As the legendary place where the founder of Diaohailou sat alone to fish for dragons, Tianyatai naturally has a certain sacred meaning.

When the sea festival ceremony is over, no one is allowed to approach here.

In fact, most of the time outside of the sea festival, the Tianya Terrace was empty, only the wind and the bright moon.

But this time, because of Wei Xun's casual order from Diaohai Louzhu, Zhu Biqiong, the abandoned disciple of Diaohailou, still stays here with a dying body.

Waiting for that person to come back for her, or, waiting to die.

This is undoubtedly the most painful wait.

It is precisely because he had the same experience of waiting for death in the broken Taoist temple outside Fenglin City, and knew the pain that Jiang Wang worked so hard in the lost world.

"No one is allowed to trespass on Tianya Terrace without permission!"

Two tall black armored soldiers stood in front of a fat figure with their iron arms crossed, very resolute.

Chong Xuansheng spread his hands to show that he had no intention of using force to force his way in, and said in a hasty and forceful voice: "It's time to let him go! Jiang Wangyu has killed more than a hundred commander-level sea clansmen in the lost world, and he has completed his cleansing. Bamboo Pichon is now innocent!!"

The two black armored soldiers looked at each other, obviously a little unsure whether to let them go directly.

At this time, a voice sounded behind them: "Young Master Chongxuan, you said that the cleansing has been completed, what proof do you have?"

The person who spoke was a young monk wearing a black gold-rimmed brocade suit. He looked upright, about 20 years old, and had a natural and extraordinary temperament.

The two black armored soldiers who stopped Chong Xuansheng turned their bodies sideways, looking very respectful: "Senior Brother Ji."

The person who came was Ji Shaoqing, a genius of Diaohailou. Like Xu Yuan, Bao Song, Yang Liu and others, they are young geniuses who are often discussed overseas.

Of course, among the young talents in Diaohailou, Chen Zhitao is the only one, and he is no longer at the same level as them. Although they are disciples, their status has been higher than that of many elders long ago. After the establishment of the Zhenhai League, he has become even more prosperous, and he has been regarded as a big shot, and he will no longer be regarded as a young genius.

The reason why Ji Shaoqing appeared here is another layer of relationship. He is the direct disciple of Gu Huaixin, the fourth elder of Diaohai Tower, and belongs to the same faction as Granny Bizhu... From this, it is not difficult to know his attitude.

Prior to this, Chong Xuansheng and others had come to Tianya Terrace several times, but they were all blocked by him, and they didn't even see Zhu Biqiong's face. They have killed the sect's rules, which is to be stern and selfless.

No matter how strong the background of Chong Xuansheng and others is, they will not be able to exert their strength on Huai Island.

Facing Ji Shaoqing's obstruction again, before Chong Xuansheng could speak, a very heroic female voice picked up: "It's on the Haijiang list, you can see for yourself!"

It was Jiang Wuyou, the lord of Huaying Palace, who flew down to the Tianya Terrace.

The ones who fell behind her were Li Longchuan and Yan Fu.

A few young figures landed on the stone steps leading to the Tianya Terrace. They didn't need much movement, and their family background alone gave them a sense of oppression.

Ji Shaoqing glanced over these people indifferently, and then looked back at Jiang Wuyou: "It turns out to be the owner of Palace Huaying, no wonder he has such awe-inspiring prestige!"

He is indeed calm.

Jiang Wuyou turned her phoenix eyes, looked at him and said, "You seem to be dissatisfied with me?"

"Don't dare." Ji Shaoqing bowed politely and said, "However, regarding Jiang Wang's successful cleansing of crimes, it is hard to rely on what you say, you have to see it. Wait a moment, please allow me to read the Haijiang list."

Although what he said sounded nice, it seemed that he had both reason and reason. But how long this journey will take, and when it will be checked, it is difficult to tell.


Jiang Wuyou casually pulled out a list of borders: "If seeing is believing, look here!"

She took a step forward, obviously standing at the bottom of the steps of Tianya Terrace, but it seemed that she was the one condescending, "Ji Shaoqing, you won't tell Ben Gong, are you illiterate?"

"How can you shake your arms at will?" Ji Shaoqing said softly: "Of course, I don't mean that the palace master will make fakes. It's just that the Zhenhai League was recently established. The sea is not peaceful, and there are many people with ulterior motives. Ji Mou His eyesight is not good and his experience is inexperienced, so he can't be sure of the truth. As a disciple of Diaohailou, in this chaotic time, he has to be more careful. Please, Palace Master, let Ji go to read the list of Haijiang in the building first. Bar."

The tone is humble, the voice is gentle, and even the expression is polite.

But it is precisely this kind of attitude that makes people full of evil fire.

There is no way to quarrel unless you do it directly.

But it is really not a rational choice to attack the direct disciples of Diaohailou on Tianyatai.

Jiang Wuyou was certainly furious, but in her capacity, it was no longer suitable for her to speak.

So Chong Xuansheng spoke again, and at this time his face was sinking like water: "Ji Shaoqing. Everything can be done once and twice, not over and over again. This is the fourth time we have come to Tianyatai, are you sure you want to stop us? Especially Given that Jiang Wang has already completed his cleansing...are you sure about yourself and have thought through the consequences?"

"I don't know what Mr. Sheng means." Ji Shaoqing even had a flattering smile on his face, and counted them one by one: "Huaying Palace, Chongxuan Family, Shimen Li Family, Beijun Yan Family, right? Prominent! How dare I deliberately fight against you? It’s just..."

He restrained his smile, and changed the subject: "This is Tianya Terrace, the Tianya Terrace of Diaohai Tower. How dare Ji ignore his responsibilities? You said that Jiang Wang has completed his cleansing, so I have to confirm it. Isn't this the answer? Does it make sense?"

How could he not know that Jiang Wang had completed his cleansing?

Granny Bizhu is already dead! He must have died at the hands of Jiang Wang, how could he not know?

It can be said that he paid no less attention to Jiang Wang and Grandma Bizhu's trip to the lost world than Chong Xuansheng and the others.

A Bizhu mother-in-law, if something bad happens, death is not a pity. But her death made Gu Huaixin's entire faction lose face! Don't talk about competing in Diaohailou, if you are not careful, you have to cut a few big pieces of meat out under the current situation!

As Gu Huaixin's most valued personal disciple, he was able to reap great benefits in the process of Gu Huaixin's leap. If Gu Huaixin failed, his loss was also at the forefront!

This was a good opportunity to stand out among the geniuses of the same generation, but now he is standing still and going backwards.

This is how he doesn't hate Jiang Wang, and how doesn't he hate that Zhu Biqiong who eats inside and out?

Chong Xuansheng looked at him, and said slowly: "You want to confirm the result of the cleansing, it's justified. You Diaohailou's concern for your disciples and the strict attitude of business affairs, I admire you very much."

Ji Shaoqing didn't seem to be able to hear the irony in the words at all, and only said: "Brother Chongxuan praised you absurdly, and Ji was just doing his duty. Everyone understands each other."

"Then how do you confirm it? If you want to go back to the Zongmen's residence to read the Haijiang list, then please do so." Chong Xuansheng made a gesture of listening and respecting: "If you want to verify with someone, you might as well Let’s talk about it. We all have some friends after all, maybe we can help you get in touch as soon as possible.”

Ji Shaoqing paused, stumped for a moment. He was just delaying time and making things difficult for these people on purpose. It's better to provoke them to make trouble. On this island of Wai, there is no reason why he should be afraid of anyone.

I just didn't expect this fat man to let it go.

After letting go, he realized the difficulty.

If he leaves Tianyatai now, those black armored soldiers may not be able to withstand the pressure of these people. And which name he said, that person would know to help him delay the time without any prior discussion?

"Human life is at stake. Brother Ji, please make a decision early." Li Longchuan immediately chased after him and said, "Did your due diligence, doesn't it mean delaying time? Or are you just going to sit and watch Zhu Biqiong die slowly? Generally not, but it was once your fellow disciple!"

"How could it be!" Of course Ji Shaoqing refused to admit this notoriety, and immediately said: "Brother Li, don't misunderstand. Alas, this matter is troublesome. I also hope that Xiao Zhu is well..."

While explaining, his eyes flickered, and he suddenly said: "Junior Brother Xu! Please come over and explain!"

At this time, there happened to be a monk flying not far from the Tianya Terrace, he stopped when he heard the sound, hesitated for a while, and still flew over.

When this person flew close, Ji Shaoqing smiled and said: "Senior Brother Xu, it's like this. Brother, I guard the Tianya Terrace, guarding important criminals, and I can't get away. Can you help me to take a look at the sea frontier list in the Zongmen's resident, and see See if Jiang Wang has completed his cleansing?""

For the elite disciples of Diaohai Tower, it is not uncommon for the Haijiang list to be divided into papers. Ji Shaoqing intentionally clicked on the Haijiang List in the Diaohailou Zongmen's residence. As one of the three sections of the Haijiang List, it is of course more detailed and credible, but the main purpose is to make it clear that people who come here will take a few more steps.

But in fact, Ji Shaoqing's choice has a deeper layer.

Because the person's surname is Xu Mingyuan, and he is the son of Xu Xiangwan, the third elder of Diaohai Tower!

The competitive relationship between Gu Huaixin and Xu Xiangwan, especially this time at Tianyatai, has almost torn apart. The relationship between him and Xu Yuan is naturally not much better.

He was sure that with Xu Yuan's character, it might not be easy to refuse in front of outsiders. But if you turn around, you may not be able to answer him.

This actually delayed the time. People like Chongxuansheng couldn't be blamed on him, but Xu Yuan had to be blamed. It kills two birds with one stone.

Xu Yuan glanced at Jiang Wuyou and the others, nodded, and was about to leave.

"Brother Xu, wait a minute!" Yan Fu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "How can I tire you out? I have a sub-volume of the Haijiang list here, and I will give it to my brother. I have the right to make friends. Is there anything I need to verify?" Yes, just look at it."

The sub-volumes of the Haijiang list are not very rare as part of the copying and separation of the Haijiang list. But it is not easy to obtain the qualifications.

These sub-volumes are also divided into several different grades.

For example, the one that Jiang Wang took with him when he went to the Lost Realm only recorded his own record, and it would be taken back after leaving the Lost Realm.

However, the one that Yan Fu took out and presented to Xu Yuan now can reflect the information of many monks in the Lost Realm, and it belongs to the hard-to-get one. In terms of value, it can be called expensive.

Yan Fu, this person, has always been quiet and reticent, gentle and introverted. But often when he speaks, he hits the vital point directly, and has an irresistible luxury.

Either buy, buy, buy, or give away.

Naturally, Ji Shaoqing couldn't be happy to see it, and hurriedly stopped him: "Let's go back to the Zongmen's resident to check. I didn't say that you made a fake, but after all, it's hard to tell the truth from the fake. As I said in advance, we must be cautious..."

"This is real."

Xu Yuan took the Haijiang list in his hand, interrupted Ji Shaoqing suddenly, and said with serious eyes: "This Haijiang list is real, I can still see it."

Ji Shaoqing pouted, but remained silent after all.

"Then trouble you to look again, has Jiang Wang completed his cleansing?" Chong Xuansheng asked with a smile.

He actually opened the Haijiang list and looked at it.

He frowned: "He really completed his cleansing in such a short period of time!"

When Jiang Wang entered the lost world, it was the day when the sea festival was held, April 4th. On the eighth day after entering the maze world, he was besieged and killed. One against nine, kill six and retreat three, then return to the island to rest.

On the ninth day, they met soldiers from the sea tribe surrounding the floating island.

He broke through on the same day, and also on the same day, with the help of Futu Pure Land's suppression, he almost killed the sea warriors who besieged him, and completed his cleansing.

This day is April 13th.

In just nine days, killing more than 100 Commander-level Sea Clans, even if they are all junior Commander-level, this is a very remarkable achievement!

On average, it is equivalent to killing more than ten outer-level monks every day.

What is this concept?

That is to say, a place like the Mystery Realm is a battlefield where the entire Eastern Territory human race faces the entire Canghai Sea Race. The strong are like clouds, so it doesn't seem so scary.

But the death of a hundred commander-level sea clans, in fact, almost emptied the elite forces of the entire sea nest.

It is a loss that makes the White Elephant King feel heartache.

Why did Fu Yanqing approve of Jiang Wang so much? Because he also knows that among the one hundred commander-level sea tribes, even Shui Yingrong, Yu Wangu and even Yu Siqing are strong in the absolute sense.

Even if he doesn't know the inside story, considering the record Xu Yuan has seen now, this is definitely a record of Tianjiao level.

He has no reason to help Ji Shaoqing hide it. In fact, if he can embarrass Ji Shaoqing, he will never mind.

Only then did Chong Xuansheng look at Ji Shaoqing: "Did you hear that? Brother Xu Yuan won't help us lie, can he? Can we get out of the way now?"

"Of course, Senior Brother Xu has said so, so of course there will be no problem."

Ji Shaoqing smiled: "Let Jiang Wang come and lead someone, Ji will never stop."

He said he would never stop him, but he still bit him to death. Only Jiang Wang can lead him away!

Everyone knew that Zhu Biqiong was dying before Jiang Wang set off for the Lost Realm. Wei Xun used Zhu Biqiong's life to force Jiang Wang to complete the task of cleansing him in a shorter time.

Chong Xuansheng and the others came over again and again, just to ensure Zhu Biqiong's safety before Jiang Wang came back. It's not like asking him to work hard and come back in vain!

Ji Shaoqing was fully aware of their feelings, and even insisted on not letting them take Zhu Biqiong away for treatment just to disgust them!

Xu Yuan frowned, he didn't understand the meaning of Ji Shaoqing's insistence on procrastinating, could it change the result if it was earlier or later? It was nothing more than disgusting Jiang Wang. For no reason, he lost Diaohailou's bearing.

He couldn't see it, so he said aloud: "Junior Brother Ji, why do you need to guard Tianya Terrace yourself? Are you too idle these days?"

Gu Huaixin's possibility of leaping in this line was interrupted on Tianyatai, and many plans fell through. Isn't it "very idle" now.

What he didn't know was that Ji Shaoqing didn't need any meaning, just wanted to disgust Chong Xuansheng and the others to relieve the resentment in his heart.

Hearing the sound, he only said: "I know Senior Brother Xu is very busy these days, so he doesn't bother to care about trifles. However, although there is no order from the teacher to guard the Tianya Terrace, Shaoqing came here voluntarily. But the person who maintains my Diaohai Tower Dignity and majesty are the unshirkable responsibility of every Diaohailou disciple!"

"That's enough!" Jiang Wuyou raised her brows and scolded angrily: "The crime has been cleared, the verification has been verified, and you are still entangled here. Do you really think you can do whatever you want with the help of Diaohailou's background? Is the halberd bad?"

"Why did the Palace Master say this! Why are you so entangled? As I said, Jiang Wang came over and could take people away at any time. Is there any problem?" Ji Shaoqing looked at her without fear: "His Royal Highness, I have to remind you, this is the Isle of Wye!"

He even looked at Chong Xuansheng and the others provocatively: "If you want to make trouble, although Shaoqing is not talented, he still has the courage to accompany you!"

He has completed the five mansions and won two supernatural powers in his hands. Even in terms of combat power, he is really worthy of these famous nobles in front of him. Not to mention this is Tianyatai!

As Ji Shaoqing's voice fell, the black armored soldiers who had been standing on the Tianya Terrace also turned their gazes to this side.

No matter what background Jiang Wuyou, Chong Xuansheng and the others have, if they make trouble on Huai Island and confront the people in Diaohailou, they will only suffer. If even a few of their juniors can't suppress it, Diaohailou won't even talk about unifying the offshore islands.

"I am speaking in the name of Neverwinter Isle, one of the members of Zhenhai League."

Chong Xuansheng narrowed his eyes and said: "If the Zhenhai League wants to truly unify the coastal waters, the first thing is to be clear about punishment, be reasonable, and abide by the rules! Jiang Wang has completed his cleansing, Zhu Biqiong is now innocent, why are you still in prison? hold her?"

Those who are close to him know that when this fat man squints his eyes, it means that his murderous intention has been activated.

It's a pity that Ji Shaoqing didn't know, or even if he knew, he didn't care about relying on Diaohailou.

Wen Sheng just said: "If I remember correctly, what our landlord said is that after Jiang Wang has completed her cleansing, she can take her away."

He glanced over Chong Xuansheng, Jiang Wuyou, Li Longchuan, and Yan Fu, emphatically saying: "Jiang Wang took her away, not any of you."

Then he even turned back to look at Xu Yuan: "Senior brother Xu, if he gave you a Haijiang list, can you forget what the landlord said? Otherwise, the younger brother will also give you one, just don't forget your origin! How about it?"


Xu Yuan blushed with anger, but he had nothing to refute after all.

Because what Ji Shaoqing said is true.

Even if Wei Xun just said it casually at the time, it shouldn't be so strict in thinking that Jiang Wang must complete the cleansing and return to Tianyatai before he can pick up Zhu Biqiong.

But what if?

Who dares to seek evidence from Wei?

Ji Shaoqing regards every word of Diaohaizhuzhu as the truth, who can pick a mistake?

Jiang Wuyou and Chong Xuansheng couldn't pick this fault.

As a disciple of Diaohailou, Xu Yuan couldn't!



(5K, two chapters merged. No updates tonight)

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