Red Heart Survey

Chapter 943 Everyone Knows Frost and Snow

Gu Huaixin didn't ask who was the person who passed the message to Wei Xun, who dared to talk to Wei Xun like this, looking at the whole country of Qi, how many people are there?

He also didn't ask what Wei Xun's attitude was.

When Wei Xun passed on this word, it was already an attitude in itself.

Wei Xun may not be afraid of that person. But the current Diaohai Tower is not qualified to confront Qi Guo head-on.

Perhaps after the establishment of the Zhenhai League, some monks in Diaohai Tower have grown unprecedentedly, and there are many who admit that they are equal to the Qi State, and there are even voices of going to the Eastern Region to establish affiliated sects.

But such as Gu Huaixin, a high-level sect in the absolute sense, knows how big the gap between Diaohai Tower and Qi State is.

Diaohailou's integration of offshore islands is a long-term, all-round, and three-dimensional action. It is by no means achieved overnight, and it will not achieve results in one or two things. Actions are required at all levels of the entire Diaohai Tower, and actions are being carried out in all aspects.

It is as big as forming the Zhenhai League, Wei Xun is trying to open up the situation in the lost world, and killing Wantong to delay the progress of the sea clan's leap, as small as the mother-in-law Bizhu who wants to completely control the Five Immortals, such as Chen Zhitao to consolidate the reputation of the first person of the young generation in the offshore islands ...

During this process, Diaohailou is also constantly testing Qi's tolerance space.

Such as the establishment of the Sea Honor List this time, directly exposing the threat of the Sea Clan to everyone, is actually a move to increase the influence of the Zhenhai League. However, Jiang Wang's achievements could not be erased in the Sea Honor List established mainly by Diaohailou's will, making him number one on the sub-list.

Although for the time being, it is only number one on the Sea Honor List in April, but this issue of the Sea Honor List is, after all, the first issue of the Sea Honor List. It was a pioneering encounter, and Jiang Wang's name will always be remembered along with this sea honor list.

Because Jiang Wang is the pride of Qi.

When Diaohailou took advantage of the pressure of the Hai clan to expand its influence, there was no way to get rid of Qi.

The strength of Qi State can be seen from this.

Looking at Jiang Wang's experience during the entire trip to Huai Island, even Gu Huaixin himself had to admit that Diaohailou was indeed too harsh on this young man surnamed Jiang.

Wei Xun's behavior can be regarded as beating and tempering, for the majesty of Diaohai Tower - under such harsh conditions, Zhu Biqiong was given a chance to cleanse his sins, and no one can say that there are no rules in the sea sacrifice ceremony.

But Ji Shaoqing maliciously prevented Chong Xuansheng and the others from hanging Zhu Biqiong's life, and tried his best to delay the time until the last moment, letting Zhu Biqiong run out of oil and die.

This is indeed excessive.

Regardless of the grievances between Jiang Wang himself and their side, Wei Xun has already dealt with it, and made Grandma Bizhu and Jiang Wang chase each other in the lost world. Regardless of the outcome, at least on the bright side, this matter should have passed.

This is decent.

But now, the opinion of the strong man in Qi State is very clear—Ji Shaoqing is shameless first, Jiang Wang proposes a life-and-death duel later, and Qi Guo approves any result of the life-and-death duel. But if Diaohailou still dares to intervene in this fair life-and-death duel, he will regard Diaohailou as provoking the majesty of Qi.

He wants to go to sea in person to teach the rules of Diaohailou.

When that person moved, it could almost be regarded as a national war.

If the Qi State really used this as an excuse—a Da Qi Tianjiao, a man with a fourth-grade green card hanging on his waist and a male in Qingyang Town, can barely be regarded as a famous master.

How can Diaohai Tower take over?

Qi's status as the overlord of the Eastern Region was not boasted by anyone. It is difficult to count the number of countries and sects that fell under the soldiers of Qi State!

Gu Huaixin was furious at Ji Shaoqing because his behavior was really out of measure, which was very detrimental to his future development. People will never trust an extreme and narrow leader, so he taught Ji Shaoqing a lesson.

But he really didn't expect that this incident would startle the man.

So much so that this life-and-death duel between young people really has the cruelty of life and death for both sides!

And he couldn't deny it!

Gu Huaixin was silent for a long time before saying: "Shaoqing is my most valued disciple."

Xu Xiangwan said: "If he refuses the invitation to fight, no one can force him. If anyone wants to carry out an assassination, he has to stay on Xianyue Island. We have the confidence to do so."

Xu Xiangwan...or Wei Xun's meaning is obvious, Ji Shaoqing is responsible for his own actions.

The so-called one person does things and one person is responsible, a similar meaning, Ji Shaoqing himself expressed it to Gu Huaixin. But that was more of an insult. In a life-and-death crisis, how could he not mention Gu Huaixin's name, and how could Gu Huaixin ignore him?

"Besides." Xu Xiangwan said again: "I think Shaoqing has a good chance of winning. The man opened his eyes because of this, and he might be slapped in the face."

Of course Gu Huaixin knew that Ji Shaoqing's odds of winning were not small, but rather huge. Otherwise, Ji Shaoqing is not an idiot, how could he agree to fight life and death? The reason for his dissatisfaction was that he did not want his direct disciple to take any risks. After all, Jiang Wang is a rare arrogance, and he has just proved his ability to kill in the lost world. Although Ji Shaoqing has a great chance of winning, it is not impossible to lose.

But, he suddenly thought of it.

Even if Ji Shaoqing really took the initiative to target Jiang Wang and caused Zhu Biqiong to suffer to death, as long as he refused to accept the challenge, Jiang Wang still had nothing to do with him. This is the advantage of the host, and the prestige of Diaohai Tower dominating the offshore islands.

Did the young man named Jiang Wang think of this, put aside other things, never mention the things on Tianyatai, and only invite the battle of life and death in the name of seeking Tao?

Under extreme anger and hatred, he can still maintain such a clear judgment, what an excellent character!

In this battle, more importantly...

Where does this person come from?

"Jiang Wang's first supernatural power is Samadhi True Fire, what about the other two supernatural powers?" Gu Huaixin asked, "What are they?"

Xu Xiangwan shook his head: "I know the same news as you. This young man hides it very deeply. His second supernatural power has never been revealed to others, and his third supernatural power has just been picked up not long ago. Who knows? "

Gu Huaixin thought, the poster used to play Jiang Wang as a chess player in the Lost Realm, maybe he has seen Jiang Wang's battle and knows what his second supernatural power is. But... people like the landlord absolutely disdain to "tip the news" for a junior duel.

And in places like the Lost Realm, even in the realm of Yan Dao, it may not be able to penetrate everything. After all, the landlord was planning a major event at that time, and it was impossible to use too much power in the maze world, so that the strong people of the sea clan would be aware of it.

He looked at Xu Xiangwan who was sitting cross-legged across from him, and asked in his heart: "Xu Xiangwan, does this matter have anything to do with you? Is this your counterattack?"

But on his mouth, he only said: "Are you still going?"

"Of course." Xu Xiangwan took out another chess piece: "If you still want to continue, of course you have to finish the game. There is a beginning and an end."

The chess between them has been played for too long.

During Xu Xiangwan's long exam, Gu Huaixin said with a blank expression: "Although Shaoqing did it for himself, he ended up in the situation of gambling with others on his own territory. But after all, it is also my sacrifice."

Under the pressure of the Qi State, the Zongmen prevented Gu Huaixin from covering up for his own disciples, which can naturally be regarded as a sacrifice.

Xu Xiangwan put the chess pieces down seriously, and then said: "What happens on Tianya Terrace, stop at Tianya Terrace, don't worry about it anymore."

In other words, Gu Huaixin's faction no longer has to cut flesh for things on Tianyatai.

Gu Huaixin nodded and agreed.

This step pushed Xu Xiangwan to a corner again.

Xu Xiangwan thought hard for a while, couldn't help rubbing the chess piece over and over again, and asked as if he had nothing to say: "What are you going to do?"

Gu Huaixin also looked at the chess game, and said casually: "Pay your blood, prepare the means of keeping the soul, and the treasure of returning life. I will give them fairness. But even if it is a life-and-death duel, it will not be impossible to prevent people from being rescued after death."

Rescuing the dead, changing life and death, and reversing fate are things beyond the scope of a real person's ability. It's no wonder that Gu Huaixin also said that it was "spending money".

Xu Xiangwan shook his head: "Shaoqing may not lose."

He is aware of Ji Shaoqing's strength, so he feels that Gu Huaixin doesn't need to spend too much money.

Gu Huaixin was expressionless: "Whether he wins or loses is his business. It is his master's business to leave him a way out."

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