Red Heart Survey

Chapter 955 ? The Clay Sculpture Has Broken

Chapter 955 The Clay Sculpture Has Broken

Not Zhou Feng got advanced, but just the killing intent radiating out made Ji Shaoqing, who had been silent for a long time, open his eyes again!

It's just that there is a coldness in the eyes at the moment, obviously eroded by killing intent.

And the body that no longer had any strength trembled and fell into some kind of final struggle.

"Wait!" Gu Huaixin couldn't help but said.

Jiang Wang looked at him to see what he had to say.

"Jiang... Wang." With the respect of a real person, it is not easy to speak soft words to the junior.

But the person lying on the Tianya Terrace at the moment is his most valued personal disciple.

He realized that if he was nailed by this extremely cruel spike, the vitality of annihilation would no longer lie in the physical body. Ji Shaoqing, who has no power to resist, is bound to die in body and soul. All the means of resurrection he prepared will have no effect.

He has been waiting for Ji Shaoqing to "die", but he is not ready for Ji Shaoqing's real death!

This powerful current real person said with difficulty: "Let Ji Shaoqing go. I will ask him to kowtow to you to apologize, and let him guard Zhu Biqiong's spirit. Any compensation is fine, and we can discuss it. And you, you can get a current real person. A real...thank you."

Finally, he used the word thank you.

For a monk in the inner palace, use "thank you".

He really valued Ji Shaoqing, and he was really kind to this disciple, not much worse than his own son.

He didn't even hesitate to let go of his airs as a real person in the world!

How valuable is the gratitude of a real person in the world?

But Jiang Wang shook his head.

"I respect you very much, really. You are the jade pillar of the human race, and I am willing to respect you at any time. But there are some things that cannot be undone. Presumably, you should be able to understand me now Yes, I understand how I feel about losing my friend. I also want to have the opportunity to apologize to you. I want to have the opportunity to apologize to Ji Shaoqing. I don’t know how I offended him and made him hate me so much and treat my friend like that... But I don't have a chance, do I?"

Jiang Wang looked at Gu Huaixin with a respectful tone and a sincere attitude.

But with a backhand slap!

He rejected the thanks of a real person in the world!

A ray of frosty wind blows, and a long nail with a black body and a frosty white tip is formed, nailing right between Ji Shaoqing's eyebrows!

Ji Shaoqing, who was still struggling for the last time, stopped immediately. Even the natural twitching of the muscles did not reappear.

The long nail turned into frost again, whirled and flew back to Jiang Wang's nose, was sucked lightly, and fell back to Wufuhai.

And as the wind left, Ji Shaoqing's body on the ground "collapsed" in a form visible to the naked eye.

Really collapsed.

Like a clay sculpture that has been broken, like a wood carving that has been reduced to ashes.

A good person standing like a jade tree collapsed on the spot, leaving only a pile of fine and dense powder.

As soon as it is blown by the sea breeze, it will flutter and scatter across the sky.

The real fire of samadhi can also burn people to ashes - if only the body is reduced to ashes, Gu Huaixin can still save the soul, think of a way to seize the house, or ask Ji Shaoqing to switch to the divine way.

But being blown by the bad wind at this time, he couldn't even see his soul.

Both body and soul are gone, leaving only countless worries in the world!

The Buzhou wind that blew away Ji Shaoqing's soul, flew back to Wufuhai, no longer the coldness and harshness outside, and there was a lively and agile feeling.

The chubby Baiyun boy lay on the roof of the Yunxiao Pavilion, covering himself with a cloud of air, leaving only a small hole, watching the frosty wind curiously.

Because of the rules of Diaohai Tower, he went to the Lost Realm to wash his sins. The killing intent that was not conceived in the wind is condensed in the crazy killing in the maze. It had already calmed down, but suddenly boiled under Ji Shaoqing's instigation, and the roaring killing intent took shape on the way to Tianfu City, so there was Bu Zhoufeng, the most lethal among the eight winds.

It can be said that this magical power hanging in the third inner palace has a great relationship with Ji Shaoqing.

Starting from the thought of killing him, then killing him is of course a kind of completion.

Bu Zhoufeng's progress is far faster than Samadhi True Fire. In other words, this killing supernatural power is the best way to make progress in killing.

The three prefectures return to their thrones, and the light of supernatural powers shines on the sea of ​​five prefectures.

Jiang Wang stood up, neither happy nor sad.

Said to everyone: "This battle is over."

Near the Tianyatai, it was still quiet for a while.

Only the sea wind howled unconsciously.

But Ji Shaoqing's fly ash has been dispersed. In this world, there is no trace of him anymore.

Jiang Wang glanced at the dharma altar hanging in the air, and bowed deeply to Gu Huaixin who was standing beside the dharma altar: "I'm sorry for your trouble in preparing. These materials must be hard-won, please put them away."

He knew that after this incident, there was a deep grudge between him and Gu Huaixin. But his life-and-death confrontation with Ji Shaoqing was in accordance with the law, and no one could take revenge on it. Before he also came to Dongzhen, Qi State would never allow Gu Huaixin to bully the small and do anything to him.

Gu Huaixin's black and white intertwined long hair was neatly combed, which gave him a different kind of charm.

"No need," he said.

There was no action either.

In front of him, the dharma altar, which was piled up with an incalculable amount of resources and was of inestimable value, collapsed on the spot and turned into dust, fluttering down!

The audience was silent.

This is the anger of a real person in the world.

Even Jiang Wuyou, the lord of Huaying Palace, would be speechless at this meeting.

But the Qi people present were not only the juniors like Jiang Wuyou and Chong Xuansheng.

From the overthrowing knuckles hanging high in the sky, there was a voice of "letting go".

The reason why "spread out" is used to describe a sound is because the sound is as vast and boundless as the sky. It "envelops" the listener's ears, not rings in them.

"Don't take it out on the kids when you're angry," said the voice.

The tone was not intense, it could even be said to be very casual: "Your apprentice is ignorant, and you are also ignorant?"

Some people, some existences, even if they just frown casually, it is impossible to be ignored. What's more, this kind of discourse that is similar to reprimand?

Gu Huaixin stopped talking, flicked his sleeves, and turned around to leave.

Even in front of the true king standing on the top of the extraordinary, an old man who just lost his beloved disciple should have the right to leave angrily.

Until Gu Huaixin's figure disappeared.

Jiang Wuyou seemed to have just realized it, and said loudly: "On April 22, 3919 in the Dao calendar, a life-and-death duel on the Tianya stage, Da Qi Jiang Wang, and Diaohailou Ji Shaoqing. The winner, Jiang see!"

In ancient rituals, this is what the dueling notary should announce.

When the duel notary announces the result, it means that the duel is completely over, and the so-called differences in paths, life-and-death grievances, no longer continue.

Of course, this is just a wishful thinking.

How could Gu Huaixin not hate Jiang Wang?

He said he didn't hate it, but Jiang Wang couldn't believe it.

In the future, the offshore islands should be visited as little as possible...

Jiang Wang looked in the distance, it was the direction of the lost world. Before going to sea, he never thought that so many stories would happen overseas. I thought the biggest difficulty was only in the sea festival ceremony. Didn't realize that was just the beginning...

Regardless of joys and sorrows, it finally came to an end.

He retracted his gaze, and then looked at Zhong Xuansheng, Shisi, Li Longchuan, Yan Fu, Xu Xiangqian, Jiang Wuyou... and swept them one by one.

He hadn't looked at his friends so well since his return from the Lost World.

Such lively and kind friends.

"Go drink!" he said.

"Go back to Neverwinter Island for a drink! Everyone go!" Chong Xuansheng waved his hand, and said proudly, "Yan Fu treats you!"

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