Fu Yanqing picked and picked for a long time, but he didn't take anything away. It's all about things that help restore energy and heal injuries. It seems that Dingwei Fudao is indeed a bit embarrassed in terms of medicine, which is inevitable after the war.

Jiang Wang put away the storage box and followed Fu Yanqing without saying a word.

Chu Mi sacrificed himself as a bridge and said nothing before he died. No one knew what he was thinking at that time.

He and the broken rules surging in the boundary river dissolved together, and there was nothing left.

Only those who walked on his corpse always had some ties that they couldn't let go of.

Regarding Chu Mi's case, after returning to Linzi, Jiang Wang would naturally go to the Capital Inspection Office to investigate. No matter whether Chu Mi cares about it or not, or whether he can care about it... living people should continue with some things.

The dead are gone, the living one after another,


Fu Yanqing led the way to a high platform, where a streamlined flying boat with a dazzling red light was parked.

This place was supposed to be very conspicuous, but because of the formation, it was hidden very deeply, so it couldn't be easily seen by others.

Fu Yanqing stepped forward to have a look, then came back and said to Jiang Wang: "Wait for the next one."

The scorching sun airship was packed with wounded people, no matter how impatient Jiang Wang was, he couldn't compete with them for a seat.

A red light flashed, and the scorching sun flying boat shot straight into the sky in an instant.

"The Lost Realm is a world riddled with holes, and there are rule gaps everywhere. The road out of the boundary has never been blocked, but if it is not for the golden body and chalcedony, it is impossible to cross the body. Our scorching sun airship pays more attention to speed, which is In order to pass through the rule gap at a faster speed and reduce the pressure on the flying boat. The thorny boat on Cassia Island pays more attention to defense, so as to last more time in the rule gap. Diaohailou's fishing dragon boat takes both, between."

Fu Yanqing introduced it impartially.

Jiang Wang was silently weighing the price of a scorching sun flying boat, and the more he calculated, the more pressure he felt.

Anyway, I am also a proud person, how come the days get poorer and poorer?

"Let's go, it's the last ship for today."

Fu Yanqing led Jiang Wang to the scorching sun airship that had just landed.

When viewed from a distance, there seemed to be flames flowing on the scorching sun flying boat. You can see it up close, it's just light.

There were more than 30 monks sitting in the flying boat, most of them fell asleep, and few of them could open their eyes to look at Jiang Wang.

Jiang Wang walked past them silently. As Ding Jingshan said, the reason why Dingwei Fudao decided to meet this war was for the human race, and it was based on the standpoint of the entire human race.

But Jiang Wang couldn't help but remember why these people were injured and why those people died. It is because they refuse to surrender themselves.

He will never forget the maze.

And will definitely come back again.

Fu Yanqing was very busy, sent Jiang Wang to the flying boat, and then disappeared without a sound. If it wasn't for "debt collection", he probably wouldn't have come to send Jiang Wang off in person.

Crowded in the airship with a group of wounded, the cabin was covered by surging red light, and the airship rose from the ground.

Jiang Wang was sitting very close to the bow of the cabin, so he could see how the primordial stones were being consumed rapidly on the several energy circles near the bow of the cabin.

The monk Yanggu who controlled the flying boat didn't say a word, showing a very military temperament.

The scorching sun flying boat continued to rise towards the "sky" of the floating island at an astonishing speed.

This kind of speed is faster than Jiang Wang's own level rise, and can almost catch up with Yu Siqing's speed.

But although the Scorching Sun Flying Boat is expensive, after all, it can be mass-produced, how many Yu Siqing are there?

Of course, it's not fair to compare the speed of the Immortal Technique with the speed of the Scorching Sun Flying Boat. Pingbuqingyun itself is already very fast, and its biggest advantage is not the limit speed, but the ease of speed as if walking slowly, and stepping on the air like flat ground. more suitable for combat.

This trip is finally over. Jiang Wang thought to himself as he watched the empty scene unique to the Lost Realm being swept by at high speed.


Before the thought came to an end, the Scorching Sun Flying Boat stopped abruptly.

Jiang Wang restrained the inertia of falling forward, and conveniently supported the wounded who was about to fall next to him, and looked out in surprise.

Right in front of the Scorching Sun Flying Boat, a figure who was neither tall nor short appeared.

The figure stretched out a hand, facing the flying boat.

This hand also looks very ordinary, neither rough nor delicate, with five fingers close together and simply standing upright.

There is a firm sense of "rejection".

The Scorching Sun Airship isn't very bulky, but compared to a hand, it can still be called huge.

But it actually stopped in front of a vertical slap, and was forced to stop at an extremely terrifying speed!

The red light that surged on the entire flying boat also turned dim one by one.

Compared with the white elephant king punching the scorching sun flying boat outside the floating island before, this scene is more calm and natural, without any fireworks.

It was as simple as waving your hand, and the flies were driven away.

Jiang Wang jumped out of the flying boat and greeted him with his sword: "Who is blocking the way?"

Of course he knew that he was no match for this strong man who suddenly appeared, but he was the only one who could stand up among the wounded in the cabin.

The strong man who stopped the scorching sun flying boat raised his head slightly, allowing Jiang Wang to see his bloody eyes clearly. His face is pointed and has no eyebrows.

Blood King!

Jiang Wang already had a terrifying answer in his heart.

After all, this face is very similar to the son of the blood king who died in his hands.

When Jiang Wang saw the visitor clearly, Jiang Wang's appearance was naturally reflected in his blood eyes. The strong man slightly raised the corner of his mouth, revealing his sharp white teeth: "It seems that this king is not late."

The dignified blood king actually killed Ding Wei area! Moreover, with such a noble status, he shot at a small cultivator of the inner palace with supernatural powers.

Jiang Wang's heart was cold, but he kicked the scorching sun flying boat back with his heels, and said in his mouth: "The killing karma was created by me alone, and I alone bear it."

The Blood King looked at him approvingly, as if he admired his bravery very much, and said in a tone that could even be called gentle: "This king will not kill you directly... because killing you is not enough."

His voice was so flat, but the cruelty was so clear.

"We have a lot of time. In the following time, I will tell you slowly - the more you want to protect, the more you will lose."

As he spoke, he stretched out his left index finger in front of Jiang Wang, and swiped lightly.


However, what followed was not the process of disintegration of the Scorching Sun Spaceship as expected.

It was another index finger, which stood in front of the blood king's index finger through the air.

It was a solid, rough, steely finger. Appeared suddenly, but stuck there like a nail.

Even though the two fingers were not in contact, they made a clanging sound like swords clashing!

Then a huge impact spread, and the entire Scorching Sun Flying Boat was thrown back tens of feet.

Jiang Wang clenched his long sword tightly, Dao Yuan filled his whole body, and he took more than ten steps back!

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