Red Heart Survey

Chapter 926 No boat to cross

The Hai people are generally poor, and after a round of cleaning, the things on Shui Yingrong are the most valuable.

It was a sharp black feather with flowing shadows hidden on it, and it looked extraordinary in origin.

Speaking of this group of sea people, the most valuable thing should be on Yu Siqing, but it's a pity that Jiang Wang kicked him into the boundary river and couldn't get anything.

In addition, that crystal bridge is also very valuable, but it is also completely destroyed.

Jiang Wang put away the valuable things, no matter what the quality was, at least packed the storage box that used up all the talismans, so that he could make up for the debt no matter what.

Throw the bodies of those sea people into the boundary river one by one. Looking at the colorful colors that have not been changed at all, Jiang Wang suddenly remembered the question that he had just entered the world of obsession - where is the final destination of the corpses in this world.

Come to think of it... it's Jiehe.

From a purely essential point of view, the human race can be regarded as a part of the rules of the world while it is alone in the world, and the sea race is part of the rules of the sea. Rules", whether it is in this world or in the sea. And the figuration of these rules was finally shattered in the boundary river and became a part of disorder.

In a sense, the human race and the sea race are asking for space and resources such as maze crystals from the lost world, and Jiehe is also asking for "nutrients" from the human race and the sea race.

The fight between the human race and the sea race in the maze world every moment is to fight for their own "order", expel the other party's "order", and replace the "disorder" of the maze world. The corpses after the fight were all broken in the boundary river and mixed in disorder. This is a wonderful cycle.

Probably only in a place like the maze where the rules are broken, some rules will be manifested on the bright side, so clearly reflected.

Confucianism says, read ten thousand volumes of books, travel ten thousand miles. This is the right way to practice.

Absorb the observations of predecessors and summarize your own observations. With a little more understanding of this world, a little more cognition, the road of practice can go further.

Leaving Jiehe, Jiang Wang walked through the air.

A breakout actually made the cleansing mission complete ahead of schedule, which he didn't expect in advance.

However, after the cleansing was completed and the news of Ding Weifu Island's request for help had been sent to Yanggu, his affairs in the Lost Realm were considered to be over. The most important thing now is to rush to the stronghold of Cassia Island as soon as possible, return to the offshore sea by the thorny boat, and pick up Zhubiqiong.

He has already figured it out, after picking up Zhu Biqiong, he can settle her in Qingyang Town, and be with Dugu Xiao. She also stayed in Qingyang Town for a while before, and there was no problem of incompatibility. Although he won't be able to practice in the future, at least he can live a stable life in Qingyang Town with no worries about food and clothing.

In an area completely occupied by humans, there is naturally no need to have too many scruples when marching. Jiang Wang was very fast, and he found the stronghold of Cassia Island without using many worlds. With his current status, he is also respected as a matter of course.

However, things did not go as smoothly as expected.

"Sorry, Master Jiang."

Thorny boats travel between the offshore and the lost world, and there are special personnel responsible for dispatching them.

The person in charge of this matter in Futu Pure Land is a fat monk with a very friendly appearance.

He said to Jiang Wang sincerely: "Because the displacement of the maze has just happened, the situation in the surrounding area has not been investigated clearly, and the thorny boats sent out before cannot return the same way...There are no thorny boats that can be deployed for the time being."

Of course Jiang Wang wouldn't make things difficult for him, so he could only ask, "Do you know the situation of the Yanggu forces?"

Since the Thorn Boat on Cassia Island is temporarily unreachable, maybe you can use Yangu's Scorching Sun Flying Boat to leave. As for Diaohai Tower, because of what happened during this period, Jiang Wang subconsciously stayed away.

"Their situation should be similar. The Futu Pure Land itself doesn't need more troops. The thorny boats we have allocated are very few, and it is impossible for them to keep many scorching sun flying boats." The fat monk knew everything: " The same applies to Diaohai Tower."

Unexpectedly, there would be such troubles, and Jiang Wang felt a little headache. The rules of the labyrinth are so chaotic, how could it be impossible for him to fly physically like the sorcerer, so he turned to ask: "I want to leave the labyrinth and return to the sea in the shortest possible time, what should I do?"

"Two ways." The monk replied: "One is to wait for our thorn boat to return, and the other is to go to the human floating islands in other areas and leave by boat after investigating the new adjacent area."

Neither of these two methods sound very fast, Jiang Wang asked, "How long does it take?"

"The return time of the Thorny Boat is difficult to measure, because the displacement situation is still unclear, and we don't know how far to go around. It only takes a day to find out the situation in the surrounding area. About this time tomorrow, our map of mountains and rivers information gathering will be completed.”

The "Map of Mountains and Rivers" he mentioned is a magical map tool specially created by Cassia Island for the lost world.

The information recorded on Zhiyu is actually from the Mountains and Rivers Map.

"It takes that long?" A day is really long, Jiang Wang asked: "Didn't you send someone to investigate the boundary river before that?"

"The three factions have sent people to investigate, and then communicate with each other. This is a common practice in Futu Pure Land. However, these investigators usually only confirm the location of the boundary river, and at the same time do some necessary precautions. We will wait for the specific river crossing matters. After obtaining enough information, we can start. After all, the war in the maze is not a child's play, and if you cross the river rashly without knowing the information on the other side of the river, it is easy to cause unnecessary losses."

Waiting for a day in Futu Pure Land Bai is absolutely unacceptable to Jiang Wang.

He thought for a while, and then said: "I know the situation of Dingwei Floating Island very well. I came from there. Can you help me build a bridge to cross the river?"

He didn't want to wait here for the news, after all he could wait, but Zhu Biqiong on Tianya Stage might not be able to wait.

Then going to other areas to leave by boat is a better choice.

The two Yanggu monks also said before that nothing happened to Ding Jingshan. Then compared with other unknown areas, it is more appropriate to return to Dingwei Floating Island.

After all, that area is now well known. Moreover, thinking about coming close to the Pure Land of Futu will make the forces of the Sea Clan in the Dingwei area restrained a lot. The current Dingwei area is likely to be much safer than before.

"Whether to enter the Dingwei area depends on the order from above. How can I make the decision? Besides, the crossing bridge is also very precious, and it is impossible to take it easily..." The monk was very embarrassed, but his words were as tactful as possible. After all, Jiang Wang now , is already an existence that is qualified to make people have a correct attitude.

"I understand." Jiang Wang turned and left without further entanglement.

If Jiang Wuyou or Chong Xuansheng were here, it would not be a problem to borrow a bridge. Even for Jiang Wuyou, the word "borrow" is not used, it can be used directly. Even if they don't have any missions, they just want to go to another area to see.

But Jiang Wang can't.

After all, although he is a well-known Tianjiao in Qi State, his weight in Qi State is not comparable to those sons of famous families.

This location on Jussing Island may not mean that there are no thorny boats, but those thorny boats that are pressed at the bottom of the reservoir are usually the last guarantee. The monks here will definitely respect Jiang Wang, but they will certainly not easily empty out their wealth for Jiang Wang.

This is a very real problem and has no one to blame.

Jiang Wang decided to switch to the Yanggu stronghold. In any case, other forces may have to wait and see and make more judgments. Yanggu definitely wants to reinforce the Dingwei area.

Although nothing happened to Ding Jingshan, after a great battle, it is impossible for Ding Weifu Island to remain unscathed. Reinforcement is absolutely essential, it only depends on how determined the Yanggu forces in Futu Pure Land are.

Based on his travel experience in the past few days, it shouldn't be too embarrassing to follow him up the bridge.

After Jiang Wang left.

A monk came out from the inside and asked the person in front, "Didn't we have a thorny boat about to set off before? How did you tell him no?"

The man smiled wryly and said, "Go and see if there are any more? I don't know what happened, but it fell apart suddenly. I don't talk about it, because I'm afraid that he will misunderstand and force me to repair it when the time comes... I won't send this thing away." Back to Cassia Island, who can repair it well?"

"This is strange. How could such a heavy weapon fall apart for no reason? Is it because someone enriched their own pockets and deliberately disposed of it as scrapped..."

"I want to die, you! How dare you say such nonsense!"

"Uh, just pretend you didn't hear. Pretend I didn't say it, pretend I didn't say it."



Yanggu's station in Futu Pure Land is completely a military camp.

The tent stretches, and the majesty kills.

The martial arts arena is full of people sweating profusely. Although it has been so many years since he established his own sect, the style and temperament of that army has continued.

Perhaps they never forgot Yang.

That powerful empire that shines like the rising sun has never passed away in its glorious history. Someone will always remember, someone will always miss.

Jiang Wang notified his name, and soon met Chen Gen.

Unfortunately, some of the scorching sun airships that the Yanggu forces were about to set off to the sea had problems.

Coincidentally, Yang Gu is about to go to support Dingwei Fudao's forces, led by Yan Jia. If he was one step late, Yan Jia might have already crossed the river.

Being able to explore the boundary river on behalf of Yanggu before, and now lead the army across the river, the two monks Jiang Wang met by the boundary river obviously have a lot of weight in Yanggu. It's not just as simple as the "spy" they say.

After Chen Gen knew the purpose of coming, he directly brought Jiang Wang to Yan Jia who was marching.

The whole process was very easy, and Chen Gen and Yan Jia were very refreshing.

He didn't waste any words, he just walked onto Yanggu's ferry bridge very simply.

When stepping on the bridge, Jiang Wang felt a sense of absurdity—if he knew that he would have to go around such a big circle and eventually cross the boundary river, he might as well wait here from the beginning.

This sense of absurdity of working hard for nothing made Jiang Wang even feel that he was like a mouse trapped in a narrow passage and could only walk in one direction.

Of course, this thought was only fleeting.

3k powerhouse!

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