For a famous genius like Ji Shaoqing, his sect is the world's top sect, and his master is a real person in the world. Every step has a nearly perfect plan.

I will do my best outside the scope of my own efforts and talents.

His fighting skills, his major cultivation techniques, and even every instantaneous Taoism engraved in his five inner mansions must have been carefully matched to be the most suitable for him.

So even in such a critical situation, he could escape Jiang Wang's unfavorable and almost mortal sword.

Jiang Wang is also very aware of this, knowing that the time to kill is fleeting, so he is not greedy for merit. After cutting off Ji Shaoqing's fingers, he turned directly to Shangqianyue and chose to break through the supernatural powers first!

Accumulate advantages and lock in victory.

Tianmen is between the virtual and the real, and cannot be captured. Since the first quarter moon can directly attack the opponent, it is naturally also in this world, so it becomes the target.

A gust of wind blows it to pieces. It is impossible for the first quarter moon to appear again in a short time.

When Jiang Wang descended from the sky and pressed down the octave to burn the sea, he was in the dominant state of the three mansions and three supernatural powers, against Ji Shaoqing who only had the heavenly gate supernatural power left.

And the immortal art that has risen steadily, is not afraid of the forbidden space.

Lost the blessing of the first quarter moon.

Can the dragon absorbing water still withstand the eight-tone burning sea?

the answer is negative.

On the Tianya Terrace, the raging tornado is almost receding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The tornado kept lowering, lowering, until...

Ji Shaoqing has nowhere to hide!

In the nearly extinct waterspout, Ji Shaoqing jumped out. Before the last drop of water was scorched dry, he finally appeared.

But there was no embarrassment, nor was there any loss.

He directly pulled out his belt, like pulling out a whip.


Almost breaking the air, the sharp whip shadow directly pulled Jiang Wang back.

And the water-colored belt surged like a spirit snake, lying between him and Jiang Wang.

And directly disconnected by itself, divided into three.


Those are three small long rivers, flowing in mid-air.

It doesn't look majestic, but the water element in it is turbulent, which is a force that can turn the world upside down.

The magic weapon, the dragon's beard belt, supplemented by the instant secret technique of the first inner palace, formed this three rivers across the bank!

Long Xudai formed the Three Rivers by itself, while he and Jiang Wang formed the two sides.

Without breaking the Three Rivers, Jiang Wang was determined not to be able to attack him.

And he didn't hesitate at all, he directly raised his head and looked up at the sky, a faint light gradually appeared in the distant star sky.

With the obstruction of Sanjiang Heng'an, he wants to be directly promoted to the outer building in front of Jiang Wang!

The key to promoting the inner mansion to the outer mansion is to anchor the first star power in the distant star dome and leave its own mark on the star dome. That is the easiest step to get lost and the most dangerous. The rest is all grind.

Ji Shaoqing could have been promoted to the realm of Wailou long ago, but he was not reconciled, and wanted to explore the supernatural powers of the Dimen, and directly become the number one arrogance of Diaohailou.

Even though the fifth mansion was almost turned upside down by him, there was still no sign of magical powers, he still insisted, and Gu Huaixin also agreed with him.

Because of the supernatural powers of Tiandimen, it is worth waiting hard. No one can be reconciled without putting in all their efforts.

But at this moment, he knew he couldn't wait any longer. Because very likely, there will be no future...

For Ji Shaoqing, this might not be a good thing.

Sometimes letting go of the present can lead to a broader future.

It is equivalent to this battle, which made him dispel his "obsession".

The power of his soul established a connection with the distant star dome, and quickly built his own star building according to the highest secret method of Diaohai Tower.


At the same time, the ancient gate of heaven between the virtual and the real slammed shut.

Then... the hole opened again!

Just from the performance point of view, this time the gate of heaven will be opened from the bottom up.

When the Tianmen supernatural power is opened from the bottom up... it jumps to a small realm for a short time!

In other words, when Ji Shaoqing was promoted to the outer building, he would face Jiang Wang directly with the combat power of a monk on the second floor.

That is almost a crushing gap in cultivation.

Everyone is aware of the seriousness of the problem, and the three rivers along the banks of the dragon's whiskers have almost become the key to victory.

Being in the middle of the game, Jiang Wang certainly knew that he would never let Ji Shaoqing succeed in building the building!

Spark Secret Store, open!

Chasing Wind Secret Store, open!

Jiang Wang stepped into the air with one step, and the mark of Qingyun appeared and disappeared, and he had already hit the front of Sanjiang.

Facing the slender river that accumulated terrifying power, he directly pressed out the real fire of Samadhi!

Samadhi real fire, Samadhi real fire, Samadhi real fire!

Press the Samadhi True Fire three times in succession.

Used it once when defeating Bao Song.

In order to deceive Ji Shaoqing, he started to crack the Water Dragon Yin again.

The supernatural power seed was crimson, slightly swollen, and reached the current limit directly, and could no longer be used in a short time.

But the effect is also significant.

With the supernatural power of true fire, it is easier to break through the water and practice Taoism.

The three small rivers in front of him stopped flowing on the spot.

And he approached Ji Shaoqing at such a fast speed, Ji Shaoqing's star building has not yet been completed.

At first glance, it seems like a good opportunity.

But would a person like Ji Shaoqing put all his hopes on the bank of the three rivers transformed by the dragon's beard belt? Even if it is really that powerful?

Different from the anxious thinking of the onlookers, Jiang Wang, who broke through the banks of the Three Rivers, had a flash of eyes that directly aroused his soul to hide the snake!

There is nothing to consider.

He has already obtained the secret method of the Seven Stars Holy Building, and has a certain understanding of the establishment of the Holy Building. Knowing that to build a star tower in the distant star dome, one must use the power of the soul as a guide.

So he resolutely started from the other party's soul, which was the right medicine. Regardless of whether Ji Shaoqing has set up a back hand to protect the front. He didn't even try, and directly interrupted his promotion, which was to lock the victory.

Hiss hiss.

Inside Ji Shaoqing's Tongtian Palace, snakes hissed.

The black hidden snake swam in quickly, attacking Ji Shaoqing's spirit.

The soul is not the battlefield for monks in the inner palace!

For the battle at the level of spirit and soul, even a famous talent like Ji Shaoqing feels unfamiliar.

He directly manifests his true form, falling on the true spirit of his path. It was a giant blue whale, majestic and mighty.

Directly opened his mouth and sucked, countless black hidden snakes were sucked into the giant mouth.

And among those involuntary hidden snakes, Jiang Wang jumped out, holding the Sauvignon Blanc sword spirit in his hand, and cut across with his sword!


The true spirit of the blue whale was directly cut open with a huge wound, and Ji Shaoqing couldn't help howling in Tongtian Palace because of the severe pain at the level of the soul.

The opponent has a spiritual combat power far beyond the inner palace level!

Ji Shaoqing immediately realized this terrible thing.

The star building that was being built in the distant star vault suddenly collapsed.

He had no choice but to abandon the construction of the star tower and draw back all the power of the soul, so that he can use the suppression of outsiders in his Tongtian Palace to resist the opponent!

But Jiang Wang didn't hesitate, he disintegrated on the spot and returned to himself.

He himself knows how terrible Tongtian Palace's suppression of outsiders is. The reason why he still dared to go deep into the opponent's Tongtian Palace, and even joined the battlefield with the Sauvignon Blanc sword spirit in his hand, was because he knew what the opponent was doing, and his spirit was at a time when he was weak.

It's just taking advantage of it!

When Ji Shaoqing's spirit power came back to help, he would never be willing to fight.

Between this in and out... the goal has been achieved.

The battle at the soul level happened too fast.

The onlookers only saw that after Jiang Wang broke through the bank of the Three Rivers, he just glanced at Ji Shaoqing.

The faint starlight on the other side of the day suddenly dissipated!

It's like a star building is separated by a glance!

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