Jiang Wang never mentioned the things on Tianyatai, but only challenged Ji Shaoqing in the name of seeking Tao.

This is by no means to say that what happened on Tianyatai is not important, but it just proves that that incident will never be erased, and Jiang Wang will never forgive.

There is no possibility of reconciliation.

There is no need for any compensation from Diaohailou, because what he wants is justice, and he will use his own sword to get it.

Chen Zhitao knew what Jiang Wang meant very well, but he couldn't stop him.

Because it's a very fair challenge.

Jiang Wang and Ji Shaoqing are both supernatural powers, both young and energetic, and both arrogance.

Regardless of identity, cultivation level, or age, they are all at the same level.

It's perfectly normal for a young man to "discuss and learn from each other".

To refuse, Ji Shaoqing can only refuse. He stepped forward to stop Ji Shaoqing, what's the matter? Almost slapped Ji Shaoqing in the face by himself, and declared that Ji Shaoqing was not as good as Jiang Wang as the big brother of Diaohailou.

However, Ji Shaoqing himself...would he refuse?

When Jiang Wangdu openly invited to fight in front of so many people in front of Diaohailou Zongmen's residence, to refuse is weakness.

The news that he did not dare to face Jiang Wang will definitely spread throughout the offshore islands in the shortest possible time.

What's more, it wasn't just his own reputation that was lost. After all, he is a genius disciple of Diaohailou, and he can represent Gu Huaixin's lineage to a certain extent.

Weakness is sin.

Chen Zhitao stopped talking, but it didn't mean that all Diaohailou disciples would be silent.

Immediately, a young disciple came out out of the crowd and sneered: "I, senior brother Ji, is such a character. If any cat or dog comes to the door, he will fight. Do you want to practice? Want to try my senior brother Ji's sword, are you worthy?"

Jiang Wang didn't care about his insult at all, just looked at him and said, "Dare to ask your name?"

The young disciple raised his head and said: "Bao Song!"

Jiang Wangxu stretched out his left hand, and directly made a gesture of 'please', without any delay: "Ask Your Excellency for advice!"

The onlookers, who had nothing to do with themselves, suddenly became excited.

without it. Jiang Wang's performance was too confident and determined.

Faced with doubts from Diaohailou's disciples, he did not explain his identity, achievements, or past, but directly challenged him, using the outcome to speak for himself!

Could it be that all the disciples in the inner palace of Diaohai Tower came to question, and he had to beat them one by one to prove his qualifications?

Judging from Jiang Wang's determined expression, it seems yes!

The purpose of Bao Song's coming out was not pure, it would be great to help Ji Shaoqing test Jiang Wang's quality.

Of course he wouldn't refuse, so he went straight to Jiang Wang: "Then I'll come and see, who gave you the courage!"

When he steps out, it means the battle begins.

Without any hesitation, Jiang Wang pressed the octave to burn the sea!

The flame sparrow whistled, and the eight tones played the sound of the tide.

For a moment, the flames rose suddenly, and even though Jiang Wang intentionally controlled the range of Taoism, the spectators who squeezed in also subconsciously retreated, for fear of being accidentally hurt.

The starting hand is such a large-scale powerful Taoism, and it is the overlapping of flame waves and sound waves, which is unique and full of lethality.

Many onlookers couldn't help cheering.

Being able to cultivate in the inner palace and cast first-class high-grade Taoism instantly is enough to show the talent of Taoism.

For this Taoism alone, Jiang Wang is worthy of the name of a genius.

But facing Jiang Wang's fire-walking Taoism, Bao Song just laughed mockingly,

Jiang Wang ranked first in the sub-list of the Haixun list, and his strength is beyond doubt. He dared to come out to help Ji Shaoqing find out, of course he was not just a hothead.

How could he stand up under such a high-profile situation just to be a foil?

A drop of water seemed to be born out of thin air, hanging in front of Bao Song.

In the scorching sea of ​​flames that quickly spread, this drop of water seemed so small and weak.

But Bao Song stretched out his fingers and pressed down lightly.


It was as if an endless stream of water emerged out of thin air.

All of a sudden, the waves were turbulent and the huge waves turned the sky.

He just pressed a drop of water, but it seemed to dump the river!

Supernatural powers, Tianyi Zhenshui!

This is the flower of Xuanyin and the essence of ten thousand waters. One drop can turn rivers.

The vast and endless water flowed down, and the sea of ​​flames released by Jiang Wang had no room for struggle, and was extinguished on the spot.

The sound of the mighty tide was completely overwhelmed by the real rushing torrent.

Bao Song has such supernatural powers, which can be said to restrain all fire-walking skills, so it's no wonder he can be so disdainful of Jiang Wang's attack.

As the rivers and rivers fell, all the onlookers flew further away.

And Jiang Wang just flicked his fingers, and a bean of fireworks flew down silently.


The flame suddenly exploded, and the flame spread on the torrent.

This fire, even Tianyi Zhenshui can be ignited!

The onlookers whispered to each other, and under the guidance of the well-informed, they knew that this was the real fire of supernatural powers and samadhi.

Jiang Wang's coping method is very simple, use supernatural powers to supernatural powers, and Samadhi real fire to Tianyi real water!

He doesn't intend to try other ways to break the game at all, but is extremely tough and wants to use the most naked way to decide the victory. He wants to fight against the supernatural powers!

"Water and fire are incompatible" is often used to describe the relationship between enemies. But as far as "water" and "fire" are concerned, they are only objective descriptions. The relationship between them, in itself, restrains each other and cannot coexist.

When water is strong, fire is extinguished; when fire is strong, water is burned.

Samadhi real fire and Tianyi real water, which one is stronger and which one is weaker? It is difficult to determine points, people in different positions have their own opinions. I'm afraid it will be difficult to convince people after arguing for three days and three nights.

But although supernatural powers are difficult to distinguish between superior and inferior, those who have mastered supernatural powers can be divided into superior and inferior!

Jiang Wang believes in himself, and is definitely better than Bao Song in the development of supernatural powers. Only then did he not hesitate to sacrifice the Samadhi True Fire, directly colliding with Bao Song's Tianyi True Water.

For a while, the river was rushing, and above the river, there was a raging sea of ​​flames.

Chen Zhitao separated his hands, and the water shone like a cover, covering all directions. Firmly grasp the scope of the battle, so that the flames cannot reach far, and the rivers cannot run away. So that the battle between Jiang Wang and Bao Song will not spread more widely. But only, focus on each other.

This Bao Song is not a weak person, he has opened up three inner mansions and picked a seed of supernatural power. He can be regarded as an excellent disciple of Diaohai Tower, and he is a little higher than Lei Zhanqian, who Jiang Wang faced in the Wudi Martial Arts Field.

If he can combine all means to carry out all-round killing, he may still be a little afraid of Jiang Wang, who is ranked first in the sub-list of Haixun list. After all, that dazzling record is enough to show his killing power. But it's just a battle of supernatural powers, how can he admit defeat?

The seeds of supernatural powers were rolling in the Second Inner Palace, and the tide became faster and the waves became crazier.

He worked hard, squeezing all his potential.

Samadhi True Fire and Tianyi True Water, the two supernatural powers collided in almost every gap in the combat range, entangled, roared, and annihilated each other.

It is true that Bao Song was stronger than Lei Zhangan when he was in the Invincible Martial Arts Field, but now Jiang Wang is not only a little bit stronger than then?

It can almost be said that it is not the same!

"Is this your limit?" He asked calmly.


In the mighty ocean, one step forward, the true fire's supernatural powers are fully unleashed! The true fire of Samadhi, which had already been entangled with the wave, suddenly became more intense!

hiss hiss hiss...

Countless white water vapor rushed to the sky crazily, almost forming cumulus clouds at that moment.

Bao Song spat out a mouthful of blood and fell on his back.

Every drop of water under his control was burned up!

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