone, he might not have plans to lead the snake out of the hole again, but Ding Jingshan was actually very stable when he was weak.

Of course, there was no regret on his face.

"Did Yu Siqing catch anyone?" He asked casually.

It took a while before he got an answer—"Yu Shuai... chased the target and went to other areas together."

The White Elephant King paused, but did not say anything after all.

With Yu Siqing's identity, supernatural power, and strength, he really shouldn't risk going to other areas without knowing anything about it. But on the other hand, it was his order to arrest Jiang Wang, and Yu Siqing was only faithfully carrying out the order.



You still owe me a mirage bead, isn't it the other way around, making me owe you more... That's not how to pay off debts.

With such melancholy in his heart, Jiang Wang appeared in a "strange" area.

The reason why it is called strange is precisely because it is so normal here!

Above is the sky, below is the fertile soil. The flowers are blooming everywhere, and the green grass is like a carpet.

You can see the sun in the sky, and you can see the forest and mountains in the distance.

The feeling of being chaotic and upside down at all times completely disappeared here.

This is simply the present world!

And a piece of peace, no disputes.

It is precisely this kind of "normality" that seems extraordinarily strange in the fandom.

But Jiang Wang didn't have time to weigh too much, because right behind him, Yu Siqing had already appeared.

At this time, Yu Siqing had already accepted the true identity of Haizhu, and he looked very miserable.

Two fingers on his right hand were broken, and his left leg was even broken at the knee. He appeared alone behind Jiang Wang. Just looking at the appearance, he definitely didn't look like a strong chaser.

He and Jiang Wang landed on this area, and the moment they landed, their expressions changed drastically.

Because this area is very close to the present world, it is normal for Jiang Wang, but for him, it is oppression!

He who has been in the lost world for a long time, how can he not know? He took the risk of chasing after Jiang Wang and took a gamble on his luck, and finally won the next lottery!

This is one of the few areas in the entire maze that is completely occupied by humans!

Before he had time to judge which area it was, Jiang Wang's sword was already coming towards him.

Although Jiang Wang didn't know what area this was, his feelings about this area were true.

In his opinion, this is a large floating island in the Lost Realm, and Yu Siqing landed here with him. His combat strength is not affected, but the opponent, as a sea clan, is suppressed by the rules.

Although he fought repeatedly and consumed a lot, the opponent also used the sea master's true form one after another. In addition, his limbs were intact, but the other party lost two fingers and one leg in Jiehe.

He was not an opponent before, but now he is ready to fight!

"No matter how lucky you are, it can't change your weakness!" Yu Siqing slapped his backhand, and through the air, confined the thrusting sword within a square inch.

Jiang Wang held the sword and twisted it, and the sword energy around the sword exploded in a spiral shape, forcing Yu Siqing to let go.

Then, taking advantage of the trend, the sword edge cut obliquely, cutting straight at the opponent's only remaining right leg.

This sword was a bit sinister, Yu Siqing was furious: "If you break a leg, I will kill you anyway!"

He didn't dodge, but directly divided his fingers like claws, and tore it forward with one claw.

The claw was torn in the air, but Jiang Wang, who withdrew his sword to avoid it, was torn off five bloody wounds on his left arm, and the bones were deep.

Yu Siqing's innate supernatural power is really terrifying, and he activated it again and again today, and it seems that he still has enough power. In the development of supernatural powers, he is also better than Jiang Wang.

However, when the claw fell, Yu Siqing's face showed no joy, and Jiang Wang's face showed no fear.

Because the harvest of this claw is far less than expected!

He was going to take out Jiang Wang's heart, but only hurt his left arm.

Under the suppression of the rules in this area, his strength has at least dropped from the high-level commander level to the middle level. If it was said that it was one level higher than Jiang Wangwenwen before, it can only be regarded as the same level now.

But at the same level, who did Jiang Wang fear?

Yu Siqing's supernatural power involves the rules of space, which can ignore distance and is impossible to guard against.

But just now, Jiang Wang predicted the landing point and dodged in advance.

He couldn't dodge Yu Siqing's supernatural powers, but he could judge where Yu Siqing's attack was coming from.

In the confrontation just now, although he could not completely avoid it, it also greatly reduced the threat of this supernatural power. And the longer he fights Yu Siqing, the more accurate this prediction will be.

"This time, you may have to escape!"

As Jiang Wang said, he pressed his left hand forward, and the eight-tone burning sea roared out again.

On the other hand, he walked on fire and followed closely with his sword in hand.

Yu Siqing gritted his teeth tightly, and once again showed the true form of the sea lord, his wings fluttered, and he had already avoided far away before the Eight-tone Fenhaipu came.

This time, he refused to fight hard to save time.

But the most important question is-

This is an area completely occupied by the human race. The longer the time spent entangled in front of the boundary river, the more likely it is to be captured by the human race here.

But the confrontation just now has proved that it is impossible for him to deal with Jiang Wang quickly.

Even though he is suppressed by the rules here, he is far faster than Jiang Wang in terms of speed. But he can't run away directly! For the same reason, the further away from the boundary river, the more dangerous it is.

At the same time, he didn't have a crystal bridge on his body, so he couldn't turn around and cross the river.

If Jiang Wang had been in desperation before, then at this time, he actually tasted a little bit of Jiang Wang's feelings!





"The Lord did not cross the river, but the Lord crossed the river. How could he die if he crossed the river!" ——Cai Yong, "Qin Cao·Kong Hou Yin"

There are many versions of the last two sentences, such as "I fell into the river and died, what should I do!", "I fell into the river and died, what should I do."

This is due to the poor means of preservation in ancient times, and errors will inevitably appear in the transcription. There are more and more pirated editions, but they are all ancient editions that have been handed down. In the end, I don't know which one is true. Sometimes the original meaning is lost, which is really regrettable.

This shows the importance of genuine.

I would like to appeal to everyone to come to Qidian Chinese website to read the genuine version of "Chixin Sky Survey".

So that "Qin Cao" will no longer have the regret of lack of characters or even being lost!

(The original version is really good now, even for the student party who has no money to read, you can read it for free with just a few advertisements. You can also talk about interacting and discussing the plot with everyone in this chapter.)


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