Yu Siqing knew very well that although he was better than Jiang Wang in the chasing and fleeing confrontation before, he once drove him to death.

But it doesn't mean that he is much better than Jiang Wang in planning. But under the overall dominance of the Sea Clan in the Dingwei area, Jiang Wang has too little room to maneuver, not many choices, and far less to rely on. When the general trend is in his hands, he doesn't need too many tricks at all, as long as he occupies the word "steady", it is enough to kill his opponent step by step.

In fact, in the case of a large army hunting and killing, this person's ability to struggle for so long with the cultivation base of the supernatural power inner palace is enough for him to pay attention to.

This person's talent may not be comparable to Jiao Ming, but he can also be regarded as Tianjiao. Shui Yingrong was as fearful of him as a tiger, and the White Elephant King made great fanfare. Now it seems that it was not aimless.

Only in terms of strength, he has the confidence to absolutely overwhelm the opponent. But with the suppression of the rules here, and his own sky splitting magical powers were obviously guarded against, the victory or defeat is actually already in between.

The reality is that once discovered by the human monks in this domain, he will be dead. Whether he left Jiehe and was discovered by human monks, or Jiang Wang moved in to rescue soldiers after he left, the result would not change.

So he actually had no choice, he had to stay in front of Jiehe, and he had to keep Jiang Wang in front of Jiehe.

In addition, the possibility of his escape is that the follow-up army builds a crystal bridge, rushes to support him, and takes him back. At first, he did not hesitate to follow Jiang Wang's footsteps because there was an army behind him, ready to come to support at any time. Thinking that even in an area where the human race is strong, he can use his strength and speed to kill Jiang Wang as soon as possible, and then turn back calmly. I just didn't expect that with such bad luck, I would step into the area completely occupied by the human race.

Fighting is certain, specifically in the way of fighting, there are two options.

One is to fight with all your strength to kill Jiang Wang on the spot, and then wait for Jingqiao to pick him up and return. The second is to rely on the speed advantage to keep Jiang Wang here, wait for follow-up support to catch up, and then fight him together.

Yu Siqing chose the latter.

This is without a doubt the best choice in such cases.

But Yu Siqing soon discovered that Jiang Wang didn't seem to have the idea of ​​leaving Jiehe to rescue soldiers at all.

The man held a long sword, stepped on the blue clouds, and attacked and killed step by step, as if he was very determined to kill him here at this time!

For him, this is undoubtedly a great contempt and insult.

He suppressed his anger.

Regardless of insult or contempt, only life and death is the final result. Since Jiang Wang is willing to entangle here, he is also willing to accompany him.

However, as the fight continued, Yu Siqing soon discovered that he still missed one thing——

His speed was faster than Jiang Wang's, especially after showing the true form of the sea lord. You should be able to advance and retreat freely, and kill with your heart. But Jiang Wang was able to keep chasing him closely, using extremely intense suppression, forcing him to stand on the verge of life and death, without giving him any room to breathe!

Although he was faster, the other party's escapism that displayed the mark of Qingyun could not be easily escaped. You have to work hard to keep your distance.

What made him deeply disturbed was that Dao Yuan was so majestic for a mere cultivator with supernatural powers? It seems to be inexhaustible, inexhaustible!

After blocking Jiang Wang's sword again, Yu Siqing had no choice but to withdraw from Haizhu's true form in order to save huge consumption. The rhythm of the battle seemed to be tilting in an uncontrollable direction.

As far as Jiang Wang was concerned, how could he not know that Yu Siqing was following up, and that the Hai clan reinforcements on the other side of the boundary river would soon follow? The reason why he didn't choose a safer way was to leave Jiehe first to find the helpers of human monks in this area. He was afraid that the reinforcements from the Hai Clan would come and allow Yu Siqing to return to the Dingwei area.

When he found that he could fight, his goal had changed.

His goal now is not to escape, but to kill Yu Siqing!

Chu Mi was forced to die to build a bridge. Before he died, besides "crossing the river", the last thing he said was to curse Yu Siqing and make him die badly.

He lives because of Chu Mi, so he should fulfill Chu Mi's last wish, and really let Yu Siqing... die a bad life!

So he pressed on step by step, attacking and killing step by step.

Of course he knew that Yu Siqing was faster than him and could handle his entanglement with ease. But he also has an advantage that Yu Siqing can't match.

It is his speed, which is based on the immortal technique. And the consumption of the rising clouds is mainly due to Shujie Shanfu Qingyun. There are many such things in Yunding Immortal Palace!

How long can Yu Siqing's true identity of the sea lord last? How long can his extreme speed last?

Therefore, Jiang Wang's desperate push was to intensify Yu Siqing's consumption, and the good blessings Qingyun continuously created by Qingyun Pavilion would consume Yu Siqing's physical strength. So as to allow yourself to gain more advantages in terms of combat power.

It can be said that both sides have their own calculations, and neither can be counted as wrong hands.

But now, Yu Siqing is indeed in a difficult situation.

He didn't choose to fight desperately at the beginning, but chose to consume, then as time passed, his consumption increased, and the chance of success in fighting was not as good as at the beginning. Therefore, he can only grit his teeth and continue to pester and consume.

But he didn't know when the reinforcements would come.

While waiting painfully, he even began to doubt whether the reinforcements would come!

Is it possible for that guy Shui Yingrong to take revenge and deliberately delay? Or even on the grounds of preserving the strength of the army, never march until the details of the Goulian area are ascertained?

To his horror, these things are indeed very likely to happen.

What Yu Siqing didn't know was that it was actually Jiang Wang who was also riding a tiger.

Compared to Yu Siqing, Jiang Wang didn't know when the Hai clan's reinforcements would come. He tried his best to force Yu Siqing to fight, and wanted to kill him before the Hai clan's reinforcements arrived.

But Yu Siqing was too tough an opponent. Although he was suppressed, had a broken leg, and was exhausted, he still held on to the line of defense and did not give Jiang Wang a chance to kill.

And once the reinforcements arrived ahead of time, it would undoubtedly be a stupid choice for him to stay in front of the boundary river and fight fiercely. But now he can't let go!

He was forcing Yu Siqing to fight at his extreme speed, and Yu Siqing was also evading with intense consumption. If he pulled away, Yu Siqing would immediately usher in the craziest counterattack. His speed is not as good as his opponent's, and he will immediately fall to the disadvantage.

So he can only continue!

At this moment, both sides in the war are actually gritting their teeth and trying to hold on, but they are both extremely ruthless, and they don't see anything on the surface.

This is a battle about strength, battle wisdom, luck, and perseverance.

No one can say who will win or lose until life and death are actually divided.

But seeing Qingyun's imprint appearing and disappearing continuously, Yu Siqing's figure overlapped even more.

In front of this colorful boundary river, black currents, flame waves, claw wind, sword energy... crisscross.

The fighting seemed endless.

"You should die today!"

Jiang Wang finally found a chance, summoned two prison chains from the void with one hand, blocked Yu Siqing's back, smashed Qingyun with one foot, and sealed his youthful and frivolous sword in the front, sealing the possibility of him dodging left and right. Real fire spewed out!

At this time, Yu Siqing was indeed very weak. Under the consumption of extreme speed, after all, he was no more persistent than Jiang Wang who consumed the technique.

He didn't catch it in one breath, and fell into the killing situation directly.

But instead he showed a triumphant smile: "Really?"

When he fell back, he let the prisoner's body be bound by chains, and among all Jiang Wang's attacks, he chose the least lethal one.

At the same time, a crystal bridge crossed the colorful boundary river.

Reinforcements have arrived!

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