Red Heart Survey

Chapter 950 Boil to Death (addition for leader Xia Weiyu)

At the same time that Fu Jun appeared in Gao Qiong, an ancient and clumsy sword seemed to penetrate time and space, descending from an unknown place and hanging in the sky.

Contrary to overthrowing the army.

This sword is about four feet long, and the sword grid is an oval encircled ring.

There are two Tao characters inscribed on the body of the sword, which are called Wei, Shendu.

Shen Dujian, the master of Diaohai, is looking for danger!

Besides the host of Diaohai Building and the leader of Zhenhai League, Wei Xun also has a more widely spread title, which is Shendu Zhenjun, because of this sword.

Shen Du is against the overthrowing army!

The owner of the Diaohai Building, and the Great Qi Army God, unexpectedly cast their eyes on this place at the same time.

The duel on Tianyatai was of such a high standard that it was simply appalling.

Who dares to make small moves?

At this moment, Ji Shaoqing has calmed down.

Because of what Gu Huaixin said - "Your death is as light as a feather, but the honor of Diaohailou is as heavy as a mountain."

Is the honor of Diaohailou important?

Of course it is important.

But if he dies, it doesn't count as a fart!

So Gu Huaixin was actually telling him - don't be afraid of death, the master will save you. You have to maintain the honor of Diaohailou, and let your "death" maximize its value.

Then let me present the most exciting duel... Ji Shaoqing thought in her heart.

However, at the next moment, he heard the cold and cruel howl of the sword. The sword light like frost and snow is approaching again!


His sword is still so resolute. Even if the current real person is on the side, even if the true monarch appears on the stage, there is no sign of wavering at all.

Will his hands never shake? !

Ji Shaoqing subconsciously released Nian Shui creatures, habitually using illusion to escape.

When the Taoism was sent out, he realized something was wrong, the other party had the ability to see through illusions!

In a hurry, I wanted to reproduce the dragon sucking water...

But it's too late.

Jiang Wang accurately found his real body, crossed his sword across, as if dividing the sky and the earth, and flew high with one arm!

Ji Shaoqing hugged the wound of his broken arm with his right hand missing a finger, rolled several times in the air, and distanced himself from Jiang Wang again.

The excruciating pain set him on fire.

Death is at hand.

But he needn't be afraid of death.

Because Gu Huaixin had promised to save him.

"Come again!" he shouted.

Instead, he wants to show courage, show resilience.

At the juncture of life and death, show the strength of a proud man!

The wound was blocked by a layer of water film, preventing the blood from continuing to flow. He stepped in the air, performed Taoism with one arm, and actually kicked back at Jiang Wang!

"Senior Brother Ji!"

Several Diaohailou disciples who were watching couldn't help crying.

He was moved by Ji Shaoqing's tenacity, but he gave Jiang Wang a look of hatred.

Gu Huaixin sighed in his heart.

Of course he hoped that after Ji Shaoqing knew the way out, he could put himself to death and win Jiang Wang with the determination to die, so that this battle would not be in vain. But that young man named Jiang Wang had a formidable fighting talent, and he would not give up a single point, and he had firmly sealed the victory. Ji Shaoqing is only thinking about desperately now...the defeat is irreversible.

"Master Military God!"

Gu Huaixin turned around abruptly, and bowed to the pointing tiger in the sky: "Everyone is mortal, Zhu Biqiong can die, and of course Ji Shaoqing can die too. There is no need to complain about life and death."

"However, if Jiang Wang kills him now, the grievances have been settled. If Ji Shaoqing is reborn later, it will naturally have nothing to do with the previous events. I set up an altar for the aftermath of the duel, not to affect the duel itself. Please learn from it."

He had long decided to leave a way for Ji Shaoqing to prepare materials and treasures at any cost, to bring him back to life after his death in battle - this was reasonable and did not violate dueling rules. But Daqi Junshen Fujun refers to the tiger here, and he had to explain it, lest Jiang Mengxiong feel that he broke the rules.

Shen Dujian faced Fujun Zhihu far away, and it seemed that he didn't intend to express any opinions.

"Reasonable." Zhihuli's voice said.

Jiang Wuyou was furious!

Jiang Wang's death is really dead, Ji Shaoqing died, but there is still a chance to be resurrected.

So what kind of shit life and death is this?

But Gu Huaixin's actions did go outside the rules.

And Jiang Mengxiong agreed, what reason does she have for not agreeing?

She couldn't do anything other than get angry.

Tianyataiwai is Tianyataiwai.

Tianyatai is Tianyatai.

Jiang Wang didn't care what happened outside, he only knew that the duel was still going on.

Then he will continue to swing the sword!

Even Ji Shaoqing in his prime is no match for him. Now that he is seriously injured and disabled, it is absolutely impossible to come back with blood and bravery.

In terms of courage, who did Jiang Wang ever lose to?

The sword glowed with cold light, coming and going in an instant.

This sword cut through the abdomen, directly chopping Ji Shaoqing to the ground.

And Jiang Wang stood in the air.

At this moment, above the high sky, the ancient sword of Shendu and Fujun Zhihu faced each other far away.

Outside the Tianya Terrace, Gu Huaixin, a real person in the world, has built a dharma altar, just waiting for Ji Shaoqing to die, and immediately save his soul and return to life.

The Tianjiao disciple of Diaohai Tower fell to the ground like a dead dog, with disheveled hair and bloody face.

His left arm was broken at the shoulder, and a finger of his right hand exploded. There was a deep sword wound on the chest and abdomen, and the blood flowed continuously.

The young man with the sword was hanging in the air, his thin lips were slightly pursed, and his eyes were firm and determined.

He didn't look at Ji Shaoqing, but turned his eyes to Gu Huaixin who was waiting outside the Tianya Terrace, looking at this real person in the world.

"How are you going to save him?" he asked.

Gu Huaixin didn't speak.

Even this young man named Jiang Wang has already shown an extremely terrifying talent in this battle on Tianyatai and has an extremely broad future. But at least for now, there is still no qualification to talk to real people.

Among the spectators, a practice elder from Diaohailou couldn't help saying: "It's too arrogant! Dare to ask the real person? Are you dazzled by the victory of this battle? I don't know how much I am!"

Although it seemed to be a private judgment, the voice was not concealed, making it clearly audible.

Jiang Wang may or may not have heard it.

He asked Gu Huaixin a question, but he didn't wait for an answer.

He falls.

Falling from the sky like a spear.

Straight, sharp and fearless.

He "stabbed" beside Ji Shaoqing who had fallen to the ground, Sauvignon Blanc turned upside down, and stabbed down with a sword!

This sword pierced directly through Ji Shaoqing's Wufuhai, and broke through his Tongtian Palace, disintegrating all possibilities of his resistance.

Feel the rapid passage of Dao Yuan, and experience the feeling of the rapid disappearance of vitality.

At this critical point between life and death, Ji Shaoqing vaguely touched something.

In the collapsing inner mansion, the fifth inner mansion, there is indeed something that was ignored by him before.

Is there a chance to see the gate of the earth only in the real life and death?

He was ecstatic.

With the last of his strength, he smiled at Jiang Wang: "You won this battle, Ji's skills are inferior to others, and he will die without complaint."


Decent battle to the death.

I will come to you in the future, can you be so decent? Or, will you be unwilling, afraid, and cry bitterly? he thinks.

With such thoughts in mind, he waited to die.

But he found that the flow of life stopped.

He looked at Jiang Wang suspiciously—Jiang Wang was running his true energy, using crappy healing techniques to carefully heal his injuries.

What are you doing!

He struggled to get up, but was pushed back to the ground firmly.

Jiang Wang was very measured when he struck, and only damaged Ji Shaoqing's cultivation, but did not cause any fatal damage.

Of course his healing skills are unbearable, but it is not a big problem to stop bleeding or something.

In the crowd of many monks, he treated Ji Shaoqing's wound slowly, as if he was taking care of his close relatives and friends.

Then he raised his head and said to the real person in the world: "I was here a few days ago, and I heard a saying, 'Man is like a lamp, life is like oil.'"

His manner is correct and his voice is very polite.

But under the calm deep sea, there are endless raging waves.

He said: "I would like to know if the lamp can be re-ignited after the lamp oil is slowly boiled away."

Ji Shaoqing's eyes widened in horror, and he was about to bite his tongue and kill himself. But Jiang Wang slapped him without hesitation, smashing his teeth!

Jiang Wang withdrew his slap, and thoughtfully straightened Ji Shaoqing's head, making him lie more orderly.

Then he sat cross-legged next to him.

He wants to stay on this Tianya platform for nine days and nine nights!

Life and death Ji Shaoqing.

Then let's see if Gu Huaixin can save him!

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