Red Heart Survey

Chapter 953: April 22nd

Jiang Wang didn't care how Chen Zhitao controlled the situation.

Seeing that Chen Zhitao didn't intend to say anything more to him, he sat back next to Ji Shaoqing again.

This time, he meditated grandly and began to recuperate himself.

It seemed that he was really going to kill Ji Shaoqing, and he was really preparing to face any monks of the same rank.

All the young monks in Diaohai Tower dispersed, they realized their shame, and now go to "Hou Yong".

Those who remained nearby were the miscellaneous schools and sects, as well as the monks belonging to Cassia Island and Yanggu.

Although the Zhenhai League has been established now, it covers almost all the sects in the offshore islands. However, the original division of forces has not changed much. Cassia Island and Yanggu are still strong, and it is mostly the original neutral sect that makes Diaohailou absorb and expand.

The monks of Diaohailou do not want to watch their own Tianjiao being boiled to death slowly, but the monks of Cassia Island and Yanggu want to observe carefully.

Especially the monks who belonged to Cassia Island were so honored.

Watching the crowd's voices being suppressed by Jiang Wang's words, watching the monks full of pits are all speechless. Seeing those young monks in Diaohailou who became arrogant because of the establishment of the Zhenhai League, they were crushed by Jiang Wang alone, and they had to rely on Chen Zhitao to squeeze out tears to save them.

Jiang Wuyou, who was carrying Fang Tian's ghost halberd, just wanted to laugh.

What is Tianjiao?

What is Daqi Tianjiao!

Da Qi Tianjiao means that if you are a Tianjiao in Qi, then you are a top Tianjiao anywhere in the world!

Look at Jiang Wang, who has entered the state of practice.

She is more satisfied.

For Jiang Wang's huge investment, there have been constant turmoil along the way, and there is always a feeling that he will lose everything at any time.

Many people around me don't understand and don't support it.

Even Mr. Mo supported her, but the reason he used was "I've already invested so much, so it's not bad."

Anzi at the level of a general affairs envoy in Diaohai Tower, asked Qi Xiao to help him speak, and even gave advice at a great risk, not to mention himself personally supporting him many times...

At that time, no one thought that Jiang Wang was worth such a heavy bet!

But now?

Others may not know it, but she knows it. Jiang Wang must have taken off the three supernatural powers.

Because Bu Zhoufeng is not a supernatural power that needs to be hidden, it is impossible to hide this direct killing supernatural power. And Jiang Wang told her before that when he opened up the two mansions, he already had two supernatural power seeds.

So in addition to Samadhi True Fire and Buzhou Feng, he should have a hidden magical power.

That is to say, even if he showed his supernatural power just now and defeated Ji Shaoqing who possessed the supernatural power of Tianmen...he still didn't use his full strength!

Open the three mansions in a row, and pick three magical seeds in a row. No one dared to fight against the entire Diaohai Tower and the monks at the inner mansion level. At this level, he even has fighting power to hide!

Such a Jiang can't wait to make a big bet, so who else can he bet on?

She casually put away Fang Tian's ghost halberd, looked at Gu Huai and said, "Gu Zhenren, do you want to continue to accompany me to notarize this battle?"

Regarding Gu Huaixin's block, it was hard for her to say that she was heartless. Ji Shaoqing made it clear that he wanted to run away. Don't you see that Chen Zhitao, who is also a notary, didn't step in to help?

However, Gu Huaixin, who was eager to protect his disciples, stopped him as a real person and reminded Ji Shaoqing not to run away.

So in her words, there is naturally resentment - don't you look like you are upholding justice and maintaining the order of the duel? Then come with me and watch how your direct disciple died!

Compared with Dongzhen, the inner mansion is naturally very different.

But Daqi's Palace Mistress Huaying has the qualifications to talk to real people. And in theory, as the notary of this duel, she is qualified to talk to anyone who tries to interfere in this battle.

The most important thing is... Jiang Mengxiong, the army god of the Great Qi, is in Gaoqiong right now, and who can do anything to her!

If you stab him with words, you will stab him!

Gu Huaixin glanced at Jiang Wuyou, and finally did not intend to remain silent.

Jiang Wuyou and Jiang Wang have different identities after all. The contempt for Jiang Wuyou can be directly blamed on the Qi royal family.

Didn't you see that at the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the sea, even the first elder of Diaohai Tower, Master Chong Guang, wanted to give Jiang Wuyou a seat?

"This is for you young people. It is Zhi Tao and you who are in charge of the notarized duel. As notaries, you can do whatever you want. Those who decide the battle of life and death on the stage will use their own methods. It is nothing more than superior skills Those who live, and those whose skills are not as good as others die, there is nothing to say."

He said slowly: "I'm just an old man with half a foot in the coffin, a bystander to this farce."

Most real people in this world have a lifespan of one thousand two hundred and ninety-six. It has only been 3,919 years since the Dao Calendar restarted in the present world, which shows that the longevity is long.

Gu Huaixin said that he had half stepped into the coffin, of course he was just talking. But it was unavoidable, with a bit of resentment, and a bit of desertedness - after all, it was impossible for him to remain indifferent to what happened to Ji Shaoqing.

Jiang Wuyou nodded: "Gu Zhenren understands righteousness deeply, that would be the best."

She doesn't care what Gu Huaixin thinks, she just needs to hear what he has to say. A dignified real person in the world will never swallow his own words in front of so many people. She even wanted to block the possibility of Gu Huaixin interfering with the duel under Jiang Mengxiong's gaze.

Chong Xuansheng, who was watching Tianyatai, was in a different state.

Today is Jiang Wang's home game, and he has remained silent.

He really wanted to tell Chen Zhitao that you were born fifteen years earlier, but he didn't see what you did to Tian Anping. But first of all, there was no need to continue provoking Chen Zhitao at this moment. Secondly, mentioning Tian Anping in front of Jiang Wuyou might be a little short-sighted. Thirdly, there was nothing too hateful about Chen Zhitao, including speaking out at this time, it was only for the sake of the sect. There is no need to complain.

It's fine to let other people gain the upper hand verbally, as long as Jiang Wang doesn't suffer any substantial losses.

For Gu Huaixin, he has a lot to say to attack. But the other party is a real person after all...

He could only keep his eyes closed.

Those who don't know him may think that he fell asleep standing up.



Time is meticulous.

From April 17, 3919 to April 22, 3919.

Five full days.

Jiang Wang sat on Tianya Terrace for five whole days.

Ji Shaoqing struggled painfully for five days on Tianyatai.

Including Jiang Wuyou, Chong Xuansheng... even Gu Huaixin, Chen Zhitao, and other spectators also guarded outside Tianya Terrace for five days.

This also includes the ancient sword Shendu and the finger tiger defeating the army that confronted Gao Qiong...

In the past five days, except Tianyatai, other places on Wai Island seem to have returned to normal. People go on with their lives. But no matter who it is, they can't help but take a look at Tianyatai from time to time.

Everyone is waiting for the final results, whether they show up or not.

It's been five long days for all of us!

Jiang Wang put down his words before, and wanted to endure until Ji Shaoqing ran out of oil and burned him to death. He was ready to spend nine days and nine nights on Tianyatai.

But Ji Shaoqing, it seems that he can't support until the ninth day.

On the fifth day, his life was already coming to an end.

Knocked down from the position of Tianjiao, trampled down by opponents in a place that should have been the focus of attention and endless glory.

All gestures before death are watched by people.

Everyone can imagine Ji Shaoqing's pain.

Howling, struggling, crying...

after that.

Silence, mourning, waiting for death.

He almost became a corpse, and on the fifth day, there was no movement at all.

So people know that the last moment has come.

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