Red Heart Survey

Chapter 949 Overthrowing the Army

Some people can guess that just now there was a confrontation at the level of spirit and soul.

This is already shocking enough, Jiang Wang actually possessed the spirit ability to invade the opponent's Tongtian Palace at the level of the Inner Mansion Realm!

Those who can understand the battle of spirits and souls can understand the horror of this point even more.

In their view, Jiang Wang's true talent was more terrifying than what he had shown before.

Jiang Wang's future is even longer than previously imagined!

Because the level of the inner palace can have such a powerful soul, it is almost locked in advance the brilliance of Yun Temple.

And more people who didn't know anything about the battle of the soul, or didn't think of it at all, were even more shocked.

Ignorance is scary.

They couldn't imagine what happened at that glance, which interrupted Ji Shaoqing's promotion to the outer building!

Just how strong is Jiang Wang?

However, no matter how the viewer imagines, it doesn't matter if they are shocked or despised. Now, the victory on the field has been completely locked.

The moment Jiang Wang withdrew from the battle of spirit and soul, two dark chains emerged from the void, intertwined and wrapped around Ji Shaoqing.

Clang, clang!

The chains vibrated, but they were caught in a translucent water prison, in a dilemma.

Sure enough, Ji Shaoqing had hidden hands in ambush in front of him. If Jiang Wang attacked recklessly and was accidentally imprisoned in this water prison, he might just watch Ji Shaoqing master the power of the second floor, and turn around and slaughter him easily.

But now...

It's just that he lost two prison chains for a short time.

The true fire of samadhi can no longer be used, and he still has a tendency to go astray, and even has a wrong path that has been suppressed.

And Ji Shaoqing has run out of cards!

Both sides of the battle knew the situation at the moment, better than anyone watching.

So Ji Shaoqing's eyes finally showed fear unavoidably.

The moment Xinglou was forced to stop, he knew that he had lost.

However, there is still a last ray of hope, hoping that Jiang Wang, who successfully interrupted his jump, can make a reckless shot and crash into the trap. So there is still a chance.

But now... the last hope has been shattered. Jiang Wang's rich combat experience and terrifying combat talent are not like a nineteen-year-old young man at all.

There may be no more victories...

And this is a duel of life and death!

If he begs for mercy, will Jiang Wang let him go?

There is no need to ask this question at all.

If you risk your life, is there still a chance?

Not anymore.

So there is really no choice.

What face, honor...

When Jiang Wang rushed towards him, Ji Shaoqing turned around directly, covered in water, and ran away into the distance.

Everyone was in an uproar.

This is a life-and-death duel witnessed by many monks present. It can be said that everyone has the consciousness that one of them will die on Tianyatai. And he, Ji Shaoqing, wanted to escape!

This is nothing short of a joke.

"Give me back!"

Jiang Wuyou, who was hanging high in the sky, grabbed a huge painting halberd with his hands, and chopped it down from top to bottom!


Ho ho ho!

The situation changed in an instant, but the gods cried and the ghosts cried.

The phantoms of countless gods and ghosts lingered on the huge painting halberd.

Pressing down on Ji Shaoqing with the power of breaking the sky and breaking the earth.

As one of the notaries of this life-and-death duel, Jiang Wuyou is obliged to have more power and maintain the order of this duel.

In other words, when Ji Shaoqing chose to flee, she could completely kill him.

In terms of cultivation, Jiang Wuyou is only in the realm of the inner palace.

But how terrifying is the real combat power that a Daqi princess who is qualified to compete for that dragon chair can truly display?

This halberd may be the answer!

Ji Shaoqing, who ran out of cards, widened his frightened eyes and was almost completely powerless to resist.

This person's name is Jiang Wuyou, and this halberd's name is Fang Tian Ghost God!

The majestic Palace Master Huaying has also suppressed it for too long in the offshore islands. The wrath of the Queen of Daqi should be known!


At this moment, a hand, palm behind, blocked Fang Tian's ghostly halberd.

But seeing the wind stop, the clouds disperse, the gods disappear, the ghosts disappear... thousands of miles of clear sky.

The man who appeared in front of Jiang Wuyou had long black and white hair. He didn't even look at Jiang Wuyou, he just turned his back and caught Fang Tian's ghost halberd.

Those present who recognized him or not were all silent.

The fourth elder of Diaohai Tower, Gu Huaixin!

Gu Huaixin did not look at Jiang Wuyou, but stared at Ji Shaoqing and said, "If you dare to escape, I will kill you with my own hands."

It was said harshly, justly, and impartially.

Shengsheng cut off Ji Shaoqing's retreat.

But Ji Shaoqing's eyes flashed joy instead.

Gu Huaixin came out, would he still die?

Does Jiang Wang dare to kill this real person's disciple in front of a real person?

"How could I escape?" He immediately said loudly: "It was just a strategy to lure the enemy, and I was about to kill the carbine. Why did this Empress of Qi attack me? She made my plan come to nothing. Do you want to abandon this battle? Is it fair to disregard?"

This reversal of black and white is astonishing.

But he said it so indignantly that it really made some people suspicious. That's right, Ji Shaoqing had pushed his opponents into danger several times before, and it's not like he didn't have the strength to fight. Why did he run away?

In front of so many people, unless he didn't want to lose face, how could he run away?

Jiang Wuyou, on the other hand, really made a big fuss and took the opportunity to intervene. Anyway, in the eyes of many monks in the offshore islands, Qi people are already arrogant!

No matter how strong Jiang Wuyou was, he couldn't use his strength in the face of the obstruction of a real person in the world. No matter how high her status is, this place is not Qijing after all.

For Ji Shaoqing's retaliation, she hated her so much that she wanted to end it herself and fight for life and death.

But that hand, standing in front of him, was like a mountain, like a city.

At this moment, Jiang Wang made a sound.

"How dare you turn your back on me!"

The vertical sword is like a streamer, piercing straight.

His response was very simple, and he didn't waste his words with Ji Shaoqing at all-didn't you say that you didn't want to escape? Well then, the duel continues and I'm still going to kill you.

Even if Gu Huaixin is present!

Ji Shaoqing turned back in a hurry.


A wisp of bad wind is blowing! Blow the water light of his body protection directly to pieces.

Ji Shaoqing withdrew shortly, but saw that there were many broken hairs, but he was cut off by a sword! If he had been slower just now, the head would have been severed!

He has fully accepted Jiang Wang's attitude and understands the other party's determination to kill. Really want to kill him forcibly in front of his master!

Fear once again hit the mind.

This Diaohailou Tianjiao has disheveled hair at the moment and is in a panic.

While hastily dodging, he glanced anxiously at his master.

Why don't you stop?

Yet in those calm eyes, he saw a decision.

He knew that his master would really not interfere.

Maybe he will avenge him after death... But I'm dead, what's the point of revenge!


He roared angrily, his eyes were red at this moment, and he turned around and rushed to Jiang Wang: "Come on!"


The sound of the long sword penetrating into the body.

Jiang Wang really "come"!

A kick kicked him, and Ji Shaoqing, who was already looking crazy, was kicked away, avoiding his possible death counterattack.

The body was pulled away from the sword, bringing up a splash of blood.

"Ji Shaoqing!" Gu Huaixin said: "Your death is as light as a feather, but the honor of Diaohai Tower is as heavy as a mountain, you must know!"

He is very "fair", there is no manipulation in this voice, there is no magical means to calm Ji Shaoqing's state.



Above the Skyline Terrace, a pitch-black object suddenly appeared.

The way it appears is very peculiar.

It looks like someone broke the space with a punch and pierced the rules, so it appeared here.

It wasn't supposed to be there, but it was.

So discordant, yet so tough.

It was a... knucklehead.

It looks like it's made of black iron, and it's not conspicuous at first glance, but you can feel the roaring evil spirit within it just by staring at it for a while. It was the horror of thousands of soldiers dying and ten thousand horses being silent.

Those who know know that it is called Fujun.

Those who don't know are not qualified to watch it.

Gu Huaixin firmly shut his mouth.

He knew that this was the last warning.

Thank you book friend Xia Weiyu for being the leader of this book! Add more at night!

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