Red Heart Survey

Chapter 942 Rules

somewhere secret.

Gu Huaixin, with long black and white hair intertwined, sat cross-legged on a pure white futon, playing chess with others.

The chessboard is made of Xiaoming twisted yellow wood, with clear texture, which can relax the mind and eyesight.

Sitting opposite him was a man of about fifty looks, not very old, with a refined temperament, sitting on a pure black futon.

The chess piece in his hand has the opposite color.

After the long exam, Fang dropped a white piece.

The placement of this piece is very strange, it completely deviates from the area where the battle is being fought. If it is due to occupying land, there are much better choices than it. It seems that it is a completely useless move.

He seems to be playing waste chess all the time, so in the whole chess game, Bai's pieces have already been completely at a disadvantage.

Gu Huaixin grasped the advantage, but he didn't show arrogance. He just behaved well and made another move, locking the victory in the upper left area.

The elegant man picked up another white coin for the long test, and said, "It's really not easy to wait for you to make a mistake over the years."

Compared with his opponent, Gu Huaixin's moves are fast and firm. But he didn't rush, nor was he impatient. He just said, "We've waited until the end. It can be seen that as long as you live long enough, everything is possible."

This doesn't sound right, because there is a gap in their ages just from their looks. In terms of actual age, the gap is even further. It is ironic that this sentence is said by a younger person.

But the elegant man was not annoyed at all, instead he laughed dumbly: "Huaixin, you are always like this, in any aspect, in any matter, you are not willing to suffer."

"To put it another way." Gu Huaixin also smiled: "I always win."

The white chess piece flipped over and over between the three fingers, the elegant man pondered for a while, and then dropped another piece that was useless. He sighed softly, "It seems so."

Gu Huaixin still maintained the inherent rhythm, after a little thought, he dropped the sunspot and began to harvest the dragon.

He picked the grapes one by one, neither fast nor slow, naturally calm and in control of the overall situation.

The elegant man stared at his losing chess game, but suddenly said: "I have always admired Shaoqing. He has brains, talent, and ruthlessness. But now, it seems that the pattern is a little lacking."

"What is the pattern?" Although Gu Huaixin was very serious when he taught Ji Shaoqing in private, he refused to endure others' criticism of his lover, and retorted casually: "Every generation has a mission for each generation. What age, what kind of job do you do?" Things. At the age of less than forty, I often think about whether a hundred years later, will I have a grand plan or a dull one? Brother Xu, when you were young, a pair of judge pens broke through the Wushan Mountains, and it was said that you lacked a plan. What about now? You are a real person in this world, and you are so powerful near the sea, where are those who say you are?"

Looking at the entire offshore archipelago, the only person who can be called a senior brother by Gu Huaixin and also surnamed Xu is Xu Xiangwan, the third elder of Diaohai Tower.

Throughout the changes in the sea festival ceremony, Gu Huaixin kept moving, with traces of meddling everywhere.

But as the other party in the struggle, Xu Xiangwan was as transparent from the beginning to the end. Except for Hai Jingping's unbearable counterattacks a few times, there were no more actions from his faction.

Many people thought that this was a sign that Xu Xiangwan was not as strong as others.

But if you put aside the performance of all parties when the incident happened, and only look at the final result, it is not difficult to find a fact-the Gu Huaixin faction was busy, making a lot of noise, and finally exited sadly, not only did not get the expected Harvest, instead, was hit hard. Xu Xiangwan seemed to have done nothing, but he was unscathed and still maintained the position of the third elder. During the establishment of the Zhenhai League, he ate meat so much that his mouth was full of oil.

There are many voices saying that this is the check and balance technique of Diaohai host Wei Xun, and that Xu Xiangwan can keep his position if he favors each other. But what the truth is, no outsider can know.

From the appearance, Gu Huaixin is younger than Xu Xiangwan. This shows that Gu Huaixin achieved God's presence when he was younger, so he is more talented. In the time when we were both real people, it should be foreseeable to come from behind.

Gu Huaixin spent so much time on the words "age" and "old spirit", it was nothing more than to reflect his own advantages.

But for Gu Huaixin's words, Xu Xiangwan still didn't have the slightest unpleasant attitude.

He just laughed it off, and then said: "Shaoqing's five mansions are complete, and he is already exploring the stars. The two magical powers he took off are both very powerful. And Jiang Wang of Qi State newly established three mansions, from the light of supernatural powers. Look, it's a rare talent to pick off three supernatural power seeds. This battle must be fought."

Others don't know how many supernatural powers Jiang Wang has picked up, but it is not difficult for real people in the world to penetrate the essence and see the light of supernatural powers.

Although he used the word "Yi" when talking about Jiang Wang, it means that Jiang Wang's talent is similar to Ji Shaoqing's. But both he and Gu Huaixin knew very well that Jiang Wang picked up the three supernatural powers when he opened the three mansions, which is already very promising! In terms of talent, he is better than Ji Shaoqing. This time's record of fighting in the lost world even surpassed his peers, and won the first place in the sub-ranking of the Sea Honor List.

However, because Ji Shaoqing is older and has practiced longer, he is ahead in cultivation. As far as this battle is concerned, the two sides are indeed worth fighting. With Ji Shaoqing's supernatural powers, maybe three or five years later, there is still a chance. But if nothing else, ten or twenty years later, there will be no need for this battle to start.

Gu Huaixin didn't intend to continue the tit-for-tat, but said: "The military god has a disciple named Wang Yiwu, who is known as the first heaven-reaching state in ancient times. Many people in Qi State regard him as another military god. But after the Tenglong state, he was People were defeated in the same realm, which shocked Linzi. That was the first battle that Jiang Wang became famous. It is said that in that battle, Jiang Wang first won a round in Tenglong Realm, and then both sides were promoted to the inner palace at the same time, and Jiang Wang won another round. Breaking the invincible road of the disciples of the military god... The country of Qi is indeed full of talents, and it is worthy of the background of the overlord."

"It's not a bad thing for those who really have the heart of a strong man." Xu Xiangwan also seriously discussed with him about the foreign talent: "That man named Wang Yiwu, even if he reproduced the invincible road of the military god." , and may not be able to become another Jiang Mengxiong. Because Jiang Mengxiong is on the road ahead, he is a road sign and a heart barrier. He will never have his own invincibility. If he is broken from the invincible road, he can really walk out of his own way. "

"Yes, a momentary victory or defeat is nothing." Gu Huai said confidently, and then changed the topic: "If Shaoqing can suffer a big loss in this battle, it might be a blessing in disguise."

Jiang Wang and Ji Shaoqing clearly decided to fight to the death, but the worst plan in Gu Huaixin's words was just a big loss for Ji Shaoqing.

It shows that he will not sit back and watch Ji Shaoqing die in battle. The most is to let him know his shame and be brave, and forge ahead.

But if Jiang Wang is the one who loses the battle... Jiang Wang wanted to die by himself, so what does it have to do with him?

There is no refutable reason for this, no matter who comes, he will not watch his apprentice be beaten to death.

Just like when Jiang Mengxiong came forward to take Wang Yiwu away in Linzi.

Xu Xiangwan naturally understood this truth, if it were him, he would choose the same way if he was in a different position. But he put the chess piece that he had weighed for a long time back on the chessboard, and said slowly: "Someone passed a message to the landlord."

Gu Huaixin raised his eyebrows and looked at him to show he was listening.

"The man said that Jiang Wang, as the arrogance of Qi, voluntarily went to the danger to cleanse an abandoned disciple of Diaohailou out of his own friendship. , for the long-term plan of the human race, Qi people also have the awareness of sacrifice, even if they are used as pawns, there is nothing to say.

But you can't give people the conditions to do it, and you will make things difficult for them if they do it. Qi people can die in battle and sacrifice, but they can't be teased like this. "

Xu Xiangwan sighed, and relayed: "The man said originally - 'If you don't remember the rules, I will come here and teach you the rules'."

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