Red Heart Survey

Chapter 939 Killing Intent and Hiding the Sheath (Addition for the Leader An Qianling)

Today is April 15th, and it is the blessed land challenge day of the illusory realm.

But Jiang Wang gave up.

This is also the first time since he owned the Illusory Realm, he gave up the challenge of the blessed land when he had time.

There is no other reason, but his killing intent is hidden, and he needs to take his life to return!

It has always been his wish to fight against the strong.

but not now.

From Huai Island to Tianfu City, all the way is smooth.

Returning to Huai Island from Tianfu City is still unrestricted.

It was in Tianfu City in the morning, and it was in Crescent Moon Island in the evening.

This is Jiang Wang's current limit speed.

He didn't do anything right away, nor did he meet any friends, but quietly found an inn to stay.

Take a bath, burn incense, and sleep.

He spent the night and the whole day doing nothing but rest.

Adjust yourself to the peak state.

On April 17, Jiang Wang opened the door and left.

He walked on the spacious and clean stone road, and walked in the eyes of countless people on Wai Island.

This night and the whole day was enough for Jiang Wang's friends to know that he had returned to Crescent Moon Island. But no one came to bother him.

Naturally, his enemies knew it too.

The Sea Honor List was posted in Tianfu City, and it naturally spread more widely in the offshore islands.

Under the propaganda of the Zhenhai League, the Sea Honor List has now become a proof of honor that focuses the eyes of all monks on the island.

Every monk on the Sea Order List is regarded as a heroic existence.

And Jiang Wang, regardless of those gazes.

He walked forward, towards the direction of the Diaohailou residence.

As we walked, Chong Xuansheng appeared.

Li Longchuan appeared.

Xu Xianggan appeared.

Yan Fu appeared.

Jiang Wuyou also appeared.

They walked silently behind Jiang Wang, giving him the support of friends and partners.

If there is anyone who doesn't know that Jiang Wang rescued a woman who was sacrificed at the sea festival ceremony, then this person must have just arrived in the offshore islands.

But even the extraordinary monks who have just come to the offshore islands know that Jiang Wang is the number one name on the list of sea honors!

However, the woman could not be saved in the end, but few people knew about it.

In the hero's story, those supporting roles are often just embellishments. Just a name that I can't remember. And no matter how that person once lived, how fresh he was.

In the crowd, Zishu took a look at Zhao Wuyan.

But without any suspense, he was ruthlessly suppressed by Zhao Wuyan's resolute eyes.

Zishu pouted: "Got it! What kind of friendship, what are you doing! Really, just like my father..."

Of course, the latter sentence was extremely low volume.

Jiang Wang walked forward.

He walked forward under the gaze of more and more eyes.

"Looks have weight."

Jiang Wang remembered this sentence very deeply.

One or two eyes, hard to detect.

But thousands of words can already make it difficult for people to breathe.

Those gazes of scrutiny, suspicion, and complexness converged into an extremely terrifying pressure.

But Jiang Wang just walked forward very calmly.

He neither enjoys nor suffers.

He no longer thinks about too many influences, too many problems. He just makes a decision and executes it. that is it.

Jiang Wang walked all the way to the Zongmen residence in Diaohai Tower before stopping.

The last time he came here, he followed Granny Bizhu. At that time, he was regarded as a visitor, and he walked directly into it.

Come back now, there are no friends in Diaohai Tower.

Yes, he is in Diaohailou, without a single friend. Yang Liu can't be counted, and there is no need to mention the others.

There are many friends behind him, but he didn't say a word to his friends.

Because this time he is traveling alone.

No matter how many friends you gather, it is impossible to do anything to Diaohailou. So instead he was only willing to represent himself.

As the owner of the entire Crescent Moon Island, every plant and tree on this huge island belongs to Diaohailou.

Therefore, the Zongmen residence of Diaohai Tower does not need to have a particularly conspicuous sign.

The location where the hustle and bustle stopped abruptly was the division of Diaohailou Zongmen's residence, and idlers were not allowed to enter.

This is also the most central location of this huge island.

There are no tall archways, only two inconspicuous wooden pillars erected on both sides of the road.

I don't know what material it is, it's black and not autumnal. Apart from being smooth, nothing unusual is seen.

Only when you get closer can you see that there are two couplets carved on the left and right wooden pillars.

Zuo said: Unhook the hook to become the moon, which has been hanging in the sky for eternity.

The right said: Breaking the pole as salary, according to all living beings.

The history of this lettering experience is clearly calculated in thousands of years, but there is no vague loss. Every stroke is very clear, not even a hook has been worn away by wind and rain.

As if there was no possibility of it being wiped out.

It was so in the past, it is so in the present, and it will be so in the future.

The courage shown by these two couplets is really heartbreaking.

What kind of fisherman is the moon in the sky when his hook is removed? Only by breaking his fishing rod into firewood can he shine on all living beings throughout the ages?

Ten thousand years forward and ten thousand years backward, I am afraid that there will only be one dragon fisherman.

Only with the firewood that shines on the human race as the pole and the bright moon as the hook, only a person with such courage can guard the sea alone and catch dragons in the world!

The handwriting of these two couplets is in the same line as the engraving on the Tianya Terrace, and they are both written by the dragon fisherman.

These two inconspicuous wooden pillars are also the sustenance of many Diaohailou monks.

At this moment, between the two wooden pillars, there is a person standing.

A plain, thick, very reliable man.

The big brother of Diaohailou, Chen Zhitao.

To deal with Jiang Wang's group of people, it is not easy for people who are too high-level to come forward. This is not a sea festival ceremony, and there is no need for real people to talk to them.

And it is indeed impossible for people of too low a level to stop Jiang Wang.

Chen Zhitao, who is also a student and was publicly recommended as the first person of the younger generation in the offshore islands, is the perfect candidate.

He stood between the two pillars and looked at Jiang Wang who was walking slowly, with a very real embarrassment on his face.

Up to now, it is impossible for him not to know what happened on Tianya Terrace.

He knew very well that this incident was entirely Ji Shaoqing's private revenge.

There is no need and no way for Diao Haizhu to play such a small trick. If Wei Xun insists on killing Zhu Biqiong, he can just kill him without telling anyone. On the contrary, since the old man has set the conditions and given the opportunity, the rest is Jiang Wang's own business.

No matter what the result is, as honorable as that true monarch, he will not control or stop him.

But as the big brother of Diaohailou, the banner figure among all the disciples of Diaohailou, he can't turn a blind eye when outsiders make trouble for his junior.

Right or wrong is a very important thing, but sometimes it is "right" to be in the same family, and "wrong" to be in a foreign country.

Like him, Chen Zhitao, he couldn't escape the custom.

So he came out here.

Come here to block the way.

Chen Zhitao pondered and pondered, and said first: "I apologize to you for the matter on Tianyatai. This matter is my negligence in Diaohailou. I know I have some regrets, and no matter how much money I have, it is irreparable. There are some mistakes. No matter how much you pay, it is impossible to make up for it. But please allow me to express my heart on behalf of Diaohailou."

Jiang Wang raised his eyes and looked at him: "I don't remember what else happened on Tianyatai. Therefore, there is no need to apologize or make compensation."

"I am here not to represent anyone or any force, but only to represent myself."

His voice was very calm, and it was in the calm that he showed irreparable strength——

"I heard that Diaohai Tower has an ancient inheritance and outstanding secret techniques. There is a disciple named Ji Shaoqing, who was hailed as the pride of heaven by the people at that time."

"Jiang is not talented, please try a sword."

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