Red Heart Survey

Chapter 936: Buried in the Moon Gate

With the opening of the third inner mansion and the appearance of the third magical seed.

Jiang Wang could feel very clearly that the isolated island of heaven and earth floating on the boundless sea became stronger again, and the Dao Yuan that held it up was partially liberated again.

When Jiang Wang knocked open the third mansion, he picked off the supernatural power seeds that were not in the wind, and the white light spread all over the sky.

The extremely cold killing intent was like a gust of wind, sweeping across the entire sea of ​​Wufu.

But seeing the clouds scattered in the sky and the tides on the sea.

The chubby Baiyun Boy huddled into a ball in Yunxiao Pavilion.

kill! kill! kill!

Jiang Wang's heart was full of murderous thoughts.

White Elephant King, damn it!

Ji Shaoqing, damn it!

Wei Xun, damn it!

Jiang Wang turned around almost immediately and rushed back to Crescent Island.

But at the moment when the hand touched the long sword.


Sauvignon Blanc rang out suddenly.

In the Sea of ​​Five Houses, a cold light swept across the sky, it was the sword spirit of Sauvignon Blanc!

Jiang Wang suddenly shuddered and broke free from the extreme killing intent.


In the bitter wind, Zhu Biqiong seemed to say this word, but it seemed that there was nothing.

However, Jiang Wang has calmed down.

The sea is wide and the sky is far away, and the long coastline has appeared in sight at some point. Looking down at Zhu Biqiong, whose face became even paler in his arms, he remembered... At first, he just wanted to improve his strength and rush to Tianfu City faster.

But just now, he almost turned his head and killed Ben Diaohailou.

This newly obtained supernatural power may be very strong, but it is also really dangerous.

It is easy for people who are deeply involved in it to become extreme and extreme.

The sauvignon blanc across the sea and sky of five provinces is the clearest reminder.

A sword has two edges, use its sharpness, but also restrain yourself to avoid self-injury.

Jiang Wang's soul manifested, jumped into the sea of ​​five houses, held the long sword transformed by the sword spirit in one hand, and turned back with a sword!

That wisp of indiscriminate wind sweeping across the Wufu Sea was forced to stop!

Jiang Wang crossed his sword again, but Zhou Feng had nowhere to go, so he had to rush back to the sky.

Because the third inner palace was born out of nowhere, the first and second inner palaces, which disappeared for a short time, reappeared with the support of the master of Wufuhai.

The temporary hiding of the first and second inner palaces does not mean that they are weaker than the third inner palace, nor does it mean that shining their supernatural power seeds is not as good as Wu Zhoufeng. It is a spiritual choice to avoid internal friction.

They don't fight each other without Jiang Wang's control.

But at this time, Jiang Wang had already taken control of the situation.

Above the sky of Wufuhai, it was bright for a moment.

The three inner mansions are a red mansion, a black and white mansion, and a forest white mansion.

Externally, it appears as a scorching sun, a double-faced cold moon, and forest-white stars.

The scorching sun and the double-faced cold moon hang at the highest point, facing each other far away.

Senbai Xingchen lives in the middle, standing side by side with the former two.

Further down, there are the ruins of Yunding Xiangong, which has recovered some vitality, and below it is Shanfu Qingyun.

At the bottom is a huge isolated island of heaven and earth, lush and lush, hanging over the boundless sea.

There are five seas in the body, the waves are calm and the wind is calm.

Outside the sea, there are thousands of miles of flat waves.

Looking forward, the state of Qi has arrived.

"Transiter, Qingyang Jiangwang!"

Those levels, which are bright or dark, are opened one by one.

Those vigilant eyes who were betting on this also looked away one after another.

In Qi State, Jiang Wuyou, Chong Xuansheng, Li Longchuan, Yan Fu... the energy of these people can be most manifested!

Holding Zhubiqiong in his arms, Jiang Wang flew all the way from Crescent Island, the most easterly offshore island, to Tianfu City, Linhai County, Qi State, without hindrance.

"Jiang Qing brand, the old man has been waiting for a long time!"

The lord of Tianfu City stood high in the sky and greeted him from afar.

It's not that kind to call Jiang Wang's name directly.

Sir, it's too flattering.

It is the most appropriate to directly call the position, not far or near, and the distance is appropriate.

The Lord of Tianfu City is the pinnacle of Outer Building, a strong man who once fought against Hell without Door Yama.

Of course he wouldn't look down on Jiang Wang, but Jiang Wuyou, Chong Xuansheng and others sent news repeatedly, and he couldn't ignore it.

It should be noted that even the Tianfu Secret Realm broke the rules this time and opened it in advance!

This secret realm is an important resource of Tianfu City, although it is not considered the best secret realm because its real harvest is unknown and the danger is too great.

But after all, there is the possibility of predetermined supernatural powers, which still makes people flock to it. Usually when the hole is opened, a lot of benefits have to be exchanged back.

This time, just because of Jiang Wang's request, Tianfu City was ready.

Chong Xuansheng only said what needs to be exchanged and what needs to be weighed - I will arrange it.

This is a bosom friend.

"Thank you, my lord."

Jiang Wang hugged Zhu Biqiong and responded in the air: "I'm sorry for the inconvenience of saluting."

"You are a good boy of my Daqi, and you have shown your prestige at sea. What are the common etiquette?" Tianfu City Lord led the way, and went straight to the Moon Lake in the city.

In the entire Tianfu City, countless pairs of eyes looked at them, thinking about the origin of this young man who came across the sea with a woman in his arms, to be so valued by the city lord.

"The last time the Tianfu Secret Realm was opened, I remember that Jiang Qing Pai also participated?" Tianfu City Lord asked casually while flying.

"Yeah, I'm in a trance like yesterday." Jiang Wang forced himself to respond.

"At that time, no one in Qi State knew about you." The Lord of Tianfu City couldn't help but look at Jiang Wang a few more times, and sighed: "In such a short period of time, you have achieved such a momentum. It's really scary!"

"You flatter me."

Flying in front of the Moon Lake, the Tianfu City Lord stopped and said, "The old man has made arrangements. The Tianfu Secret Realm will be opened, and you can go in by yourself."

Sending it here is enough to show sincerity, and sending it inside is not appropriate for his status.

Jiang Wang bowed halfway to him: "The boy appreciates you."

The Lord of Tianfu City nodded in satisfaction and left on his own.

Full Moon Lake is surrounded by high walls and large formations, and no one is allowed to enter or exit except when the Tianfu Secret Realm is open.

The opening time of the secret realm is the embodiment of the secret realm's self-regulation and self-adaptation.

It is not easy to open the secret realm in advance for people to explore. At the same time, it is also an act of excessively consuming the foundation of the secret realm. If he didn't know that Jiang Wang's trip was just to send a dying person in and be buried with his relatives who died in it, it would be difficult for the Lord of Tianfu City to agree to open the secret realm.

Walking into the high wall, you can see the Moon Lake surrounded by the corridor again.

It was already night, and the sky here showed a bright moon, which was brighter than the moon outside.

This is the sign that Tianfu Secret Realm has been opened.

When I came here last time, Zhu Suyao was also there. Jiang Wang didn't know who she was at that time, nor did she know that she would have so many interactions with her younger sister later.

The same is true for worldly affairs.

I don't know before, I don't know after.

The moon in the sky is superimposed on the moon in the water, and the shadow of the moon in the water is "peeled" out again, forming the moon gate.

Jiang Wang flew into the air, parallel to the moon gate.

"Friend Bamboo Daoist..."

He didn't say anything except this whisper.

Just holding it flat, with gentle movements, sent Zhu Biqiong's motionless body into the moon gate.

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