"You are amazing, Ji Shaoqing."

In the hall, a voice said so.

And Ji Shaoqing, who was wearing a black gold-edged brocade suit, stood with his head bowed in the hall without saying a word.

The huge incense burner is full of green smoke.

Through the faint blue smoke, the middle-aged man with long black and white hair can still be seen clearly.

In other words, a man who retained his middle-aged appearance.

He stood sideways, with his hands behind his back, and he had the aura of being in a high position for a long time.

The profile of the short beard trembling slightly with the movement of the lips is actually extremely gentle.

"But it's not you who are powerful. It's not you who can block Neverwinter Island and Huaying Palace. Are you able to weigh clearly that you are not worth enough in front of those people? Diaohailou is the powerful one, and you are consuming The reputation of Diaohai Tower."

He took a deep breath.

Turning around, I couldn't help raising my voice, and asked angrily, "Who told you to guard the Tianya Terrace?!"

"With such a small capacity, how can you become a big weapon!"

"It's fine for you to be small-minded, but doing such a stupid thing makes outsiders despise the situation of this seat!"

"Is this how I usually teach you to do things? Will I deal with Jiang Wang personally for the sake of Bizhu's grievances? Will I force a completely unrelated girl to suffer to death? Especially if she is still my fisherman." People from Lou!"

"You let people in the world, how do you think of me, Diaohailou? How do you think of me, Gu Huaixin?"

He raised his finger and focused heavily on Ji Shaoqing: "Ji Shaoqing, Ji Shaoqing, you disappointed me so much. There are many ways to get revenge, but you chose the most stupid one. You can neither weaken your opponent, but add new hatred to yourself. "

"Master, this disciple just... feels unfair for you. In terms of talent and cultivation, how can the third elder be above you?" Ji Shaoqing gritted his teeth and said, "However, even the landlord is biased towards him. Could it be that Because he is old, is he old? Tuer is dissatisfied on your behalf! Tuer doesn’t want to let go of anyone who ruins your important affairs!”

It would be better if he didn't justify, this justification, Gu Huaixin's already suppressed anger surged into his heart all of a sudden, he retracted his fingers suddenly and clenched his fist.


Ji Shaoqing was caught off guard, and his whole body was suppressed by a huge force, and he fell to the ground.

Gu Huaixin, who is very good at nourishing qi, even roared: "I don't know how to do things, do I need you to stand up for me!?"

"Could it be that my way of fighting back is to force and kill a little girl who has no influence at all and whose cultivation level has been abolished?"

Ji Shaoqing was crushed on the floor tiles, a mouthful of blood sprayed in front of him. The whole person was extremely embarrassed, and he still gritted his teeth and said: "Jiang Wang killed Elder Hai Zongming first, and then Elder Bizhu. He is my enemy in Diaohailou. He destroyed our plan in Tianyatai, and he is our enemy. Could it be Do I still want to watch him become famous near the sea and seek a consummation back? I just want to let him struggle for nothing, I just want to see his expression of astonishment, despair, and pain! Master, these people are like everyone, with high eyesight Yu Ding, who is fearful of power but not virtuous. Don't let them chew the pain, they don't know who is in charge of the sea!"

The more Ji Shaoqing spoke, the more excited he became, but Gu Huaixin almost squeezed the words out between his teeth: "You still dare to talk back."

"I was wrong, Master." Ji Shaoqing immediately admitted his mistake.

He knew that his master was really angry, and he could no longer argue with this matter.

He closed his eyes hard, and opened them again.

Then, with his hands on the floor tiles, he climbed up with difficulty: "Qi is a powerful country, I really shouldn't provoke Qi people... What am I? If I make a mistake, it's nothing more than a step into the abyss. I do things by myself, and I'm in charge of it. If there is any enmity in the future , I took them all. Come one, I'll take one, come a pair, I'll take a pair."

There was obvious resentment in these words.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: "Don't worry, I won't mention your name."

Then he turned around unsteadily, and walked away from the hall.

Gu Huaixin remained silent for a long time, until he, the disciple of Tianjiao, had already walked out of the hall, and could no longer see his back. Then he let out a long sigh: "I don't know how to repent."



Jiang Wang hangs quietly in front of the moon gate.

Until the moon gate disappears, the moon shadow is divided into two parts, and the full moon pool returns to its peaceful state.

A small shallow pool, the water is clear and cool.

There is no moon when you look up, and the sky is so bright.

Jiang Wang still stood there quietly.

He stood alone all day in Full Moon Lake.

He was just thinking, not waiting for a miracle. And indeed no miracle happened.

Starting from Qidi, this mobilizing rescue effort failed in the end.

When he came out of the maze, he was full of hope. Although he was heavily in debt, at that time he felt that he was omnipotent, could overcome any difficulties and difficulties, and would not be blocked by any difficulties.

He has accomplished such a great thing, saving a girl who was sacrificed at the sea festival ceremony in the offshore islands!

This matter is unprecedented.

This thing is something to be proud of.

But in the end?

He really respects Diaohai Tower, and he admires the great history and glorious inheritance of Diaohai Tower.

He respects such a sect that has made great contributions to the human race.

But if, if you didn't intend to give any hope in the first place, why use such harsh conditions to outline a false bubble?

Why such a game, such a humiliation, a person with great self-esteem?

Jiang Wang stood there.

He didn't want emotions to interfere with his decision, but he thought carefully.

he asked himself.

hate it?




He then had the answer and knew what to do.

He turned around and walked out without looking at Man Yuetan again.

The affairs of the world have nothing to do with Zhu Biqiong. She grew up in a woven world, and now she is buried in another woven world.

Presumably, her timidity, strangeness, and fear can all be soothed.

At the last moment when Zhu Biqiong was unable to speak, Jiang Wang could no longer know her inner thoughts. But that very faint breath was just like her persistence on the Tianya Terrace in the past ten days.

Mr. Su said that she should have been unable to hold on earlier, but she endured such pain for a few more days.

She is obviously not a strong person, but she is already stronger than many people in the world.

"bless you."

Jiang Wang said in his heart: "We all know that reincarnation is a cowardly lie. Not everyone can resist the risk of real reincarnation, not all memories can be preserved, and not all lives can be restarted. But I wish you, I wish you can Reunited with your sister where she left. May she continue to protect you, no matter where you are."

"If you are no longer reincarnated, I hope you will dissolve in one place and be connected together. Never be alone, never be afraid."

"If you unfortunately fall into reincarnation again and come to this world again. Then I wish that at that time, it will no longer make you strange."

Jiang Wang walked through the air and flew directly outside Tianfu City.

I hereby make a vow—

When you come back to the world, the world should be different.

Thank you book friend An Qianling for the Leader Award! There will be more updates at night.

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