Red Heart Survey

Chapter 956 Consummation

Jiang Wang had just been on the Tianya Terrace, so of course he couldn't drink wine on Huai Island, and he might have been poisoned by someone.

It is true that Diaohailou will not take revenge on Jiang Wang blatantly, but there must be many people who are dissatisfied in private. It's hard to say who will have an impulsive impulse.

As for why he went to drink on the site of Chongxuan's family on Neverwinter Island, but asked Yan Fu to treat him...

It can only be said that Chong Xuanpang and Xu Gao'e are indeed like-minded in some respects.

Jiang Wang flew out of Tianyatai and left with his friends.

Although there are not many good faces to show them in the whole Isle of Wai now.

But these people have their own confidence, and no one cares about it.

Besides... Originally, Qi people would not be very popular on Wai Island!

A group of people swaggered through the city.

Only Xu Xianggan hung behind the team, blinked at Zhao Wuyan from a distance, and said via voice transmission: "Senior sister Zhao, there are not many good things to see on Wai Island, how about we go to see the scenery of Neverwinter Island? Waiting for you on the island!"

He compared Wuyan's ardent thoughts without concealing it, and almost everyone knew it.

But he can fully understand that Zhao Wuyan, as a representative figure among the disciples of Longmen Academy, has his own concerns. There is nothing wrong with not wanting to openly stand beside Jiang Wang and oppose Diaohailou. There is no friendship between Zhao Wuyan and Jiang Wang.

Although many people think that Xu Gao'e and Menglang are frivolous, and even he himself doesn't think that others are wrong, but for Zhao Wuyan, he is really tempted, and he is willing to respect any thoughts of Zhao Wuyan - except for alienating him outside.

A life-and-death duel with a friend has just ended, everyone is very excited, scared, caring, admiring, happy... In short, it is very complicated, they all rub against Jiang Wang, pat Jiang Wang here, pat Jiang Wang there. It seemed that he was afraid that something would be missing from Jiang Wang's body.

Only he, dismissive.

When Jiang Wang was fighting to the death on the Tianya stage, he also concentrated in the audience, wishing to weave beautiful embroidery on the spot to cheer for him.

But as soon as Jiang Wang finished beating him, he immediately forgot about it, and his heart was filled with shamelessness.

When I heard that I was going to drink, the first thing that came to my mind was that Senior Sister Zhao had to go too. Even Jiang Wang, the protagonist of the banquet, could not go, but Senior Sister Zhao had to!

Of course, as witty as he is, he will not only have one-handed preparations. After all, Senior Sister Zhao just agreed to give him a chance, but she hasn't agreed to be with him yet.

The road is long and long... Search everywhere up, down, left, and right!

So Zishu heard the sound transmission.

"Sister Zishu! The younger brother of the two heroes of Chasing Mashan became famous in a battle today. I am afraid that this peerless sword of mine will not be able to hide its sharpness..."

Xu Xiangqian first boasted about himself, looking very regretful, and then said: "We are hosting a banquet on Neverwinter Island, please be honored. Brother Jiang's mood has been fluctuating a lot these days, and I'm afraid I can't hold back when drinking , that fat man named Chong Xuansheng is also a guy who likes to ask for beautiful women, I don’t know how many girls will be there at that time, and I don’t know if someone will take the opportunity to take my brother Jiang’s heart. Alas, I am very sorry for this sad."

In the end, he changed the subject: "Don't talk about that, I want to invite you and your senior sister Zhao to come to Neverwinter Island for a banquet. Wouldn't it be nice for everyone to drink and get drunk together! I wonder if I can show you face?"

Chong Xuansheng provided the site, Yan Fu spent the money, and Jiang Wang was the protagonist. But Xu Xianggan used "we" openly to let himself do something.

Capturing the heart, he also said that it was like taking the life of a dog.

But anyway, the effect is obvious.

Zishu's eyes lit up immediately, and he turned his head to look at Zhao Wuyan.

Looking at this posture, Zhao Wuyan knew that Xu Xiangqian must have said something to her, and most likely he was using Jiang Wang as bait.

Angry and funny at the same time, he rubbed Zishu's little head: "You, sooner or later, you will be sold to someone! Well... Let's go a little later and go separately."

Zishu automatically filtered the first half of the sentence, and nodded vigorously: "Senior Sister is so kind!"

As long as you go, it doesn't matter a few steps sooner or later.

Over there, when Xu Xianggan saw Zishu's brightened eyes, he knew that the matter was over. He turned back gracefully and followed Li Longchuan.



The Tianya Terrace where the sea breeze blows, no one can have a peaceful mood.

The winner invited friends and went to drink.

The body and soul of the loser are destroyed, scattered into flying ashes.

And above the high vault, the two voices are still talking.

"So it's settled, what do you think?"

"That's it."

Two extraordinary figures.

During these five days, there were meticulous communications and negotiations.

They were talking about completely irrelevant things.

Their few words are the general changes of the entire offshore islands, and even the entire eastern region.

A Ji Shaoqing's death, a Jiang Wang's growth.

It's just like the sea breeze blowing across Tianyatai.

The past is also the past.



"Huaixin, the current overall situation is to deal with the Sea Clan. We and Cassia Island can fight but not break. The host knows your grievances, but Shaoqing himself agreed to the life-and-death challenge of others, and the host can't go back on his behalf. Besides , this duel is fair, and everyone is witnessing it. And life and death are common things, there is no reason why other people's Tianjiao can die, but our Tianjiao can't die."

In a certain hall in the depths of the Zongmen's resident, Chongguang Daoist with a face as bright as light said.

He stood in the majestic hall with a gentle attitude.

Gu Huaixin sat still in his seat, and said expressionlessly: "Shaoqing's skills are inferior to others, and he will die when he dies. There is nothing that should or should not be."

He couldn't let go of his resentment. The dignified First Elder Chongguang Zhenren came to visit, but he didn't even stand up to greet him.

But after losing his beloved disciple, no one cares about his lack of respect.

Master Chongguang sighed: "Strategy, courage, diligence, and talent are all very important, but how far a person can go depends on the pattern. That Jiang Wang just came to the island, I just think he doesn't know the heights of the sky. However, from From the lost world to the Tianyatai, he does not shrink back in the face of difficulties, he is not discouraged in the face of setbacks, he does not complain in the face of injustice, never gives up, and never backs down. I have not seen all the famous talents in Qi, but I have seen them Life is not as good as him. Our Shaoqing..."

"I have no way to teach disciples." Gu Huaixin interrupted his long speech, looked up at him and said, "Elder Elder, you came here on purpose, isn't it just to remind me of this?"

"That's not what I said." Master Chongguang was not angry with his attitude, but said: "You can't keep him on a leash all the time. The master leads the door, and the cultivation is up to the individual. You lead him into the hall, and his life will ultimately depend on Himself. It is his choice to come to this day. You have done what you can, and the sect has also done what the sect can. This grudge."

Shen Du Gujian insisted on overthrowing the army and pointing at the tiger, so it cannot be said that the sect did nothing.

Otherwise, Jiang Mengxiong could use him to interfere with the duel as an excuse and teach him a profound lesson.

Of course Gu Huaixin knew this.

But he has to show resentment, and it has to be hard to dispel—although this method is not acceptable, but at this time, it must be done.

Once Ji Shaoqing died, there would be no one in his lineage in the younger generation.

Originally, he failed to become the third elder, but after this encounter, the blow was huge.

He had to make Zongmen worry about his emotions and make up for his losses.

Only in this way can we plan for the future.

"What are you talking about complaining about?" Gu Huaixin said slowly: "Shaoqing is my direct disciple, the most trustworthy one. I watched him grow up, and now I watch him die. This is very good, very fulfilling. "



(The chapter on clay sculpture should have been posted last night.

When I write by myself, it is done in one go, which is more fun. So if you take care of your reading emotions, you should add an update last night, and I was going to do that.

But faced with the choice of the new plot, I started to struggle again. To put it simply, I was in a daze...

As a result, there are only five chapters left in the manuscript, and I must keep at least four chapters of the manuscript, leaving room for my refinement, because many times I write and write, and I will find better writing methods and more interesting stories. At this time, I will overthrow the previous assumption without hesitation. Without at least four chapters of manuscripts, there will be no room for maneuvering, and I can only continue along the inertia. I can't stand it.

At the same time, two more chapters should be saved to ensure that if there is any accident, there is no need to stop updating. So the six chapters are my safety line. The safety line was already broken yesterday, so there was no change in the end.

I owe everyone a chapter update. Find time to make up for it later.

That's it, nothing else to say. Goodnight everybody. )

Thank you book friend Shuyuan for the leader reward! (Thanks to Di D, the leader of the alliance, for his great sponsorship of this alliance. In order to help Chixin rush to the Baimeng, Dimeng has worked hard!)

Regarding the addition that everyone is most concerned about, it will be added tomorrow night...

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