Red Heart Survey

Chapter 924 Futu Pure Land

Outside Ding Wei's floating island, the sea clan's army retreated, and suddenly it seemed empty.

As the absolute dominant side, when the Sea Clan army retreated, they carefully cleaned the battlefield, leaving only some useless waste to Dingwei Fudao.

Ding Jingshan flew back to the top of the mountain in the center of the island without saying a word.

He didn't need to do anything, just sitting there was the heart of the army.

Naturally, someone organized and repaired the island protection formation, which was a long process.

The wounded monks were healed, and the monks who unfortunately died in battle were buried... These things were arranged by other people. As the leader of Dingweifu Island, after the tragic battle, he became idle.

Ding Jingshan sat alone on the top of the mountain, thought for a while, and opened the sea and border list again.

No matter how reluctant and unbearable he is, as the leader of the guarding side, he must have a clear understanding of the losses caused by this war.

His eyes turned to the dimmed names one by one, and then stopped suddenly.

He saw Jiang Wang's name.

At some point, the name turned green!

The number behind the name is still changing!

Almost frantically beating.

Nine hundred nine, one hundred...

In the end, it was fixed at one hundred and four!

This kid is still alive, successfully escaped to another area, and has completed the cleansing, still beyond!

Ding Jingshan's unattractive face, which was even more unattractive because of the war losses, couldn't help pulling the corners of his mouth into a rather ugly smile.

"Island owner." Fu Yanqing, who came to hand over the aftermath work, came out of the shadow with some doubts: "Is there any good news?" Ding Jingshan glanced at him: "This general's vision of lending money is still okay! Later, you can collect it." One payment, even the capital with interest, earn him a lot of money!"

Fu Yanqing understood now. In the midst of devastation, this is indeed good news.

After all, he sent Jiang Wang out with his own hands. Even if the war is over, it seems meaningless to successfully break through at this time, but under the siege of the island by the sea army, the breakthrough of the human warriors is already meaningful.

"Your vision, of course, can't be wrong."

After thinking for a while, he couldn't help turning his head to look at the Haijiang list for a while.

Then he turned around and said, "Chu Mi is dead."

When he said this, his voice was calm and there was no fluctuation.

Chu Mi's name on the Haijiang list has been permanently ashamed.

"Many people died, this is war." Ding Jingshan said.

They all regret Chu Mi's death, but this regret is the same as any monk who died in battle on the island. Only regret, no guilt.

Because it is a fact that Chu Mi ran away. For the sake of Ding Weifu Island, they gave Chu Mi a chance to make amends.

"Yes, this is the Lost Realm." Fu Yanqing said.



What a kill.

He was killed until his head rolled, and his blood flew all over the field.

The huge gap in strength cannot be bridged by courage.

After the killing, more and more sea people chose to flee. She would rather die somewhere else than face Jiang Wang's sword again.

But not many can escape.

Jiang Wang completely killed his temper, Chang Acacia was unparalleled in sharpness, screaming continuously, and almost caught up with all the Hai Clan who could catch up, and killed them one by one.

Be fast, be faster. To be ruthless, to be more ruthless. Not one is spared, not one is forgiven.

kill! kill! kill!

All Taoism and all sword styles only follow the target of killing, and all of them only focus on killing the opponent.

One step, one kill, one sword, one life.

In the midst of this extremely focused killing, there is a faint aura gestating, as if it is about to touch something.

"What's the situation? Why are there so many sea people here? And..."

"be careful!"

The rapidly approaching voice woke Jiang Wang up from that trance.

At this moment, holding the sword in his hand, he suddenly realized that there were already corpses all over the place!

Of the ten Sea Clan squads and a hundred Sea Clan fighters, less than five escaped from Jiehe in the end.

In an area completely occupied by the human race, fleeing from the boundary river and waiting for them is by no means a good fate, but they really don't have the courage to fight Jiang Wang again.

The two people who spoke were both young. And they all wore armor.

Judging from the style of the armor, it should be a monk from Yanggu.

They also saw Jiang Wang at this moment, and the slightly taller one asked directly: "Who are you? These sea people on the ground...are all killed by you?"

"Qi Guo, Jiang Wang. I killed them all." Jiang Wang replied succinctly.

Putting the sword back into its sheath, he briefly treated the injuries on his body and asked, "Which area is this?"

In this pursuit that started from the Dingwei area, he had already been wounded and scarred all over his body, and it was only at this moment that he had time to deal with it.

But his healing skills were really hard to catch the eye. The slightly shorter monk couldn't stand it, so he flew over and said, "Let me do it."

Skillfully pinching Yin Jue, the bi-color vitality was like a gust of wind, blowing past Jiang Wang's wounds. In an instant, even the pain seemed to subside.

The slightly taller monk held a heavy mace in his hand, looked at Jiang Wang with obvious respect: "This is Futu Pure Land, it seems that you just came from another area?"

Futu Pure Land?

Why does this name seem familiar...

But now is not the time to think too much.

"Yes, I just came from the Dingwei area." Jiang Wang immediately said: "I am here to ask for help on behalf of the Dingwei area. The White Elephant King is leading the army and is encircling the floating island. Who is in charge of this place? Please hurry up, brother." Report quickly!"

"Brother, don't worry." Ding Jingshan is Yanggu's Captain Xuanwei, but the monk holding the mace doesn't seem to be in a hurry, probably because he is used to such things: "When the displacement of the lost world occurs, there is an ongoing The war will generally be suspended. If Ruo Dingwei Floating Island has not been breached before, nothing will happen now. If it has been breached before, it is useless to worry now..."

"Cough!" He probably knew that what he said was not very auspicious, so he said, "I forgot to introduce, let me tell you, Chen Gen, this is my brother..."

"Yan Jia." The shorter one smiled while treating Jiang Wang: "Brother is also in the army? This injury has some of our Yanggu's demeanor!"

"I'm not from the military." Jiang Wang shook his head, still uneasy: "What if there is no suspension? Before I came, the danger of Ding Weifu Island was imminent. Please report it as soon as possible."

"That's right." Chen Gen said: "Experience and lessons tell us that we should not make any big moves before finding out the details of the surrounding area. We are like this, and so are the Sea Clan. So the White Elephant King will definitely retreat. And After detecting the nearby area, knowing that the Dingwei area is close to our Futu Pure Land this time, the only problem that the White Elephant King should consider is how to keep his sea nest, and he should not care about other things."

In words, very confident.

They are Yanggu monks themselves, so they should not care about their own floating island. And as a monk who has been fighting in the maze all year round, he must have a better understanding of the situation here than Jiang Wang, and his judgment is more accurate.

Jiang Wang was convinced, and it wasn't until he breathed a sigh of relief that he suddenly remembered why he was so familiar with the name Futu Pure Land.

Chongxuansheng's father, Chongxuanmingtu, didn't he later call himself Chongxuanfutu?

Because Chong Xuansheng seldom mentioned his father, he was not so sensitive to the name and reacted a little slower.

Chong Xuansheng said that his father died of exhaustion on the battlefield, but did not say where he died...

Could it be in the maze?

Could it be that this place is related to Chong Xuansheng's father?

But if this place is related to Chongxuan Futu, why is the force entrenched here Yanggu?

"Brothers." Jiang Wang couldn't help asking: "Is this pure land of Futu the boundary of Yanggu?"

Yan Jia spread her five fingers to dissipate the blue vitality wrapped around her hands, ending the treatment.

He looked relaxed and said: "Of course not! This place is the pure land left by the famous general Chongxuan Futu, and it is a land shared by all human races. Not only our Yanggu, Diaohailou and even your Jueming Island also have a stronghold here!"

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