Red Heart Survey

Chapter 931: Sharing Encouragement with You

In the raging waves, a peaceful land was cut off by Weili.

"The blood king is very cunning." A voice said in a suspended, crystal clear water drop.

In a still, blue-colored wind, a voice said: "From a commander with great potential like Yu Siqing, to a real king like the Blood King who is qualified to attack the emperor, that Wan Tong is really a bit of a warning! None. Just watch, don't interfere."

"Wei Xun, your plan has failed." A voice rolled over like thunder, but it was not abrupt.

"Yes." Wei Xun's expression was still very calm, and he said with a light smile: "I invite you all to spy on the place where Wantong's real body is. Then go deep into the sea and kill him to interrupt the evolution of the Sea Clan , to solve the century-old disaster of our human race. Now it seems that it has indeed failed. Wan Tong was more cautious than I thought. On Tianyatai, he almost moved his eyes. A trial."

"You just wanted Wan Tong to look at the Tianjiao of the human race, but Wan Tong didn't care at all. You also worked hard to let the rising star of the Hai clan be in danger without a trace, but Wan Tong remained silent. To attract the blood king, he even used a lot of money. Dark line, now that the Blood King is gone, and Wan Tong is gone... so many of us are waiting here, this operation has achieved nothing."

That thunderous voice said: "Originally at least, using the control of the displacement of the maze, we can launch a beautiful battle."

Wei Xun's eyes were like a sea of ​​tranquility, always at peace: "There is no need to regret the things that have been missed. They are nothing more than disrupting the rules again, and I can't just find the rules again. It's better for me to do it again."

"But the suddenness of controlling the displacement of the maze is gone."

"No, no. The victory or defeat in three or five areas will not affect the overall situation. Only Wan Tong..." Wei Xun sighed softly: "If he misses this time, he should have noticed something, and he will only hide it deeper in the future. "

"If you ask me, you don't have to always think about weakening your opponent. It's fundamental to strengthen yourself." The voice in the wind said.

The voice in the water drops continued: "You mean..."

"Everyone." Wang Ao's voice jumped out at this moment: "Is there nothing to do with me?"

He is not a real king, but a real king can be expected, and he can be regarded as a quasi-true king. This time, Wei Xun used his personal relationship to gather four True Monarchs, and with him, nearly five True Monarchs with terrifying combat power, wanted to go deep into the sea and kill Wantong in one fell swoop.

At the level of Yan Dao and Huangzhu, any layout aimed at his body will be noticed as long as there is a slight trace. Compared with the exquisite and dense interlocking arrangement, it is natural, but it is the first priority.

For example, in this round, Jiang Wang's saving people was completely voluntary. Going to the Lost Realm to cleanse one's sins, all actions in the Lost Realm are also one's own choice.

But naturally, it attracted the attention of the Sea Clan. From Yu Wangu to Shui Yingrong to White Elephant King to Blood King, everything happened naturally. Wang Ao, who had brought his disciples to practice in the Lost Realm, encountered the Blood King by chance, so it was reasonable to fight him.

Even Jiang Wang is not important, even if he died at the hands of Grandma Bizhu. There will still be other things happening "naturally". He just happened to catch up and became a part of the smooth sailing.

Only in this way, the terrifying powerhouse who watched all the sea people from a potentially unknown place, could have the intention of interfering outside of watching.

Unfortunately, it failed in the end.

Wang Ao has always been alone in the world, practicing martial arts, and doesn't care about other things. Since the plan failed, there is no need to stay any longer.

Wei Xun smiled: "Mr. Wang, please do what you want."

For this strong man who is pioneering the future of martial arts, he maintains considerable respect, even if the opponent has not yet reached the level of a true king.

"Wang Ao." The thunderous voice suddenly said, "Did you see the scenery ahead?"

Wang Ao paused for a moment: "For us martial arts practitioners, we only see it when we hit it with our fists."

What the eyes see is nothing but illusion. What the fist hits is the truth.

"Please do your best," said a thunderous voice.

How difficult is it to open up a new path?

The stronger the person, the more he can feel it, and the more he knows that this is not easy.

Facing the gate of heaven and earth, facing the fog of ignorance, facing the distant starry sky... At every step of the practitioner, countless pioneers have summed up the experience and lessons, and explored all the dangers and possibilities.

That's why there is now the ability to go outside without picking up supernatural powers, and the prosperity of the way of practice.

But martial arts are different.

Regardless of Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, Art of War and Mohism, although they are all different schools, with unique perspectives and thoughts, and have great pioneering significance, but in their roots, they are all within the framework of ancient Taoism.

Martial arts is a new path.

The third heaven is not difficult, the ninth heaven is not difficult, and the fifteenth heaven is not too difficult, because for thousands of years, there have been people before, but the further you go, the more unfamiliar you are.

There is no one ahead.

Every step you take, until you take a step, you can't judge whether you are going to a higher level or stepping into the abyss!

Before Wang Ao, how many glorious arrogances have fallen into the abyss, and how many martial arts experts who used to walk in front of Wang Ao have been smashed to pieces.

This road is so difficult and dangerous, but why have people been exploring it for thousands of years?

Because that represents another possibility in practice.

A race that voluntarily cuts off the possibility is doomed to have no future.

Therefore, people with lofty ideals will continue to follow.

"I am not the only one who seeks the Tao in the world. The Tao in the world is not the same as the Tao."

Wang Ao said: "Let's encourage each other!"



Crescent Moon Island.

In a beautifully decorated house.

Chong Xuansheng, Shisi, Li Longchuan, Yan Fu, Xu Xiangqian, Zhao Wuyan, Zishu... Except for Li Fengyao who had returned to Ice Phoenix Island beforehand, almost all of Jiang Wang's friends on the offshore islands gathered here.

Jiang Wuyou, who had invested a huge amount of money, even narrowed his phoenix eyes, staring straight at the sea frontier list hanging in the air.

Based on the family background of these people, it is not difficult to make a Haijiang list.

This is the house specially purchased by Yan Fu, which is located in the core area of ​​Huai Island. Just because he wanted to stay on Xianyue Island for a few days and didn't want to squeeze in the inn, Young Master Yan waved his hand and bought a set at a premium. The original owner happily moved out overnight without bringing anything.

Many of the people here are said to have no worse family background than Yan Fu, but it is true that no one with as much money as him...

Since Xu Xiangqian endured Jinxiu's backlash last time, they, Jiang Wang's friends, have often exchanged information. In the past few days, they have been staring at the Haijiang rankings all day long, waiting for the final result.

Jiang Wang's name became red and then green, and the numbers after the name rose and stopped for a while, all of which affected them.

After all, it is difficult for the fandom to convey information, and they have no way to say that they have mobilized too many relationships just to know Jiang Wang's current situation.

When the number behind Jiang Wang's name on the Haijiang list was fixed at one hundred and four, the whole yard erupted.

"It's done!" Chong Xuansheng punched his fat left palm. He who has always been very deep in the city, couldn't help but smile at this meeting, and rushed out of the house and went straight to the Tianya Terrace.

"Great! I knew Jiang Wang could do it!" Xu Xiangqian was even more elated, especially excited. He immediately hugged Zhao Wuyan who was next to him, tears welling up in his eyes: "As expected of being my brother Xu Xiangqian, I'm so happy!"


The people in the courtyard were not surprised, they all left the courtyard and rushed to Tianya Terrace.

For a while the courtyard was empty.

Only Xu Xianggan lay on the ground alone for a long time.

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