Suddenly a voice in the city shouted: "Jiang Qingyang! Where are you going?"

Before Jiang Wang was surprised, someone suddenly recognized him.

Another voice shouted: "Your name is on the Haijiang list, and Haixun is number one on the sub-list this month!"

Jiang Wang followed the reputation in the air, only to see a group of people gathered in front of the posted bulletin.

With his good vision, he saw clearly what this list looks like—it is a sub-volume of the sea and border list.

But this sub-volume is different from Jiang Wang's previous ones. What is shown on it is not the conquest data that can be specific to each monk, but the real list ranking.

It is for the Sea Honor List.

The whole list is very concise and very conspicuous.

There are two rankings in total, called the main list and the sub-list.

Corresponding to the level of combat power of Shenlin and the level of combat power of the outer building respectively.

If you want to come to the real people in the world or even above them, you should not be discussed by the world. As for the strength below the outer building, there is really no need to rank in the fan world.

God's presence itself is already the pinnacle of cultivation that most people see. After all, it really breaks the life limit and cultivates until death. It is indeed "like God's presence".

The two lists are divided into two columns. The main list is on the left, and the vice list is on the right.

On the main list, the Shenlin powerhouses are certainly the most glorious, but the competition is more fierce, in fact, it is the sub-list.

After all, the combat power at the outer building level is basically the main level of the conquest of the lost world. Those who are often active in the field are all of this level of combat power. God's presence powerhouses mostly only appear in larger-scale lost world wars.

And in April 3919 of the Dao calendar, Jiang Wang's name was the number one on the sub-list of Haixun List!

What an honor it is?

In the entire Eastern Region, how many monks are fighting in the Lost Realm? A whole group of human monks from the Eastern Region, and a whole group of sea warriors from the sea, have been fighting in the battlefield of the Lost Realm for many years. How fierce and dangerous.

Being able to stand out from the crowd can be called an outstanding person!

To be precise, Jiang Wang's name should have been on the "Hai Xun Bang" recorded by the powerful magic weapon "Hai Jiang Bang". After all, people in Tianfu City were not familiar enough with the Haijiang List, that's why the person before said that Jiang Wang's name was on the Haijiang List.

Jiang Wang knew very well that maybe at the end of the month, his name would not be able to stand in the first place. Because after all, today is only April 15th, and only half of this month has passed.

But at this moment, looking at this sea honor list, a kind of pride is born naturally.

This is the glory of his killing with one sword and one sword with his life!

But seeing the word "Jiang Wang", he showed his sharpness and leaped in the tide, ranking first in the vice list.

After the name, the identity is recorded in small characters - Daqi Qingyang Town Male, Sipin Qingpai Butou.

After the identity, there is the record - killing one hundred and four of the commander-level sea clan.

In the end, opposite to the word "Jiang Wang", is the number of Haixun that also flows on the tide——11,300 points!

At the end of the list, Hai Xun's record rules are attached.

Killing a soldier-level Hai Clan, you can get Hai Xun as one. Killing one of the general-level sea clan can get ten Haixun points. Commander-level Hai Clan, Hai Xun is 100 points. Beheading the king-level sea clan, Hai Xun has 10,000 points.

From the commander-in-chief level to the king-level level, Hai Xun's promotion is leaps and bounds. Of course, even if the difference in Haixun's numbers is so large, it still cannot fully reflect the difference in difficulty. After all, even though Jiang Wang gained 11,300 points of Haixuan, it is absolutely impossible to kill a king-level sea clan.

Specifically, in the commander-level sea tribe, beheading the first-level commander-level sea tribe, count one hundred honors. Beheading the middle-level commander-level sea clan, Ji Xun two hundred. Beheaded the high-level commander-level sea clan, Ji Xun five hundred. Beheading the top-level commander-level sea clan, Ji Xun has a thousand honors.

The main list and the sub-list of Haixun list only record ten people.

Not to mention the main list, the second place under Jiang Wang's name in the sub-list already has 6,300 points from Hai Xun. As long as he maintains the current speed, he will definitely surpass Jiang Wangwang at the end of the month. But at least for now, Jiang Wang is nearly half of the others, far ahead!

With the entire Eastern Territory as the backing, it is not an exaggeration to say that the hidden dragon and crouching tiger in the fan world. It is not difficult to find someone who is stronger than Jiang Wang.

If it hadn't been for Wei Xun's pressure of time, Jiang Wang would not have fought desperately to achieve the current record. On the other hand, it is not possible to achieve a better record than Jiang Wang, which also requires the "cooperation" of the Haizu.

After seeing this sea honor list, Jiang Wang has already confirmed that the displacement of the maze has been completely stabilized, and all news channels have been opened.

The Haijiang list is only used in the fandom, and it is not noticed by many people in the offshore islands, and it is even more unknown in the Qi state. !

It is even more conceivable how it spread in the offshore islands.

This may be one of the methods used by the Zhenhai League to deal with the evolution of the Sea Clan.

Using honors and rewards to attract more Eastern Region monks to participate in the Lost World War is also a way to relieve the pressure of the war. At the same time... the Zhenhai League can also take the opportunity to expand its influence in the entire Eastern Region.

This matter must have been implemented before, and the ranking and rules of the Sea Honor List must also need to be discussed. But when Jiang Wang first came out of the maze world, he hadn't seen this list yet.

It means that in the two days since he came to Tianfu City, the promotion of Haixun List has been completed and spread all over the sea!

With extraordinary power, the speed to promote a certain thing and deliver certain messages is astonishing.

But the Sea Honor List can spread so fast and so widely. In just two days, it has been posted in Tianfu City for people to discuss. It shows how much the Zhenhai League attaches importance to this matter.

This must be an important part of the plan to fight against the Sea Clan.

The spread of the Sea Honor List firstly means that the existence of the Sea Clan is being made public to the entire Eastern Region. Then how to deal with the leap of the Sea Race will definitely need more support from the Human Race.

Back to the status quo of Tianfu City,

The Tianfu City Lord personally welcomed him into the city the day before, which has aroused the curiosity of countless people. Now that the Haixun list is listed, his name is at the top of the sub-list, which has already caused a sensation.

About the posting of the Sea Honor List, about the actions of the Zhenhai League against the Hai people, and about how the Qi State can deal with the expansion of the influence of the Zhenhai League without affecting the overall situation of the sea...

Jiang Wang didn't want to analyze the minds of those important people too much. The perspective is different, and it is difficult to touch the truth. It is always a little naive and ridiculous for children to speculate on the thoughts of adults.

But how this matter will affect me, and how it will affect my next decision... But I have to think about it.


The Sea Honor List is a list that declares honor to the human race. When it appears and what name can appear, there are deep considerations.

The Sea Clan that Jiang Wang killed in the Lost Realm is a real achievement. But he went to the Lost Realm to cleanse his crimes, and the so-called "cleansing of sins" is of course a meritorious service.

So should his "gong" be counted?

The Haijiang list is jointly held by Diaohailou, Cassia Island and Yanggu.

What kind of competition is behind this sea honor list?

Listed on it, what does it mean?

With the difficulty of information exchange between the lost world and the present world, it is not easy to spread the trip to the lost world. Now because of the sudden fame gained from the Hai Xun List, how can he use it?



In front of the sea honor list, someone said loudly: "Isn't it good to divide the offshore islands into several counties and merge them with us? Look at the labor list made by the sea people, and they are also the first in Qi! What's the struggle!"

"What kind of sea people? There is also our Cassia Island in the Zhenhai League, okay?"

"Tch! The sea is rough and dangerous, I don't want to go, let alone there are any sea people! Let's live our lives behind closed doors and let them fend for themselves."

"Short-sighted! Overseas own resources, you don't want them, people want them!"

There are too many people talking, and the topics become more and more chaotic.

Another voice said: "The number one on the sub-list is from the Tianfu Secret Realm in our Tianfu City! Who will dare to say that the Tianfu Secret Realm is not good enough?"

The first voice noticed that Jiang Wang hadn't flown far, and asked, "Jiang Qingyang, are you going to sea again? Why are you going here?"

The people in Tianfu City have a sense of honor, and they seem to regard Jiang Wang as one of their own and care very much. Of course, from the perspective of the entire Qi country, there is nothing wrong with it.

If it is said that Jiang Wang's previous reputation was famous in Qi after defeating Wang Yiwu, then with the appearance of the Haixun List, everyone should know about Jiang Qingyang!

Facing the enthusiasm of the people in Tianfu City, Jiang Wang only said: "Do what I should do!"

Stepping on the imprint of Qingyun, you will be far away in a moment.

Thanks to the book friend Gua Gu for the lord reward, more will be added tomorrow night! Thanks to book friend Kai Fengqing for being the leader of this book! To be added the day after tomorrow...

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