With Wang Ao's slap in the face, there is a world in the Lost Realm.

The sky is here and the earth is about to die!

As strong as the Blood King, of course he wouldn't be unable to take this palm. But it is true that in front of this strong human race, he felt a little powerless.

In any sense, martial arts masters who have cultivated to this level are the nemesis of his blood core supernatural power.

Because martial arts experts specialize in the physical body, their control over qi and blood is far superior to practitioners of other paths.

Musculoskeletal muscles and blood are all coagulated.

The blood king can control the blood by virtue of the blood core supernatural power, and easily control the life and death of the opponent, but it is difficult to shake the blood of the martial arts expert-not completely impossible, but it will take a hundred times and a thousand times of effort. In a high-level duel, this is enough to kill the impact.

It can be said that in the battle against Wang Ao, his strongest reliance was almost abolished.

He got the news, and also heard the wild words of the juniors of the human race, such as "I want to come to the blood king, but that's all". White Elephant King's explanation has already been sent to him.

The purpose of coming here is to see if there is really a proud Tianjiao born in the human race, and if the White Elephant King dares to deceive him.

And I came here to teach that arrogant junior a lesson, in order to crush Dingwei Fudao smoothly and prepare for future plans against Futu Pure Land.

Everything is very natural and reasonable.

But now as soon as this martial artist Wang Ao appeared, he immediately felt a strong sense of vigilance, as if he had fallen into a certain situation. There is no trace of this game, although I can't see where it started, why it was planned, and what the ultimate goal is... But it must exist!

From the sea to the lost world, he was able to get the name of the blood king, and he has been rampant for so long, which made everyone in the sea and the sea people talk about it. Of course, it was not only because of his tyranny and ferocity.

Facing Wang Ao's slap.

With a thought in his mind, his whole body exploded suddenly. Under Wang Ao's slap, it exploded into countless blood.

It seemed that he had already collapsed before the sky fell!

The blood light shot in all directions, in all directions that could be found, including Sun Xiaoman and Jiang Wang's side of course.

With a slap, Wang Ao crushed a large piece of blood, and he fell in front of Sun Xiaoman, and stepped on him!

The invisible shock wave starts from the place where he stepped, and shoots in all directions, forcing all the approaching bloody lights back.

Then he punched back, and the turbulent energy and blood went out to sea like a mad dragon, sweeping everything, making a circle, and firmly protecting the scorching sun flying boat.

With a slap, a kick, and a punch, more than half of the innumerable blood was wiped out.

But the remaining blood light still went away smoothly.

A powerhouse at the level of the blood king is also a terrifying existence among the real kings. He didn't even start the real fight, and he pulled away directly without hesitation at huge losses. He was so decisive!

Completely disregarding the self-esteem of the strong, it seems that they dare not even touch the temptation!

"Master is great!" Sun Xiaoman applauded quickly: "You are worthy of being the number one martial artist in the world. What kind of blood king, you are also a hero. Seeing you is like a mouse seeing a cat! You are amazing!"

Wang Ao looked helplessly at the eyes of his apprentice.

For some reason, this child traveled around the world with him. He originally wanted to teach him by example, but he seemed to have lost his way. There is no girl like Dalielie, she is not like her mother at all.

Crescent eyebrows are very gentle and demure...

"Okay, okay." He said, "You and your friends have met up, and we'll catch up. Then let's go, the previous training goals haven't been completed yet."

Disciples can brag there, but he himself will not really underestimate the Blood King. It was precisely this scene of decisive evacuation that made the threat of the blood king in his heart even higher. Of course, he would not tell his apprentice about these considerations.

Sun Xiaoman's face immediately collapsed, obviously Wang Ao's "training" was definitely not that easy.

But she just said, "Okay."

Compared with her younger brother who can lie down and never stand up, although she looks petite and cute, she has a tenacity in her bones.

Seeing that they were about to leave, Jiang Wang hurriedly saluted and said, "Thank you senior for your help. If it wasn't for senior this time, Jiang Wang would..."

Wang Ao waved his hand: "Don't thank me, I have no kindness for you in this matter!"

He was too lazy to explain the reason to Jiang Wang, and he didn't bother to pretend to be kind, so he reached out and grabbed Sun Xiaoman, like an eagle holding a little chicken.

Sun Xiaoman didn't feel uncomfortable at all, and was obviously used to her master not treating her like a girl, so when Wang Ao held her in his hand, she happily waved to Jiang Wang: "Goodbye, good brother!"


Before Jiang Wang could decide whether he should be called a good brother or a good sister, the pair of master and apprentice had disappeared from sight.

Escaping from the dead and reuniting with old friends are undoubtedly good things to be happy about.

But because of Wang Ao's words, Jiang Wang couldn't relax.

Maybe Wang Ao just didn't want to pretend to be kind, but his words undoubtedly showed that the sudden killing of the Blood King this time was not an accident!

He obviously saved himself, but said that he had no kindness to himself. why?

There is only one explanation, and that is his own danger, which is also brought by him!

Or rather... "they".

It seems that many "coincidences" along the way can also be explained. For example, why in Futu Pure Land, the flying boats break down wherever they go. For example, why did the boundary river just shift and appear in front of him...

Is it a game of using oneself as a bait to catch big fish from the sea clan? Jiang Wang thought silently.

Of course, the big shots have the big shots and the patterns of the big shots. Playing chess and making moves, all eyes are on the overall situation of the maze world and the future of the human race,

But from the beginning to the end, no one asked if he was willing to be bait!

Until now, he has walked around the edge of life and death inexplicably, and he doesn't know what kind of game this is! I don't know why, I don't know what to ask for.

But so what?

Jiang Wang could only pull a smile, knowing, pretending not to know!

After all, the boundary river that happened to move still gave him a chance to escape.

After all, Wang Ao still rescued him and did not sit back and watch him die.

The little people should be grateful to Dade, shouldn't they?

He flew back to the Scorching Sun Flying Boat with his usual expression, and the monk Yanggu was working on the bow.

"Can it be fixed?" Jiang Wang asked.

"No big problem." Seeing the confrontation between the strong men just now, the Yanggu monk's attitude towards Jiang Wang was obviously more respectful: "Just now I was forced to run out of energy. Maybe I have to go back to the island to get some primordial stones."

At that time, the blood king probably just wanted to capture him alive, so he didn't use too drastic means.

"Use mine!" Jiang Wang took out the primordial stone from the storage box and piled it in front of him.

He didn't want to delay for a moment, he just wanted to return to the sea as soon as possible. There is also an unexpressed resentment in his heart, so his tone is not gentle.

"No problem!" The Yanggu monk didn't mind, it's normal for Tianjiao to have a little temper, and didn't he pay for it? It is the uncle who spends money!

He simply took Yuanshi away and fiddled with the flying boat array again.

"That..." It was Jiang Wang who was sullen for a while, and said: "After returning to the sea, just return it to me."

The monk Yanggu who was in charge of the boat froze for a moment, and almost flipped the boat over.

Co-authoring you is just a loan, so you threw the primordial stone like a majestic mountain and river! Those who didn't know thought you were going to buy this flying boat!

Some said speechlessly: "...All right."

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