Yan Jia personally took the lead, and Jiang Wang followed closely in order to express his gratitude.

To show that we share risks and never cross the bridge in vain.

The two walked in the forefront very vigilantly, one in front and one behind, and passed the bridge first. But what was waiting for them on the other side of the boundary river was not the densely packed sea clan army, but just the endless emptiness.

As far as the eye could see, there was nothing.

"After staying in the Pure Land for a long time, sometimes I forget what the Lost Realm is." Yan Jia looked around and said with a smile.

His hair is extremely short, but he is not bald, but has a layer of stubble, his brows are steep, his eyes are slightly deep, and his temperament is actually rather cold. However, he is more gentle in dealing with people and things.

This person has an extremely brilliant healing technique. Generally speaking, medical practitioners are not very convincing in pure combat. But judging from his ability to lead and support the team, this guy's killing power is not that bad.

In short, this is a person with a very contradictory temperament, and because of this contradiction, constitutes his unique charm.

Jiang Wang then heaved a sigh of relief, there was no sea clan army squatting in front of the boundary river, which meant that, as Chen Gen and Yan Jia had speculated before, the White Elephant King had already huddled in the sea nest at this time.

It is of course a good thing that Dingwei Fudao survived.

Yan Jia spoke soft words, as if he was saying that he was slackened by the peace of Futu Pure Land, but Jiang Wang had no doubt about what kind of damage he would do once he faced the Hai Clan.

So I just said: "This can also be regarded as another kind of scenery."

"Landscape?" Yan Jia shook his head and did not speak again.

This time he brought more than two hundred monks, all of them in armor, with a brave temperament, and they looked like elites of Yanggu.

Although they are elite, it is impossible for this force to occupy the entire Dingwei area. It should be said that Yanggu's goal may be to consolidate the defense of the existing floating island for the time being. Without fully investigating the adjacent area, it is indeed unrealistic to go out directly.

After all, compared to Dingwei Fudao, Futu Pure Land is a more strategic site.

Jiang Wang also noticed that Yan Jia and the others were holding the Yaowu flag, which was not consistent with the Xuanwei flag hanging on Dingwei Fudao.

After all his subordinates had crossed the river and completed formation, Yan Jia put away the crossing bridge.

In just a short while, there was only half of the bridge left. It can be seen how terrible the consumption of Jiehe is.

Jiang Wang led the way, and the group went straight to Ding Weifu Island.

When he left Dingweifu Island, he was hunted down by the Hai Clan, but when he came back to Dingweifu Island, he brought a team of brave elites with him.

Quite a different feeling than before.

When you go, you can't say that you are not embarrassed, when you come, you can't say that you are not majestic.

But for some reason, the lingling frost light that fell from the supernatural power seed in the second inner mansion had a faint sense of depression.

Jiang Wang had an inexplicable feeling, as if at some point, he made a choice that could not be said to be "wrong", but not very "coordinated".

But after digging deeper, there was nothing.

It can only be attributed to the exhaustion after the long battle, which made it even difficult for him to control his magical powers.

After I go back, I need to find a place to recuperate for a while. Jiang Wang thought to himself.

Before he got close to Ding Weifu Island, Fu Yanqing got out from the shadow.

Yan Jia's eyes looked over before Jiang Wang.

"Your shadow-playing supernatural power is getting stronger and stronger." He said to Fu Yanqing.

It turned out that Fu Yanqing's supernatural power was named Nongying.

Jiang Wang's first thought was this, and his second thought was that. It seems that the relationship between the two of them is not particularly good. Probably more competition than intimacy.

Fu Yanqing didn't say anything about his supernatural powers, and he didn't ask about the goals and missions of Yan Jia's team. Before showing up, he should have observed the entire team, so he just asked: "Have you brought the materials to repair the island protection array?"

"Of course." Yan Jia said with a smile.

Fu Yanqing nodded, and then looked at Jiang Wang: "Your cleansing mission has been completed, why haven't you gone back?"

There was a hint of surprise in Yan Jia's eyes, obviously far from expecting that Jiang Wang came to the Lost Realm to cleanse his sins.

It can also be seen from this that the warriors living in the Lost Realm seem to be quite isolated from the world. As an important figure of the Yanggu faction in the Futu Pure Land, he was unaware of the major events that had already been rumored in the offshore islands.

Probably only such a major event as the establishment of the Zhenhai League will be known to the monks in the lost world in the shortest time.

Jiang Wang said with a bitter face: "I'm not very lucky. There are not enough thorn boats and scorching sun flying boats in Futu Pure Land, so I can't go back to the sea directly."

Fu Yanqing completely understood Jiang Wang's request for help, and said directly: "Then let's go, there just happen to be a group of brothers who need to go back to the sea to recuperate, and I will arrange a place for you."

As soon as the voice fell, people were already caught in the shadows.

For example, Jiang Wang's Samadhi True Fire and Misguided Path are usually only used at critical moments. Because using supernatural powers is also a very consuming thing, especially at the seed stage of supernatural powers, it is difficult to use them without restraint.

Fu Yanqing seems to have been walking in the world of shadows all the time. This may be due to the particularity of his supernatural powers, but it is enough to show that his supernatural powers have been developed to an extremely high level.

Jiang Wang didn't think there was anything wrong with Fu Yanqing's attitude, but Yan Jia was thoughtful.

From his point of view, although Fu Yanqing is not the kind of person whose eyes are above his head, he has always been reticent. Even in Yangu's interior, how many times have you seen him so easy to talk?

Having this attitude can only show that Jiang Wang has been approved by Fu Yanqing.

Apart from breaking out and asking for help, did Jiang Wang, who was born in Qi, do anything remarkable?

Ding Wei's so-called "reinforcements" are not good for chatting on the road after the battle on the floating island. Just keep these observations in your heart and keep going.

There are many cruel things in this world, but the clearest and most direct expression of the word "cruel" is always the battlefield after the Great War.

The unfortunate thing is that Dingwei Fudao is such a battlefield.

Jiang Wang still remembers the first time he came to Dingweifu Island, even though the schedule was in a hurry, he was also amazed by this place. It is a surprise to see a splendid garden suddenly in the dead wasteland. Traveling back to Ning and Fudao from the chaotic wilderness, there is a sense of happiness as a wanderer returning home.

And now...

The two tall and magnificent watches have been toppled over, and the Baishi Square, which was once full of monks, is even gone. There is only a dark pit left in place, like the huge mouth of some kind of monster, waiting to swallow something. During that time, how many lives were filled.

In the past, there were pavilions, towers, pavilions, mountains and water, but now there are only ruins, blood and smoke.

Jiang Wang was silent, Yan Jia was silent, and the entire team supporting Ding Weifu Island was very silent.

Without command, the Yanggu monks from Futu Pure Land had already dispersed and got busy. Filling the pit, repairing the repair, treating the wounded and treating the wounded.

Yan Jia's healing skills are superb, and he is so busy that he has no time to talk to Jiang Wang.

Fu Yanqing didn't know where to go and what he was busy with at first, but now he probably finished his work, and then stood up from Jiang Wang's shadow: "Go, I will take you to the boat."

Only then did Jiang Wang withdraw from the work of helping "disaster relief", and walked forward behind Fu Yanqing, and couldn't help but ask, "Where is the island owner?"

"Healing." Fu Yanqing said.

"Is it convenient for me to visit?" Jiang Wang was grateful for Ding Jingshan.

"It's not necessary." Fu Yanqing didn't look back, but said: "The island owner said, just remember to pay the debt."

"... Twelve Misty Crystals, I remember it."

"No, there is another scorching sun airship. In order to cover your breakout, a scorching sun airship was directly blown up." Fu Yanqing's tone was very businesslike.

Jiang Wang could only pinch his nose and said, "It should."

"Cough." I don't know if Fu Yanqing was a bit embarrassed, but anyway, he coughed and said, "You are also responsible for the island owner's injury. Sending some wound medicine is not too much, right?"

"...not too much."

"Actually, I was injured too..."

"I understand." Jiang Wang passed a storage box forward in a muffled voice: "This is the spoils of war I killed the Sea Clan, do you want to pick and choose, is there any suitable one?"

Fu Yanqing was not too polite, took it and rummaged while walking, saying in his mouth: "The crossing bridge is for you to perform tasks, so you don't need to pay for it."

"Should I say thank you?" Jiang Wang asked.

"Well, it doesn't have to be."

The two walked back and forth for a while, and finally Jiang Wang said: "Tell me about Chu Mi's situation."

Chu Mi sacrificed himself as a bridge to send him across the river, but he still didn't know anything about Chu Mi.

Fu Yanqing didn't stop moving, he kept picking the things in Jiang Wang's storage box and putting them into his own storage box, as if asking very casually: "Is he not ashamed?"

"His last moments can be called great." Jiang Wang said: "It was he who sacrificed his life to build the star bridge, and I was able to successfully go to Futu Pure Land. Only then did I have the opportunity to kill Yu Si to celebrate them and successfully complete the cleansing."

"That's good." Fu Yanqing only said so.

He finally rummaged through the storage box, feeling a little disgusted: "Why do you keep all the junk?"

Handing the storage box back to Jiang Wang, he continued: "Chu Mi came to the Lost Realm with his master and served his sentence at the same time. But his master was unlucky and died at the hands of the Hai Clan a few years ago. Since then, he has always said that he is actually innocent. The reason why he came to the Lost Realm was because he helped his master to take part of the crime. Now that his master is dead, he has no need to take the blame. He also found Pass me, I hope we can help to investigate clearly, let him go back to Qi, but this is a matter of your Qi, how can I help? Besides, you know him...he has been talking about it for the past few years In this matter, I always find someone to help reverse the case. But no one believes him. I don’t know if it’s true or not.”

Fu Yanqing walked forward: "But I am very clear about one thing. He and his master are indeed as close as father and son, and because of this, he hates the Hai Clan so much. It can't be faked. So I said, at least when facing the Hai Clan .He can be trusted."




(Today is... 6K powerhouse!)

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