Shuiying Rong rushed out first, and the first thing he saw was Yu Siqing who was bound by two pitch-black chains.

And Jiang Wang was chasing after him on the clouds, swinging his sword to kill.

At the same time, he was secretly startled by the sudden oppression he felt. But there was no time to think more, and he directly manifested the sea master's true form, and with a flap of his wings, he stopped in front of Jiang Wang.

Meet each other on a narrow road, and stand up for courage.

He saved Yu Siqing, and even more so, he showed courage and regained his dignity.


A sword crossed, a cold light swept across the sky, and a head flew high.

The round eyes on the head are full of astonishment, fear, and disbelief!

He is not an opponent in the first place, but he is suppressed by this area, so he will rush forward to block him, and he is not an all-in-one enemy!

Shui Yingrong underestimated the suppression of this area, and did not expect Jiang Wang to fight for a long time, and still have such killing power!

He fully knew that he was not Jiang Wang's opponent, he just wanted to stop him. As long as you stop him and help Yu Siqing untie him, he will be able to smile away his grievances and resolve the responsibility of avoiding before the border river in Dingwei area.

But I didn't think about it, and I didn't stop it.

He died aggrievedly, but with this resistance, the ten teams of Sea Clan following him had already filed out.

A whole hundred Sea Clans instantly filled the area in front of the boundary river.

The ten teams of sea clan that Shui Yingrong personally ordered were all elites in the army, with more than forty junior commander-level sea clansmen, and the rest were all warrior-level sea clansmen.

Thanks to the suppression of this area, the strength of all the Sea Clan has been suppressed by at least one level.

As for the Sea Clan below the commander level, for Jiang Wang now, they can almost cut vegetables and melons!

He beheaded Shui Yingrong with a single sword, and then encountered a swarm of Sea Clan fighters.

These sea warriors were extremely brave, facing the death of Shui Yingrong, they didn't flinch in the slightest. Instead, he shouted to kill Zhentian and rushed forward desperately.

Without even the slightest hesitation, Jiang Wang smashed Qingyun directly, raised his sword and charged into it.

Crashing into the Sea Clan team, he directly pressed the octave to burn the sea. Walking on the waves of flames in the sea of ​​fire, criss-crossing with humane swords, beheading heads and rolling!

Relying on the Immortal Art of Pingbu Qingyun, he constantly changed his position, not seeking to kill many at a time, but precisely killing the sea clans in different sea clan teams who were trying to organize an offensive.

To capture a thief, first capture the king, and to kill a man, kill the courage first.

No matter how you chop vegetables and cut melons, once the opponent forms a battle formation to fight back, it is inevitable to take some risks.

Disrupting the opponent's battle formation, so that no matter how many opponents there are, they can only fight on their own. This is the essence of being outnumbered.

But seeing Qingyun's imprint keep appearing and dispersing, relying on his extremely fast speed and extremely strong killing power, Jiang Wang can come and go freely among the Hai Clan, and his longing lovesickness keeps whistling.

Kill extremely fiercely, extremely ruthlessly, and extremely fun!

A group of Hai Clan desperately stopped Yu Siqing in front of him, and two Hai Clan pulled Yu Siqing away who was tightly bound, and quickly helped him untie the chains from his prison body.

But Yu Siqing, who was freed suddenly, hurried to Jingqiao without saying a word.

He has already recognized where this area is, and also thinks that in this environment, it is difficult to kill Jiang Wang after he has exhausted himself. And these reinforcements who rushed over were suppressed by this place and became weak. The commander was almost like a general, and the general was reduced to a soldier. There was really no way to help more.

Hopeless to kill the enemy, turn to survive!

Anyway, White Elephant King also said that this person is a proud human being, and it's not a shame that he couldn't be killed.

Yu Siqing didn't realize that he himself was echoing Shui Yingrong's earlier reasons because of his avoidance. Or he was aware of it, but the fear of death made him ignore it on purpose.

Because of the fighting, Jiang Wang was actually closer to Jingqiao at this moment. While disrupting the formation of the Sea Clan, he also attempted to kill Yu Siqing many times. But every time they were blocked by the brave sea warriors.

In order to save Yu Siqing, those Hai Clan fighters almost followed suit and died under Jiang Wang's sword one by one.

So brave!

However, this did not stop Jiang Wang's murderous intentions.

At this moment when Yu Siqing moved, Jiang Wang immediately realized his choice. Without a word, he turned around and rushed to the front of the boundary river. With one palm, the true fire of Samadhi blasted down, directly burning the crystal bridge to pieces!

He didn't know about Crystal Bridge's defense, so he simply used his magical powers to prevent it from being broken, and gave Yu Siqing a chance.

Almost a scene repeated.

Yu Siqing is still halfway. That crystal-clear crystal bridge has turned into flowing light and shattered in the colorful boundary river.

Thinking about Chu Mi's desperate mood at that time, he could also taste a thing or two.

"You!" Yu Siqing was very decisive, he didn't bother with Jiang Wang at all, but directly grabbed a commander-level sea clan next to him, and ordered urgently: "Build a sea bridge for me, protect your family's prosperity, and replace you in the future." You take revenge!"

After all, without waiting for his response, he threw him towards Jiehe.

This sea tribe was one of the two sea tribes that had dragged him away from danger earlier, and he was loyal, but he really exploded with all his strength when he was thrown to his death like this! The shadow of the sea surged far below, and the dark waves rolled like a tide, and a sea bridge was immediately erected on the boundary river.

Replay Chu Mi's past.

Yu Siqing hurried to catch up.

But at this moment, there was a loud shout from behind: "Death!"

The sound was so close, it was almost close to the body.

At this moment, Yu Siqing had two choices, one was to ignore it and take the risk of a blow, and forcibly stepped on the Shanghai Bridge. The second is to seize this almost personal opportunity and turn around and fight back.

Including Shui Yingrong, the scene of several sea clansmen dying for him suddenly appeared, and the blood in his heart was full of courage.

under the influence of misdirection.

He chose the latter!

One turned around, with a ferocious expression, a pair of sharp claws that showed their sharpness, one claw pounced on the chest, and the other claw used the magical power of splitting the sky, only swipe to the left hand.

Perfect hit on target!


The young human cultivator standing in front of him was shattered.

Shattered in ten deep claw marks.

The phantom body of the red makeup mirror!

At such a moment, Jiang Wang used the phantom body of the red makeup mirror to sway Yu Siqing's choice by going wrong, and grasped the advantage of the battle situation.

The imprint of Qingyun under his feet shattered almost at the same time as the phantom of the red makeup mirror, and his real body suddenly appeared in front of Yu Siqing, kicking him away!

The first thought in Yu Siqing's mind was that fortunately it was just a kick and the extremely sharp sword did not stab him. The second thought was, why is this foot so light? It hardly constituted much damage. Could it be that this human monk is finally tired? third thought...

There is no third one.

Because Jiang Wang kicked him off the sea bridge and into the boundary river. Caught off guard, the Kuroshio surging on his body disintegrated in an instant.

The dignified high-level commander-level sea clan, the strong man who commanded a sea nest in the Dingwei area, and one of the strongest among all the high-level commander-level sea clans in the entire Dingwei area, just collapsed in the colorful boundary river and became Part of the broken rules.


Jiang Wang was indeed a little tired, and no matter how much he tried to use up the techniques, the Dao Yuan he should have was indispensable. And his eight-tone burning sea itself consumes a lot of dao yuan.

Not to mention supernatural powers, samadhi, real fire, and misguided paths, they all consume a lot of energy, and the number of times they can be used every day is very limited.

But after he kicked Yu Siqing into the boundary river, he didn't have the slightest intention to stop there, but turned around and swung his sword back again.

Being searched and killed all over the area, being hunted down to heaven and earth with nowhere to go, his heartstrings were tense all the time, the fear of death was never far away, Chu Mi sacrificed himself as a bridge, and piled up the anger in his heart to the highest level. At this moment, Jiang Wang needs to vent!

There are more than 60 Sea Clans left by the boundary river, but since crossing the river, they haven't even put up a complete battle formation, they just keep charging and dying. Now even Yu Siqing died in battle and collapsed in the boundary river.

These facts made them believe in what Shui Yingrong said earlier, this person is really arrogant!

However, the coach is dead, the crystal bridge is broken, and in an area completely occupied by the human race, where is there a way to escape?

Almost all the remaining sea warriors charged towards Jiang Wang with the courage to die.

But Jiang Wang confronted them and kicked back!

Like a hungry tiger jumping into a flock of sheep.

He doesn't want to, doesn't want to, and won't show mercy!

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