Red Heart Survey

Chapter 954 Return to life without life, return to life without soul

The altar arranged by Gu Huaixin has been hovering outside Tianya Terrace for five days.

Although Jiang Wang said that Ji Shaoqing was going to be killed until there was no possibility of him coming back to life.

But Gu Huaixin naturally couldn't give up.

What a mere monk from the inner palace takes for granted!

In his opinion, Jiang Wang didn't understand what death was. Can't understand the meaning of life and death at all. There is no way to know the process of reincarnation.

The so-called reincarnation is not those beautiful legends...

How does a cultivator from the Inner Palace know how to save the dead and bring back the soul?

It is nothing more than paying more resources and paying more.

From an emotional point of view, Ji Shaoqing is his direct descendant, who was cultivated by him personally, and has deep feelings.

From a practical point of view, Tianmen supernatural powers are hard to come by, and Ji Shaoqing, who possesses Tianmen supernatural powers, naturally has its irreplaceable value.

Therefore, with the respect of a dignified real person, he also stayed here with these juniors and waited for a full five days.

Of course this is nothing.

Don't you see, the representatives of the will of the two true monarchs are also hanging in the sky now!

It's finally coming to an end...

Even a real person like Gu Huaixin, who has gone through many vicissitudes, can't help but sigh like this.

No matter who it is, watching his own disciple slowly die in pain, it is difficult for him to calm down.

In fact, if it weren't for Jiang Mengxiong's overthrowing army finger hanging here for five days, it would be hard for him to say whether he could really hold back and not break the so-called "rules".

But he couldn't stop watching, because for him, the opportunity to save the life and save the soul was fleeting. If he doesn't keep an eye on it, he is likely to miss the opportunity.

In this sense, Jiang Wang is also torturing him.

Mentally, torture a real person in the world.

If this is considered an achievement, then Jiang Wang is already unparalleled in the world.

Now, Jiang Wang has finished his recuperation.

For the past five days, he sat alone on Tianyatai, sorting out himself as if no one else was around, under the circumstances that could almost be called the attention of all the people. This is a rare practice experience. It is a search for the heart and the Tao.

And his rock-like will and unique sharpness have also attracted people's attention.

He glanced at Gu Huaixin who was also guarding outside the Tianya Terrace for five full days, aside from the rest, this is indeed a good master who is dedicated to his duties.

But the two sides have fundamentally irreconcilable positions.

So he said: "I was lucky enough to see the resurrection of the dead, and I probably know how to bring back a person who has just died."

Of course Chong Xuansheng knew what he was talking about. Patted Fourteen's forearm. Too bad it's just cast iron.

But Shisi grabbed his fat hand with his backhand.

Jiang Wuyou was thinking. I don't know how Gao Qiong is feeling now...

Gu Huaixin looked at the young man on Tianyatai, his brows were already frowned.

Jiang Wang continued: "I'm not qualified to understand some methods with supernatural powers. But I think, as long as you have exhausted your life and exterminated your soul, you will never be reborn if you return to life without life or return to life without soul."

"What do you mean?" Gu Huaixin finally spoke to him.

"I have a magic weapon that has been put aside for a long time. But it used to sing for Ji Shaoqing. I have lived and died several times in the maze world, and the murderous aura I cut out with my life was all aroused by Ji Shaoqing. I sat here for five days. This magic weapon, It has been calling for five days. At first I thought that the voice was in my ears. Then I found that it has been ringing in my heart. It turned out that it was not it calling me, it was my killing intent that was calling it.”

Jiang Wang shook his head slightly, and said in a sigh-like tone: "I didn't want to use it anymore, but now, I decided to use it."

Yan Fu exchanged glances with Li Longchuan with a dignified expression. They who were present at that time all recalled that chilling soft cry.

That was the other side of Jiang Wang that they had never seen before.

what is that?

While speaking, Jiang Wang had already taken out a set of spikes, and his movements were natural and casual, just like he had drawn his sword countless times.

Now these spikes are spread out in the palm of his left palm.

A set of six, three inches long. Dark and gloomy.

When the line of sight falls on it, when you see it, it seems that you are withering!

Lian Que once said that this thing hurts the peace of heaven.

Because it is indeed too cruel, even Dong A's endless life can't bear it, once it is nailed, life will be wiped out, there is no room for holding back.

After Jiang Wang nailed Dong A, he didn't touch it for a long time.

But now, Ji Shaoqing must be completely killed, so that there is no possibility of his resurrection. This is the last resort. It is also the last guarantee.

If Gu Huaixin can even save Ji Shaoqing like this, then he can only admit it.

The killing nail was restless in the storage box for a long time, but he never took it out. For one thing, he was afraid of the mysterious and terrifying Yan Xiao. Second, after all, he had just picked Bu Zhou Feng's supernatural power seeds, and he didn't have enough control over the pure killing intent. He was worried about the reaction between the killing nail and Bu Zhou Feng, and let himself be disturbed by the killing intent.

He is right to be concerned.

When those six dark and gloomy long nails spread out in the palm of his hand.

The frost-white supernatural power seed in the third inner mansion suddenly released infinite light, illuminating the entire third inner mansion in frost-white!


Without Jiang Wang's control, a wisp of frosty wind had blown out from his nostrils, landed on his left palm, and circled the killing nail.


The cruel killing intent centered on Jiang Wang's left palm and spread in all directions.

Of course, with so many strong people present, it couldn't even pass Chen Zhitao's test, so it couldn't get out of Tianyatai.

But even Chen Zhitao himself, who was in the realm of divine presence, had a flash of fear in his eyes. He actually felt a little threatened in this killing intent!

It's incredible!

In the secret place, Xu Xiangwan, who had been observing the place from a distance, shook his head at his son: "Ji Shaoqing's loss was not wronged. If Jiang Wang had used this thing early, and cooperated with his incomprehensible wind supernatural power, this The war is already over."

Xu Yuan pondered: "Is it still possible for me to defeat him now?"

Xu Xiangwan let out a long sigh, and only said: "The future will last forever."

On Tianyatai, on Jiang Wang's palm, this wisp of bad wind seemed to be drawn into a frost thread, entwining the six killing nails together.

kill! kill! kill!

The killing intent failed to break out of Tianyatai, but kept colliding inside and outside Jiang Wang's body.

Fortunately, fortunately, he sat on the Tianya Terrace for five full days. This was five days of sharpening his mind under the eyes of everyone. It was also the five days of getting acquainted with new supernatural powers and completely conquering Bu Zhoufeng.

Jiang Wang's thoughts converged, and the magical seed in the third inner mansion suddenly shone.

And on the palm of his left hand, the wisp of uncircumcised wind has disappeared.

Those six killing nails were completely reborn.

The whole is still dark and gloomy, as if to kill all sight, but at the tip of the spike, there is a touch of frost.

It's getting colder and colder!

Jiang Wang threw it casually, and the six killing nails turned into a wisp of frosty wind, spinning above the palm of his hand.

With another move, he turned into a spike and fell down again.

The bad wind is the wind that kills life.

The killing nail is also the treasure of killing life.

They are naturally harmonious and naturally symbiotic.

At this moment, Bu Zhou Feng is also a Killing Nail, and a Killing Nail is also not Zhou Feng!

The two are inseparable from each other, and coexist in harmony.

As one wished, Duncheng Jiang Wang currently possessed the strongest killing supernatural power, which surpassed the Samadhi True Fire that had been developed for a long time.

Seeing this scene, Gu Huaixin was terrified and moved!

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